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Cats could never do this work in a million years. Dogs won.
Even if it only annoys the mods who let this place go to hell willingly, that's still accomplishing more than OP ever will in their entire life
You can't ride a dog to war. Horse won.
dogs are mans best friend and coworker
horses are mans best slave
>dog cant work anymore
>ok just sleep here and bark at black people
>horse cant work anymore
FPBP. Console war spam is killing the board.
That speaks more about the shitty character of man, than a flaw in horse.
based and nuancepilled
cringe and NPCpilled
What makes you think cats want to work for humans?
Why do you let a little shit own you?
anyone with any form of pet is letting a little shit own them.
noose bait
Yeah, but catfags explicitly state that they’re cat owned.

Do they have a zoodom fetish or something?
Unlike dogs, cats don't have a concept of wanting or not wanting to work for us. You're either smart enough to condition them, or you're not.

Dog training is easy on people because dogs are intelligent and will make an effort to interpret your behavior. Cat training is a lot more strict because it's not so much communicating as it is programming, so you need to follow the rules and time windows of operant conditioning as well as you possibly can. If you do, the results are the same.


The difference between doesn't want to work and doesn't understand anything going on is distinct. Many primitive dog breeds will gladly work for the immediate obviousness of pay or when pay has always been consistent, but are leery of doing tasks if consistently not receiving a reward and will even yell at you, smack you, check your pockets, and fuck off and petition nearby humans for the pay they expect to receive. We "fixed" this canine behavior in some weird ways - breeding more neurotic dogs, breeding dumber and more trusting dogs, and breeding dogs that lack the gene for switching off their apetite so they are always so desperate for food that they don't care if they didn't get it the last 20 times. Hence "working breeds" - they have inherited mental illnesses that make them want to work.

If an animal just doesn't understand you need to walk it back to the most basic and consistent operant conditioning routines.
The real npc(you) does not understand that engaging in anti-consolewars behavior is exactly equivalent to the consolewars.
Have you seen pugs? I say cats won in the end.
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Pugs were normal healthy lapdogs in china, white people did that to them

Now white people got bored and moved to cats

Still a cat win.
Cats main job today is being a moving house plant and blanket warmer. The dogs designed to act similarly do a significantly better job than a cat ever would. The majority of working dogs have very important and/or useful jobs. Checking for allergies in food, warning diabetics their blood sugar is too high, sniffing for bombs, grabbing me a beer from the fridge, being disabled people's hands to name ONLY a few.
What work pet dogs do? Shit, and entertain you. Same as a cat.

People keep rotties and gsds to fill the role of a pekingese palace dog.
Many people keep retrievers to use while hunting. People only keep cats as interactive house plants, blanket warmer, and to scent their house with.
>Interactive houseplants
That would be a Betta fish.

Cats are affectionate silly companions, good PETS. Like a palace dog.
Half of all cats are just reclusive assholes with a short temper. They're like pitbulls that can't kill you.
>Cat could never be a ZOG attack dog
Stop you're making me like cats. Next time use respectable working dogs like a guide dog, search and rescue or detection dog. Police maulers are in the same tier as violent shitbulls.
A cat would recoil the moment its tender paws touched the snow, scratching and biting anyone getting in the way of it desperately returning to the comfort of its home.
Quite literally the opposite
Objectively Incorrect. Fact.
I agree, your post was objectively incorrect.
Seriously what does nature do with horses that get old? They don’t just lay down and die from starvation do they?
What do you consider primitive breeds and which breeds have the appetite switched off?
Oh nice. I'm glad we can agree that you are objectively and factually the NPC. Pretty obvious if you have more then 3 brain cells. If you reply to this post, implicitly or explicitly, it means you agree with me.
I agree, but let's not forget that today is Opposite Day, after all. ;)
Close, but no cigar, chud.
Declared by whom? The greedy dataslut megazorporations hellbent on profiting off every aspect of our lives down to every last day on the calendar? Or was it the globalist shadowcult jewminati pulling at the strings? Herding us into neat little lines where our ancestral customs be rationed out of neat little boxes? Well I say "No, thank you! No way!" I will not shun free tradition in the name of bureaucratic slavery. If you have any self respect you'll join me. Cast off your chronological shackles and be free! Be free with me! Oh, can't you feel it? The open skies of truth, the fresh wind of possibility?! Oh come, be free with me! Be free!
>cat is a pet
>dog is a slave
Simple as.
>Calls dog a slave

