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post a picture of the fattest girl you've nutted in
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They haven't made a camera with a panoramic lens that big yet.
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Im Michelle from Lodi, Wisconsin. If you know me, message me on kik@ michelle2626288
They don't make a lens that wide of an angle that can be easily carried. I like them to be a physical topographical map and have their own zip code.
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I cum in this one all the time
More of that hog
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I've never had sex with anyone over 140lbs
You ain't lived till you had a fat bitch give you the sloppiest top you ever had nephew
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I'm good. I prefer to be turned on by my sexual partner.
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I'd easily nut in her, damn
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Felt so good to pump this one with seed
Nice ass, more please?
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Shot literally over 40 loads inside her over the years
She built like a MF rotisserie chicken.
Is it good?
Does she let your pound her shitter?
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She would get my load every time, she's got my cock so hard, would love to pump some cum in her
This chick is riddled with a fungal infection under her tits lmao imagine been that fat

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