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Royal Rumble Edition:

Let the Royal Rumbles commence ! Who DARES to challenge the Empress?



Kabuki Girl Highlights

Kanachan's Latest Vibrating Tool

Kanachan's Fly Space Invaders Fashion

Previous >>12808613
asuka will lose her belt
Either Charles, Rhea or Bianca is winning
only one more surprise left so either no Ronda or no Becky
based lana's back, hope she eliminates chuck
LMFAO alexa bliss BTFO
kek rat buried
based rhea eliminating alexa
Rhea is literally the only option to win
>Asuka was humilliated on RAW for that
I seriously fucking hate this company. Fuck the day Asuka signed that contract.
kek, not even mad, lmao at all the geeks who seriously thought Alexa would win
Bianca, too, but she's been HORRIBLE this match. Holy shit.
Nah she got the long time rub, Rhea will win without question
She's making a ton of money and can fund her hobbies and interests like shopping and photography. It's not all bad
cope what? it's true, or you deny it?
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charlotte's def facing the winner, so prob rhea
Bianca wins so nothing for Asuka yet.

I was... wrong...
lol i was wrong, oops. rhea looked better in the match, tho
Bianca "won" in what had to be one of the worst performances ever.
Between the current champions it makes more sense for Bianca to face Sasha. I guess. I don't know.
Bianca has no business having a big match at WM
If they want to convince Io to re-sign they should give her a match vs Asuka at Mania, or else she will return to Japan at the end of the year
ehhh...i like bianca but that promo was kinda embarrassing
So Charlotte Asuka is next
You need to give it up. Io is here long term. She just recently adopted a cat, something she said she wouldn't do unless she's going to be staying in WWE long term.
I've seen like 2 of her matches and she's nothing special. She also did absolutely nothing in the Rumble until the very end despite being in since #3. I can see Vince already regretting this.
Affirmative action rumble winner lol
Bianca won because everyone thought Rhea would win
Bianca won because she's a nigger.
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Bianca has been the favorite for like a month. It was obvious.

Bianca vs Sasha and Charles vs Asuka will happen at mania and both champs will lose
we don't use that word here
>no ronda, no becky
uh oh spaghetti o
Nah, Bianca won because Bianca black.
Just like Kairi right
Seems like Charlotte Asuka is a lock. I don't see Rhea somehow going to the main roster and then somehow getting added to a number one contender match automatically and then somehow winning and then they doing another title switch for Charles... Too much overbooking and it wouldn't go unnoticed by people.
He'll keep coping until the day he dies. Just let him ramble into the void.
anything but asuka losing to chuck at mania again, please god
Rhea is going to be fiended probably
Will they legit try to push Charlotte as a face against Asuka? Unironically lmao that will not work out for them.
Anyone else noticed Charles barely sold her elimination. Like he just started laughing like a retard as if it was completely meaningless that she just lost
Charles knows he's going to WM anyway
Charlotte is toast. It doesn't matter what she does after tonight its obvious she a complete shit heel.
Maybe she can redeem herself if she actually puts Asuka over at Mania. But of course she won't.

I for one can't wait for all the Twitter meltdowns she'll have.
Is there an Elimination Chamber this year? I guess that's where her next defense will be
why would Rhea be there? She's still in NXT
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They can control the crowd response now so they don't care
NXT has too many women and they just added 3 more
Sasha & Asuka gonna continue to be win-less at WrestleMania.
They'll care until Wrestlemania time when the audience boos the fuck out of Charles. Especially since they are eager to get audiences back.
I have no idea what this means. Charlotte / Auska at WM I guess but there is no way they can turn the crowd against Asuka. Funny things ahead.
They won't at Wrestlemania where a real crowd will be there live along with the Tarps.
Telling you right now that Charles will get Asuka's belt before WM and it'll be a Charles/Rhea rematch for the belt.
They're having fans at Mania. How many is still unknown. They won't be able to control the crowd then and look like fools when the lead up doesn't match the live crowd reaction.
Charlotte losing twice the same day is a very bad news for Asuka, for sure.
Charlotte already told you she doesn't want to take the title from Asuka unless if it's on a three month feud.