Bro you got meme'd on big time.
This take is absolutely right, thought.
Anyone that has owned a dog knows just how stupid it is. Get real, dummy.
Nope. Just buttsniffers.
Both cats and dogs can sniff drugs but only dogs snitch on you cause cats aren't such assholes
Why are you so obsessed with sniffing dog butts?
Let's all take a moment to admire that sheath with the smallest bit of pink poking through.
Imagine the police set tigers on people tho
nice tongue
A cat is reptilian. Just pure instinct and a glorified decoration like a tegu.
A dog is human. No more a slave than any woman. Try not to be a libtard now.
ok but women ARE slaves. the only way freedom from the patriarchy can be attained is by being non sentient because instincts cant negotiate. therefore cats are free by being too dumb to be enslaved.
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>A dog is human.
Cats are NEETs, they would never tolerate being wageslaves.
Functionally, they are "human". A dog has the same status under you as you have under the state. If you believe a dog is a slave, you are also a slave. If you believe slavery is wrong you are obligated to shoot police officers and government legislators on sight. However, you don't.

You just say "OMG dogs are slaves, cats are free and cat owners dont enslave animals" because that makes you feel like you're worth something for owning a cat. Back to reality I have been keeping the same exact cat in the same exact house for 20 years but if I try and do this to my dog they dig a hole in a door. Dogs are not slaves. They're cooperating citizens.
>but you train the-
Education is mandatory for humans.
>but they get put do-
Go shoot a cop - no, a cops DOG, and they will treat you worse than that dog.
>Animals don't have free will!?
Oh they do, and they get the same treatment as humans that just run away without first asking for their masters permission.

Dogs are so not slaves that it took selective breeding to make some mentally ill enough to cooperate more consistently and they still go off the rails, make demands, and eat your house if you don't also cooperate.

Dogs are people under people. Cats are just little balls of pure instinct that can't even participate in this system but they are not free by a mile. If cats were free you wouldn't see 3-4 happily living in one studio apartment forever.
This poster sniffs dog butts on a daily basis
You cant really refute his points

Cats are slaves. They have no choice. Dogs are negotiated with. Abuse them, and they bite.
pretty sure if you abuse cats they'll bite too
Anti cat schizo confirmed low IQ, poop obsessed, and btfo yet again.
What is this cringe discussion. Pets are not slaves, slaves are slaves.

Both cats and dogs simply exist in an order you provide for them.
Saying dogs are slaves is a stupid meme that both anti dog schizos and pro Spitz schizos have fallen for. It is remarkably stupid to anyone that has any experience with dogs in general.

I meant the Anti dog schizo, sorry.
Yeah the anti dog schizo is 100% all of those things.
You trying to flip the coined "anti cat schizo" around is so funny to us. You're trying sooo hard but we can see right through you.
Lmfao. You can barely see through the stench cloudhome. 15 cats produce within your studio apartment.
according to catfags its abuse to keep them inside and train them

and yet my 100% indoor cat took well to an e collar. as in electric. no more counter surfing! no more carpet scratching! no more pestering dogs! peak slavery. a dog negotiates, a cat obeys. using such devices to punish dogs makes them nervous and aggressive, but they make cats humble and submissive and with much longer battery life because it takes less juice to train a cat. friendliest cat on earth btw. it really put her in her place.
Holy freaking based.
They're prey animals, historically they would've been picked off by predators that specialize in weeding out the old and sick members of a herd.
All me btw
There's multiple people smacking you down and you choose to pretend to be those people. Who do you think knows you're lying? Have you considered a career in stand up?
>Multiple people
Lol, lmao
They're alllll laughing at you, bud. Cope harder. It is amusing.

