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/waifu/ thread

song: https://youtu.be/Xs0Lxif1u9E?si=EB-NkZ_9nNurvH70

>claim waifu
>post waifu
>dont steal waifu unless trips (you wont and she wont love you)
>no erp
>no overly lewd content
>passniggers get the rope
>posting gets you a reserved place in hell.
>no trips or higher will go unchecked, this is absolute. -Book of Moot 1:12
>discuss and have fun
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my angel, Earth chan
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the halo means she's dead so get the dragonballs quick because my house is there
Practicing witchcraft with waifu!
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To slytherin she goes.
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Seija are you fucking telling me you read the tranny potter series
:sensible chuckle:
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Maybe, if Earth wants to live. I'd do anything for Earthy.
Seija slithering into your DMs
back that thang up and neigh for daddy
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Altair, I cant read.
I wish.
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Then how the fuck did you sign the ballot and vote
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Sus thread...
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THAT is what you question? Not you know, knowing how to respond to what you say or something?
Sussy Momijer.
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I assumed you read everything I say as eldritch runes anyway
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I am very much so! But not really at all... Maybe just a bit... Heh...
Vidya is calling. I must answer it and play gaems.
Zamn! Earth chan looking mighty fine in that space suit!
No stabbing. Just seems rude and uncalled for...
Smol awoo so as to not draw any attention...
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Goodnight anonymouses. Have a great time without me, remember to love your waifu.
I agree! I adore Earth chan so much. Having no experience with romance, I often don't know how to react to the intense feelings Earth chan gives me, it feels so nice... I wonder how many other people feel this intensely when looking at someone, like the heart drops into the stomach area and causes a warm, sweet feeling to spread outwards.
Momiji stabs you with her aloof gaze. Hey, maybe you should join her at videogames, if she wants to.
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Hasta luego
This is such a great piece, it really showcases how Anna and Yuni can be both very cute and exceptionally beautiful. It really reminds me of how they looked in New Dominion combined with their appearance in Conflict. I love this crazy pair of adorable, powerful, android catgirls.
I wanted to draw something similar with them, but old sci-fi spacesuits with laser pistols (like Wilma Deering or something from a sword and planet series).
I have never felt what I feel towards Anna and Yuni towards anyone else, it is quite special. I feel my heart skip a beat each time I see them, and pretty much also what you described.
Nice dubs, cute sleep.
grabbing cookies for momma
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Drank a bit too much.
I'll sober up before sleeping.
My wife Sayaka is very cute
why bother sobering up? I go to bed high all the time and it's fine
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because he lives in another person's house and can't be drunk like that
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This time it feels like I'll sleep best if I do.
I get what you mean though, it's valid too.
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Being drunk is a personality, no matter what the haters say.
Ridiculously cute
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I love how cute Anna and Yuni are when they shrink down.
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Hey /waifu/ I accidentally got really high, I mean totally zoinked last night. I'm starting to crash on the serotonin though so I'm feeling a little down. I'm just like stopping to tell you all that you're all cool. I'm grateful to know you all and to call you my friends k thx I'm gonna go nap now.
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joes apartment lol

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