Charlotte told you!!! The Woman herself!!!!
WrestleMania crowd isn't full of smarks, they will cheer the Ric flair cosplay
no they won't
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she knows exactly what she's doing
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Bros I'm shoot fucking mad Bianca won the Rumble and Io wasn't even in it. It should have been Asuka vs Io. Fuck BLM pandering.
Xia Li posted this pic on her ig. I scrolled through the photographer feed and I found some kabukis pics I've never seen before, I will post them.
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what a dimes look this was
It's the same photographer who took these BTS pics
>WrestleMania crowd isn't full of smarks
Is this your first day in wrestling? Unironically asking.
One of my favorites
You think Xia ever aggressively molested Kairi?
Bianca isn't winning. It's her first Mania.
I don't think anyone with a brain really expect her to win. The good thing is that since it's against Sasha, black Twitter won't have a meltdown.
>Asuka defending on a PPV
kek good one
She definitely winning
She'll lose and be humbled just like Nakamura, Styles, Rhea and many others. It's all a test.
Far from a lock. Asuka being at Wrestlemania at all can never be considered a lock after 2019.
BLM shit ensures that Bianca is winning.
This. Even Asuka was humbled this way. Your NXT push means shit in the main roster.
You can't use BLM against Sasha.
You're reaching now. Just give up.
We're having an all black female match and that's it. Period.
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In the end the Fiend wasn't even a factor in eliminating Randy (who was eliminated like a total bitch by the way).

Asuka's burial now has finally been confirmed to have been for absolutely nothing.

All left now is Charles
Just like it ensured Big E was winning the Rumble? No. Vince doesn't give a shit.
even when the Empress loses she wins!
Charlotte will be fucking around with Lacey forever (thank Lacey Evans for her sacrifice)
Alexa buried so deep she may never see the sun again.
Twitter is already calling for the Battle of The Black Queens, so no way Bianca challenges Asuka

clear sailing ahead for the Empress to XXXVII, will Becky Lynch be able to get her baby the HRT treatment she desperately needs to flush out all of Seth Rollins's extra estrogen in time to for Mania?
bros what the fuck happened
Relegated to lose her tag title in the pre show. Will lose her title before fastland. Kek what a transitional champion.
Asuka is losing the title at EC to make way for Rhea and Charlotte
ya seethe blisscel?
So let me get this straight.

Asuka lost her match against Sasha in SS, unoficially losing the Summer feud. Hasn't won a single match since her beating Shayna with a roll up. Lost to Bliss like a geek. Had to be saved by Orton in a match she still lost by DQ. Lost the tag titles in the pre show. In a match where she dissapeared midway.

How do you rebuild her from here? It's like she's being punished for being champion. There's not a single champion in the whole company with a worse record than that. Even the fucking tag champions are winning their matches. If you're gonna treat YOUR OWN champion like shit why even bother giving her the title? Someone tell me what is the purposse of having Asuka as champion right now. Like what do anyone gain from beating this champion who has such a lousy record?
>Asuka's losing at Hell in a Cell
>Tribute to the Troops
>The War to Settle the Score
>Fall Brawl: Wargames
>NXT Takeover: Lillyhammer
don't you get tired of being wrong?
>It's like she's being punished for being champion.
The patented Rey Mysterio Championship Run
Asuka is losing the title to Charles to set up for the rematch against Rhea at WM. Asuka will be relegated to nothing.
You'd be surprised how much hatred there is for lightskinned blacks among the black community
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Bianca winning was a good thing for Asuka, in that we know Bianca will face Sasha. However, it leaves the uncertainty of Asuka not even having the belt at Mania. I could easily see Charles, Rhea, Alexa, even Lacey beating Asuka for the belt before then.
Asuka has to be the worst booked woman in the whole roster. Even Dana Brooke got a big spot in the Rumble. Asuka got absolutely nothing. Not even in the pre show
There's still a plethora of shitters she's booked better than, though she is the worst booked champ they have.
WWE is absolutely hellbent on trying to get Charles over as the biggest babyface on the brand. They can control the reactions of the audience right now, so they are convinced its working as well.

That's ignoring the fact that it completely falls apart come Wrestlemania time and the audience boos her out of the building.
When was she booed out of the building?

