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Cuckold/Cheating thread?

Share stories/tips/experiences
My HS girlfriend cheated on me during a summer trip to Europe and I became obsessed with the idea of her fucking other guys after that. No porno or brainwashing necessary
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been wanting my gf to cuck me for a while now. anyone here that would fuck her?
She's beautiful . Too beautiful to share man
>>College girlfriend and I take a bunch of adderall and get extremely horny.

>>I tell her I want to have a threesome with her and another guy.

>>she finds someone on tinder within an hour and tells me she wants to

>>he comes to her dorm room

>>awkward at first but eventually he kisses her

>>she wants to suck both of our dicks

>>she says "oh my god" as he pulls his underwear down

>> he was easily 8 inches and sooo girthy

>> i cant get hard at all due to the adderall

>> my girlfriend tells me to keep trying to get it up and starts sucking his dick

>> she is so high on amphetamines that she turns into a total slut

>>she lays back on the bed and begs him to fuck her

>> he doesn't even put on a condom before he starts

>> despite his size, my girlfriend takes him balls deep and is in complete ecstasy almost right away

>> every single stroke, her pussy was making a loud popping noise and she would moan and grunt

>> i still can't get hard and my gf just shrugs and keeps fucking him

>> tried to get my gf to give me a blowjob but she couldn't focus while he was fucking her

>> after about 5 minutes she grabs my thigh and tells me that she's going to cum

>> I'm intrigued because my gf has never been able to orgasm from penetrative sex

>> gf has an earth shattering orgasm but the guy isn't even close to done

Essentially i watched her have the best sex of her life for 45 minutes while my dick was shriveled up from drugs..
Are you still dating her?
Cucks Send me your ex, gf, sister, wife, daughter, mom, or hell even yourself and I'll rate.

Yes. We even survived 1 year long distance her freshman year of college (i allowed her to fuck other guys)
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Girlfriend cuckold me with her ex-boyfriend.
How did it feel?
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We met a few couple of guys on internet a few years ago. It was pretty fun.
Did you like it? Did it happen again? Do you have a cuck fetish now because of it?
Story and moar pics
My wife has a work boyfriend whom she spends 1-2 nights a week with after work.
add me on disc if you want to see a bwc fuck her
Any proof?
perfect, moar, what happened after?
how big are you? I'm 6in and somewhat girthy but never really got mine off from penetration alone, curious how much difference those extra inches make
>Share stories/tips/experiences
I was wife's first, before we we married. About 7 years later she became curious about what another guy might be like, so I gave her a “hall pass”, which she used.
Happy to discuss or give details if there’s interest
AMA - it’s better than me typing a wall if greentext
please do, how did she react?
I love reading Green Texts though. I never see cuckold greentexts anymore
Ultimately it was her decision, and she went off to meet him on her own - he had no idea I was in on what she was doing.

It was really cute tye way she sidled up to the subject when she first raised it, and when she left for the meet she was nervous as hell - but still went through with it
Added you bro send me the gold
Into this idea for me and my wife we openly talk about swinging and ffm, but I think mfm is just as hot too

Kik Bruisedpotato
I get that, but typing on a tablet is a pain. I also get some enjoyment out of answering questions, rather than dump a greentext. And you guys sometimes ask questions I didn’t think of

