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it's that time of year folks. eagle cam in the Big Bear Valley in CA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4-L2nfGcuE [Embed]
She has eggs, while snowing?
>>4940746 (OP)
Is the dad going to eat the chicks within a week after they hatch?
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>Nesting in California? Are they nuts?
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2 lil eggs
>>4940746 (OP)
Hopefully this year they'll succeed. How many years did they fail now, two?
not sure about previous years but they failed to hatch last year.
On the opposite side of the country, less than six feet from me and outside my Delaware window was what looked like a red tailed hawk except it was the size of a bald eagle and sounded like a red shouldered hawk. My phone was in the other room so I couldn't video the thing. wtf was it? I'm used to getting birds of prey in my mulberry tree, but I've never seen a hawk of any kind this large before. wtf was it?
When are the eggs expected to hatch?
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3 lil eggs
Ferruginous Hawk maybe? A mated pair nests every year near my parents house, but that's near the Colorado foothills. They're pretty damn big and that does sound like the coloration.
Jackie started laying eggs 2018.
>2018 Two hatch, one survived. Found dead 2022.
>2019 Two hatch, one survived. Found dead 2022.
>2020-2021 No success
>2022 One hatch, survived.
>2023-2024 No success

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba3BD27eKRs [Embed]
More eagle stream while we wait for the eggs to hatch
Yesterday chat info said about 35 days.
I wonder how they don't get bored sitting all day long.
Bald eagles aren't very smart, which is why they will sometimes eat their own chicks

The perfect symbol for America
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Silence, anti-bird schizo.
Why do you come to a bird website to post non-stop schizophrenic hate about birds?
>cats out of nowhere
silence, anti-cat schizo. why are you ban evading again?
Can you please not ruin this thread too with your obsessed cat hate?
Cats have nothing to do with eagles being kinda dumb, which they are. They are still cool birds.
Valid point. Both male and female cats will sometimes kill their own kittens.
>Enters an eagle thread
>Eagles are dumb because one time one ate its chick!
>*cat does the same thing*
The more I argued with the mammalfags, the more I got to know their dialectics. First they counted on the ignorance of their adversary; then, when there was no way out, they themselves pretended stupidity. If all this was of no avail, they refused to understand or they changed the subject when driven into a corner; they brought up truisms, but they immediately transferred their acceptance to quite different subjects, and, if attacked again, they gave way and pretended to know nothing exactly. Wherever one attacked one of these hairy, sweaty prophets, one's hands seized slimy apocrine secretions; it slipped through one's talons only to collect again in the next moment. If one smote one of them so thoroughly that, with the bystanders watching, he could but agree, and if one thus thought he had advanced at least one step, one was greatly astonished the following day. The mammalfag did not in the least remember the day before, he continued to talk in the same old strain as if nothing had happened, and if indignantly confronted, he pretended to be astonished and could not remember anything except that his assertions had already been proved true the day before.
Often I was stunned. One did not know what to admire more: their glibness of tongue or their skill in lying.
I gradually began to hate them.
Wildebeest first time mothers also sometimes abandon their calves because of the traumatic experience of the birth.

Nature isn't perfect.
>>4940746 (OP)
how do they discover nests like this one
>an animal wouldnt be my slave so its dumb
This poster sniffs cat butts.
Yeah not everything will perform in a cheap russian circus like a tabby, catfucker. Birds can just fly away. They don’t need you. You need them.

Birds = gods
Humans = their worshipers

Just look at how you highlighted eagle every time. Deep down inside you still revere your avian superiors.
It's from a book from Konrad Lorenz, father of ethology and lover of birds
I've read this book many times, I highlighted eagle to find him describing how dumb it is compared to every other bird he studied
This bullshit book was written way back in 1949. Now we know eagles are much smarter than Konrad Lorenz.
They are still regarded as below average intelligence among birds. Why does it matter so much, are you seething that your favorite animal is dumber than a sparrow?
Ethology is, like psychology, notorious for being a pseudoscience. The essence of western takes on cognition is
>The world should be like ____ so things that do not conform to that are broken. If they were not broken they would gladly serve the goal of the world being like ____.
The bird simply didn't want to hunt for him due to being abused its whole life, and didn't want to return to him, but suffered badly from prior trauma so was paralyzed with fear when trying to return to the wilds.