The only time I remember is against Becky
The worst thing that happened to Asuka was becoming face and dissolving the Kabuki Warriors. Before that, even after losing to shitters like Bliss she got to humilliate some jobber in 1 minute. Now she doesn't get anything at all.
All their feud up to the Mania match.

Rumble and all the feud with Rhea up to when fans left.
When has Charles not been booed out of the building?
I can’t wait to see your reaction when that doesn’t happen
Yup. And since then, she's gone full Seth Rollins in interviews and social media, constantly talking down to fans and being a giant fucking bitch towards anyone who dares criticize her even slightly.
Vince has final say if he wants Rhea he gets Rhea
To people who defend her as well.
Rhea is feuding with Bliss. The whole Fiend shtick is that he doesn't forgive those who wrong him.
She doesn't though. Charlotte barely gets a reaction.
>Rhea feuding with Bliss
>Charles feuding with Lacey
>nobody to feud with the champion lol
Why does Vince make everything so difficult?
Elimination Chamber is next? Asuka has to lose.
Wouldn't surprise me at all. The second Asuka loses the belt she has zero to do for WrestleMania.
She gets the honor of being in the Wrestlemania pre-show battle royale again where she gets tossed out by Billie Kay.
and some people still think Io or Sareee will have a good run in singles...
Poor Sareee, she has no idea what awaits her.
Hopefully Vince croaks before she is called up.
unironically how long does he have left? maybe sareee can indeed save herself
All the shit Vince has done to his body has finally caught up to him in the last couple years and he looks on the verge of death, so gotta figure he only has a few more left.
even when vince dies that doesn't guarantee anything. trips isn't gonna run everything like he does nxt.
Yes, in Hawaii. And I hope the pics see the light of day.
Thankfully Sareee is young.
Young enough for the career-ending pregnancy I'll give her
Japs don't want children.
Why not?
the cunt
Haitch wouldn't let himself be cucked by her, would he?
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both rumbles kinda sucked this year
feel like only asuka can inject some excitement to this shit show after that mess
I could use a new KanaChanTV
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Asuka would give my dick a 1 or 9 reaction tbqh
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Charles is hideous! Yuck!
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Rhea won the Rumble btw
Bianca is a shitter
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Kairi no!
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Empress of the preshow. Loses her title then doesn’t even show up in the main card. All signs point to Bliss taking her title and cucking her out of a mania match. Asuka will do well in the 24 hour division.
I enjoy seeing kairi humiliated
Blisscels coping hard after tonight
Eliminated in less than 2 minutes KEK
How long did Asuka last? Oh right, she wasn’t even in the rumble.
She's the Champion. LOL.
>Why wasn't the champion in the rumble, when the rumble is about selecting a challenger to face the champion?
Jesus Christ...
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>asking why the champion wasn't in the Rumble
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>step-mommy and mommy are here to tuck you in, Anon
Which only makes Asuka look worse for cowering and losing like a bitch. Rhea utterly humiliated Bliss by no selling her spooky shit, which by extension humiliates Asuka.
Asuka was the first to experience the transformations, they even explained how all the other women learned from those matches and ganged up on her.
Asuka is peak mombod
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Bro I think we could all really use one right now
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We’re gonna have to face the reality that Asuka probably won’t be at WrestleMania this year.

Which means at least her losing streak won’t be extended I guess.
I'm already resigned to that. No way Asuka will still have the belt by Mania. I still think Charles gets it in Elimination Chamber and faces Rhea for their rematch.
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Leave the memories alone...
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>Bong Bong
What a depressing game
did she do the whole event or just the women's rumble? because there's a chance she didn't even get to talk about Asuka
Well I just listened to the POST Wrestling review, and it seems like according to Pollock, the current plans for WM is Asuka vs Charlotte for the title (with Charles as the heel). Rhea is currently being penciled in to feud with Fiend Alexa.
That's pretty much how things looked last night, yeah.
Imagine thinking Vince has a plan this early.
How do you go from a comedy program with Lacey to a main title feud?
You don't she hasn't finished with Lacey yet likely the chamber
There are two PPVs between now and WM. Elimination Chamber and Fastlane.
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what will Asuka's build even be at this point? I think all that's left for her is a heel Champion run.
No idea, friend. But it's not like WWE (especially on RAW) operates on any semblance of logic. Or that they care at all.
>How do you go from a comedy program with Lacey to a main title feud?

