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If you go hard you gotta get on the floor edition
Shoe reviews: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnSv7MyhLozYdGM1a1FUMHNtTkRFN0xkVmt3dEZ0NHc#gid=0
Submit a shoe review: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y70Tug_iI9-dW2VqBBzsI9PCnFlw1jIOu9yTlHcc-wY/viewform

old bread >>12922009
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1st for ASUKA!
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1st for asuka
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You guys like my new board?
Can someone please just tell me what video used this song?
though that was staba for a second
i see u dan
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I want 51mm Nora wheels
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I got hit by a pressure flip a day ago in a game of SKATE. I'm still fucking coping bros
god sk8 the infinite is so fucking lame
why couldnt the only other skating manga get an anime instead of this faggot shit?
fuck freestyle and fuck downhill longboarding
she tries her best...
That sucks.
What do you think is the most heinous way to decorate grip?
A to-scale TechDeck logo
Cutting out designs in them
That would be based tho.
I don't care and like it when people do grip shit
our local skate jocks would probably not allow pressure flips
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>2 weeks and sprained wrist is still fucked
>want to skate anyways but also don't want to risk restarting the entire process
Is it worth getting a 50£ complete skate? I just wanna get back and cant afford proper stuff
No, it's worth saving another £50 and waiting for a deal
no. maybe look on yuro craigslist or something. lots of people got into skating during the quarantine then quit
Feel better anon.
I just realized how short the copypasta in the OP has gotten.
It was never any good. The pastebin had a lot of poor information that wasn't actually helpful.
step it up
That's when the troll who posts first for Asuka is posting it as a slide thread.
Thank you
it was helpful to me a few months ago and it spared you from answering some noob questions
not skating has now turned into not leaving the bed fuck
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Oh no Bam
it's okay bam, you can ride in the /esg/ video!
someone tell this old kook to shut the fuck up
Remember when he used to mock his dad for being fat?
skateboarding is forever
Seriously, who the fuck wasn't expecting this, he's a spoiled rich kid who grew up believing television is real. Why are we still concerning ourselves with him?
Honestly can't think of a part of his that was memorable only based on his skateboarding.
hes a common denominator. if you were a skater or just a stupid ass kid who was born between 1985 and 2000, growing up on cky and big brother and jack ass then bam magera probably holds a special little place in your heart. we all know hes an asshole whos getting what he deserves but we are all hoping for the best for him.
jump off a building was pretty fuckin good
this is an IOS game lol probably trash. skateBIRD looks a lot better https://store.steampowered.com/app/971030/SkateBIRD/
I'll have to watch it again
don't do drugs guys
also theres actually a steam sale. SkaterXL is 20% off and 32 dollars. and Session is 15 dollars. I session worth it? Im broke and all I play is tony hawk pro skater 3.
keep doing drugs guys
it's still early access i think but people seem to like whats there
Do you like simulations? The new session update was really good, you have complete control over your skater but it's hard to learn if you only play tony hawk. Skater XL is also good with mods
Bam disliked weed so maybe try green stuff instead of booze
Whats the difference between skater xl and session?
I only play on console so Session is more autistic/realistic. Skater XL has a big modding community right now on PC. Both are open world skateboarding games with different controls, maps and styles - you just skate, there are no objectives
well ok there are some challenges in session but it's not much, you can earn cash if you land legendary tricks on replicated NYC spots for example
seems like xl is cali spots and and session is nyc
I almost had a skater gf
>At skatepark
>Cute girl in early 20s doing shitty ollies
>crouching so low before she pops that she slaps the nose with her hands
>4 simps around her giving her tips and cheering when she does a shitty rocketed ollie
>Me just skating around getting my warm up lines out of the way
>go to the benches where i usually sit and hit my post warm up blunt
>skater girl shouts "smells good" and looks through the forest of simps to make sure we make eye contact
>start skating
>eat shit on a noselide
>She skates over to me "you good"
>"yeah i'm fine"
>after that she keeps following me and cheering when i land shit
