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Drawthread: Superior version edition
I think I will be in this thread instead...
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Why am I sick fml
Was your hamster sick too?
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requesting art of Pallet
yeas but i don't want to talk too much about it because i will become annoying
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requesting goth elf pussy
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>become annoying
Who cares? Will it be worse than everything else that happens here other time? Totally not.,
Road yaps a lot, but you don't see anyone but 1 or 2 nobodies seething at her. people like to talk
just don't want to mope about it.. nobody wants to see that lol
Its time to do a request poopoo doodoo
File deleted.
i've been here long enough to know that someone cares and when normal people do not care they just talk about their own shit around it.
not forcing you, but i you wanna, go ahead, no one but a literally who will judge.
well, where is it?
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Requesting Clar the male succubus deepthroating Mana Tank's cock or giving him naizuri.
Make a nightmare monster
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Requesting Jas wearing only panties, fishnet leggings/pantyhose, and pasties on her nipples.
now for something people want ro hear about:; endless rockleenis headcanons
Color any Clara picture
my favorite
he's a subby switch but he probably fucks like a beasrt given the chance he just has that stamina
Wont to kiss his glutes
Just a little bite of those buns
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Requesting her unshaven pussy
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Requesting punk Carol reacting to her tits being groped
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More literally than not

What's good, thread.
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Scetic and Ren
Not bad poopoo doodoo not bad.
How about ur favorite pokemon next to a waterfall
Scetic is the trans one
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Requesting Pettan sucking 2 cocks
How do you feel about RFK?
peach fuzz pubic mound with a liyle bit hair goes hard.. whole thing in mouth and the silky hair is tickling your face
soft as nuzzling a kitten
I couldnt care if i wanted to.
How do u feel about it
At moments he seems to make sense. The next moment he's saying that wifi opens your blood brain barrier.
I think he dropped his tinfoil hat a while back and someone should help him out and get it back for him.
Entertaining to listen to at least.
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god fukken dammette
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so me fr
Thats nice i guess.
I wish wifi could open my blood brain barrier.
You are brown
yeah dude thanks
High intensity microwaves open your chakras. Which is why you should always watch your burrito as it spins in the microwave.
Iv always felt that burrito was more enlightened than me, probably earns more money than me too
pinning them to the wall with their arms over their head and kissing them until they stop struggling
cute boy as tall as my phone
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I want nazifag to move in with me
Why is she buying make up if she wants to be man?
Tuck him down the front of your pants for safe keeping
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You can do masculine contour to make your face look more male
monkey :)
if you're colf hes cold...put him in your panty
I feel like poopoo doodoo left..
perhaps. But maybe perhaps they're thinking of what their favorite pokemon is. And can't decide between mudkip and squirtle.
responsible boy owner things
Obviously squirtle is cooler
magic monkey
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Requesting Ava Ire in a cute swimsuit
I agree. It's an obvious choice. But memes and peer pressure cause issue for some of us. It's best not to judge. Until they draw the mudkip.
why not smug in that instead?
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Calling me an enby is a surefire way to ensure that I never move in with you lmfao
Im really hoping its not a mudkip, but also i dont think ill even see a delivery for that anyway
Why not both?
why not both making out?
>ermm I'm not an enby I'm a pooner
is this like the goth vs emo shit
Its more like a couple gays trying to be gayer than one another
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boys can be dolls too
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tired. i will go. maybe someone will draw 4 me later.
Cant a guy get a drawing of some guys favorite pokemon next to a waterfall or wat.
Is the economy that bad??
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I heard they gave up. I hope you like my attempt.
Also kinda based
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I mean I guess it kind of is.. I wouldn't call them posers but I find the genderspecial shit annoying.. Like there's two genders just pick one ffs..
Tbf tho I said the same thing about trannies as a whole at one point too and look how that turned out..
can i hump her butt please?
I noticed a typo in ur picture. I fixed it for ya
>Cuts his dick off
Harsh. Brutal.
>Kept the nipples