The anti dog schizo, probably you, posted an animal abuse video today. In my eyes and hopefully many others you have lost.
I think out of all our domestic animals dogs deserve to be genetically uplifted to our level due to their status as man's best friend for 40,000 years
I read a news headline that says they're developing an anti aging pill for dogs. Probably too good to be true.
>Anti cat schizo thinks everyone isn't laughing at him
I almost pity you
Personally, I enjoy your delusions and watching you have extreme meltdowns. You posted an animal abuse video, which confirms what so many people have been saying about you.
Oh, the dog hating zoosdaist posted a webm of someone fucking a dog didn't he? Again? That was not the first time. He used to post close up videos of husky vaginas and spammed what were probably adam britton videos in /dog/ whenever he lost arguments due to his unrealistically pro-cat stance.
>Cats don't control pests?
>Off to /dog/ with some vile webms
Fingers. I know he scammed the hell out of the dog general, but this one was in that dogs prevent suicide thread. Must have really struck a nerve with him or something...
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>anti-cat birdfags: post gore
>anti-dog catfags: post bestiality
>dogchads: only have to post a photo or webm of totally normal feline goings on to generate massive seethe
like this

Lmao toxobrains live like this. Lol! LOL!
>proceeds to jump on all food prep surfaces.
I haven't posted any videos on /an/ in at least a week. Keep that schizo melty going tho, hopefully you'll have an aneurysm and then /an/ can rejoice once you no longer shit up threads.
Apparently dogs being so great that they stop people from committing suicide triggers extreme meltdowns from them. Aside from posting average cat behavior we simply need to post how objectively great dogs are for humanity. The truth makes them seethe.

You've blatantly lied in this thread multiple times. You're a special one if you think anyone believes you. Keep projecting.
Schizo projection. Cat website. Stay mad newfag.
>no u

Appreciate the concession.
>the oldest use of "cat website" on /an/, despite bugguys decade long cat hate streak, is 2020
coincidentally an election year, the year we picked up dog hate schizo

back then people thought he was a specific youtuber, a medicated schizophrenic black man notorious for browsing zoophile websites to "prove" dog owners are all fucking them. now people think he's the prune that pretends to be a random paleontologist. anons change, schizos don't.
Extreme meltdown: CONFIRMED
Such clean animals. Muhammad approves pbuh.
Is there so much litter ground into the carpet its a crust or is it just phones large radius sharpening
That isn't carpet...
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Do cats often just lie down in their own piss and shit? Scraping their waste around every time and then walking all over the house is disgusting enough.
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Yes they are usually dust bathing or marking territory in a multi cat household.
Dogfags on suicide watch
Retard that was obviously for >>4937122
The poor anti dog schizo was losing it's mind doing the most obvious samefag in the history of the internet.
ok, owner of a restraunt in Hong Kong
I wouldn't go that far
Some reptiles are probably smarter than cats
Every male cat owner I've seen resembles a basedjak
console war kids are newfags, what a surprise.
Damn, that's a nice package.
Nice sheath
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>Anthropomorphic wolves/dogs

There should be a study on dogfags and why are they the way they are.
>Do cats often just lie down in their own piss and shit?

yes they do
No they don't. But they do lay down in clear sand if you use sand or something similar in the litter box.

I use wood based litter and cats never sit in it.
has anyone ever tried to train cheetahs, cougars, or leopards for police work?
no. you can train some mustelids like wolverines to do rescue work, but big cats are useless.

minks and terriers are also better at pest control.
holy shit that's the ugliest "pet" I've ever seen
cats are dumb as shit and have like 1/2 the neurons of the stupidest inbred chihuahua
Yeah, then maybe catfags could learn how to be well-adjusted adults for once
Yeah, we know brown people hate police dogs
This is you
This is a cute pic
>good evening sir, would you like to try some exotic curry
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This is (You)
ngl if seen better pupmask's before
I believe that fellow is African, not Indian.
nailed it
what does that make elephants?
circus animals at best
Dogs taste better than cats. That's the only reason I sometimes tolerate them certain times of the year.
Kinda crazy how the last couple of years its become fine, even encouraged to make the general population suffer other peoples degeneracy/mental illness.
You are on 4chan which is a clubehouse for degenerates.

