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After /cub/th
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wow this is sooo good
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there's only been one pic in this entire thread so far that isn't total fucking shit. what happened to this general, why has everyone left? did they filter out the "ai" in the title? why is this all cyberklaw tier garbage forever now?
Here The artist: https://www.deviantart.com/cerberus966

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Soun dort chez Bali

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Good morning /cub/
I wish I could bath
Same, maybe
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Full bus
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Slightly late train
I hope the bus isn't full of spirits
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I wish the bus went to Tokyo
That'd be a long bus trip
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I wish the train went to Tokyo
That would probably still take a while, but you could get like a sleeper cabin or something
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I wish I could sleep in a cabin with you
As long as there aren't too many bugs
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Are there a lot of bugs in cabins?
I hope not
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I don’t mind bugs, just not inside
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There was a house centipede on the ceiling last night. I haven't come out of the bathroom since
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I want to rescue you but house centipedes freak me out too. We’d both end up stuck in the bathroom
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I hope the house centipedes are merciful
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I’m glad muffet is easy to spot in thumbnails
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I’ll stick my banana in your chocolate muffin
Wait that sounds gross
An entire banana shoved into a muffin would be weird but it'd probably taste fine
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You know what mean
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Time for bit sandwich
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*not sandwich
God damn autocorrect
Bitch sandwich
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That sounds nice actually
I'm glad 101.13% of the souls in Shibuya are ok
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And 2% butterscotch ripple
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Nice bitch sandwich
I hope sweet bream is ok
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Bream sandwich
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I wish I had nipples like that
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That might look weird
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