how do you go from being out for months to winning a tag belt your first night back
she was so fuckin sexy in her entrance last night
with the big smoochy cheeky face on her
The only thing left for her is being booked as the underdog which is so fucking retarded given her previous gimmicks. However it's the only way I see for them to book something that could turn out good.
>Asuka as the face against heel Charlotte
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Asuka is Link and Charles is the moon
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So we've entered the last act of Asuka's long year reign. What are we expecting? I for one would be happy if Charles uses her influence to get them the main event of day 1. It would be fitting that Charles satisfies her ego by becoming the only woman who has main evented Wrestlemania twice and the second to ever win at the main event. And since I don't see Vince ever giving a black person a Wrestlemania main event victory, I say she has good chances of convincing him. If she does that I would still dislike her but I would be somewhat grateful she could give back Asuka at least that last accolade even in defeat.
This doesn't do much for Asuka.
Too late for that. Her pseudo heel run on NXT is as close as it'll get
It doesn't matter. At this point I've learned to live with the fact that this is as good as it gets for Asuka so if she could squeeze a main event at Mania from Charles before fading then I think it would be a nice swan song for her.
Roman and Drew will be main eventing the nights. No chance it'll be women
>Drew vs Sheamus will main event
in your dreams maybe
You think Edge is going for Roman when they're advertising him for RAW tonight?
Being advertised for a show means nothing. He can go to both shows until he decides. It has been like this since forever. Charles even went to all three shows last year.
Drew vs Edge will be the main event
I really reckon he's gonna stay on Raw. Seth and bryan will feud for Roman's title match at Mania i think.
>face vs face
>Edge burying the guy who beat goldberg and bork
in your dreams maybe
Imagine her giving you permission to lick the sweat off of every inch of her body.
Drew vs Edge and Roman vs Bryan or Rollins will be the main events. No women's match without Becky or Ronda can top those matches.
Nah Old man Edge will put Drew over and shake his hands after it.
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lol charles fans are convinced the wrestlemania plan is her vs lacey for the title
Not saying it has any chance of happening but I'm curious.. If Charlotte put over Asuka at WM how would that effect your opinion of her?
It would be a step in the right direction, but it would also be a wait and see thing. Charles has never spent an actual meaningful bit of time outside of the title scene unlike her (much better) counterparts in Asuka, Becky, Bayley, and Sasha.
It wouldn't
doing something nice once doesn't fix the dozens of other times
it would change when I complain about Charles from "she never" to "she almost never"
Gonna agree with others here that it's almost certainly setup for Asuka to lose in EC. They're just giving literally no attention to her at all. It's just like previous years where she is completely pushed aside. They didn't talk about her at all during the tag match or rumble. It's like she's not even champion.
I would at least know she respects Asuka for real so maybe my opinion about her would change a bit. That doesn't mean I would not shit all over her when she innevitably goes off the rails again and starts burying good talent to put herself over.
Starting to think the theory that Charles fans are floating around isn't far off the mark. Lacey wins the title at the Elimination Chamber with help from Ric Flair, and then faces Charles at Wrestlemania. WWE would totally see that as a big matchup even though they shit the bed every time they wrestle.
I wouldn't be terribly surprised but they have tried to push Lacey numerous time before with them always giving up. And it's looking that way again, she absolutely SUCKS, to the point where they just can't trust her in big matches. Charlotte also probably wouldn't want to be in a huge match which makes her look like shit.
I agree. But they paired Ric Flair with her for a reason. They think he'll cover up any flaws she has, when in reality the story is very stupid. And I can see it bleeding over to involving Asuka, especially since Lacey did cost her and Charles the tag titles last night.
Lacey is a comedy gimmick. There's simply no way she's winning any title anytime soon.

