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Abandoned Edition:

Charlotte gives up on the #1 contender tag match and leaves Asuka out to dry. It looks like this team is coming to an end.



Kabuki Girl Highlights

Kanachan's Latest Vibrating Tool

Kanachan's Fly Space Invaders Fashion

Previous >>12833248
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What a jobber
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We're closer to getting to Mania bros. Let the shitposters swim in their own SEETHING tears.
Shouldnt you be more concerned with Bliss being a geek?
Asuka is unironically in jobber territory now. Squashed twice in three weeks.
The Charlotte effect
Empress of joborrow
kek got em
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Huh? What? Sorry you'll have to speak up I can't hear you ontop of this pile of yen
>even commentary thinks alexa is champ
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Meet your destiny weebs
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poor Nikki, she doesn't deserve this shit
yeah, nikki got buried more than asuka. alexa didn't even have to go into fiend-mode to beat her.
I feel sorry for people who watch WWE programming, I'm just here to see pics of KANA
No Rhea on RAW but Damien Priest confirmed which means she's SD bound. We're pretty much there at Mania guys.
100% chance Asuka loses the belt at Elimination Chamber. She'll be one of the first eliminated, too.
That's crazy. I can't believe she didn't go to Raw.
I don't think so, there's a month until the show, and they are clearly showing Asuka getting increasingly frustrated and pissed off at Charles.

She'll retain at EC and Fastlane and then lose to Charles who WWE will try and treat like a babyface despite audience members booing her out of the arena.
Damien on RAW says nothing about Rhea's status
She's losing in her next defence, guaranteed. WWE is going full burial mode.
three month long story faggot, deal with it
she has to get on the card in order to retain...
But her not showing up does. If she was on Raw she'd definitely make some sort of appearance after last night.
Okay, see you Friday ;)
it's possible they still want her for an alexa feud but needed to get nikki out of the way first
And she will
You know it eats at him at night. Especially on cold nights like tonight, he tosses and turns in his goose feather stuffed bed. The sobering fact that no matter how many titles he demands they give him, no matter how many matches he wins or moves he no sells, Chuck's peers will never paint him with the same love and reverence as Kana. And he stays awake at night. Knowing no matter how much he claims to be wrestling royalty, some hick osakian lady accomplished more than he ever could
The rat will still be involved with Randy. They wouldn't have shown a recap of their story and made that face off if it wasn't.
Holy fucking delusion
That's what you do on these threads
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>7 years since the last KCTV
that fient shit is ruining the show holy shit
It's pretty fucking terrible.
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based Asuka doesn't have time for shit /asp/ console wars and picks both
It doesn't. They're busy setting up Asuka's heel turn. There's no need for her to show up right away
does vince wanna fuck alexa or the fiend? or both?
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>there's no need for her to show up even though we're literally starting all the feuds for Mania
Even Vince would tell you're a retard
I don't know but he is giving big pedo red flags with this bliss booking
Are you guys really that paranoid? Charlotte was clearly setup as the heel tonight.
It's one shitposter who can't deal with Rhea not going to SD because he wants her to take Asuka's place. He doesn't represent anyone in this thread.
yeah i feel like i'm gonna be put on some sort of watchlist for watching ram. my own fault, tbf.
to be fair, this is pretty hot
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i prefer this version
I wanna clean her with my tongue
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god, just let asuka be cool again
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>came from tomorrow
>to do the job today
>I am a jobber
I feel like Rhea is staying on NXT for a little longer. She has no spot on RAW if they're doing Charlotte vs Asuka and she'll have no spot on SD either since we're for sure getting Bianca vs Sasha and I don't think they'd call her up if she was going to do nothing for wrestlemania.
I don't have time for glowniggers
laughing at you in advance
am sleeb -_-
>Literal Papa Shango/Warrior goop in mouth magic bullshit
this is WWF New Generation bullshit garbage
KEK I thought of the same thing
Yeah but now it's pedobait instead of being presented for kids so it's totally different
Good. Will you apologize if I'm right? I'll do the same if I am.
easy to know it's that fat bitch Bruce fucking Prichard and Vince still writing and doing this shit in 2021 like they were in 1991
no you wont
but I will repost and laugh heartily at you when you are wrong
and you'll see it and seethe quietly to yourself and do nothing about it lol
Asuka vs Rhea isn't the Mania feud.
No she wasn't. Asuka was pissy backstage and warned her not to lose again. The commentators also treated Charlotte as a sympathetic figure. Asuka is going to attack Charlotte the next time they meet.
PWInsider confirmed Rhea is no longer an NXT superstar. She isn't there yet because Charlotte has to get Asuka out of the way first
Charles wins the belt at EC. Rhea vs Charles rematch at WM for the belt.
Ric and Lacey declared their intentions to go after Asuka and capture the RAW Women's Championship on RAW Talk.
No it's not. Asuka vs Charles is.
So lacey wins at chamber or fastlane/roadbump and faces flair at mania
So this is the filler feud for Mania. I can almost hear the faggot shitposting about Rhea SEETHING on his basement already.
kek less than half hour later and this anon >>12853758 is already right

