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uh huh
somehow it will be even better than if he had been re-elected in 2020, it's like we gave them some hope and then just tore it away again
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In a quaint little diner, he sat all alone
A single piece of chicken on his plate was shown
Memories flooded back from five years ago
When life was different, and the days moved slow

He remembered the laughter, the love that once thrived
But then came the darkness and the tears that arrived
A single piece of chicken, a symbol of the past
Reminding him of a love that didn't last

But he picked up his fork, and he took a bite
Tasting the flavors, savoring the night
For though time had passed, and the pain was still there
He knew he was stronger, and life was still fair

So he finished his meal, paid his bill with a sigh
And walked out into the night, under the starlit sky
A single piece of chicken, a memory to hold dear
As he walked away, leaving behind the fear.
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Libtard meltdown?
click, hide post
Happy 4th of July Patriots of all kinds. Remember that we're all brothers against tyrants.

...Please remember this.
Let us not water the tree of Liberty with anything other than beer this summer.
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Project 2025 excerpt
supreme court just ruled that biden can murder trump, so not worried at all
We will see about that, as of right now, if i was a libshit democRAT I would be WORRIED!
Project 2025 is entirely based and non-kike pilled
>if i was
*if I were
You were home schooled, weren't you?
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Wasn't Jesus Jewish?
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Don’t count the Dems out, retard. Biden could be replaced and his replacement could crush Trump. Could happen.

Don’t get too cocky!
The will just spam the site with BBC and troons as usual prompting anons to rev up those filters
>project 2025
>This kills the 4chan
Enjoy the loss of your free speech online.
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Let me hold my breath about this.
>Project 2025
>Basically Q for libfags
Stop being a hysterical faggot.
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Those potential replacements are:
Michelle king nigger obama
Gavin newscum
Kamala harris (joe’s fluffer)
Pete AIDS Buttijew
And a bunch of other names nobody has ever heard of,

All of these niggers poll WORSE than biden and they would need to build a whole campaign from zero to winning in 5 months. Yeah, none of that shit sounds promising
Rule 2
Dont be a faggot and pretend to be the key master?
>key master
you must be new here
welcome to /b/
take a little time to look around
Why are you gate keeping homie?
you're just proving you're a new fag
lurk moar
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How can Biden eat ice cream all the time and not have a double chin like that?
If you say so, stop pretending you get to decide who does what here. Get fucked nigger.
>stop pretending you get to decide who does what here.
show me where I did that
your newfaggotry is showing
Its an AI image nigger, you tell us.
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If you say so, im not the one whos upset about potential new folks.
why was it posted if it showed Trump as a fatso with a double chin?
Rule 2
I accept your concession
still, learn what Rule 2 is
Because someone posted it. That's the dumbest fucking question ive heard here in a while. Thank you.
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Prove it. Or get mad about the mods and talk shit about the site.
>learn what rule 2 is
You must be less retarded than this anon to know youre 18. I know it.
>"someone" posted an AI image of Trump with a double chin
>I swear it wasn't me guyz
Dont get mad about the dubs you fucking pussy.
>libtard meltdown

You realize the MAGAt niggers have been bawling and crying and lying about a stolen election for four years STRAIGHT right? The meltdown in coming from inside your house, faggot.
Trump is dead in the water. He has absolutely no chance of winning now.
Fun fact for any shills here trying to push Project 2025 as normal: if this shit ever gets off the ground, I WILL be murdering the people involved. Not even joking.
>im still mad about the one time they freaked out
Trump is a retarded belligerent gaslighting toddler.
You don't know much about the Heritage Foundation and their influence if you honestly think that.
They are the (in most cases literal) successors to the John Birch Society of the 1930s-50s. You remember them? They popularized the "Russians Under Your Bed" mentality that pushed back against civil rights and the New Deal.
Currently, they are a very well-heeled group of business concerns and old money families with a lot of reach. They fund several think tanks including the CATO and their own Heritage Group, and basically run the Federalist Society despite its supposed political neutrality.
They're a heavy hitter in both the dark money and super-PAC worlds.
Even though their stated mission is to protect The American Heritage of Freedom and Democracy for All, they published and pushed Project 25 in all deadly seriousness; with not an iota of shame or irony.