At least your not a complete monster. Just a butcher.
>Captcha: GDGAY
Yes. Yes it is.
I assumed they were just breathing holes
shut up poopcat
Breathing? Through his nipples?
I too breath through my nipples. Reasonable to assume.
do you hate yourself for being a pooner
Where were you when it was discovered that George Floyd died because his nipples were pressed on the ground too hard and not that he had a "knee on his neck".
The more i look at the picture the more it feels like smough armor helmet.
Probably shit posting.
The head is a false head? Those are eye holes? Big if true.
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Requesting fem Morgan giving Robin a thighjob like in the reference.
daki you're so mean today. what's gotten into you?
Yuge, definitely yuge
why not both making out while being fucked by grown men from behind?
Just go out and meet real people
You will be happier and you know it
No one introverted likes it at first but you'll get used to it eventually ffs
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Your fortune: Average Luck
same advice for being satisfied with your own company
The voices are loud as shit lately.
Thats not where the tail goes.
Mudkips feel very 2012.
Its time to evolve.
Take ya meds mobile
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Draw this smug loli doing a footjob
I'm going to peel off your skin.
I need that dont do it nigg
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I mean it isn't something I'm proud of.. But I don't think I'd go as far as to say I hate myself for it..
Well.. Actually.. Maybe a little..
Howdy Poopers..!
I know real people.. And I don't like them very much..
Meet new ones then
At least go to anime cons or go play yugioh
Anything but keep coming here
Why the fuck are you here again? You don't draw and you don't even request all you do is blogpost about your autistic faux tranny attention whoring. You're the worst kind of tumblr snowflake cunt and playing nazi does nothing to diminish that.
>The castration continues
Le sigh.
leave my wife alone
any reque
Ngl, the avatar posting is the most pathetic thing to happen in these threads.
Like this is a waifu thread or something.
Poopcat is your bull. You should probably kill yourself.
U didnt sign hard enough
Lancaster catching cum in his open mouth looking up
Heavy sighs turn turtles into big dicked men?
So that would mean... if April O'Neal were to.....
human princess (and maybe with human daki)
Human princess or Holly
Irish ppl dont know how to sigh
Probably because they have no soul.... It's a redhead thing.
That's very hot. I'll take Ire, you take Smug
Where are the artists and deliveries?
what do you mean?
In my belly. I eated them.
Ur a few years late for that.
Right now all we have is some querky people role playing with images.
Wats ur order.
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I don't think I'd want to go to any conventions.. Not only can I not afford them but I'm also scared of all the weird shit that goes on there lmao
I used to request.. Maybe I will again someday.. Right now tho I'm too tired to make them..
>all you do is blogpost about your autistic faux tranny attention whoring. You're the worst kind of tumblr snowflake cunt
>Ngl, the avatar posting is the most pathetic thing to happen in these threads.
I'd avatar using the awful yaoi drawings I did 5-6 years ago instead but thankfully they've been cleansed from this planet..
You know, pal, I just might... I just might...
Fuck off you braindead nigger
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No, pal, that was also a few years ago. that also died.
Now there is only spread insanity. Not the interesting kind. The kind that equates to TV static, mostly.
Kill yourself. You smell like catfood and you have zero redeeming qualities as a human. Nobody gives a fuck about anything you have to say except one pathetic cuck orbiting you because he wants to eat yonkers' shit out of your yeast encrusted twat.
Explain this provo.
Explain it.
why are you so mad, you realize she lives off this kind of shit right?
she may be a foid with gender dysphoria but she's still a squad nigger that spent 7 months flirting with poopcat in an attempt to get him to draw nazi shit for her, she thrives off of reactions like yours and she only comes here to derail threads and piss people off
bitching at her and trying to get her to leave isn't doing shit but giving her incentive to stay.
if you want her to leave just spam her with sexual shit until she has PTSD flashbacks to when her dad raped her, that seemed to work last time, she was gone for like a week until now
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OI! I delivered earlier! What are you on about! Wasn't even directed at me. I'm a hero here! A legend! A GOD!
Look at my lines of MAJESTY!
Why aren't you Provo? Why must you offend us so with those terrible eyebrows?
This place aint good 4 u imo
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I mean i guess.
Though u seem to not understand the tail anatomy so gud.
At least its drawn.
kinn taking horse cock and being fertilized
the squad have never and will never be your friends, they only wanna use you till you break and then throw you away like you never mattered.
R u speaking from experience?
Leave ren alone
Idk who ur talking about.
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pass: orange

