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Wu Tang
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Hi again, Mrs. Nuri
Good morning? That was a very short night
Again?? I’m just waking up!
Good morning! It was
You're right, this is definitely the first time we have talked to each other today, absolutely
Guys, I heard there's just been a major recall on teslas a couple hours ago because batteries are catching fire. I wouldn't want to be the fag who bought the stock earlier it's gonna tank tomorrow when market opens
did you ever get punched?
Great, I get to double down!
becomes a whale bro and buy up if true
This is a lie
I am punched like every day
Exactly. If it goes down to $100 or whatever, I'm buying the fuck out of it
I heard myself saying it in my head so no it's not a lie I did hear that
And what do you do when it reaches 50?
Triple down
>I am punched like every day
why? by whom?
That is absolutely not going to happen in a 24hr period, but if Tesla loses 90% of its value overnight, I would start to be concerned
>in a 24hr
Who said anything about 24 hours?
>it's gonna tank tomorrow when market opens
which is less than 24h first of all and also we were on a separate conversation without mentioning any timeframe
My husband
Should we call the cops for you?
Can you even talk about it? Blink twice if he's watching. Then tell us how many times you blinked because we can't see you
People always say Tesla will go bankrupt every day lol completely ignoring that one of the best selling cars is the model y
LOL no we just play fight a lot
Well I was definitely still on that conversation lol.

Exaxtly. I'd still buy it if they do go bankrupt though, it'd be pretty funny
If you can buy enough stock, you can take the company. That’s how Elon got it
Yeah, I'm big into hostile takeovers!

I don't know if I have the buying power to fight Elon for it, though
Buyout the company, then give it to me, and we can rule this world together. I know how I can make Tesla better but I can’t say it here because I know Elon comes here
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Attention, rest of the thread
You are in hostile territory.
This will be your only warning.
I'll get back to you in 20 years when I have enough money to buy Tesla after selling all of my Tesla shares
I love a fight
I think we've been had. Nothing seems to have happened
It was a ruse!!! Holy strawberries, Batman! we’re in a jam!
This is what happens when we talk about stocks and Tesla.
We get baited with furry porn...
hi nuri and sillycat and josh ^_^ how ar u all..

i am going to have annie’s mac and cheese with broccoli in it and home made chicken nuggets….
annies is good but it has just as much chemical goyslop garbage in it as kraft mac n cheese does. the white shells are superior though
Hi kumbucket
Had a good night?
Hi Kombucha. I'm doing alright today, thanks for asking. How was your day?

Also that sounds like a good dinner as well
yea but the taste of kraft can’t ever compare to annie’s…. annie’s has a higher sodium count so it isn’t healthier at all but it doesn’t hurt my stomach plus it tastes way better….
No i am traumatized
i just woke up!!! so it was pretty good ^_^ what did u have for dinner?

i don’t know what else to eat so im just taking my chances with mac nd chez and chicky…
Furry porn >_> I would never partake in the sort!
HI kombuchan!!
Hi nuri!!!!!!! ^_^
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henlo is dis the nuri bread
>No i am traumatized
put the mac and cheese and chicken together in a sandwich
macaroni in a pot
Road food. I'd tell you where, but I would dox myself probably. It was good, though.

No, never. Of course not...
I had made teriyaki stirfry and there was old teriyaki still in the pan and I was too lazy to wash it so I made scrambled eggs in it and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
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I am big blue haired vixen fan
From last night he was being very evil.
No i’m not a fan of bread right now
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she went purple
I almost went to Buc-ees to be fair...
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can you recreate this photo please?
+1 to this
Hey, I remember when they spammed this on the board a while back
It was you!
>Help! My gf wont stop making macaroni and cheez !! How do I get her to stop??
Well you didn't need to expose me like that...