better start preparing that apologize faggot
Start apologizing now faggot
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>Lacey winning and Charlotte taking Asuka's spot...
I don't know you think Asuka is going to beat Lacey with Ric? That's Charlotte's story. It would make no sense for Asuka to just defeat her. I feel like this is the end of the road. They're really going to throw Asuka away after everything and give Lacey the big title match at Wrestlemania. Sickening.
So this is how it goes huh.

Calling it. Charles will get conflicted about siding with her father or not while Lacey feuds with Asuka. In the end, after Lacey loses, both Charles and Ric will reveal they were together on this all along and attack Asuka. Setting up the match at Mania.
Like fans are gonna fucking care about Lacey and Charlotte at WM.
I'm starting to think this faggot is another infiltrated butthurt ratfag
oh ya think Sherlock?!?
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Guys calm down I'm not that other guy, I just don't like this development. I'm being realistic, they put Ric Flair with Lacey. RIC FLAIR. Do you think they'd do that just to leave it off Wrestlemania? The only way I see Asuka making to the title match is if they pull a swerve like someone said where Ric and Charlotte were really working together to scam Asuka out of the title somehow, but that's far fetched to say the least.
I dunno. I think they are trying to pair Ric with Lacey because nothing else actually works with getting Lacey over. They even tried the "SHE IS A FORMER TROOP AND A MOM" angle and it didn't work.

Surprise: This isn't going to work either. Lacey is one of the biggest wastes of space in WWE outside of Nia.
She absolutely sucks. They've tried so many times to push her and it's clear she's just not capable of having a good match. Anyone else would have been released by now but because of her look Vince will never give up.
This is all about trying to get charles over as a sympathetic babyface
Imagine if Rhea gets put in the limbo Chelsea Green, Vanessa Bourne and Santana Garrett are in.
>Do you think they'd do that just to leave it off Wrestlemania?
I still think she's challenging Sasha in a triple threat with Bianca. Meltzer said Bianca in singles wasn't a lock yet and since Rhea isn't on RAW it's pretty clear where this will go.
Not really
Based. She's also horny for Rhea. She's retweeted so much about her, more than any other wrestler. You know she wants to help make her star. Figures WWE sends her to the opposite brand.
Anon-sama, I kneel! But until it actually happens, I'm not apologizing yet.
>Asuka vs Lacey at Mania
This match certainly isn't going to be for the belt, since Asuka is losing it at EC.
>implying what happens on RAW Talk matters
Remember when Kairi challenged Asuka on RAW Talk and they totally had a match after? Oh wait, no they didn't. What else is Ric supposed to say, that Lacey won't go after the belt?
Bros I fucking hate raw but at least we’re probably gonna get a heel turn
I know 2021 is still young, but fucking F https://twitter.com/Drarham2/status/1356443036176293888?s=20
embarrassing to book a champion like this
Yeah I don’t think there’s a worse booked champion in Wrestling rn and that includes shit nobody cares about like NXT UK and the Cruiserweight belt
Magoo mentioned on WOR that Charles is supposed to be a babyface still after last night, and they plan to continue to push her as one. They are setting up Asuka turning on Charles though, which is supposed to be a heel turn.

It's almost identical to the Becky scenario from a couple of years ago. Time is a flat circle.
>Asuka turns heel and is buried by Charles
>Asuka is an “evil monster”
>gets put in tag team jail with Fiendette