They also enjoy tax-exempt status.
> look at me gaslighting him on a mongolian basket weaving forum
Oof, reach for the stars there.
>the dubs you fucking pussy.
>dubs makes me an internet tough guy
stand back everyone!
You will never find bigger crybabies than MAGA Trumpers. I can't wait to see them sperg again when Biden is inaugurated again before they get cut down by machine gun fire.
Wow...when did bullshit paranoia switch sides?

Boomer secret clubs are no longer secret as their senior members drop dead from old age.
do you legitimately not know what gaslighting is?
sounds like Biden performing an "official duty" without consequence
Thanks SCOTUS!
>tough guy
No paranoia. Very matter of fact. Project 2025 is the enemy and will be exterminated.
Project 2025 is entirely cringe and kike pilled.
You meant to ask me if i cared. No, no I dont.
Um, they're a real conservative group, anon. You can look them up. I mean in the phone book, if you can still find one; not just wikipedia. Do you live under a rock?
It was never a secret club. They're registered as a 503c.
Ok buddy, if you say so. Is project 2025 in the room with you?
That's because you're a fucking idiot.
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>you fucking pussy
I live in reality, not a world dictated by people with no jobs posting shit on the internet...so yes? A rock.
Yeah, I think that was the joke Anon was going for...

Absolutely. The fascists have every intention of destroying the United States and making it into a Christo-Fascist Authoritarian state. Problem is they have to fight us to make it happen, and that's when they all die. I can't wait for the opportunity to send them all to hell.
If its an idiot to you I cant see how it matters.
did you mean 501(c)(3)?
Haha, you have no idea how much this helps me. Dumb cunt.
>Appeals to Normalcy
Aw, cute. So you're either a moron, or you're gaslighting us.
-And given you're posting in a "Libtard Meltdon" thread on 4chan, going to have to assume both are true.
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MAGA is just the massive boomerfags lamenting their low of power in the United States. They're a joke, and if they dare to attempt another coup, another will slam the door on them for once and for all.

That's just what we fucking do.
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>you have no idea how much this helps me.
knock your self out, tough guy
>he said vehemently from behind his keyboard
Everyone of your imaginary enemies are shaking.
thats so fucking kino
gay retard army that lives and dies for buttsex in botswana
The People taking their complaints to the backstabbing faggot politicians who do nothing but line their own pockets and force young men to die for buttsex in botswana
Shit. Which one is 503? Church? It's been a long day.
Lmao. Thanks for bringing her down a peg.
when did you start lying about the fact that the Heritage Foundation who authored the Project 2025 website where they themselves published their goals to dismantle government oversight and install trump ideologues in agencies is a genuine organization that's been sticking their oar into conservative politics since the Reagan era?

And lets see, what else have you been claiming was "bullshit Paranoia"? Oh yes. the warnings about dismantling Roe vs Wade... it's not "paranoia", Project 2025 is a reality.

But I expect when you get dragged off to a camp for being a "deviant" to the religious nutcases, screaming about how they're hurting the "wrong people" you won't see the irony, will you.
Can u imagine the limp waisted MAGA homosexuals taking on antifa? LOOOOOOOOL. Antifa would stomp the absolute total motherfucking SHIT out of those bitch ass little red hat fuckass pussyfags!!!!
>force young men to die
We have open enrollment in the US, dont use the word force. Makes you sound like a self pitying nigger.
Howd the garden in oregon work out?
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You have to be a seriously weak faggot little homo bitch to still be on the Trump train after everything we've seen.

Trump lost?
We have zero proof that you're even really nosoundgirl. You could be someone here to ruin the brand.
-Either way, you're still a namefag on /b/... Just keep that in mind.
Biden absolutely failing the first debate this year made you feel this way? Youre being purposely disengenius and you know it.
Thanks, its working then.
I know that they aren't actually associated with any candidate and anything they come up with isn't going to affect shit. Libs are freaking out about some niggers with little influence and talking shit about stuff that will never be remotely attempted.
You're afraid of this garbage like you're afraid of all the imaginary "Russian agents" from a shithole country run by a bloated faggot that's currently tied down in a war and getting BTFOed by a country 1/4th their population.
You're afraid of ghosts and non-existent conspiracies., anon.
Nope. He's the official worst president in history twice over. Deal with it.