Yup, that sounds about right
I didn't but it felt good
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Wait a minute...
Kombuchan likes macaroni and cheese...
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I think Kombuchan is the mac & cheese gf who had facial reconstruction surgery and started drinking kombucha
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I tried to do similar
that looks like a professional MLG nylon shirt right there
kinda does
Kombuchan would you lick Caroline Ellison's pussy?
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Why does the bbc guy always spam this random girl
How do you know it's BBC guy?
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Caroline Ellison taking some BBC
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That >>920759420 is why
That looks more like Kombuchan. Kombuchan, something you wanna tell us?
can you look up and repost the copypasta of sbf chasing her like a wet weasel naked around the office. it was pretty funny and got spammed a lot when all that was going down
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He likes her
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It’s missing ketchup, she likes ketchup on kd
Have you tried mustard on it?
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Nuri would you fuck Caroline Ellison in the butt? Would you let her eat your pussy?
I would like to be in a gangbang of Caroline Ellison. I would eat her pussy
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There's sweater on her spaghetti already, mom's vomit
This reminds me of the Sims
I also love these
Idk who that is
Grab Caroline Ellison by the pussy
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Crypto guys gf or something the one that got caught up by coffeezilla I believe.
Caroline Ellison needs a Sybian machine
It’s my dying wish to go…. maybe u can take us on ur jewish bike after ur twink training and marriage.
i needed money for barebell protein bars… they’re spensive..
Do you eat rice and other ching chong food?
Do you eat bread and other crackers food?
I bet you don't even bleach your chicken
I actually used the Sims in the prompt. That's why it looks decent lol.

The next time I go to Birmingham, I will be sure to drive to your house and take you to Buc-ees with me
yes i love kombucha i have 6 bottles in the fridge rn! ^_^ i just bought two more Brew Dr super berry and island city sweet peach!!
Thank u..
Aren't you guys too young to know this game? I played that when none of youbwere even born yet
Get Caroline Ellison pussy juice flavored kombucha
You're welcome. I will buy you so many beaver nuggies ;)
My sister loved the original game when I was a kid. I'm very familiar with it
Wait you have a sister?
Does she look like you?
Yeah, and not really
Are you saying I’m too young for the sims? >_>
I was probably too young to play it to be fair. I only started fires and killed them all
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I’ve been playing sims a very long time I also own all of the Sims 4 dlc so don’t look into how much that costs
>don’t look into how much that costs
I'm aware... lol.

But yeah, my sims aren't all clinically depressed and prone to kitchen accidents anymore, so that's pretty cool
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Also I really like that picture
Pics that go fuckin HARD
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Less hard, more adorable
Working on a pic that “goes hard” if you catch my drift.
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peak slop dinner
I like slop
raw tomatoes are gross
Ur gross…… i love tomato’s…
Bro, I eat cherry tomatoes like candy, and regular tomatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Get your facts straight, my boy. Shit's good and you know it
tomatoes are amazing... cooked
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I fucking love raw tomatoes
fight me
tomatoes are amazing in pizza...
That is very true, especially the little tomato slices they put all over on top
so cooked then
I definitely didn’t order Cheesecake Factory
Names Tom. Tom A. Toes.
>Cheesecake Factory
I make my own pizza sometimes like that and the last one I made the tomatoes were large cut
One of my favorite places to eat but not for any particular reason
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I know vaping is bad but i'm addicted.
yes!!!! they are so good ^_^ cherry tomatoes mog forever
keep hating
But I will eat them raw but not a lot because our store tomatoes taste weird to me in large quantities. The weird flavor catches up to me.
I got what I think is called pasta da Vinci
Is it the glizzies
I haven't had a hotdog there just burgers. I should see if they even do because now i'm wondering
Oh they serve it on hawaiian bread and bow I want to try it. Hawaiian bread is great.
>not cheesecake

Did you like it though?
You know what to order
I got cheesecake!! I got the Reese’s one!
And yah it was pretty good, very mushroomy
>I got the Reese’s one
Not only am I happy again, but now I'm very happy hearing that lol

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