I feel like that kind of retardation is possible in WWE
Sorry bro, I need to report your message, that's too far
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I understand bro, I apologise for going too far. But you never know with how retarded WWE can be.
At least Satomura will take the UK title soon
But this doesn't make sense. It doesn't fit anything that was shown on TV. The fact is that, no matter what the idiots at the announcers table or Memeltzer say, Charles left Asuka to lose. She left for no other reason than her father, HER father not Asuka's, HER father, is being a nuissance. It's HER problem. Now how does any of this make Asuka look like the bad guy???? It's as if in a relationship you blamed your partner for ruining the relationship even though YOUR father is the one doing it. It. Doesn't. Make. ANY. Sense. Besides, there's no turning on Charles anymore. The tag partnership is done. It's over. They lost the rematch opportunity so this little experiment is done for both. Why would Asuka willingly stay in the tag division with a woman who not only have other problems right now but who also ABANDONED her? As it is, you can't make Asuka heel. You can't put the blame on her for something that Ric Flair is doing. How retarded do they think we are?
WWE just think we won’t notice, like with all the Fiend shit
If she wears Kana clown make up it might be worth it
It's never happening.
Meltzer acknowledged that in a sarcastic way, he mentioned that charles left asuka and then said "wow what a great babyface" as he does. They also said the match was shit and the only good person in the match was asuka before going on to say that people overrate modern women's matches when they don't need to because there are great women's wrestlers that are amongst the best in the company man or woman mentioning Asuka and Sasha as main examples and Bayley being pretty good to.
Honestly I just want new make up from her at this stage. I can’t speak for us all, but I’m kind of bored of the green paint. If y’all like it tho that’s fine, I just think if she’s going heel and not using the mist anymore, she should ditch the green paint.
>how retarded do they think we are
They ended a cage match in a dq that was later changed to referee stoppage after complaints and beat their unbeatable monster as the crowd chanted this shit sucks and aew

They think their audience are complete fucking retards, hence why watching highlights of the people you like is infinitely more preferable than actually watching this garbage live.
It would be a character change though
the green paint made sense when she could actually mist people
No, because that would give them the chance to bury Kana clown too.
Charlotte is not a babyface, they don't have babyfaces walk out of matches leaving their partner to die.
It's the WWE, they consider Alexa a face currently. They can't book coherent stories. Charles will say "I'm sorry for screwing up again" and Asuka at one point will tell her to fuck off or beat her up because she keeps getting abandoned and that'll the heel turn and charles will be face or something like that.

stop expecting wwe to not be shit or to make sense
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Anyone noticed Asuka hurt her fingers yet again at the Rumble? Poor fingers.
Yeah it looked like she got hurt there real bad at the rumble, you could hear genuine screams come from her
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fucking yikes
bro WALTER is booked as God tier A++ as NXTUK Champion
what about the women champion?
>attempts to be pedobait
>is more nightmarish than salad fingers
no idea desu
they still have a uk womans championship?
Which means being booked even weaker
but at least given more freedom to work in every other aspect
I just want her to enjoy her last few years that she has
I don't care about dementia retards fantasy RP booking shite. I just want Asuka to be allowed to be entertaining.
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I don't know why she started to post more selfies all of sudden but I won't complain
lowered sense of self-esteem after being booked like a chump
>her last few years
she never spoke about retiring and she doesn't have any nagging injury she didn't treat? what's preventing her from wrestling until her 50s like Aja Kong?
Empress.....I kneel
Old woman.....I kneel
is this why Bliss posts a selfie almost everyday now?
probably, if i were her with all the looney stalkers i wouldn't post at all on social media
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Asuka is not a mark, so demntaia retard's headcanon has no affect her self confidence. She's knows she's good and hot regardless of what that mushbrain tard thinks .
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Imagine believing this goddess lacks self esteem
Literally mogging the entire roster
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like, seriously
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Mid-life crisis. She needs simps to tell her she's pretty.
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>dis d00d S E E T H I N G ITT rn
WWE not wanting old women in the ring. If Asuka wants to wrestle that long she'll have to go elsewhere and that won't happen because she loves WWE money. They'll phase her out and get her to sign a legends contract in a couple of years
if aew sticks around long enough she can go there and be the grizzled vet gatekeeper like they wanted kong to be
I wanna invade her space if you know what I mean
her eyes are so big and pretty
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light-skinned East Asians are the GOAT
change my mind
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Hana Kimura had a nice brown skin tone
Based Asuka finally leaving the fuck out of Florida and returning home to do more KanaChan. Can't wait.
They wouldn't pay her as much as WWE
That doesn't matter to her. She's rich.
She can be richer. You're a fool if you think money suddenly isn't important anymore just because someone has a million in the bank or whatever.
That might be your poorfag cuck mentality but people who actually have money stop thinking that as something vital to their existence.
she also likes to wrestle, and might not like ending up like mickie, who never gets to anymore
All the more reason to leave the fuck out of that shithole. One call to her best pal Kenny Omega and he will create the mixed tag team championaship like he said.
Lmao today has been wild in here compared to recent days
>somewhere, in some server on the internet feeding a cloud service that Kana uses, there are pics of Kana with baby Hana
I'd kill for those, they are probably so cute
they'd just make me sad
He needs Kana specifically for that, huh
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>tfw a woman will never look at you the way asuka looks at her grilled cheese
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>grilled cheese

Oh no!!!
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I wonder if Asuka ever met Cheese
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What an odd shaped head
I have to wonder what special movez in bed asuka has
I cant understand kairi, body like a fridge, brain of a child, voice of a witch and face of an angel. is she alien?
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Leave Kairi alone
Probably not
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The thought of these coming out is the only thing to keeps me going.
Reminder that Kairi has a nice thigh game as well.
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They're such a cute couple
imagine the athletic sex
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*stomach rumbling intensifies*
I'll tell you what she is.

