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shota thread
last one hit image limit
no straight shota aka /ss/ please
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If only I had more but I don’t save that much.
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Sho time
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Small homosexual males
that girl is so gay for him
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I like to call feminine shotas girls too
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ToT for bois
damn pissy brat still wets the bed but takes dick like a champ
ZAMN! Naruto looks like THAT?!
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You know Naruto got that GYATT that makes all the boys and men go wild
>Local brat not so defiant after getting jizz facial
>later on, at his friends party, he’s still got sperm on his face
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>Local boychest makes me ToT
>Breaking News: Local boy is gay!
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But that's gay...
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/ss/ is STRAIGHT shota, male x female.
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Prove it
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He's a boi.
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is it true that this artist is fucking her brother?
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Sweaty sho that can beat the shit out of me where?
I use this stuff to justify what happened to me and pretend it's right and good and that I liked it when it's possible that I didn't and it had negative effects on me then and now.
You could always not do that.
I could but I'm so deep in this maladaptive cope that it's become second nature. I want it without thinking about it now. I want to stop but I can't
Buddy, this is a shota thread, you should probably go to therapy.
I think everyone in this thread needs therapy
Here’s my therapy
No, because that would be rape and we don’t want that here.

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