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Nudify once again
OP pic made with https://t.me/AIDrawing_real_bot?start=ref_823577971
You can do it yourself with waiting right and proper prompts. It's easy,hot and fun
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pls pornify
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Can you do her? She’s got some nice tits, pale, and now pregnant.
nudify plz
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right cum please
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Tentacles or anything wild
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Please NNNN
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now im trying to create more elaborated fantasy scene, not only tentacles, ...
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Go ahead an try with this pic
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Bro her please
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anal pornify?
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looks good thank you
Quads lol
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something like that...
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A better pic for the quads
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Can this be done?
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Try her?
please cock inside,
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Would like to see her taking cock from behind
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Her being fucked hard and painfully. Any way you think would be fun
Can any extremely helpful wiz tell me how to nudify pics?
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Wish a dick in her?
learn about stable diffusion first, then ask me again.
or you can always use some of those cheap shitty bots...
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Nudity pls
yeah i know how to use stable diffusion, just asking for some prompts or how to make it so the image gest modified, not created from prompt
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Nudify webapp, work pretty well
Deep fake video or tentacles please
Theyre not gonna give me 80 pop up ads an a virus?
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Pornify, bent over, please
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ok, for simple nudify, you need to inpaint the area you want to modify, use an inpaint model (epic realism 5 recomended) and play with the denoise to get de desired effect. Prompts can vary a lot, but nude girl, or nude woman can be enough, you can add more effects later, be creative. Also, check the diferent sampling methods, some models have specific training with some samplers for realistic effect. and have patience and fun.
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Missionary, anal, with cum!
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Can you nude her? Please
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I don't think it looks anything like her but here you go
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Thank you!
Do you recommend a specific lora, controlnet or VAE?
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Anything pls
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last one,
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give her some nice big tits
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check the models on civitai, some have specific vae requirements, other than that, i use it in automatic.
loras, depending what effect you want. lots of them out ther, check compatibility (sd 1.5, sdxl and stuff)
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fully naked riding cock?
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her taking cock plz
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*white cock*
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she already has some
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please, give her some tentacles too
Nice! Can you flip her over as well?
So.... let's see 'em
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last one
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Thank you.

When trying to nudify I usualy have a problem with skin to make it as seamless as possible as well as low quality nipples. Seeing some anons making great nudifys I was wondering if there is a specific controlnet, VAE or lora to help.

Still learning.

Gave a try using epic realism v5 and this is the result
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Black cock with cum
The configs used (besides the mask) .I'm using forge
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finally we see part of the monster...
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Cumshot on her big tits pls
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you probably need more denoise (i usually start at 0.77+, that depends on what you want too), and less steps (30, 35 is enough). you can play with whole picture or only masked and fill or original too.
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love to see her nude, or riding on a black cock in this sort of pose
sorry, forgot the pick. Looks lik the monsters are taking turns... :P
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yeah i know, im dumb.
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Can you do a facial from multiple cocks
Tentacles this please
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i think she is having fun...
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How about Erica
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or pornify
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Hardcore please
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Something filthy. Cum preferred
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I would do anything to see my ex blacked. Hopefully with multiple cocks. Thank you great wizard.
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Nudify please
beautiful, thanks
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Can the monster have a turn on her?
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stuff her holes
I'd love to see her juicy jugs, not a good angle but the pic is so hot
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Requesting Nikita again
Cum leaking from pussy. Double peace sign. Ahegao
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Thanks anon
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one on the right - standing nude big tits
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Anything you can do?
Can you do her like that?
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she's really skinny
love to see nude or lingerie please and thanks
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i go eat and com back later to continue.
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Put Tentails or something medieval ofcthis big titty goth wiz anon
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been struggling to get this working
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those straps were bothering me

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