She is Perfect.
She has the best butt
Any ass shots in those pants?
Me waiting for a new KCTV
based asuka not giving a fuck, a couple broken fingers won't stop her
Absolutely based
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Magoo and Chico on the three-way tag match on RAW
Even they can't ignore that Charlotte is just not good at all since returning and they recognize that Asuka is the only woman who has a clue, but it's really glaringly obvious right now. There's just no way to overlook it. The gap between her and the rest of the division is probably the greatest it's ever been. It's fucking ridiculous that everyone else seems to be getting worse somehow.
Honestly, the only other women on Raw that could have a good match with Asuka right now are Nikki and Rhea (I'm not a huge fan of hers but I have to admit she carried the Rumble), but Nikki is a jobber at this point and Rhea is being jerked around in booking. Vince would rather push shitters like Charles, Lacey and Alexa for the millionth time.
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You think Asuka knows?
Of course she does, she probably lurks here

Also, cute promo vid from Kairi https://twitter.com/jsports_wwe/status/1356842736247214080?s=21
Kairi has such a weird voice :(
It’s pretty nasal, but that’s just how people from Yamaguchu prefecture sound
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Asuka has surpassed Charlotte Flair in total days as Raw Women's Champion. She's now 3rd behind Becky and Alexa.
Won’t be for much longer unfortunately:( I do love this pic tho
yeah we dodged a bullet by not having her talk too much
Based. I doubt her total days as a champion will never be matched
>there will never be a Mommysgirl episode of Mommy Asuka picking up Kairi from school and cornering her about her grades and tells her she lacks discipline
nonsense she was great as the MC of the Asuka celebration
This but io
Rhea isn't on RAW
A what?
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Based Asuka following in Rikishis footsteps
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And not one memorable match
It will easily. Charlotte isn't far behind and is much younger.
Charlotte is about 34 so she'll be out of there in a few years especially if she wants kids. The ones that'll probably get it in the end through sheer attrition is someone like Rhea if the company isn't dead before she hits her mid 30s.
Would WWE count the NXT UK Women's Title towards an accoloade like that?
Is that Asuka?
Why is she so hot?
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I actually can't really explain it. The thing for me about Asuka is that her looks aren't what's attractive to me (although she's very good looking for her age and most Osakan's I've ever met are below average looks even for Japanese women, so she blows them all out of the water there.)

I guess I just really like her demeanour. She's probably a good time in the bedroom, you can just tell by the way she acted in NXT and in Japan.

idk, that's just me tho
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Can someone please share with me the fanart drawing of cute chubby Asuka with the purple background? I need it as the background on my new phone
>I guess I just really like her demeanor. She's probably a good time in the bedroom, you can just tell by the way she acted in NXT and in Japan.
I don't watch wrestling anymore, but Asuka is ASUKA.
If it weren't for Asuka I'd legit stop watching Raw altogether. I enjoy SmackDown unironically as of late, but Raw without Asuka is complete trash.
They'll count whatever is convenient to count when promoting. It's wrestling, these belts literally don't matter unless booked to matter be it currently or retroactively.
Why didn't they keep Lana as her partner?
Charles wanted her Grand Slam.
This is so hilariously obvious now. Like WWE isn't even trying to hide the fact they want to continue Lana's story. One day I wish some journo would have balls big enough to ask her if the tag team reign was just to give her another accolade.
Lana and Naomi will probably win the straps soon, or they'll drag this story out till WrestleMania so Lana can have her Mania moment. It was so clear Charlotte just wanted a throwaway reign just so she could get her grand slam, she'll also probably be the last person to get it for a while since realistically only Shayna can get one right now.
I'm glad you find joy in something with the wwe but I just don't know how anyone can tolerate their weekly tv shows. The writing, the editing, the pace, the way they conduct promos, how they film, how sterile it all is, etc. This thread and ppvs once a month are all I do to keep up with it anymore. But I'm glad my favorites have moved on to make some real money
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based kabukibro, here's a hot one just for you
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back atcha DKB
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she cant say things without sounding like an old woman talking to little kids
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Pls can someone post this I have seen it posted ITT so many times but I no longer have my copy and I really need Asuka on the background of my phone
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Thank you so much anon you are a hero
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could use some more chub (10-20 pounds) and that would be perfect
Glad to help, have one more for the road

