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Friendly reminder that Mandy Rose is the hottest female ever employed in the history of WWE
Previous thread: >>12810370

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Friendly reminder that Mandy Rose is the hottest female ever employed in the history of WWE and wrestling in general for that matter
based superior giulia
>hits some big moves
>eliminates someone
>goes out after 5 or so minutes
I don’t see the big deal. I think because she’s popular some people forget she’s a midcarder
I want to ejaculate inside her
For me it's how they constantly go out of their way to hold her back.
She pitches a story that gives them nearly a full year of content and at the end of it they take her off tv until she loses her momentum
She comes out for her entrance tonight and they undermine her by cutting to the 24/7 shit. She works hard to improve as a wrestler and they distract from her chance to show that in the time she had by cutting to 24/7 shit during it.
It makes me root for her harder the more they fuck her over, but it also makes me hate WWE more and more
They even took her instagram money. I don't know who she pissed off but she's pissed off someone and needs to leave.
It’s the whole diva look not fitting the women’s evolution SJW nonsense like I’ve seen people here saying recently. The meme that WWE only push ugly women is real as a consequence of that
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I can’t stop imagining her stripping off and squeezing a steamy, dreamy log out of her beautiful anus. Just the thought of the smell as she crouches over me, her cute little asshole widening between her spread cheeks as her tummy chocolate oozes out of her is too much. The dichotomy of someone so perfect doing something so nasty is beyond arousing. I just need the taste of her logs in my mouth
so they ran a promo missing her entrance ? will the entrance be on the dvd do you think ? i buy all the major events on dvd so i hope so ...
also i usually watch the ppvs at my own leisure actually followed some threads on here and i think i will be disappointed overall with the womens rumble not just mandy part ?
r truth was fucking around during it so the camera was cutting back and forth
As soon as I saw that fucking guy and the meme belt I knew Mandy was coming out next and would get screwed by it.
Just as they do everything they can to prop thier dimeless shitters of choice up, they do everything they can to hold people like Mandy back because they already saw last summer how easily she outshines their entire fugly division of unfuckable eyesore
They cut to her entrance too soon at a bad angle, cut back to the ring, then cut back to her to pose real quick
>tfw want to call this a conspiracy theory
>tfw they had any number of NXT entrances they could have done that during and the choice was made in production to do it during Mandy's
She definitely has an enemy backstage in WWE, and she probably doesn't even know
It was the worst womens rumble
The only thing I came close to popping for was Bliss getting KWABed in ten seconds after being hyped to win it but even that was cringe because it was just to make one of Triple H’s trannies look good.
natalya lookin gewd though ? from what i heard she was dressed lewd for once ?
Exactly. Like right now I'm watching the men's rumble and they did a spot with the latino singer. They had it all done before Riddle's entrance.
There's no reason the 24/7 segment couldn't have been over before Mandy came out, it's not like we don't all know they kayfabe the timer. Just do all the crap they need to do then do the countdown after.
But they specifically wanted it to be going on while she was coming out and wrestling and that's an objective truth. Just like they specifically wanted her to be in limbo after she won the biggest feud of her career.
idk I stopped watching after Mandy got eliminated
I think her gear was skin colored, I wasn't paying much attention by that point
Mandy and Dana need to challenge Shayna and Nia tomorrow
gross shayna and nia are champs or something now ?
Gold body suit that really pushed up the booba and the rest was see through mesh. Good stuff
It's not like Charles and Asuka were any better. All 4 are hideously ugly and don't belong on national TV
will check out then ...still too bad about goddess mandy
Here's the entrance
Now that I look at it again I think her spotlgiht being stolen was delbierate but not in the way some of you think, since she did eliminate Alicia. It's just WWE being WWE they told the 'story' very poorly
Watching them pan to that fucking baboon in a human hair wig shoot made me mad
So based I guess but executed very badly
The cuts are annoying but you can still see what she did, you guys overreact a bit
It cut too early from the knee she did to Lacey. Also Lacey takes those really well
Based Foxy stealing MANdy's thunder
Watch them gimp Mandy’s tv time for another fucking baboon now Naomi is back.
They’re going full affirmative action and Mandy was already pushing her luck forcing them to have to book 3 women’s matches whenever she and Dana aren’t involved with Charles to keep her on tv instead of the usual two
Based ugly ape getting blown out right after, like you celebrating Mandy’s elimination only for Bliss to get treated like the comedy jobber he should have always been
It's like that time Mandy got merked backstage by Sonya then they had the creature get wrecked by braun or kidnapped by the fiend, one or the other don't remember which
>that fucking filename
>36 posts
>6 images
All is not well in paradise
She should have been in early and stayed in for 20+ minutes like in the 2019 rumble
She should have switched places with Naomi.