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I hope the Dickless MAGA homofags pull another Boomer Power Hour when Biden is re-elected. I'm going to get some. If you're wearing that red hat, you are a dead motherfucker.
Still, voting not biden.
>like you're afraid of all the imaginary "Russian agents"
Kill yourself.

GRU Web brigade (St. Petersburg offices primarily)

FOCAL TARGET: 4chan, Reddit

Instructions: operatives are to insert GRU-provided forgeries and replica news site article clippings into social media discussions. They then support the content of the forgeries and seed additional conspiracies into target audiences when their presence is detected or assumed. They spread 'kompromat' to target adversaries and obfuscate their presence as well as ridicule the users who don't believe the posted content. Above all, they just hide the Kremlin's attribution and presence at all cost and provide plausible deniability when accused of being Russian. If need be, accelerate the termination of threads through the mass posting of images if too many users seem to be cognizant of their true goals or intentions.

Source: C. Watts, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Centers for Cyber and Homeland Security)












There is a great HBOMax documentary on them called Agents of Chaos. Watch it if you have HBOMax. It will show you how the process works.
you mean, "I dont have any counter-argument to the presented facts, so I'm going to announce I'm an utterly ignorant moron incapable of reading more than 100 words instead"?

way to proudly display that your thoughts on anything are quite worthless.
what gives you that idea? That implies anyone ever cared about nobunsgurl's brand to begin with.
Biden is far worse. He's a corrupt sociopathic pedophile at his best, and now he's also in 5th stage dementia.
Then just go eat a bullet.
Fucking yawn.
Should Biden use his new SC power to eliminate Trump?
Some random group of faggot libs announcing this garbage for purposes of propaganda is not in any way official, you seething faggot.
There is no official rating of presidential performance.

Yep. This is how the Russians have operated since 2012. And none of it worked. Trump still lost, and Biden will win twice. Americans don't allow kings.
Who would spend their time arguing about politics on 4chan when reality is a thing? Plus, I know now that tl;dr just enrages you so...tl;dr
>with little influence
...sigh. So you work for them. Okay. So are you with Turning Point USA, or the Doing It For Free® army?
You keep calling it a brand you dumb faggot, thats why.

Ah-yup! Can't wait to see the right seethe when Trump gets Seal Team 6'd at Mar a Lago. We should have games him on January 6th 2020 anyway.
>Reeeeeee Russia Russia Russia
Russia is a third world shithole run by a bloated faggot. And you make out like they're an unstoppable juggernaut that the entirety of western intellegence agencies are completely powerless to do anything about.
Tell me, anon, why do you have such a massive amount of respect for snow niggers that you're making them out to be so godlike in their ability to control the world?
You're ridiculous.
Yeah, Russian agents commonly refer to Putin as a bloated faggot. It's a sign of affection.
Fucking moron.
Holding my breath. Meanwhile in reality he's still not in prison, still running for president, and still makes you mad as fuck.
Yeah, Trump really should have been publicly executed back in January of 2020. Biden should go ahead and take him out now. America doesn't tolerate intolerance. It's time to send a message to the fascists. You come here to die.
Honestly...what was the Supreme Court thinking? Their ruling sets us back 250 years to monarchy times. I don't think Trump will be the last one to take advantage of this ruling.
Putin is a manlet and not bloated, kgb and russia haters should know this
Dawg you literally just said that you're planning to kill republicans....

No, I'm not even slightly "enraged", at most, you just have my contempt.
Truth be told, I have more pity, than anger.

