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>Are you a truffle?
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>>4948197 (OP)
Im all sniffed out.
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Achtung, Achtung. WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK. That is all.
That's a false pige.
>>4948197 (OP)
Here is a poem I wrote about a pig

It is called The Pig

Pig is big and live in wood
Friendly beast who very good
If the pig is caught by man
Bacon in the frying pan
But pig is fast and run with speed
A speedy beast the pig indeed
Who from the man will run away
And live to see another day

Thank you
Negative. I am a meat popsicle.
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It's a genuine pig
I do not see any sticker of authenticity on it.
>>4948197 (OP)
>>4948197 (OP)
Imagine looking at this adorable face and wanting to eat this animal
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>>4948197 (OP)
>how do you do, fellow pigs?
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Own pigs for a while and you'll be happy to eat them.
Are they little shits? I always heard they will 100% eat you if your hit your head and pass out in their pen.
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They are very sassy and can be difficult to herd. I use a horse whip and it works okay. The cracking gets them moving and you can just slap them gently with the whip to move them along.

They love testing electric fences to escape and will run through danger rather than away until you train them. I finally set up a good two wire electric fence that should keep them contained. They constantly turn up dirt around the entire perimeter, which disables sheep fencing and then one will get stuck in the fence and they're all out roaming around. They also love scratching up on things so any waterer or feeder must be strongly anchored in the ground or they will constantly be knocking them over. If you don't move them between pastures enough they will turn their entire enclosure into a mixture of pure mud and shit.

On the other hand they are super friendly and love cuddling and getting scratches so I like keeping them as long as I have a handle on their captivity. I'm using a rotational pasture system that will hopefully improve my land and produce really excellent quality meat.
Pigs can be friendly but you have to understand they are literally consumed by constant hunger and cant help themselves. Even my pet potbelly would try to nibble on my pants or sleeve or hand or something if it was around his nose too long. The danger with big pigs is they are too strong to be gently redirected like you can with a smaller pig.
I'll also add that if you watch them interact they try to bite each others ears like every 30 seconds if one is standing still and distracted. Usually ends with the recipient screeching a bit and throwing its head to the side.
They act like big whiney babies. It's so funny.
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Forgot pic
I thought the pig was looking under a fence until I saw the nipples
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I was having trouble taking a picture of this hilariously chubby pig. She's extra lazy and pretty shy. I was able to give her scratches today. I think she looks so funny. May be a kune kune or like a mix between kune kune and potbelly. Idk, but she is much fatter than the other ones her age.
look at that cute lil guy
For you..
That's a female pig.
And she can't be a cute lil guy?
>>4948197 (OP)
>>4948197 (OP)
She prefers not to be misgendered.
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hello I am missing the original of this image, I am desperate.
Based architect
he looks like a nerd someone is gonna take his lunch money
no unfortunately...
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I have picrel which is less edited at least.
this i a photo of an funny image I found therefore there aught to be an original.
I ofc tried image search to no avail.
where did you find this? ty nevertheless
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>>4948197 (OP)
This is my favorite pige. I saw them at a zoo and the tassels on their ears fill me with joy.
oink oink oink
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Thirsty pig.

Mine mostly grunt. The oink sort of confuses me.
the authenticity is in the sound
Pig thread do not die, please.
>>4948197 (OP)
more piges
that pig's not fat. It's mostly water retention.
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In the interest of keeping this thread alive I have produced the most riveting of webms for you all to enjoy.

I finally had the time/supplies to put up another two wire fence yesterday. They have not escaped for over two weeks now so I think I've finally figured it out!
could be more riveting
Haha you got clickbaited.
She looks like Simply Sara.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4zw99VsoMA [Embed]
I do love the fuzzy porkers. Good on containing your swine, anon.
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Ty! I hope she's a good mom. I'll have another vid of them eating all these eggs soon. They LOVE them.
Our main thing is selling eggs so we always have a lot of broken ones when we wash/package.

So true. Loool.
Oh, you're farmers market eggs Anon from that /ck/ thread, aren't you?
Eggs have been going up a lot lately. We are almost at two 5 gallon buckets per day. We also sold our first case of eggs last Saturday! It's a great deal at 120 for 15 dozen.
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I call the big one "Bitey"
Don't count on the fomo lasting
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:D They love biting your shoes and pants. We call her big mama. She has heterchromia, blue and brown, which is pretty cool. She is a real sweetie. I think she's going to be a great mom.

Feed prices have basically stayed the same throughout the egg price increase. When and if egg prices drop we plan on formulating and using a corn and onions free organic feed for our chickens so we can keep the prices roughly the same and create a higher quality/healthier product. People pay 45/lb for good quality ribeye at this farmers market...
S o y free... Also we aren't going to wait for prices to drop to do the higher quality feed most likely. I'd like to do it sooner than later, but there's some logistical stuff we need to figure out. Thankfully our local grain mill can pelletize custom mixes. Not sure of the minimum on that. We will probably need to purchase a solo because we buy 1 ton of bulk feed at a time and the mill is doing us a favor for that.
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Chris P. Bacon
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the ancient romans used to use pigs as incendiary assault weaponry
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I'd've used puppies.
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This is how they sleep. Some days they sleep in until 9 or 10. Lucky pigs...
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A rich man's meal.

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