>no post show pic
Why is she so complacent, she didn’t get her shine on tv so she needs to take her shine by posting a hot pic. That’s what she always did, it’s like she forgot what works
Who is that in the red that she hit the bed of roses on? They took it like a champ and have a new fan in me whoever it was
Mickie James
I thought it looked like her but figured no way it could be because she always used to take it on her knees and make it look like shit during the Absolution days, but based, she learned
Yeah what the fuck, where’s the pics and videos
I've seen worse but yeah she took it better tonight
She rarely gets to use her finisher, she probably thinks she had a good run out and doesn't know yet that the cameras were cutting to stupid shit during it
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Finally someone who understands the purpose of this thread
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Yumola, need her to ooze a nice fat steam log onto my face. You just know Mandy’s asshole would be nice and tight too, imagine seeing it stretch from her log as it comes out
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Its obvious Shayna and Nia are breaking up soon
I wouldn't be surprised if they drop the titles the very next night
But instead of Mandy and Dana beating them and ending that storyline, whose ready for Ugsuka and Charyuck to win the titles back on Monday night Rawful? Young girls will really admire and aspire to be like those two, and they'll draw the young male coomer audience for sure
coomer audience for charles and jap ? not sure i follow that one
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Sarcasm, my autistic friend
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How is she being complacent and why do you keep posting this? You said it in the last thread too. You ever think that maybe her social media habits changed because she just doesn't feel like making the posts she did before?
She's in a company that took her main income away, while paying her a smaller amount and prevents her from advancing to a better position than where she is, by constantly wasting everything she does like many other posts before mine have pointed out, and she has a contract to that company for nearly 5 more years
You ever stop and think working for a senile old wanker that's costing her 700k a year or whatever it was who also handicaps her career is kind of a fucked up situation to be in and maybe she's just not in the mood?
And she signed that contract accepting whatever they pay her now not knowing they’d take her instagram money afterward. She got duped and honestly it sounds like it should be illegal unless there’s something we don’t know like if they let Mandy and Lana renegotiate their pay or something after the third party rules thing
it was between 700-800k annually
she could go to AEW, get paid half whatever WWE pays her but get her sponsorships back and be making many times more than she's stuck with
all she has to do is whatever Zelina did to get out
but she hasn't done that so what the fuck do you, me or any coomer on here know? If some old faggot was costing me money like that over petty autism I'd be out the next fucking day either because I'm out of a job or because I'm in jail for ending him
I don't understand how some of these wrestlers can tolerate Vince, I'd love to work for him and observe how he interacts with them and learn how he brainwashes people
the number i just saw for mandy was about half of that. but i dunno if that was what she earned in 6 months or what the full contract was for.
the 150 k a year she makes is still way more then she would be making as a bartender or even a legal assistant or whatever job she would be doing otherwise. she prob. realizes that.
The article I read had her at 60k a month, so 720k over a full year
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Logbros!!!!!!! Does this not count?
Holy based
Her #2s are so good they had to do it twice
It fucking counts
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I can't believe I didn't notice this
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I just can’t stop obsessing over the fact that Mandy Rose farts and shits.
I wake up every morning and it’s the first thing I think about. I think about how my goddess will probably be doing her first of four daily shits. I check Instagram to see if she’s posted and I wonder if she already shitted. Perhaps she’s on the toilet right now, on her phone? Delicious.
I see images of her in the gym doing squats in her pink VQ leggings and I dream that soon after she’ll be squatting over a toilet or better yet my face while pushing out a nasty turd.
Whenever Mandy posts a cute picture I try to imagine when her next shit will be or how long ago she took a shit before posting the pic.
The worst is when she posts a picture of her dinner on her story. That stuff legit dominates my entire day. It’s hard to even imagine that a beautiful goddess like Mandy could squeeze so much food inside her.
I always hope that she eats all of it so her shit is big and smelly.
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Don't blow on me son
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Second reply meant for >>12843193
Could our guy on the inside be someone able to influence this or was it a lucky coincidence? He knew when her theme was coming out so it’s possible
It’s seems almost wrong that a beauty like Mandy farts and shits like everyone else
But it seems so right to want to eat what such a beautiful woman as the golden goddess produces
I like that Mandy did one of her old poses instead of flexing like she does since she paired up with Dana. And don’t take it the wrong way and get mad at me or anything but she’s been letting Dana have way too much influence on that team and on her imo. Dana is not on her level or close to it but a year from now she’ll have dragged her down with her to the point of no return if she doesn’t assert herself more and keep her individuality. She’s been going from having her own character to being Dana’s hot sister
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Nothing wrong with having an honest opinion bro
You're not wrong but it's cute when she does it so it feels more like 'Mandy is doing a thing and it's sexy' than 'Mandy is acting like Dana'
I wanna breed this Italian whore then cook pasta with her
Good I just didn't want it to seem like I was trying to start anything and I don't watch the weekly stuff much so I wasn't sure if I was pegging her current deal right.