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aww she's trying
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based stalker-kun returns!!! the mad lad himself
Made the mistake of walking for the Encore to the Stratosphere. It was longer than we were told and the neighborhood around it was a bit sketchy.
Based. Seems like she has her own seocndary characters now. One is stalker kun and the other is hair guy??? friend guy???
Be honest /kabuki/ would you be as commited as stalker-kun and make that jump if KanaChan asked you to?
I love Stalker-kun
>sound effects when she moves her arms around
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And a new selfie, what a day
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new kanachantv, new selfie. We're getting blessed tonight lads
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Mune-San is a gigachad
Beyond based, she's really something else. Being the best woman's wrestler would have been enough but she also has to be one of the most open, funniest, and relatable wrestlers ever and gives us all this extra content. God bless her.
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Poor Kikutaro. First friend-zoned and the friend-swapped
How does she look so hot in her 39th year of existence?
Agreed. Some people don't like Rhea around here but I've been paying attention to her matches over the last half year she's probably top 3 western woman in wwe already. It's basically her Ember and Candice. Raquel is rapidly climbing also. They're all better than Charlotte already. Nikki is obviously fucked, they clearly don't care for her. I just want Asuka to get a match with someone fresh who can keep up with her but it doesn't seem like it's gonna happen.
I don't even know who Rhea is feuding with right now. Neither her nor Asuka have anything important going on, might as well have them feud. When Asuka loses the belt, it should be to someone who is actually on the rise like Rhea and not fucking Charles or Alexa, who will always be pushed no matter what.
I just want to see the power spot when Asuka is going through her submissions and Rhea does that armbar slam thing.
the only people who hated rhea in here were the iofags and they have their own containment thread now. most asukafags wanted to see a rhea match.
rhea's gonna feud with alexa. maybe a rhea/randy alexa/fiend mixed tag, idk.
that sounds like the shits, so you're probably right
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>rhea's gonna feud with alexa. maybe a rhea/randy alexa/fiend mixed tag, idk.
Rhea will be in Smackdown
don't show this to cheese
That would at least be better than Asuka being involved
>He fed his dog spaghetti
holy kek when the skydiver falls past them. wonder how much stalker-kun shelled out for that casino tour. guess it was priceless for the chance of making kana hang his picture up in her bathroom.
probably more than it was worth
I admire his tenacity
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Hey guys! What's up!

KabukiUploader here again, yokoso! Today I would like to share ALL of Kana's matches in Shimmer, one of the premiere women's wrestling companies in the states. See her face off against a young Billie Kay, Mia Yim, Ember Moon, current wwe trainer Sara Del Rey and others! I highly suggest the matches against Del Rey, Ayako Hamada and Mercedes Martinez. Enjoy!


And for those that missed last episode, here's Kana in BattleArts!
You're doing the Kabukigods work bro, bless you.
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We gotta take these last few weeks as best as we can bros, I hope she can at least break 1,075 overall days (I think she's on 1,046 iirc)
She's not losing until Mania.
*Elimination Chamber
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Every day is a blessing
Thank you Kabuki fren
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And with that, I leave you with Kairi getting murder by Beth Phoenix.

See ya in the next thread Kabukibros!
I wish Asuka was in the AEW tournament instead of wasting her career with plastic bimbo shitters
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man I can't spell for shit, blame my dumbass staying up till fuckin 1AM to watch NXT and it being completely boring even with Edge
The AEW tournament is full of no-names and trannies
She'd be wasting her career in AEW too and getting paid less for it
You'd have to kill me to remove my tongue from her asshole
>no-names and trannies
sounds like the last six month of her feuds, except they at least can wrestle
She would actually be having good matches
If they can wrestle, why are they stuck in Japanese bingo halls?
Stupid correlation. Alexa Bliss is hired by WWE. Are you gonna tell me she knows how to wrestle?
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Asuka moved to the U.S. to get away from Joshipedos and is learning English. She's here long term and not going anywhere. Cope, trannies.
Good thing AEW is US based
Aewtists never talk about how they want Asuka though. It's just Asuka fans here saying that.
>It's just Asuka fans here saying that.
it's literally one guy saying that
>It's always just one guy for things I don't like
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What should the next edition be? Just Asuka mogging everyone?
No she wouldn't
make sure to include io in the op!!
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we love asuka
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fucking based, bro

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