Also this whole feud was improvised because Ric fucked up and attacked Charles instead of Lacey on legends night so of course that won't happen.
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I know this isn't really related to anything but I feel bad nobody gave any attention that Nikki Cross lost a ton of weight and looked fantastic. She gave a few memorable moments with Asuka and also gave a lot to the PC shows. Just goes to show WWE doesn't care about hard workers or anything like that.
Well Nikki spent a whole month getting a storyline going for herself and WWE completely ignored that. Makes me wonder if there was some shoot part inside all of those videos.
vince only cares about the horsetties, ratto, and whichever bimbo catches his eye at the moment. asuka only made it this far because she's a wrestling machine who makes everybody look good and never gets injured.
This is the shit that needs the 8k camera
I like Nikki Cross, but she's a womanlet that's not a blond so Vince will never give a fuck about her.
if this is true then sareee and io have no chance in hell
Lacey will be used as a minor player in the Charles/Rhea feud going into Mania. After Rhea wins, then Charles will full time feud with Lacey for a few months before destroying her.
>people actually think io or sareee have chance
Literally only Asuka could save them. Because Asuka is 4d chess brain who's figured out how to work Vince. Io and Sareeeeeee's only chance is if Vince dies.
That's a given. Vince hates pushing Japanese women in general and the fact that both Sareee and Io are small does them no favors in his eyes. Just look at what Vince did to Kairi.
>Charles wins the belt at Elimination Chamber
>Rhea becomes the number one contender at Fastlane, beating Asuka and Lacey
>Lacey already feuding with Charles, Asuka has nothing to do and nobody to feud with, gets no match at WM
Carmella was a comedy jobber when she won the title
People have to beg Io doesn't lose the title until after Mania because if she does and is sent to the main roster, Vince's mind will automatically link her with Asuka and we'll get Kabuki 2.0 whether there's a plan for them or not.
I'm ready for goth Io
I wouldn't mind that at all
That's better than being stuck in NXT. Winning the tags is probably her ceiling anyway
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what a saucy lil milf
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>Damien Priest and Rhea Ripley both appeared during Sunday’s Royal Rumble matches at the WWE ThunderDome inside Tropicana Field.

>According to PWInsider, both appearances were meant to be main roster debuts for the NXT stars, confirmation on which brands they have been assigned to have yet to be revealed.

Considering there's zero chance that Rhea and Bianca will be on the same show, it's safe to stay that Rhea will be on Raw and Priest on SD.
This is probably the most likely situation
Super nice picture bro
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oh myyy
Priest is going to Raw after getting pushed out of the KO Roman angle that was rumored he was gonna be part of
mommy af
I want to cum on Asuka's face, lick it up then make out with her
It's not zero chance. As a matter of fact, I see it very possible considering there's a possibility of having controversy about Bianca touching the ground with both feet like Rock in 2000. This would be an easy way to put both into a title match in a triple threat at Mania for the SD title.
I think the problem is that requires WWE to actually acknowledge the controversy. And they won't, especially with no live audiences in attendance.
I'd do this with her but only if she asked me to do it. I wouldn't bring the idea to the table ,but if she asked me to do it with her, I'd do it in a heartbeat for her.
Going to bed, can’t wait for Raw to be a mess for Asuka. See ya bros.
No Asuka on RAW Talk tonight. Currently advertised is Lana, The New Day, Naomi, Ric Flair, and Lacey Evans.
I would never lick my own cum. I would lick hers though.
>literally telegraphed you that Sheamus vs Drew will be the match
triple threat for tag number one contender match, Charles and Asuka vs 4 jobbers
Gonna say Naomi and Lana win if just for the fact that Lacey and Ric are going to interfere. Again.
Yeah, it seems like the storyline that Asuka should've gotten with Lana will be given to Naomi. Good for her. She's a great friend of Asuka so she deserves that title. Good for Lana too.
Lana will get pinned.
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these are all Asuka friends so be nice, if you all wanna shit on someone, shit on Charles, she's the only fake friend
No way Asuka and Chuck are winning
No way you're not a virgin
Come on, man. What does that have to do with anything? :(
has mandy ever had much to do with asuka other than the sexy muscle friends thing? they're probably the least close. but i'll root against chuck anyway, don't worry.
Well they just showed him Backstage with Bad Bunny, so I guess he's not SD bound.
And no mention so far of Rhea so she's probably going to SD
this is projection
As if we needed a reminder of that fiasco with rat

oh and Nikki will get buried now with this retardation, fuck this shit, poor Nikki
watch nikki get more offense than asuka...
I hope so, I wouldn't wish what happened to Asuka on anyone, much less on Nikki who doesn't deserve this shit
I like nikki cross
I love how asuka has a legion of friends (except chuck)
asuka's pissed off at chuck, are they turning her heel?
Asuka match now