current board:
He should have raped her harder she didn't learn her lesson. Did he actually rape her or only molest her? She has that bad touch mental retardation.
Not enough rider tbh
This is blogposting not roleplay.. We've established this already..
This post had me giggling like a dolphin lmfao
Shit was uncanny.. I can't even replicate it..
Also new pasta..?
I feel like you heavily overestimate what the squad is actually like..
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Explain what. I am SUch an outsider from these parts. Why do you think i don't appear on the silly funny lists some people make? I really don't click. I don't know who this cool nazi guy is.. nor i really care.
What if provo had terrible eyebrows, what then, huh?
>Cro Mag brow ridge
Somehow you're just hotter.
oh shit you're provo? I didn't realize provo was still around I had no clue who he was
I'll put you on all the funny lists from now on, don't worry
did your dad actually get his dick in you?
Make a better blog then.
I assume cause ur not very nice.
These lists r just pastas for spamming anyway.
Now now, no need to involve me, it would be forced at this point. nyah!
But yeah, thats this the guy
I play my not nice facade very well.
So well I also enact it without enacting it.
Why isn't this thing getting curb stomped? Those teeth. Need to go.
>I don't know who this cool nazi guy is..
She's a mentally ill female to male tranny and scetic squad member that fetishizes the nazis and avatarfags using nazi anime art straight from gelbooru
She comes here to flirt with Poopcat and blogpost about how much of a gross tranny she is but also how she's better than the other gross trannies because she knows there's only two genders and is too poor to get her tits lopped off
she needs another good dicking by her dad to correct her thinking
I admire this level of hating
Keep it up this bitch needs to go and find Allah or something
what was that show called where they were in court and they would ask children if they were molested and where their uncle's touched them
>nazifag is the nicest and most tolerable squad nigger
>she gets the most hate for being a female
why are these threads so misogynistic?
I'd gas all of them but she's the only one who blogposts and avatarfags so she stands out like a sore thumb
Based squad hater
Make em soap
Careful now, u might end up like yv
How fat is your ass?
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Requesting Road shaking her fat ass
>squad niggers
>males: spam threads, shitpost under anon, don't make themselves identifiable unless they really need or want to
>the single female: blogposts and avatarfags constantly, has probably told us half of her life story at this point, has almost the exact same typing style as other foids with the only difference being her overuse of ellipses
Really makes you wonder
It's almost like women all have the exact same personality
That's why she's a faux tranny. She doesn't actually want to be a man she just doesn't have anything else going for her that will garner her attention.
Most normal male squad member
she doesn't want to be a man she just hates being a woman, she said so before
but she's a picky bitch that's weirdly absorbed in politics for a woman so she won't become a non-binary they/them like all the other self-hating foids
At this point. Dont u think its pointless to talk about watever tf ur trying to say about whoever is making the blog posts.
Whether they r here or not isnt even a big deal.
U fellows look p dumb for posting this much about it.
Who tf cares.
shut up juice
What teeth. that's her small tongue.
Ooo hohohoh, which end, the drawthread ending, or the real, real ending? Cuz if it's the second one, I am In for a doooooozy.
Dat aint me nigga
She's actually, FOR REAL not like other girls. We give her a weekly blogposting quota that she has to fulfill and that's the whole reason why she comes here.
Lawl. I suppose u saw the vorobey thing too huh.
Craaaaazy crazy timeline wer in.
Tbh i dont even kno how the drawthread ending for him went.
>she disappeared when people started talking about her dad raping her
Holy fuck it's real kek
It work with most of the squad i
>this guy wants a reaction so bad
Jesus dude. Y not just say, please come back.
U dont have to b such an incel about it.
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Good evening thread!
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hi :D
like magic mike
whats it like being cucked by poopcat
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onward! monkee wizard, we must find the golden totem of potasium before the next full moon
Hi ghoul draw cute monke
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Requesting Nanako and Maiko giving an anon double naizuri.
nazifag is sweet idk why people hate her
Hog giving candy to a lil baby monkey aint a good look
kill yourself cuck
I want her to go outside and find friends
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never talked with /em dunnno how they'd resoind
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Wretched creature
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Hiii .. my eyeballs are so dry .. ?stseuqer
Seriously, semen is a fantastic eye reviver.
Always works for me.
Why isn't she wearing a big poofy diaper?
she's potty trained, unlike poopcat lol.
Ty fir the delivery m8
Why are u being so gay rn ..
I'd eat gooey's butt
competitive autism. retardmaxxing.
Draw her driving
But... who are you? Do you have any distinctive feature?
Milk? More like stupid bitch that should drink a gallon of bleach.
Milk? More like my future wife and the mother of my children
Milk? More like funny girl who draws nice.
>draws nice
Hell no, generic coomerslop and haha quirky dumb oc
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Okay, Beardo
I meant the drawfag is a funny person not her art is funny. Her art is sexy.
Backstabbing your friends is funny now?
oh you're retarded ok
she looks even weirder
because you give her the most retarded impossible hair ever
puke overuses ellipses for no reason too
all foids are the same
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I love drinking dr pep

Now draw her drinking some grog while wearing a funny little character shirt
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Kill yourself midget tranny
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Requesting Eggs showing us her cum covered soles
it's nice retardedhair
no its not
Just make an anon, so they can be self inserted as
Draw someone sexy
Probably wants to be a tarp. Wants to look like a boy trying to dress as a girl.
>Draw someone, sexy.
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anyone mind drawing her it’s my friends bday
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what are you even talking about ? the monkee wizard is a full grown adult
Is princess Hilda the definition of a underrated and rare Nintendo princess?
requesting a girl mech
now have them kiss
I love cats with their heads pulled back
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So it's like a boy trying to be a tomboy
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My new wip is gonna be awesome.