>I’ve added a name so you can identify my posts - I know it’s not foolproof
awesome, did she bring up that she wanted other men herself? no way mine would do that, but I wouldn't mind if she did
yeah greentexts are great!
What happened was early on in our relationship I wondered if she would get curios if she’d missed out once she found what fun sex was, so I told her that if ever she was curious all she had to do was ask. I just reminded of that from time to time over the next 7-odd years, but it was she who sidled up to the subject one day and asked if I was serious. And then I knew something was afoot
has your relationship been okaysince? did you do it again? did you enjoy it?
want to try it with mine but no clue where to start, and if she'd even enjoy it
(think she secretly would)
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one tip is to make sure you center the experience around her and not just your fetish. you want her to feel some bit of ownership not just a
Awesome her bringing it up, must've been hot to hear that. Were you into it/cucking? Any regrets?
That's actually solid advice
> has your relationship been okaysince?
It was years ago and yes we’re fine. Still happily martied
>did you do it again?
No. That was her choice, although I would have been OK had she wanted to. I guess she satusfied her curiosity, and I think she was a little ashamed at herself for thinking with her pussy - female post#nut clarity?
> did you enjoy it?
Yes, on several different levels. She also had a good time, which I was grateful to the other guy for.
>want to try it with mine but no clue where to start, and if she'd even enjoy it
(think she secretly would)
All I did was hold open the door and remind her occasionally that the door was open. My girl decided to walk through it. You both have to be sure you can deal with it afterwards.
on holiday in my mid 20s and ended up talking to an older couple in their 60s. the wife was shy but hot for her age and i had a granny/older women thing. we drank and the husband brought up their sex life and said he can't perform for her anymore, even with tablets and asked if i would help her. he didn't need to be there just as long as she was taken care of. i went up to their room with her while he stayed by the hotel bar. she told me she hadn't had sex in years and hadn't been with anyone my age as she lost her virginity when they got married in her mid 30s. I ate her pussy until she had an orgasm and then fucked her no condom 3 times in a row. every position i could think of and made her cum again while i had her legs up over my shoulders. i would cum and go soft and fall out, keep kissing and playing with her body, get hard and put myself back in and kept going like that until i finished a third time. she loved it and i ended up meeting her every night and fucking her like crazy
First gf out of high-school cheated on me on vacation with one of my friends back then. Couldn't be more sterotypical but there it was.
Not even some bit. In my opinion the thing that makes a successful cuckold relationship is loving your woman so much you want her to be pleasured as much as possible and in ways that you can't.
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> Awesome her bringing it up, must've been hot to hear that.
It was quite funny and cute. I cottoned on pretty quickly when she raised it as she never had before, but she sort if crept up on the subject, watching my reaction and leaving herself a way out if I’d reacted badly or gotten mad
>Were you into it/cucking?
Not specifically being a cuckold, but I was weirdly proud of her broadening her horizons, as she’d had a sheltered upbringing. I was also curios about what she’d think if our sex life after she fucked with another guy. Iwas also curious whether she’d actually go through with it if I told her to go ahead. I don’t think she was sure herself when she left that afternoon
>Any regrets?
None, really. Perhaps that I never met the guy (I was curious what sort of guy could get her into bed) and maybe that she didn’t want to go again, as maybe then we could have tried swapping, threesomes, etc.
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a thousand percent. if you do this right you calibrate each experience to be more what she likes. if this really is your kink, as she starts to likes this more and more or find a guy she really has fun with, you’ll start to find even more fucked up parts that you’re super into. like i never knew how much i like when she cuddles with and lets her bull to stay inside her after he cums, but turns out i fucking do.
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I have long encouraged my wife to keep some bullshit/ boyfriends/ fwbs around. I have a small cock and a demanding job that keeps me busy and it seems unfair to deny her the pleasures of well endowed man rearranging her guts when she needs it
>the fattest retarded nigga typing out this retarded fake story
I use to pick up my wofe from shooting porn ama
And one big bonus was her telling what she got up to and answered all my questions while we fucked. I think she quite enjoyed the telling, as she spread it out over a number of evenings
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Thanks, v useful to know it's possible, and that's cute how it all worked out.
If I said she could do those things, I fear she'd never respect me again, but I guess that's the risk
this is me. I have 6in and reasonable girth but really want to see her react to something bigger, obviously only if it truly is enjoyable for her

how does it feel seeing it in person? is it worth it, or should I leave it to imagination only?
damn, she tease you? any highlights?
You don’t just blurt out that she can do anything. In my case I used the fact that she’d only ever had me, and asked if she was curious. As expected, she said no. Then I said that if ever she did become curious, all she had to do was ask. And that it was normal for girls to find other men interesting. And she was attractive, so don’t be surprised if other men made moves on her.
Nothing for her to get upset about, and it was always her decision. I never once pushed her
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depends. while im a easily jealous person i’ve never felt that way with my wife because she’s made it very clear im her priority and she’d drop all this play in a heartbeat. so with that level of security it’s fun for me to play in the edges of “can i find a guy that gives her the best sex of her life?”