Nothing in his account indicates a lack of intelligence.
>performs like a circus tabby
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj0Bze52e6U [Embed]
looks like slaves/performers to me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvhM8Lc9m-o [Embed]
You put a little hat on them, and they become a living drone for you.
If the eagle didn't like him, she would not have let him carry her home lol.
Though I agree that she was probably a hand raised eagle and thus broken in many ways. Abused only if you consider hand-raising an abuse.
Hand raising is abuse. It's the bird equivalent of raising a human with a TV playing anime, sonic, and my little pony 24/7 instead of normal human interaction. It creates extremely dysfunctional and nonsensical behavior due fucking up their emotions and socialization so hard they may never be able to function around other birds without getting murdered. They are constantly helpless, afraid, confused, and permanently unfamiliar with any healthy and natural sense of consequences. It's only semi-functional if their instincts are strong enough to cut through the bullshit.

Birds visual systems are so tied into their brain that putting a hat on them is like hotboxing your pet human with marijuana.
So are eagles dumb because they can't be trained or are they dumb because they can be trained? The eagles sure made that wolf their bitch.
Failing to train the eagle is on Konrad, why the eagle failed to recognise a rabbit as a prey idk.

An eagle in a zoo is perfectly content to perch all day and look around, while a hornbill will non-stop look for ways to escape.

Which one appears more intelligent?
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Why is she sleeping all alone? Where is the other eagle? He never seems to show up.
>An eagle in a zoo is perfectly content to perch all day and look around, while a hornbill will non-stop look for ways to escape
>Which one appears more intelligent?

Doesn't really mean much. Even great apes don't value abstract freedumbs like Ameritards do. When zoos give apes a choice between an outdoor or indoor enclosure, most of them choose the indoor one even when the weather is nice outside.

And it makes sense when you consider that all extant great apes live and evolved in tropical environments where their large brains and high metabolism would make it too costly to be as physically active as humans are. A chimp or an orangutan will never share the same relish for physical exertion and long-distance travel as an American outdoorsman.

Americans vastly overrate freedom as an ideal. Germans, for example, are much more accustomed to a regimented and orderly lifestyle, which is why they can accept authoritarian regimes much more naturally. It's also why "bringing democracy to the Middle East" was such a failure and why China didn't democratize as it became more market-oriented. Taking "freedumb" as the highest good is not even universal among humans, so why would they be among non-humans?
Many people are genetically predetermined to be slavish followers

Its the same with animals. Border collies, aussies, and huskies are equally smart. Then look at their obedience performance and recall reliability
>Yes, master, when you are pleased i am pleased <—-> I owe you NOTHING. Fuck off, tyrant.
>Border collies, aussies, and huskies are equally smart. Then look at their obedience performance and recall reliability

?? Border collies are widely regard as one of the easiest dogs to train as long as you have some idea what you're doing. They do require lots of exercise (they were bred for herding sheep) and stimulation, but that doesn't make them any less obedient and trainable. They're a popular choice as demo dogs.
They are the most obedient dogs on earth. Malinois are actually smarter. Most dogs were not biddable enough to even be tested even semi-scientifically. Wolves are even harder to work with.
Ok but how intelligent are the eagles?
She's moving the sticks around in the nest so must be at least a lil bit bored.
>turning a yearly /an/ tradition of hopefully watching bald eagles hatch into more console war vomit
I hate you faggots so fucking much
Anti-bird toxoschizo’s hatred for our avian overlords knows no bounds.
>it's okay to post about pandas being dumb but not about eagles being dumb
>i hate birds
>why is /an/ telling me to go away?
Bird website catredditor. Go back.
Do you hate pandas?
Enough, redditor. Go back.
Why is this not pinned?
Why would it be?
Because birds are important
What are the best animal live cams? For me, it's Trough View
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASu9sqOT_Xk [Embed]
nice, thanks for the rec
>>4940746 (OP)
Those are some stunning views. What a piece of eagle real state.
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Good morning queen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba3BD27eKRs [Embed]
feeding time in the other eagle family
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsxYH2XQQCg [Embed]
awaji monkey center is also kino. however they don't have sound or any action at night
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abbR-Ttd-cA [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuCeRkeDxtQ [Embed]
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thank you again
who's the foid?
I'm hoping to catch dawn at the monkey center in the next hour or so
aww, the otters are cuddling in their hole
Birds will win, bros
Catfags are the worst
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He sleep somewhere near. Cam 2 you can sometime spot him resting.
Cats have tiny brains
>>4940746 (OP)
updates on the nest?
fake and gay
These little cunts grow so fast
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They are both in the nest now.
sad news: one, or even two of the eagles are sterile
Did they say something about it in the chat.
Reading the pair's history on the site it does seem like something is wrong with the pair after a series of non developing eggs.
>female eagle Jackie was paired with an eagle named Mr. B
>one day a stranger male Shadow appears in the nest and simply refuses to leave.
>eventualy Mr. B leaves, and Jackie just accepts the new male as her pair

