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aren't you grinding your own coffee beans, and enjoying the freshest brew?
I hate coffee
Fuckin pleb, I do, but with this.
I'm not a faggot, instant coffee is good enough.
because I value my time more than the flavour of my coffee.
Vacuum packed lavazza tastes good enough for my purposes
if you want to be a real coffee wanker you need a ceramic burr grinder, high speed blade grinders create too much heat which taints the flavor.
> :The ultimate coffee fag has entred the discussion
Because I'd rather buy coffee grounds from a bootlicker company so I can feel a sense of belonging to "mih cuntry" since I have no individuality.
Baratza Encore working fine here
i'm not even close to ultimate, this shit goes deep.
Like audiophile deep.
Im not much for tastebuds, thats why I dont really care what it tastes like. Folgers is fine by me.
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Yes! Try this brand from Tucson, AZ

Whole bean, fresh grind w/pour over
>grinding your own coffee
>but not roasting your own beans
I hand-grind fresh whole beans. Ceramic grind, stainless mesh pour-over.
I’m roasting some beans in my ass for ya!
Because I can get drip coffee with unlimited refills for a dollar at a coffee shop within walking distance of me, and it's given to me by hot-assed young girls in black leggings. Nothing for me to grind, brew, or clean. Just coffee and hot-assed young girls. That's worth a dollar.
does anybody else here hate coffee?
I hate coffee. I've always hated coffee.
these lame ass drip coffee losers, do you even calculate the pressure of your PID tuned espresso machine?
I do. Why are you dumping homosexual milk and flavors into yours when you claim to care about freshness?
>conical burr grinder
even a cheap ass 6 bar machine is superior to drip. hell, even an aeropress is.
To each his own. Espresso is not the same as drip.

It's like saying whiskey is superior to tequila. They're different.
you can make more than espresso with an espresso machine
yeah they are different, tequilla is trash and so is drip
I am you nigger
i'm not a stinking yankee fuck, i drink local grown herbal tea
>I do, but with this.
Bezos thanks you for your plebishness.
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Endorsed by Borat Sagdiyev.
Oh, sweet child of summer.
You probably mean "tisanes", a term that can be applied to all herbal infusions. Tea is made specifically from the leaves of Camellia sinensis.
Used to when I was looking at maps and reports. They joked I was the Desert Tiger from Gundam Seed and never stopped after Seed Destiny aired thanks to his eye scar and my bloody eyepatch. I even had one like his. I never had the heart to tell them I randomly saw that and realized his coffee maker was the one I wanted. Sniper ricochet hit my coffee maker once and all I could do was shake my head - what a bummer.
Then of all things I found I liked robusta the most. Robusta! Here I was blending some of the most exquisite coffee I could find and I discovered like the cheapest. Kinda stopped all together when I found out that.
based botanist
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>the military is full of super cool people guis it's like an adventure
this is the most genuine cesspool over, bros just in here being coffee snobs for fun and call each other slurs. Y’all are keeping the internet alive no sarcasm
I do. Baratza burr grinder and a kitchen scale and premium coffee. Little bit of work but worth the effort.
For a dollar? You’re full of shit.
Still using the same Toastmaster blade grinder that I bought from Trader Joe's in the early 1980s. Currently grinding Bean Bros dark roast, exceptional quality, Mx$350 per kilo (US$8.70 per pound).
Yeah, they really do push that adventure angle, don't they?
Well, with sales tax it's $1.07, and you have to get the small. But who cares what size it is if you get free refills.
I am faggot, when you gonna finally get out of the basement?
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overpriced nigger garbage made by niggers sold to morons

just drink water or continue to be a retard cumsoomer idgaf
kek can confirm
just OCD kickin in

Pop quiz: which has more caffeine, green beans or espresso beans ?

Think long and hard before being declared an asshole . .. . .
lol my wife bought that grinder at Kroger for $2.50

no shit. they had it on the clearance shelves, and for only $2.50 of course she wasn't going to pass it up.
I can't drink coffee anymore, for some reason it makes bears attack me.
>it makes bears attack me.
they just want some of your coffee
and dat ass
when I was a young man, I got a job working at a coffee shop in Lenox Square Mall in Atlanta, specifically because it was LENOX SQUARE, where all the hottest women shopped. the 'high end' sophisticated pussy.

I didn't give a fuck about the paycheck. I was getting SO much pussy at that job. not exaggerating, I had shitloads of gorgeous women flirting with me, one after another after another. I was like their 'coffee bartender' and I was fucking a different woman every night.

My social calendar was swamped. my buddies were all like "dammit dude!" because I was literally plowing through women.