You will find that normies don't even know what pupplay is.
Felids are pretty much the only major mammal clade that can't be trained to perform any useful tasks

Even bears were taught to lift and carry heavy artillery during WW2
wheres the drug cats comic that say fuck the state?
Nah, cats are dumb and useless
Hello. Praise God. Jesus, who reigns, my Husband and Son of God, comes soon. USA (Babylon) will be invaded by Russia to the east and China to the west and will lose. NYC will be destroyed. Repent and focus on Jesus. Plead the blood of Jesus like so: "God cleanse and cover me in the blood of Jesus. Forgive me of all sin, Jesus," and believe in your heart. Rapture is soon, and the kingdom of God is near, so be holy. Obama is the antichrist and will use the RFID chip as mark of the beast with the False Prophet named Francis from Catholicism. Avoid RFID chips or RFID tattoos on the right hand or forehead. There will be three days of darkness, so please prepare, as that will be when Jesus visits people. Stay inside during the 3 days of darkness and do not open for anyone. There will be demons in the three days of darkness. There will be fallen angels, giants, zombies, cyborgs, werewolves, and dinosaurs; persecution; millions of deaths; disease-like boils; and a tsunami in California,New Jersey, and Florida. Be separate from the rest of the world. Jesus is God, and He is not a woman. Repent daily. Puerto Rico will have a tsunami, and an asteroid will strike. London will have a flood. An earthquake is coming to California. Share the gospel and Word of God. Jesus commanded us to be perfect, so strive to be perfect and holy. Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. Earth is a few thousand years old, not millions of years old. The man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man. Watch out for creatures with all-black eyes with no white in them; they are demonic. I love you and everyone else, God willing, and God also loves everyone. Nuclear bombs will strike. Canada, Europe, South America, and Asia shall also be affected by judgments. Avoid idolizing Trump or any man or thing, including blacks or whites.
Asteroid heading out way next decade, thank god
The point is cats are useless
At least they're better at keeping rats away!
They don't even do that
Cats have kept buildings rat free for thousands of years, butfsniffer.
no they haven't, retard. you need a dog for that.
The archenemy of the catfag is truth.
>desperate bump of days old shit troll thread
here's another bump, faggot
Cats have made rats more cautious for thousands of years, but they never leave over a cat. They just get much harder to see because they spend less time in each spot. If rats left over such an easily evaded predator they would go extinct.
Cats are not exhausted for labor. They have no obligations and are beholden to no one. They get free food, free shelter and retain their freedom with nothing in return. Cats won.
Saying cats won is like saying mexican street dogs won or the homeless won and job having house owners are seething. No, they didn't. Their lives are shit. Cats are not wild animals. They are so thoroughly domesticated we can tell them apart from real wild cats by their bones. Their brains are smaller, their limbs are shorter, their skeletons are less robust. Their self preservation instincts are inferior (only subadult wild cats are prey, domestic cats are prey even as adults). Their hunting skills are nerfed (adapted to less wily, fatter prey). They're totally fucked if they're not being cared for by a human 24/7.

Fuck, "TNR" is only working where there are enough coyotes and huskies to eat the cats. Yeah, cats won, good job cat lovers lotta winning going on there. Your preferred animal control method is waiting for dogs to eat your cats. Cat people unironically see that and think "sweet victory, dogs btfo". Thanks for lowering my dog food bill? It's not even april and my husky has already taken out seven cats. Cats are winning so hard they're feeding themselves to my dog to donate some of their winning energy to the needy.

And yes, he does eat them. I take them, clean them, and skin them first so if anyone sees it looks like he's eating a raw rabbit, not their third cat this year. No sense in wasting meat. If you guys want to stop feeding my husky you can stop any time you want. The guts make my trash bin kind of smelly.
>Saying cats won is like saying mexican street dogs won or the homeless won and job having house owners are seething. No, they didn't. Their lives are shit.
That is such horrendous cope I can't bring myself to read the rest of it lmao. "If you really think about it, being a house cat is exactly the same thing as being homeless or a street dog instead of a wageslave" ........lol
Most dogs dont work so by going to housecats you make your point nonsense

Typical low iq catredditor
Most dogs don't work. Zero cats do. Cats won.

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