LMFAO this is next level cucking.
If you read the history page, Jackies parents were not very successful either. Genetic or really shitty area for raising eggs.
Wow, in California? That is a shock .... not.
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I wonder does night light disturb birds sleep?

I just remembered another live bird stream, where baby birds kept dying of hunger, because they thought the camera light was the entrance of the nest and chicks kept staring the light.
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its infrared light, camera sees it, eagles do not and neither do humans
Poor eagle is being drenched rn.
incels can't go a day without crying about best coast can they
we are so back bros
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Egg bump
Damn, sleeping in rain in an open nest must be very uncomfy.
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I realy want the lil eggs to hatch guys...
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beautiful this morning
Good morning gorgeous eagle
It, or another one like it, was back again this morning as I was omw out of the shower. I saw it out of the fogged up window, in my mulberry tree again. Definitely not ferruginous since I, again, live in Delaware and they don't exist here. I was able to wipe the fog from the glass and get a better look this time. I'm still not sure what it was but it had the spots common to immature hawks but this thing was way too big to be a baby. Again, no pic because phone was in another room. I don't take it into the shower with me. I miss the owls and mourning doves but this hawk is nifty, too.
youre making us look bad. no reason to bring up cats in this thread idiot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YntrhFPvouE [Embed]
>ravens lurking to get the eggs
>page 10
how can you tell which one is the male and which one is the female?
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Female has bald spot on forehead?
hehe bald eagle
>female balding
Damn how unlucky
I look forward to this thread every year :]. Fingers crossed for eggs to hatch. Things are looking good so far.
Is there anything special about this eagle family?
I only watch for my wife Fiona
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>>4940746 (OP)
Apparently the first pip happened today. Hopefully the hatching is a success.
yo this lil nigga building a snowfort
I hear chirping!
for real?
I was just rn watching and heard the eagles calling each other and saw a small hole on the egg
Whenever zooming eggs there were small chirps, but could be other birds.
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I can hear cracking noises
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I saw the eaglet moving. It's a live one!
Peak took the peek!
>guy had to bring stick to celebrate
Do you think eagles feel joy / excitement over hatching chicks or they are just instinct driven?
those are not mutually exclusive. in fact it is both
Get in here!
2 eggs hatching, 2 moving chicks visible
the eagles are definitely not infertile
What bird is making that annoying sound?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgC5QHJ7IRA [Embed]
This is so cool
first chick hatched
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i think i see 2 hatched chicks
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2 hatched chicks confirmed. Look at their fucking face.
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possible pip on egg no. 3?
have the lil guys eaten yet?
they are being fed right now!
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get in the little one is eating
>i was ripped from the eternal void for THIS shit?
They shall henceforth be known as Big Dick and Skump
doesn't seem like egg 3 is going to hatch :(
>watch songbirds feed their chicks
>they shove entire insects and worms down their throats
>watch raptors feed their chicks
>one micrometer big morsels covered in dirt
Why are they like this
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they have tiny mouths and throats
>snow storm
>brooding eagle trying to sleep covered with snow and ice

damn, life is hards without a roof
Any hope for number 3? Or it's over? Looks like it's still being incubated.
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snowy bump
they are still incubating it, but I worry if it will hatch or hatch too late, the 2 older brothers will bully the new chick too much
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wait I see movement on this area I think it might be hatching
yes its fucking hatching rn
Oh shit, you're right. I thought at first it was just some little piece of dirt, but there was definitely movement.
I had closed this thread a while ago and just now took a look again. So happy to see they actually managed to get two chicks this year! And apparently a third one seems to be hatching as well, although I'm worried about its odds. When birds are raising multiple chicks, often the youngest one isn't strong enough to keep up with the others.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJKm2spfymg [Embed]
Official confirmation too.