Draw them robbing a gas station.
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draw him fucking your wife
:( this is... the best of... bad attempts... please advise

Draw him fucking your wife WHILE robbing a gas station.
He wouldn't rob a gas station that's stupid they barely keep any money in the tills the risk vs reward is way off
got chicken pizza n the oven
an d smoe cincreamn sandiwehs
rollin thrur twitter fpr h pirs
enjyong the beak away
Super evil loli
Tell that to the judge pig

He's not doing it for the money. He's doing it for the sheer sexual thrill of the act.
dogfucker that's a low blow leave my nigga august alone
Would be better to skip the robbery and just fuck a cute cashier who probably shouldn't be working the overnight shift by herself.
Not like a rape thing though just bored as hell at 2 am so she might as well get dicked down on the clock.
huh? it is just a request
How is that a request
you take a prompt and draw how it makes you feel!!

or idk. just laugh, too.
You suck ass at making requests
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Now I have hungry. Bon Appétit

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Is that a tiny shit covered shadow being electrocuted as punishment for climbing inside an asshole
Loved her

The look of fear in the cashiers eyes is the only way he can finish.
Nuh uh
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Stop thinking about sticking birds up your ass
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im gonNA stick this FOOT up youR ASS
Things shadow says to dogs on a daily basis
Or things shadow wishes a dog would say to him on a daily basis
You will never have talons
Add titties
Nice I got all my solidified cum out that load was softer
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>Loved her
I want to fart on Snacks' OCs so bad it hurts my duodenum.

g4u anon!! dry cum is never nice to have
Cute gal
But does she have a cute butt?
is there anything worse than being required to spend time with someone who makes you feel more alone for the company than you were without
I thought you were leaving
What about swamperts? Don't they look cooler?
how about shut the fuck up
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bro wtf

>I want to fart on Snacks' OCs
but why? are you perverted?
Just ripping the biggest loudest windiest fart imaginable. Make their hair flail in my butt blast.
That's what I'd like to do.
>wtf bro
That bird knows that you just farted. It's into it.
You trying to tell me you've never imagined blowing Clara's glasses clean across the room with your back end air horn?
Everyone hates you milk
You are absolutely right. I cannot believe I let myself lose sight of what is really important. Thanks huh?
isn't this supposed to be a drawthread?
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Requesting Shantae as a piranha plant
I dream of spread butt.
Very cute art
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nice dream


So what's up? request or something?
I mean if you don't mind taking that dream as a request :D
Sitting here deciding if I should go to bed or play FFXIV
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You know, Dante and Milk were tight, but when Scruffy picked on him, she just ignored it. Poor Dante defended himself, and Milk lost it, unfriended him instantly. Sounds like some serious favoritism to me, mate.
what have you been drawing, anon?
Are you asking?
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If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless
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Cece's a decent guy to me, sure. If he's messing with others, that's a no-go. But, since he's been fair and kind, I can't say I don't like him. It's complicated, but personal experience trumps rumors, right?
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draw black parade rard
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Puke, she's such a cuck, right? Hilarious how she flips over gay men, yet drools for those fags if it means free art. Classic hypocrite
anon please what do you mean?
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I am NOT an active practising homosexual.
Is it OK for me to post here?
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Clique mentality, it's not just about Discord or Drawpile, you know? You've gotta echo the hivemind's thoughts, no rebellious chit-chat allowed. Poor colorfag, always kissing up to the big shots. Classic bottom rung behavior, ain't it?
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Jeffrey Epstein and Peter Scully? Haven't met 'em, but they might've been politer here than some folks I know. Dante, on the other hand, is always stirring the pot. Just saying
Literally me
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Scetic used to think he was unique, bashing porn and spamming threads. Now? Just another one in the sea of trolls. Lost his edge with all these other autistic kids in the squad taking up the same shtick
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What if some of us actually feel it's morally wrong and just want to save you from destroying yourselves with it?
That's the same shit Scetic said, he made a long about how porn was destroying him.

Nigga if you can't take your hand off your genitals it's your fault, don't blame artists for your lack of control
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I don't use porn. I don't even look at it aside from what I'm exposed to in these threads. I really do care though, it's done a lot of damage to a lot of people in my life. I just want you guys to be happy. It's clear nobody here is very happy and that makes me sad.
become owl
Are you nazifag?
Are you a drawfag?
And you are in the scetic squad?
Nope. I barely even know who's in it, what they do, or where they are.
who is this? the friend and requester and artist?
Tabasco or ren

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