She tried her very best to cut a promo in English just to tell Charles she doesn't blame her. It was cute even though Charles doesn't deserve it.
Shes supposed to be mindbroken i think
which one of you is telling the truth?
She blamed Ric Flair and "The Woman", but never really specified it was Charles or Lacey. But I have a feeling she's turning soon, and it will just completely backfire on WWE.
She responded to Charles starting to blame herself and she said it wasn't her fault but the interference.
asuka seemed a bit off, but idk if it was because she's forecasting a heel turn or if she forgot a line
kek Charles doing the Io cartwheels
They know Charles isn’t getting over as a face since people prefer Ric & Lacey, so Asuka will get even more frustrated after they interfere again. Asuka will snap on Charles and they’ll somehow make it out to be a heel turn
She cringed a bit at the end so she probably felt like she screwed up.
>They know Charles isn’t getting over as a face
>They'll turn Asuka
pick one
And no one will boo Asuka when audiences return since Charles just can't help herself when it comes to being a shithead pretty much everywhere.
Charles isn’t getting over as a face, but they’ll double down on it to try to force her as a face by turning Asuka
It'll be the Becky situation all over again
kek Naomi getting the hot tag on Charles
This. Keep on mind that Vince pushed Roman as a face for like 5 years before he finally realized it was better to make the guy a heel. Charles has never truly been a heel in Vince's eyes.
Charles abandoning Asuka. That's not a face at all.
lol they just had naomi pin asuka
jesus asuka's so buried
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Good. I hope she and Lana become champions.
I told you guys yesterday, this is going to result in Asuka turning on Charles, Vince trying yet again to force Charles as a sympathetic face and Charles winning the title at Mania.

Asuka has every reason to be mad at Charles now. She walked out on her
Hah So it's it is Charlotte & Asuka.. but Asuka is going to be the face.. interesting.
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oh well, asuka looks like a dumbass but at least it was naomi
But that's not a reason at all. Even if Asuka snaps at Charles you can't blame her. Charles abandoned her here and made her lose to boot. After telling her that she was completely focused on the match.

This is 100% Charles turning heel.
It’s BHM, Naomi’s power level is near prime Goldberg tier
>Leaves her partner
at least we know they are IRL friends so Asuka won't mind putting her over
yeah, plus naomi's coming off the rumble so gets a pity pin. i really can't tell if we're gonna see charles as a heel due to abandoning asuka or asuka as a heel due to being pissed at charles, though...
Yeah, Naomi has been victim of this shit booking for so long as well, but the story is completely pointing to her and Lana winning the titles so it's great
why would they have the champ eat the pin?
Asuka is dead and buried. She's losing the belt at Elimination Chamber, 100% guaranteed.
i think because it's leading to the asuka/charlotte break up
To advance the story?
when was the last time Asuka beat someone who wasn't an actual jobber?
Shayna last month, twice
Commentary is desperately trying to spin it as Charles being distraught and how its not really her fault. They are definitely going to try and turn Asuka heel and it will backfire massively.
Actually that made me think not. Asuka is clearly the face here with Charlotte spacing out
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So we'll have Charles vs Asuka at Mania. I seriously seriously hope Charles puts her money where her mouth is and actually puts Asuka over this time. She said it herself, she's Asuka's mountain now and when Asuka was her mountain she put her over. It's only fair she returns the favor.
How many times has Asuka been pinned since Charles came back? 3? 4?
But Charlotte is a Flair and they have to win at mania :v
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That completely clashes with what they're telling in the ring. In the ring Charles promised Asuka she was focused and now she wasn't and more. She didn't even lose with a distraction, she abandoned Asuka. That was her decision no matter how you wanna dress it. I mean this isn't the face of someone who you can throw shit at.

one by the rat and one tonight

try harder
Ric has never won at Wrestlemania though
You know who we are talking about here, right? Vince. Not exactly a guy who is even remotely stable mentally.
To be fair even he saw letting Batista win the main event at WM30 would have induced a riot
But he is booking this shit. He can't tell the wrestlers to do something and then tell commentary to show the complete opposite. What would be even the point of that? He would self-sabotage his own desire to push Charles.
Sasha in August

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