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g/fur fine. i'll do it.
yay. big thank.

Greetings, dear kobold.
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this thread has been blessed by the panda god, may your apples be fruitful and your trees evergreen
Was literally waiting for me to be able to make it. Thanks.
greetings katter, please end this suffering
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why is it so hard to find a relationship with someone from the community that isn't hopelessly unhinged?
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ahoy friends!
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furries are usually weird
define unhinged

sup wifeboi
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we're all made here.

not much. how you doing DA?
better be granny smith

Not sure how I'll be able to, I manage on the day by day and the warm weather is the only thing keeping me relatively stable.

Look on the bright side, I don't think the Turks will put up a fight on Saturday.
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hoober? Also what's with the hoober revolt in the UK, what are they planning?

okayish but boring

Actually hoping they will, regardless of the result there won't be a winner in this country anyway. So it better be Turkey, makes it end it for me and probably saves a couple more bucks
of course, i'm not a psycho who blesses people with something like pink lady lol
nobody can't stand bongs and bong animals
bongs are okay usually
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Yeah I think I'll drop few oats on Derg head
pic somewhat realted
what did I miss..?
just fucking with you
it's working..?
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how I should know
I just told you
told what
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They call him Bandit because he is "ban'd" from dozens of municipalities
that it's working
bongs are the worst from both a cleanliness and just use-case standpoint
if you're that concerned about the harshness of the draw, get a flower vaporizer
its not like the water is doing anything to really filter the smoke or tar as I assume some people like to think
then if you don't want to smoke the leftover decarbed bud its easy to extract whatevers left into tinctures or baked goods
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so its not working you say
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>It's almost the same cost of eating cooked dinner each day
no its not, the food itself is at least twice as expensive and thats before you tack on delivery fees and bs
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Granny Smith Gang


Fair enough, and what's this about a hoob revolt?
Why is the pp backwards?
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>i'm not a psycho who blesses people with something like pink lady lol
i feel personally attacked!!!!!
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how should I know
bongs, britbongs, brits, britaininans


all the hoobers in london going wild lately

as you should
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fuckin tasty sluts get in me

pink lady best apple
absolutely disgusting
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is that hal 9000, or like... what's that one car?

you're the one fucking around
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It's a cylon toaster, toaster gets thrown around as a derogatory for the robot race in the BSG reboot. just being a sci fi nerd.

Ah yes, the 2024 London Horse Riots, truly will be a great spectavle.
you know what I've been referencing about
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i'm sowwy *hug*

>toaster gets thrown around as a derogatory
a lot of robot and planetary/astrological racism since that's the original human planets are named. That being said I'd be okay with living in that kinda world because I know I'd end up being from a bougie planet.


I don't
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ok now it makes sense since I'm talking about another hoober rampage
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the cameraman isnt wearing cat ears. shame.
oh okay. smart hoober
Doesn't help the tourists act like complete dipshits in front of the hoobs.
*whips out pp*
*plapps u*
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very smart very angry
excuse me while I whip this out

so true, is he even a real cameraman if he has no cat ears?
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My Disdain for the abandonment of physical media is real.
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100% of all pandas are gay, 20% of pandas are forced into heterosexual rituals to procreate. with the help of evolution, pandas will soon be only males
I'm okay with this
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fine specimen if you'd ask me

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don't have to ask me about opinion
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That is true... so sick, gladly nothing hurts.

hmm okay
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yh always return the cock
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you and your cocks
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why is this kinda cute?
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ngl bisexuality seems like the most efficient sexuality... but alas, my pp only reacts to boys.
sweet dreams
to be human is to be inherently unhinged.
to be a furry just means you've found off-beat methods to channel yourself.
There are no pandas, it just fat Chinese guys they paint black and white.
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somnophilia moment uwu
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S is die, what's up with y'all gays?
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pizzadilla soon
>... was this all some esoteric reference to the green berets even though these threads were always the most simplistic thing to parse in the world
well that and the library of alexandria
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im ruminating in gay
What this, new dopesmoker album?
sounds dangerous
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some slop from /tg/
I need to find a way out of this situation. I can’t put with my parents’ personality disorders anymore. I’d rather be someone’s ugly maid until I can get out on my own than continue living in this toxic environment. Any suggestions or takers willing to help me out here?
that is the gayest thing I've read since that british tranny got kicked out of the flat for eating someone's ravioli over on infinity chan
do what I need to do and gtfo
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goodness gracious
If only it were that easy

It’s bad, and not getting better, just different kinds of bad. That’s why I’ve been avoiding coming back here for months, I’m just exhausted.
I hope all of you have been doing alright
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bunny doing good right now
I feels you on the exhaustion.
Keep choosing not to really eat much for no real reason.
That’s good to hear
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cetaceans dont get enough love

hope you feel better soon
Same. Didn’t even bother eating dinner because I’m sick of it all, and my stummy has just started growling at me. I don’t really feel like getting anything, I’d rather just starve myself again.

I won’t feel better until my life changes, and I don’t even know how I’m going to go about it. Thank you tho, me too.
no, puppies and owners are making life outside my room hell.
my rooms very clean either, so that's bad too.
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its fithly in here!
i miss you.
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*stomps u*
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the pizzadilla is warming on the pan
is that a stromboli
plapp plapp plapp
homemade crunchwrap style quesadilla where the primary filler is a chopped up slice of pizza.
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needs more bacon bits and cream cheese like king cobra
this one has tomato and avacado
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Should I buy a pass and start posting again? I’ve had to be a filthy phone poster the past month because captchas are blocked by cloudflare on my PC for some reason.
Nah, phone posting without pass is great.
That's a joke and so is life.
I have nothing to contribute on my phone and I’m already a blood sucking vampire. I’d rather contribute if I’m going to post again because contributing is nice and I like posting for people.
i dont know what that song is saying, but noice too
Fair. Have you looked into the cause of the cloudflare issue? I don't think I've heard of anyone having problems with captcha, except that short time CF kept blocking me access to saucenao for some reason.
Have bat as my sympathies.
Me neither but it's a bitchin track
Yeah and idk what the problem is. I might just go back to lurking in the shadows and pretending I don’t do it almost every day. Also need
Also hab gay goth boi music I guess
Wondering why these guys aren't more popular here in the US, aside from their meme'd panzermensch track, they have a great discography.
Yeah it seems to give me different reasons how to get around it, from sending requests to using incognito mode. Hopefully its something temporary.
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Tight orcussy and balls, yes
Orc boi a cute. I need the femboy muscles and fat ass
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You are the orc boi.
I need bigger arms for that. But I was already considering it because it doesn’t match the rest of me. Being an orc boi sounds fun.
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