and in that case. yeah that’s been so worth it. i don’t know how anyone fucks the same person for +40 years without getting weird.
> she tease you?
She didn’t tease, no. In fact I think she was doing her best not to make me feel bad (not that I would)

>any highlights?
That he was longer than me, but not as thick. I remember how, when I asked her how big he was, we were both naked, I was hard as a rock, she contemplated my dick for a few seconds, held out her palm just over an inch beyond the end of my dick, looked at me and said “About this long”
She also said because he was shorter and his dick a bit longer some positions worked better with him than me.
She also came. Twice. This surprised me as I’d heard that first time with another guy some gurls can’t relax and orgasm. My girl clearly relaxed enough
yeah, nice one. sounds like you got a keeper. happy cucking if you choose to do it again
I do, and thanks.
Did he fuck your wife with a condom or without?
And where did the guy cum?
More? Name?
Without. My girl was/is on bc and she does not like condoms.
He came inside her, which is what my girl prefers as she says she can feel it, along with the pulsing of my dick in her. It usually pushes her over the edge into another orgasm, and she said the same thing happened with the other guy.
Were you guys not worried of catching any stds?
Was the guy tested before he fucked your wife?
Also,do you fantasise that your wife continues to fuck other dudes? Or was it a one time thing?
I want my Asian wife to cuckold me with her White friend so badly.
No. Perhaps a bit risky, but most STDs can be cured. And he said he was clean.

> Also,do you fantasise that your wife continues to fuck other dudes? Or was it a one time thing?
It was never really a fantasy of mine, as I said above. I did enjoy the whole thing (I don’t know if the novelty would have worn off) but, as she was the one getting fucked, it was always her call
In high school I fucked my friends girlfriend before he did.
Post a pic of her
anyone here who's seen wife/partner with a bigger man? Like 7in+? do women react noticeably differently? very curious and want to know if penis size truly makes a huge difference to their pleasure
(im 6in for reference)
Would we know her? Any more pics
I have to leave this thread soon, so time for one more question if there are any.
How long have you guys been married?
And how did your wife meet the guy?
A long, long time now. This all happened a good few years ago, before this became a current fetish.
She met him where she worked. They kept bumping into each other in a queue for coffee in a cafe close by, they started talking, he started flirting, she was flattered and interested and it went from there
Post her, cuck
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I used to go to sex clubs as a single guy and im decently hung, ive fucked a handful of wives with their husbands in the room. They want to be in charge of the cucking even if its by a negligible amount. Like they want to hold their wife by the hair while they blow you. Rarely are the just sitting in a corner watching.
Once i was in line for a full on gangbang on this decent looking broad and her husband was there. He snapped at a few guys because they would just shove their cocks in her mouth without asking first. The dude literally yelled at some fat Mexican guy “can you ask? You can ask first!” All while she was already blowing him. Fucking so pathetic and cringe.
Also that woman that was getting a train ran on her was the only wife i fucked who was decent looking. The rest were fat pigs. Hoeflation is out of control.

Its obvious that cucking is nothing but a complete cope, the husband knows their wife WILL and DOES cheat on them so they would rather be present so they have some sort of control by regulating arbitrary rules to the cucking so they can feel ‘in charge’. Like Yes you may fuck my wife but you have to ask her first.
Something truly pathetic to witness in person.
My wife doesn't have a major preference sexually but aesthetically likes very big dicks. I am 7" and she's been with 8" and didn't notice much of a difference. Her favorite guy so far was smaller than me (not a ton, but noticeable), so I don't think it's black and white after a certain size.

