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I have never seen an Alcoholic company using a drunk person for Advert.
I've never seen a fat person in a McDonald's commercial either.
never seen anyone wipe their ass in a toilet paper commercial
The people who can't get up after falling really can get up.
Never seen a commercial for a chinese restaurant either.
I have, but in china. So I guess it was just a normal restaurant over there?
I have never seen period blood in a tampon commercial... it's always a pleasing blue-colored liquid.
Talking about period blood... my ex is in my bed just the day she gets her period wtf is wrong with women
Did she stain the sheets a pleasing blue color?
No, she's wearing some kind of underwear diaper which I didn't check the color
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I have and I think it was budweiser.
But the sheets are indeed already stained but with an unpleasing red color
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Those bears get pretty close sometimes.
im not entirely sure, but i believe the FCC doesn't allow showing people actually consuming on TV. assuming you are American, btw.
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Never seen a Tampax commercial before that shows you how to put it in
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I’ve never seen an advert involving a health white family in years. Every commercial is some white girl getting blacked
I have never seen a History Channel ad that did not include either newsreel footage or a photo of Hitler
That's because alcohol companies need to promote "responsible use" for public image reasons
i mean... that will happen here and there. just stock up on dryer sheets and shit and you're good my nigga

if you're cool about her period blood, even if you are internally cringing, that will turn into extra sex eventually
i have never seen any porn in a commercial for viagra
I have never seen an alcoholic company using a tran- oh wait
i have never seen a guy blowing his brains out when the disclaimer for new big pharma pills include "thoughts of suicide"
I have never seen samsara become satisfying even once

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