LOL. Trump's days as a free man are coming to an end one way or another very quickly. It's time to fold and walk away, Skippy. You lost this hand.
You're a fucking retard. Go kill yourself.
Honestly, the continual faggoty histrionics from you libs isn't even amusing anymore.
Yeah a foot now consists of whaever he wants so 5 dollar footlons are actually 5 dollar slibers...amirite. you people are boring as fuck.
Yes. Not even joking. He's an existential threat to the country and stole and sold nuclear secrets.
Only other little faggots admire a little faggot like Trump.
Given that anyone can use it, (just like OP's Mom,) "Brand" would be an appropriate term.
you tried. It was kind of cute, but ultimately you just embarrassed yourself.
>one of these days etna!
Ok then.
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It's his way of coping
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Let's keep it real here.
If the situation was reversed, would you be ok with this?
Biden....twice impeached, libtards "toured" our capital, sends fake electors, felon....?
Big ass precedent was just established by this Supreme Court.
>Russia is a third world shithole run by a bloated faggot
so was Germany at the beginning of the '30s, anon, minus all the nukes... Learn some history.
that's adorable coming from the retards who have literally been throwing toddler tantrums over "stolen election" and "election interference" for four straight years.
Its not a brand if anyone can use it you dumbass. I cant just go out and make sneakers and call them nike, thats infringement. This is just showing some nigger she isnt special and this isnt redit.
You haven't seen his pictures lately I guess. That nigger is bloated up. Looks like he's taking steroids for some shit.
>This nigga is upset that his octogenarian senile party leader got called senile.
>Still literally sucking this orange criminal’s cock
hahaha hahahaha
Wouldnt care, the moment obama allowed the fec vs the people ruling i bailed ship.
Hypocrisy much? You faggots have been whining about the election being stolen in 2016 for 8 years now.
Hypertension. He has maybe 5 years left.
Russian "agents" refer to anyone any way that will get the desired kompromat, or execute the psyop goals in the shortest most reliable way.
That is the chief difference between a simple Troll, who has to be careful about what they say, and the agents that run them.
Trump is a fucking mush mouth dumbass
your side is so fucking hypocritical
Too long. I'd be happy to have the bloated faggot stroke out tomorrow.
Friendly reminder that you're not a real Christian unless you are condemning and stoning trump for committing adultery, and if you're using Leviticus to strictly hate on gay people, you are using the lord's name in vain.
Leviticus 20:10
Exod 20. [7]
Go ahead, come up with your excuse to be a blasphemer and use the bible to only fit your worldview. Go on anon, I'm waiting.
even if he did not sell secrets, he sure as fuck took multiple classified documents to a non-secure location. Combined with the other insane shit like posting photos from KEYHOLE spy satellites and revealing the technical capabilities of them to the world, That alone should exclude him from public office as a proven liability to government intelligence - and that's before you even look at subjects like the vast increase in CIA assets who were liquidated during and after trump's presidency. Sure, it might be coincidence once. but after how many assets which the US took decades to place?
>I cant just go out and make sneakers and call them nike, thats infringement
...Guess no one bothered to tell China.
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What you say is what you are!

Kid, listen. Hilary beat Trump. Biden beat him worse. He's lost millions of voters since Jan 6. It's not the whole world that's the problem, is just Trump. It's always Trump. He's a fucking bitch and he's going to lose one again. Cope. Seethe. And cope.
It will be interesting if Trump wins 2024...but both Trump & Putin die in office. Trumps VP pick will be important.

“Well these stories are, well…you heard my story, the boat. With the shark, right? I got killed on that. They thought I was rambling…I’m not rambling! they want to make boats and they are demanding that they be all battery-operated. All electric. And I was in South Carolina - this wonderful family boat yard…you know, the big yard, make a lot of boats, you know from like 17—you know like fishing boats. 17 to…30 feet? and I said “how’s everything going?” “No good. They want us to go all electric.” I said, “Well, would that work?” “No because it’s so heavy, we can’t get the boat to float. The battery is so heavy.” So then I start talking about…asking questions, you know? I had an uncle who was a great professor at MIT for many years…long…I think the longest tenure ever. Very smart. had three different degrees…and…you know, so I have an aptitude for things. You know there is such a thing as an aptitude and I said, “well, what would happen if this boat is so heavy and started to sink and you’re on the top of the boat….do you get electrocuted or not? In other words, the boat is going down…and you’re on the top..will the electric currents flow through the water and wipe you out? And let’s say there’s a shark about ten yards over there! Would I have to immediately abandon—or could I ride the electric down?” And they said “Sir, uh…nobody’s ever asked us that question…but sir, uh…I don’t know.” I said, “Well I wanna know because I guarantee you one thing: I don’t care what happen; I’m staying with the electric. I’m not getting over with the shark."

