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Latina thread
Let's see
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I love these threads Latinas are always so fucking hot
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Who is she?
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fuuuck yeah please tell me there's more
Get her naked
so hot, keep it going
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Nice ass. How's her tits?
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That smile is beautiful!

More of her please

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Any frontals?
Really cute. Any full frontal?
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not ff but close
tagged the wrong guy here
This stupid cunt
sucking cock? isn't she your wife
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She's everyone's wife
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spreading her holes?
since she is our wife, can I have a mega?
I don't have a mega of our wife
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no such luck
keep posting what you have of our wife then man, holes, tits, public, as nasty as she can get on camera
Damn, she's fucking hot
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Such a nasty slut. Share what you have!
I have nothing my dude, I'm just now finding out my wife is such a slut
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her account has been nuked so this is everything that I got
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Dirty whore
sucks but at least it lives on
someone please tell me who to pump for
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Our wife of course
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Argentinian gf
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Get her naked
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Uncover those tits
@latinmami383838 Thick Latina MILF on snap that likes to tease.
Post any Wins
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Post more OP? and Name please? I wanna see her front showing face. She seems pretty.
Is she awake right now? cause i've send her a message
She’s hot.
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Come back OP
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wish i could find a dominant latina to just order me around one day
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Get a Latina gf your age or older. She’ll boss you around.
dont even know where to start, i live in such a white area
Fuck yes, please post more OP
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@latinmami383838 got some good pics

She's fuckin hot!!

Any uncovered frontal shots??
Anymore of this thick slut ?
What's her Onlyfans Bro or @Handle?
She is super hot
Nah she wants to be put in all kinds of different groupchats with proof out of nowhere
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Needing more of her
>latina thread
>posts argentiniana

Retardar: La mayoría de las argentinas no son de ascendencia española y no se consideran tener nada que ver con esto, especialmente esta palabra falsa de Estados Unidos "latina"..

For the gringos: The vast majority of Argentinians are NOT of Spanish descent and do not consider themselves to have anything to do with this, especially this United States fake word "latina".
to be fair, the term 'latina' is not used anywhere outside the u.s. anyway with very few exceptions, maybe mexico occasionally where they don't want themselves to be thought of as the mongrels that they actually are
Claro. Todo el mundo sabe que los sudamericanos no usan la palabra 'latina', pero este es un hilo retrasado.
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honestly, these horrible latina threads lately are just cancer
any of the decent looking girls are not hispanic to begin with and newfag op just tries to pass them off as hispanic while sprinkling in the normal hispanic women
<----hispanic women are easy to identify
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Are you actually as stupid as you sound?
Some are not bad, but definitely amongst the sea of women out there, nobody goes out of their way for some dumb spic clingy cunt fishing for a green card. The biggest problem is once they get out of their teens, they blow up like pigs, get that wide face, and will eat your paychec in lard and hot cheetos for their 20 bastard children their massive cunts leaked out in the alley.
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You stupid nigger. You’re on an American website.
Pick up and fuck. More
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my latina slut
Rip her clothes off like you need to do right now
Shut up faggot, no one cares.
Can confirm, I fucking love Latinas
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Not him, but how ironic you call him "dumb". The Spanish came to what is now known as Argentina is the 16th century. There were only 3 commissions of Spanish Galleons sent to Argentina . . . because there was NO GOLD in or anywhere near Argentina. In fact, this is true of most of what the Spanish did in Central and South America as there was no real amount of gold ever found. It turns out most of the world's gold is found in China, Russia, Australia, followed by the U.S. and Canada. The glaciers never made it down to the southern hemisphere, let alone the tropics, so the Spanish, who were in search of gold (and nothing more) gave up very briefly after discovering those lands. Spanish Galleons were most small, holding crews of 50 and travelled light en route in search of gold, very few of the larger galleons that held crews into the hundreds were sent anywhere unless significant gold was found, which did not occur in Cental and South America. Thus, the Spanish so-called "colonization" is mostly bullshit as they came in small numbers and encountered thousands of native people (most of originally indo-pacific and chinese-based genetics (aka eskimos, today). True, the Spanish left their language, churches, etc., behind, but left just as fast as they came, and those that did not comply and convert were mostly murdered by the Conquistadors and/or enslaved.

While Argentinians speak Spanish to this day, it is a declining language there and elsewhere and the bulk (98% of Argentina) was in fact populated in the late 19th and well into the 20th century . . . by NON-HISPANICS. For example, the German population in Argentina greatly exceeds the Spanish population; the Arab population (mostly waves of Syrians and Lebanese) nearly quadruples that of those of Spanish blood. Even Jews outnumber anything considered "latina/latino/latinx" in Argentina. Then there's the African waves . . .

Your knowledge of history is quite warped and out of touch with reality.
>taking the bait
You show em boss
This >>920754996
Nobody in s. america calls themselves 'latina' and if you used that word there, you'd get a wtf look and nobody would have any idea what you are talking about.

'Latina' is just a word made up by the U.S. Census Bureau for political purposes in redistricting and obtaining U.S. government funds, nothing more.

iI's shameful that any ameritard uses that word at all tbh.

Just because some imbecile with no official capacity to rename anything once called the area "Latin America" (it never was) does mean people from these different nations in Central and South America are "Latin" (at all). It's ridiculous.

In other news, while Asia includes not just China, Japan, Korea, etc., but also RUSSIA, INDIA SAUDI ARABIA, etc., you don't put Russians, Indians, Arabs in an "Asian" girl thread.

These "Latina" threads are retarded as fuck.
didn't she die of fatness?
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Please God more.
>didn't she die of fatness?
Don't they all?
>20 = death by pork lard blowing diarrhea into their ass indentation on the new couch you just bought for Guadalupe of the hairy crotch and her flock of green-snot nose dripping fatty kids

>imagine idolizing a species of alleged females (are they tho?) who are the second-ugliest only to niggers and making a thread about these soon-to-be-blimps on the asshole of the internet as though hurr-durr lemme see on internetz what i can look out my window and see in any ghetto
show the dick!

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Not OP but I have this saved
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stop saving garbage
Any more?
Post pussy
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Keep this slut coming Dude. Post her clear face please.
Yo shut the fuck up asking for the ugly ass bitch
Those tattoos...MASSIVE RED FLAG kek
I'd still hit it though
Someone is a bit sensitive. You also know not all "white people" are from England right? And that hispanics are technically white right? Like who gives a fuck retard. Go back to plebbit. No one here gives a flying Fuck kek

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