She has said recently that thickness is really where it's at, so we'll see if we find a guy with a an especially wide one.
Nobody is interested in the opinion of a stunt dick sex toy
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Believe it or not, I've fucked another man's wife. It got the point where she was showing me amateur homemade stuff she'd made with her husband (never commented on his size to her, but comparing to myself I'd guess it was maybe 4" at best with an average girth)...She was very aloof the first few months we knew one another, but it eventually evolved into her bringing me homemade treats on days we both worked the same shift. I would compliment the food, then her looks, then the favor was returned, then she eventually started teasing me with pictures...

It inevitably evolved into fucking, with this happening after seeing a handful of videos of her getting fucked already. The noises she made and movements she made with her husband weren't "acting" or "performatice" as I could tell she was into it... but when I finally had my way with her, it was a night/day difference. I'm a little over 6" length and above-average girth, with her being a 5'1 95lb petite thing, just for reference. I also knew beforehand that she planned to fuck the day she came over, so I heavily water-pumped my dick an hour beforehand.

She spasms uncontrollably on almost every single thrust, hurts her hands by gripping the couch too hard, and speaking with her is nigh impossible. I thought the whole "fucked into senseless bliss" thing was a fabrication of porno bullshit. But no, it's real. I only wish for every man to oneday know the feeling because it's been the most empowering experiences I've ever had.
It's like Sophie Tucker used to say, "twenty goes into sixty a lot more times than sixty goes into twenty".
that her?
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ya'll gay as hell
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can confirm, at least with my wife she was obviously louder, moaned more, was more vocal, came more than once. i know that sounds larp-y but it’s the goddamn truth.
nm, found her
I fucked a petite girl once (around 5'4''), who I am fairly sure was cheating on her bf (didn't know on the night). I am 6in and girthy, and she went completely wild, like she was at her limit.
however, my current partner is 5'10'', and she almost never cums from penetration.
It completely depends on the girl, height defo makes a difference from my experience, they like being overwhelmed and its harder to do that on taller women
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Same, best sex has been with smaller women. Wife is 5'11 and while sex can be enjoyable, she doesn't enjoy it like the more petite ones have. Damn shame.
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Fucked my married co worker. Had to snap a picture of her texting her husband afterwards.
Go on
Depends. Most of the time they will cum more from the novelty alone rather than the penis size. Cucks love this though and will obviously attribute to the cock.
its frustrating, wish women were into cuckqueen more haha
Those are some nasty tits
You've never slept with a woman lol
Been sharing my wife with our neighbor for the past few months. So far things are going well.
My husband talked me into cucking him and now we do it pretty regularly. Works for now but not sure about long term
sure, bud
Beautiful eyes
probably hasn't. I'm assuming she's had kids. continue. pref ones she's not holding those up, let them hang
Yeah, that breast texture happens even on smaller boobs after pregnancy unless the woman is rubbing herself down in cocoa butter twice a day. He's going to be a sorely disappointed kid when he attempts his first lay and it doesn't look like the plastic surgery ridden photoshopped porn he's used to.
for real lol. and she has a small frame so she looks amazing even if only one kid. don't see stretch marks on her stomach so probs
My wife is a cuckquean. I'm bi and she loves watching me getting fucked by men. She's always been tomboyish and sometimes low-key wishes she had a dick so it's fun to tease her while I'm riding getting bent over. She likes anal more than piv too, but will often give me the choice when it comes to fucking her.
Kik: raging7bull

Nervous to share your girlfriend or wife?

Want her degraded and exposed in private?

Kik: raging7bull for the ultimate cuck experience. As gentle or controlling as you like. Surrender your girls to a real man with 8 inches of BBC.

Confidential, discreet and contained to our chat.

Went camping with my girlfriend and group of our friends which included her ex-boyfriend. I ended up sharing her with her ex-boyfriend in the nearby woods while our friends were swimming near the lake. It was such a thrill tag teaming her knowing we had a high chance of being caught.
This is my wife's ass. This is not my dick.
did she send you nudes etc?

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