I worry for this new chick, I hope it won't be bullied to death.
#3 is liv!
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The 2 chicks fight a lot.
dumbass lil nigga wouldn't stop poking his brother long enough to get fed lol

I watch this stream every day now. might have to head up to the mountains for a day on the slopes if this snow keeps up but i feel sad every time i see the mama and papa birbs covered in snow
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>Father interrupts feeding many times
>He kicks snow on chicks
>Now chicks are wet and super cold
Having bad feeling about this.
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Whoops that was crusty image. My mistake.
I hope at least one of them makes it. That's the way we should look at it.
Nooo they can't just die like this
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the family are fine
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the blunder of the century
3rd chick is still alive and out soon!
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first look on chick 3 come in!
it doesn't look all that much smaller than chick no 2
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cool guy
Chick 3 seems lethargic and slow. Is it because it literally just hatched?
>t. know nothing about baby birds
I think it's just because it just hatched, the other 2 chicks didn't eat on the first day either.
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the youngest one got a bit of food now
good i was nervous for him
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When both Jackie and Shadow were in the nest, an eagle was visible on the wide cam.
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What are the birds bullying the eagles, vultures?
i think they are crows or ravens
Hopefully the chicks survive this.
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mom has clear preference for the largest chick
actually my bad, that's the dad in the picture
maybe that's why the clumsy cunt kept trying to feed them scales
No webms?
I can try making some if something interesting happens.
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how do i into webm
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3rd chick almost got a bite :(
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this doesn't look good :(
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big bite for chick #3 :)
>maybe that's why the clumsy cunt kept trying to feed them scales
kek. give dad a break
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They seem to be doing well this morning.
Nice to see them doing well. They got a lot of food yesterday, and seem to bonk less.
Isn’t it pretty fucking rare for an eagle to lay 3 eggs AND to get them all hatched?
Kill yourself soientist
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dunno how rare but they said in the chat that other couples succesfully fledged 3 chicks so it's possible for all of them to survive
Pretty impressive, and lovely to see this pair getting three babies after so many years of failure. I hope there will be enough food available for all of the chicks to grow up.

This site talks about the statistical odds of bald eagle clutches:
>3-egg clutches made up 31.4% of total clutches;
>3-egg clutches averaged an eye-popping 96% success rate, with 63.5% perfect with 3 eggs hatched.
>Of the clutches in which at least one egg hatched, in 3-egg clutches, 83.3% of the eggs hatched;
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One of the babies just pooped.
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yummy delicious fish eyes
projectile poop champion
ew I saw that too
For any other bird friends, the barred owls being monitored by the Cornell bird lab now has 2 eggs!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkFXo253SRk [Embed]
Thanks for sharing this owlfriend
No problem. If you go to the Cornell site, it also has a great horned owl cam which currently has 2 eggs as well, an albatross cam with a cute fledgling, and other wild bird live cameras. They hope the red tailed hawk will have success with egg laying at the end of March.
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Good morning bird watchers.
The largest chick is going at it strong.
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Poor middle chick caught in the fight.
wew all that snow melted quickly
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Troublemakers spotted, being monitored.
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It got bad last year.
lol nooooo
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big chick beating everyone into submission then projectile shitting
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dominant chick attacking Jackie lmao
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A little lightning.