>There are a few people way better than me at the park , but I have all her attention
> i go back to my bench for a couple more hits
> she sits next to me and asks for some
> i joke about covid and she laughs
> she takes a huge drag and really is taking it like a champ
> Asks if i wanna shotgun
> end up making out a bit on the bench
>she asks for my insta
>tell her i don't have one
>her smoking has kinda turned me off anyways
>she asks for my number and i'm like
>"I don't date girls who smoke weed"
>she nudges me and is like "oh i'm too bad for you huh"
>igive her a sensible chuckle
>"alright i'm gonna go back to skating"
> 360 flip up the big bank for the second time ever
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learn how to tag people newfaggot. no ones gonna go back to see who's number this is
>he doesnt know
whats a tag?
lmao this is your brain on weed and skateboard
idk if this is true or not but girls def won't give you any if you're in a group of guys giving her trick tips
Wrestling is fake
I almost had a skater bf
>At skatepark
>Cuteboy in early 20s doing shitty ollies
>crouching so low before he pops that he slaps the nose with her hands
>4 brow chillin with him giving tips and props when she does a shitty rocketed ollie
>Me just skating around getting my warm up lines out of the way
>go to the benches where i usually sit and hit my post warm up blunt
>skater boi shouts "smells good"
>start skating
>eat shit on a noselide
>he rolls over to me "you good"
>"yeah i'm fine"
>after that he keeps following me and cheering when i land shit
>There are a few people way better than me at the park, but I have all his attention
>I go back to my bench for a couple more hits
>he sits next to me and asks for some
>I joke about covid and he laughs
>He takes a huge drag and really is taking it like a champ
>Asks if i wanna shotgun
>End up making out a bit on the bench
>he asks for my insta
>tell him i don't have one
>his smoking has kinda turned me off anyways
>he asks for my number and i'm like "I don't date dudes who smoke weed"
>he nudges me and is like "oh i'm too bad for you huh"
>i give him a sensible chuckle and a slap on the ass "no homo"
>"alright i'm gonna go back to skating"
>merlin twist off a ledge for the second time ever
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if thats true then that makes it real fucking easy which one to choose
>i joke about covid and she laughs
post the joke faggot
i want a clip of him saying the joke
>>eat shit on a noselide
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I just said "don't worry I don't have the coronavirus... I do have covid though" it's dumb but it got a laugh
today i was the only one at the skatepark who could kickflip. is this what empowerment feels like? on another note, i hate going to parks where there's these grown ass losers who sit on a ledge with a skateboard they never do shit on and smoke weed for hours. they weren't even cool, just creepy and autistic. there was this one guy especially who plays shitty music and watches everybody while smoking pot, seems like he goes there everyday because it's a small town and i see him there every time i skate there. I feel bad for the parents who bring their kids to the park but it is what it is.
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i want a skater bf ;_;

anywhere there is a ledge there will always be ledgekids
Puleo's instagram is incredible.
i don't mind the teenagers, they could have their fun and i'll ask them nicely to move if needed. it's late 20's 30 something who seem sus and predatory given they aren't really there to skate.
dont think i've ever seen anyone skate better high. funny to see a group of teens come back from hotboxing their car, then they start skating like pussies
is he an actual schizo or just kidding
I don't know if it's just me, but the sound of the board, mainly the wheels hitting the ground hurts my hearing. Not like painful, but annoying and i feel kind of different, like tired ears, after a session. I get real sensitive to noises and such. I believe i have some degree of hearing loss, so i gust use those 3M yellow plugs, been looking to get reusable ones that are easier to put on and are more stylish. Just wondering if anyone can relate.
me too, one cute twink bf
someone's gotta sell the drugs
For sure. It's not a skate friendly drug. People def get better after a beer or two tho
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It depends on the dose, strain and person but yeah hotboxing is stupid
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-1C session today boys
Nice, I stopped going when it got to -5C. Now it's -13. Sigh.
Same. It's -10 here
This board is going to be closing soon. A new board for skateboarding and other extreme sports and activities will be coming soon.

For the time being, these threads can be posted to /out/


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