I make the absolute best cappuccino, too.
it's an art as well as a science, and I was at the top of my game, slingin' mochaccino and slayin' pussy.

back then, I was a bit of a 'rocker' type, but almost all of the women I was fucking from the coffee shop were young professional upwardly mobile 'preppie' types

God damn, those were good times. I worked there for less than a year, because one of the women was Jill, an incredibly talented professional illustrator who worked as a designer for Ted Turner's Network. Jill and I became an official couple, moved in together, and there was no longer any reason for me to use the coffee shop as a hunting ground.

that job was amazing
kys lolvis
Because I am not a woman.
OP here. My wife and I have both noticed over the past year coffee seems to give us bad stomach issues, and we feel too edgy.

we've both cut down to just one cup a day
>aren't you grinding your own coffee beans
I am. You, however, seem to be chopping yours.

best by far:
Sumatran coffee beans
it's their wet hulling process that makes the difference
not gonna look at your shitty link
there's another coffee from Sumatra that people like
We do. I have four different grinders for different preparations and purposes. One Turkish hand grinder for Turkish coffee and espresso. One old fashioned general store style wall grinder for my cabin and power outages, one small electric grinder for personal use, and one large electric for daily breakfast with my in-care charges. I use Costco Rainforest Blend for daily service, and various specialty beans for others. Cafe Du Monde for camping with my niece because she thinks she's one of Huey Long's belles. (She may be a bit touched; but family is family.)
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I do sometimes when I have a free weekend.

I use a French press and let it sit for 12-24 hours. Leave it at room temp and heat it for hot coffee or cool it in a mason jar for some bad ass ice coffee.

Nice bro.
I refuse to drink second hand coffee. Not some kind of Human Coffeepillar.
I can live with that
Model 1119?
Sounds like I got about forty years of service out of mine before your wife got her sweet deal.
The darker the roast, the less acidic the coffee. Also loses some of its caffeine.
I'm a tea guy myself
Ihave always been a huge coffee enthusiast, not a coffee 'snob', but just a red-blooded old fashioned coffee LOVER.

but in the past year or so, I've noticed that coffee has been giving me a weird uncomfortable feeling, and giving me serious gastric issues.

it's gotten worse and worse as time has passed. Oddly enough, my wife has been experiencing the exact same thing, and strangely, a few of our friends have told us the same thing. Like I said earlier, it's reached a point where we can only drink one cup, and even then, sometimes that single cup will make us feel weird

it sucks, because coffee was such a staple for us.
a working man right here. only faggots spend 30 minutes on coffee. you drink it for the caffeine. ill take that extra 30 minutes to sleep.
I will drink any brown, caffiene containing sludge claiming to be coffee. It's all fine.
Which bathroom do you use?
Because coffee gives me the shits, at least it has for the last six months.
>six months
I'm gonna get the numbers wrong here, but I think it's something like 90% of people worldwide drink instant coffee.

it could be 80% but it's the overwhelming majority of coffee drank is instant.

Me?... I don't complain either way. I'm just as comfortable with instant as I am with a large cup from a gas station, or a cappuccino, or an espresso.
I drink tea. Pinkies out fuckers!

okay, fuckface...
that time I actually laughed

good work
Thanks, some of us aren't constant spammers.
Coffee Nips

literally a soldified cup of coffee
unfortunately, BRACH'S bought out the company, and changed the original formula for Coffee Nips, and I think they may have already discontinued the product.
I've done both ground the whole bean ground at home and never noticed any difference, honestly.
>I hate coffee

This, I only drink it if I want to stay awake, and there are far better options.
I call that a 'coffee snake'
underrated post
If you are using pre ground then it might be a cockroach allergy.
No BS. Google it.
absolutely correct, sir!
in fact, as you already know, pre ground coffee is filled with all sorts of shit, like wood and dirt and other much worse filler.

it minimizes the caffeine, but doesn't eliminate it. there's still plenty of caffeine in there. the worrisome part is how they use benzene in the decaffeinating process.

Benzene, as in: BENZENE
One of the most carcinogenic substances on Earth
Was that before or after you DJed at a strip club and swam in pussy and 50k money a night?
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> 2024
> drinking coffee
> not inserting beans up anus for caffeine maxing
You know, I just don't enjoy the taste. I think it's overrated and insists upon itself.
for me, it's the complete opposite. the effects of caffeine aren't nearly as alluring as the motherfucking taste of coffee. I think the aroma and flavor of coffee are just as addictive as the buzz.
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coffee tastes disgusting.
pig disgusting

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