Dunno how to make mp4s.
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Disaster is coming. Now they say 19 inches of snow.
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They all gonna make it right?
>1-2 of chicks get fed poorly again and again
>One of them just wants rip others throats all the time
>Snow is coming
Its gonna be rough, but let's hope for the best!
Someone needs to give that punk a lesson. I hope the other 2 chicks end up having a growth spurt and give a little pay back.
I wonder if it's been cranky because of the bad weather. The other chicks just huddled into balls to avoid it's rage.
Morning chick fight. 2 beaten into submission, poor 3 trying to avoid blows.
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It's not over yet, dad made a DELIVERY!
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cute tandem feed moment
Will the third chick survive?
It seems to be doing perfectly fine, gets a lot of food even if the first chick is a priority. They are tandem feeding the chicks again right now.
The wind is so strong right now. :(
Maybe the dad brought many sticks and nest material today to prepare for the storm
Jesus christ it sounds like an atomic bomb has been detonated nearby.
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>if a chick dies, it decomposes and become part of the nest
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I can't breathe!
aren't the chicks constantly rolling around in bird poop and meat scraps?
not too bad, the chicks are projectile shitting outside of the nest bowl, and the parents try to pick up the little meat scraps
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chic 3 is eating well today too and developing nicely

kek good capture
Could be an escaped falconry bird. When I worked at a raptor rehab it wasn't unheard of for us to get birds like prairie falcons and Harris' hawks despite being in the Midwest. I was the triage nurse on the day we got our first gyrfalcon which are pretty awesome
It appears they have caught some bird. Not sure which species exactly.
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>that burst of wind @ 14:41:50
Holy shit
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american coot
jesus. Those eagles are going to die.
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It is worse than we feared.

>21 inches of snow predicted next 48 hours.
>Snow starts at midnight tonight and continues for 20 hours until 8 PM Thursday night, with heavy snow between 4 AM and 8 AM
>Snow will then start again at 8 AM Friday morning and continue for 6 hours until 2 PM.

The little eaglets are going to need all the help we can give them and then some, I'm afraid.

fuck. And they can't even feed the chicks because of all this wind.
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>almost falling asleep to this
>Eagle starts screeching
The eagles are NOT going to die!
Chat said the snow is not a problem because it actualy insulates, wind and rain is more of an issue.
yeah, the wind can blow the chicks out of the nest.
As I recall, chat says that humidity and wetness are the most dangerous things in a nest. A wet chick freezes very quickly.
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Smoke or snow squal?
ʰᵉˡᵖ ᵐᵉ
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nest slap
what in le fuck
birb is about to blow out of the nest
Insanely powerful winds
I just logged on back to life. Are the three chicks still alive?
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Here comes the snow.
They all got fed before mom went to sleep
Gusts of 40 miles/hour in the area per the weather forecast, but the birds are atop a 250 foot tree and the wind gradient likely making it feel even worse. And they're on a hill with no other tree to block the wind so the wind path is almost being accelerated.
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The snow is actually helpful to block the wind. The chicks are cozy and warm under their mom.
Where does the father go during the night? Why don't they sleep in the nest at the same time?
he is roosting nearby and able to come if the female calls an alarm
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Chat at 9am on the channel.
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Dad sentry.
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What the?
I can get that this is warm for the chicks, it's like an igloo, but how do they get air? especially when the snow starts to melt a little
grumpy little bowling pin
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kek, blessed
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I wish fobbv team would see this kek
I hope it's not that uncomfortable for the mom
You can tell it's starting to be. The chicks are growing.
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The chicks will be protected from the wind. Chat says the 2 larger ones are starting to molt into their insulating feathers.
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I wonder how big will the igloo get.
How would that pile of snow even melt on the eagle nest? Would all the water go through the nest so that chicks don't end up in massive water puddle?
I'd like to know this too, I sure hope the chicks will not end up in a pool of melted snow.
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lmao dad
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Dad brought some snack.
looks like an other coot
poor fellows
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>mother returns with third coot
Snowstorm and thunder?! WOW
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dad wants to stay
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Holy moly those sustained winds sound and look harsh. Good luck eagles.
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Only 4 more inches of snow expected tonight, dipping down to 17 degrees, then they are home free.

All three eaglets were still moving at last nest switch, though one got pulled by a talon a little bit.
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Everybody is alive so far, but taking on some head snow which will turn into cold head water and will need to be kept warm to dry out.

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