But she's definitely going to lower herself by association if she keeps going how I think she is. When she was with the other chick she kept her own separate character so it shouldn't be hard to do that now
I think Amanda Saccomanno is too nice for Mandy Rose’s own good so she probably says yes to everything Dana suggests
She was very independent when she was in her other team though
She kind of had a phase of dressing like Sonya in fire and desire, this isn't anything new with her it's just more obvious this time
Alright well maybe I’ve got it wrong and what she’s doing now won’t affect her, like I said I mainly only watch PPVs so I don’t know everything but Mandy’s hot so I have a soft spot for her
Sonya in this pic looks like she wants to make Mandy eat her out
I think Mandy is naturally submissive so she's wiling to take on the traits of her partners. It's also why she's so perfect as an underdog babyface and why she takes on a submissive position in so many of these photos even though Sonya's character was being a simp for her
She should submit to my big /asp/ cock
Holy shit
If she left WWE why would she do any of that, she could go wrestle somewhere else or go back to some form of modelling
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>by constantly wasting everything she does like many other posts before mine have pointed out,
And right before they wasted her work leading up to last summer she almost got killed by her friend’s stalker. She’s had a rough year desu
Lol she does it with Dana too, see the OP pic
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>2 hours 30 minutes
I want to be the one that gets to comfort her
What was this?
Nice buns, imagine the scent when she gets sweaty
Girl's got a giant bellybutton
My coom would pool in it nicely
Imagine spreading her legs and eating her out, then pinning back her legs and french kissing her asshole
What does Mandy’s asshole taste like?
Really fucking good
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Based #22, she has the #2's so good they had to do it twice
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>turns a routine interview into jerk off material by being mandy rose in your path
She’s drunk there lol, she has that look in her eyes
I want to get drunk with her
Imagine she's your secretary and comes to work looking like that every day
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I did that thing the cool coomers on instagram fanpages do where they put two shots together like this, but without an obnoxious watermark of course
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I want to sip Italian wine with her while we bask in the afterglow of great sex
Looking at Mandy in this video just makes me want to put her over a shoulder and carry her up to my bedroom
That knee to Alicia looked fucking BRUTAL
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I want to coom all over her face
Then what
Alicia ate it with her face instead of shoulder like everyone else
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Coomdy Rose
I want her to knock me out with a kick then wake up to her shitting on me
oops, I did it again
I played with myself, got lost in my lust
oh mandy, mandy
oops, I think I'm in love
You're sent from above
You're just that coomerific
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Money. Fame. All of it is worthless compared to the chance to worship the feet of the golden goddess. Post them
Mandy toes
I want to suck those toes
Torrie Wilson has provided a Golden Goddess blessing
Could have done without the two islanders lurking ffs
Mandy is unmoggable
Torrie has provided another Golden Goddess blessing that I have censored for prime consumption
would breed them all except for Naomi
Crop the end out or something, the nasty witch grin gets in at the end
Torrie Wilson has provided another Golden Goddess blessing, autism free edition
It's not an autism thing. It's a nice video of Mandy having fun but that person in the middle has an unpleasant face
Cringe, take a break
Mandy and Dana should really win tonight but we all know fucking Naomi and Lana are going over
>first defence
fuck that
With a new face team in the division it's only a matter of time now before mandy and dana turn heel
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I really like the blue gear
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I like the ones with collars better
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I like everything Mandy wears except the summerslam gear and I liked that too because it gave us the clearest shots of her vagina
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I like Mandy's entrance routine
Everything she does is incredibly sexy
Is Dana too bogged to hit the side flip anymore?
The way her hips move gave me a raging hard on
Sex incarnate
imagine the handjobs
The Torrie/Stacy boomer that shows up here every few weeks isn't going to like this
Holy yumola
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The blessing of more golden goddess mandy rose content
holy fucking COOOOM
I want Dana to hold Mandy’s legs back the way Flabsuka is during that pin while I penetrate her
I want to smell and lick her pits, asshole and pussy
Imagine the smell
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Imagine if she farts in that position but it turns into sharting and she’s spewing tummy chocolate in your face
>that indieshit double dropkick spot
I blame flabsuka
Also that shit Dana and Lana were doing in slow motion looked bad
I'm pleasantly surprised Charles didn't do one of his no selling routines
I like face Mandy
Same, but I kind of want to see her be a haughty bitch again too
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What is she reaching for?
My dick
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Please make it slower, incredible jiggle at the start but the video moves too fast
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Barely slower but if I reduce the speed more the frame rate gets too low and it ruins it but I started this one a little earlier
This is a better clip than the other one
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Rosegods wy@
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I'm trying to finish goldilogs while the thread is quiet so it's ready when it's active again. Please don't distract me with such classy and sexy pics of Mandy
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Imagine the smell
I practically finished it anyway
Found this, didn’t see it posted, she makes fit so sexy.
