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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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Men who own cats are objectively beta manlets and suffer from higher rates of depression and mental illness. This is the face of the median male cat owner.
Still better than the guy bragging about stretching the dog named Anya with buttplugs.
Anyafag is primarily a horse owner, and his behavior is certainly representative of people who like horses. They do eventually move on to any animals they can get their hands on. 4chan didn't really have a zoophile problem until /mlp/ was made...

Dog and cat primaries have very little in common besides owning mammalian carnivores, but if they have anything in common, it's their hatred for zoophiles, exacerbated by the fact that 99% of zoophiles that target dogs and cats are sadists.
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>>4944538 (OP)
The striking ogre stag beetle
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>>4944538 (OP)
That's a Reddit face if I've ever seen one
>>4944538 (OP)
Of course he wouldn't care what women think. That dude is gay as fuck.
Meanwhile in the dog thread...yikes.
so catfags are all but admitting they make zoophile posts in the dog generals and then blame them on dog owners?
Take your meds.
Yeah I'm sure "catfags" spend days training an ai to generate sick dog fucking fantasy pictures. It must be the catfags for sure.
>"catfags" spend days training an ai to generate sick dog fucking fantasy pictures.

This sounds exactly like something they would do. No conspiracy required. Even when you argue with them, catfags constantly engage in projection.
Whoever created that video is sexualy fixated on dogs. Whoever posted the thankfully deleted gif of a dog being molested earlier is sexualy fixated on dogs. You don't get access to these stuff unless you are a zoophile with access to zoo telegram groups.

Nobody would go this far to console war.
I think it's the person who were posting puppy play bondage gear on the board before. That makes it 2 dogfuckers on the board with Anyafag.
>>4944538 (OP)
I don't think this guy is looking for the opposite sex
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>thinks his cats are part of his identity
I will always be delighted to know that you niggers will always seethe at cats.
Don’t care, already married, and my life rules
Being married to your cat doesn't count
Cats are one of those things that are most close to being considered “magic” due to the power they hold over us.
faggot. Europeans ate cats as recently as a century ago.
He's not gay but it's admittedly hard to tell when it comes to cat-owning men. It's also why they're repulsive to women.

Cope, cat guys are cute, attractive and gets girls.
>catfag can't grasp statistics and outliers

You will never be this attractive and cute
Yeah not clicking.
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>catfag talks about how cute and attractive other men are
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkfS6NttCX8 [Embed]
Because the thread thinks every man who likes cats is Jackson Galaxy.

More attractive men coming.
Please, enough about your gay crushes. I havent clicked a single link btw.
The truth is hard to accept?
Anyways I am hiding this thread now with the rest of the consolewar crap, buh-bye
>>4944538 (OP)
I dont own any pet animals I see it as a creepy slave master relationship that I don't feel compelled to engage in. love animals tho
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We call ourselves a dog’s “master”—but who ever dared to call himself the “master” of a cat?
We own a dog—he is with us as a slave and inferior because we wish him to be.
But we entertain a cat—he adorns our hearth as a guest, fellow-lodger, and equal because he wishes to be there.
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You are the cat's slave which makes you inferior to non cat people
You also smell like cat toilet
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No, cats are slaves and inferiors.

You can let any animal out to go feral and refuse to train it. That doesnt mean they’re not slaves by nature. Do you know how I got my cat? I fed someone elses outdoor cat, and one day after i baited it inside inside for more fish i shut the door. My cat now. Shelter fees can suck it.
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>>4944538 (OP)
Chad cat owner here...don't mind my appearance, currently in the process of transitioning
>he adorns our hearth as a guest, fellow-lodger, and equal because he wishes to be there.

Nah, it just shits up the place, glad I don't have one
>>4944538 (OP)
Any info on this man's matrilineal line?
>>4944538 (OP)
lol you can’t do shit. I have both cats and dogs. You WILL seethe online, I WILL love my pets, I WILL be happy, I WILL own whatever pet I want. You can’t do anything about it sweaty
>>4944538 (OP)
The whole time I had cats I never had a girlfriend. Now that I own zero cats I still don't have a girlfriend. I don't think there's any correlation between men owning cats and how they are perceived by women.
>>4944538 (OP)
I like cats :(
>>4944538 (OP)
>we watched 12 tiktoks and asked airhead bitches around the office
The most feminine and neurotic thing is changing your personality to chase approval of others
Why do dog simps actively seek out pictures like these? They must like these kinds of "men"
Sounds like you're a loser in general, which would also explain why you owned a cat
>*pssssssh* *plap*
sorry i dont speak loose butthole
By catfag they mean the neurotic schizo that has been shitting up those threads for years. I think they would do just that over a consolewar.
Only based guy in this thread. Stag beetles are cool as fuck
>>4944538 (OP)
lmao catfuckers will never recover
lol desperate much?
Anything a man has, owns, or does as a hobby, if it takes anything away from total 100% attention to a woman it's deemed 'unattractive' these days. Some women will literally think you taking time to feed and care for an animal is an affront to themselves, so imagine them as mothers.
>>4944538 (OP)
this is how I visualize all cat owning men, except I also assume that they're bald
with a wig made of cat hair lol
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Women like it when a man isn't too devoted to them

lmao, underrated
I didn't watch any of these, but catfags sure seem interested in "attractive men"
>implying those aren't catfags shitting up the dog threads
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Meanwhile dogfags
>>4944538 (OP)
The endless "catfag" and "dogfag" pearl clutching threads on here are hilarious
I like both cats and dogs, as you should ig you come to /an/. If you don't like animals, go to another board.
All these glass ego'd whiny cunts are hysterical. KWAB
Why do you base your decisions on how other people perceive you? Are you a woman?
Heterosexual men generally don't want to be perceived as repellent to women
>>4944538 (OP)
Why bother writing out that you're a faggot in this many words?
>>4944538 (OP)
My dad owns three and managed to get married again
No but I wish I was. Relationships are easier as a woman
>>4944538 (OP)
Why are redditors spamming cat hate on the cat website again?

Common cat hater opinion
>Common cat hater opinion
But I like cats
>Heterosexual men generally don't want to be perceived as repellent to women
ever notice women are obsessed with the very worst guys?

that's because we're good looking. If you're good looking there's nothing you can do to repel women.
Conversely if you're not good looking it doesn't matter what you do because you repel women.
cats have nothing to do with it.
>Relationships are easier as a woman
lol no
sex is easier
relationships are harder
Varg mentality
Typical female illogicism
>>4944538 (OP)
If you're good looking and masculine you can own literally any animal and it'll make you the coolest dude around.
If you're a limpwristed faggot you could have five cane corsos and still be a limpwristed faggot.
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I have a cat and my gf makes fun of me for it, she has 2 dogs
I like all animals, I just happened to end up with a cat. He's howling right now, no better than a bad dog anyway
>>4944538 (OP)
Maybe other cat owners, but respectfully? I am simply built different. My cat could whoop your cat’s ass
That's the most embarassing image i have seen in months.
Whole lotta coping from catsissies
>>4944538 (OP)
That's because women literally feel threatened by a cat.
All the gay bottoms I know love cats
Why are you friends with faggots?
nice cat

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