I want to lick that pit
Twitter trannies keep hating on her hair and it pisses me off because now she’s following a wig page on Instagram. That short hair is the perfect look on her
Agreed, I've always liked her but since she cut her hair she's been on another level
One of the fan pages is posting screenshots of dms they’re sending her about changing the hair and she listens to them for some reason because she wore gear the person running thst oage suggested in the past. Also they call themselves Rosepetals which is fucking cringe compared to what we do. Her fans here are her best fans but she doesn’t know we exist and only gets feedback from retards that call themselves rosepetals
I post about eating her rump nectar so I’m not one to judge
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>the rose petals
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>the fucking rose petals
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>the 'rose petals' have direct access to Mandy but RoseGODS do not
they're cringe but they seem to have some influence over her for some reason
We need to find a way to get a bloomcoom fanpage on one of these normie sites, build up a follower count over a few weeks by having more coom material than any normie page ever could then Mandy would see a fanpage with a bunch of followers and listen to us. Within a few months we could have influence over her. I just don't know how to coordinate it yet or if just one of us should control it
Good idea but we'd have to keep the log posting and some of the other more explicit gimmicks here quiet.
Kinkiest thing I do is post about her sweat sometimes so I think I'd be alright. I've seen the instagram fanpages and in terms of video content we could blow them all away, so we'd gain followers fast for sure
Based name
It sounds gay as fuck. Also I’d like to point out those twitter pages hated the denim gear and might be the reason we never saw it again, we need to counter them no matter what, they hate everything we love and take it away by influencing her. Then she listens thinking she’s pleasing her fans but they hate on her new gear too while her real fans have no voice
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I want to pin her down nude and do sinful things
>Hey Mandy! I've seen some of your work recently. Your team with Dana? Let me say you are DEFINITELY cool.
>Want an apple?
How hard would you mark?
damn she has a very MILFy look to it
I’d mark out
It’s like if your buddy had a ridiculously hot mom x10, based soccer mom hair awakening dormant fantasies
Drinking alcohol, that explains a lot about the RUMble.
Mandy gonna poop herself, holy based
She’s not naive or complacent. She knows
I’d be beyond happy for her to send a unionization tweet and whatever else it takes to make them fire her then wait the 90 days for her to show up on the other show in skimpier gear with straight cameramen filming her matches instead of the fags in WWE
I wish she'd leave
All of this
l-like what?
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The toilet is going to fucking break
>tummy rumbles
>those digits
Hi Sonya, nice of you to join us
Post Mandy tits
Based sexy donut whore
Imagine smearing icing all over her tits then licking it off
She could get it
i've been shooting loads and loads of coom to the golden goddess, she never not makes me shoot at least 6 ropes
Based, she deserves all our seed
I imagine i'm filling up her fat italian pussy up like filling manicotti with cheese
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Based thot
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The rose petals have been busy
I'm thinking they're based
What's higher, what Mandy got paid for these videos or the amount of coom spilled to them in thousands of gallons
she the kinda chick that would join porn and only shoot scenes with her bf and then they break up and she's immediately doing anal creampies and dp scenes.
I can't picture any scenario that results in her doing porn
Yeah but I think she'd be comfortable posing nude someday
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Agreed, she's come close
She needs a cum bath
I hope she does more shoots like this
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Based coon killer
that one faggot who spams his stupid scat meme ruined it for us. she'll never listen to us
fuck you
She finds it funny
Eat shit faggot
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So this is the special ed board of /asp/ huh? Pretty gross ngl... later retards
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New chapter coming soon, only the finish left
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Fucking wrecked them good, as always
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Imagine a threesome with Mandy and that thicc girl she's with sometimes
I’d love Mandy to peg me and pull her dildo out of my butt and wait for my liquidy poop to solidify before I lick it off like a choc ice.
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Making your first nearly 300 posts in? You don't go here
>I’m tired of Natalya, come here anon, let’s wrestle
What happens next?
Begins with R and ends with E
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it's not even a fair fight
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I'm sure she's a sweetheart irl which makes her even hotter than she already is. And that's ALOT of hot.
That's my favorite thing about her
The golden goddess provided a blessing
>"Why does Sonya keep on putting these pics of us together?"
kek, her mom did it though
What did her mom mean by this?
She’s one of us, she knows Mandy is for Sonya
Holy shit what a narcissist
As she should be
lmao just read the pic of Mandy and her mom that says "The goat of all moms and Mom's Greatest Creation"
could they be any more up their own ass?
Could I be up Mandy’s?
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Her thighs and bellybutton can serve as two other makeshift orifices to be fucked.
NEW /hr/
That’s the wrong one dammit, where is my new /asp/ Mandy thread?

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