"...and the fake news they go “He told this crazy story with electric…It’s actually not crazy. It’s sort of a smart story, right?"

-- a very stable genius who aced 2 cognitive tests
And Russia is completely running the entire internet and the western intellegence agencies are utterly powerless in the unstoppable onslaught of these uneducated faggot snow niggers?
Do you not realize how ridiculous you are?
Trump will not win. Period.
Is china America? Do they fall under our laws? No. Did nosoundgirl make it a brand in my country where I can be sued for it? No. Shes a dumbass cunt that chose to be a namefag on 4chan and now im being a cunt to her. The end, get off her dick dude.
??? No... You've just been telling yourselves we have. We were over it in two weeks, and had bigger problems to deal with.
We're not responsible for your Delicious Democrat Tears echo chamber nonsense.
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Still voting Biden. Sorry Russia and MAGA, but the KEKAROO factor is simply irresistible.
Biden is senile. He doesn't know where he is. And you're defending him and wanting him to be president. What the fuck is wrong with you? You should be agitating for his replacement on the ballot. Not sucking his dick publicly and spreading propaganda to support him.
lol u sad fag
You just created a weak argument to refute when faced with a fact of the spy game... Why? Cui bono?
Lol. You niggers literally rioted for months when Trump was elected screaming "Russian collusion" which was investigated and shown to be bullshit. Now you're just gaslighting and trying to memory hole all the awful shit you've been doing.
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Your leader is eating a shit sandwich in front of the entire world. Go clean up your catastrophe in Russia and get off my board.
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Don't care of he wrecks the car, I'm wearing my seatbelt.
>Biden is senile. He doesn't know where he is
that's the resident desperate subhuman FOX parrot heard from. Now how about an opinion from someone who isn't a drooling retard?
Certainly not voting for Trump.
>You're obviously a Russian agent because you called Putin a bloated faggot and said Russia is a weak third world country populated by uneducated snow niggers.

So basically, just anyone who disagrees with you is a Russian agent, no matter what they say.
You sir, are a fucking moron.
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This is buttmad shit here. Russia has control of more ukraine than it did before it was the "ukraine"
Was never on it.
Was merely pointing out the pointlessness of destroying a brand on an anonymous Mongolian throat singing appreciation forum.
Nobuttgurl's not my luvah.
You should be agitating Putin’s cock. He calls.
Dont feed them.
Who cares if you’re really Russian or not? What’s the fucking difference. Maybe you should write to the Kremlin ask them to put you on the payroll.
>literally rioted for months
Are you ok? Do you have brain damage?
This coming from the people who spent 4 years crying about russian collusion
Yes, I've said repeatedly Putin is a bloated faggot. Why the hell do you have a picture from so long ago? Get something current, he's in ill health and is incredibly bloated and unwell, his skin looks waxy with a yellow tinge.
Putin is garbage, Russia is garbage, and I'm enjoying all of the dead Russians being killed in Ukraine.
And Biden is still a senile piece of shit who shouldn't be president.
Great, fuck off.
Of course you aren't. You "vote blue no matter who" cultists would vote for Satan himself if he had a (d) by his name. You have no morals or values, just a lust for power over other people.
They’re not the trolls though you are.
Also, Putin is losing.

LOL. No.
Wow you did it AGAIN...
Only a Trump turd would still be licking that Russian stooge’s ass four years later
You first, erection tourist.
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If you still believe in democracy and elections in this day and age you are squirrel-brained normienigger cattle who deserve whatever happens to you.
So when did you kick that fat orange criminal to the curb? Oh. You’re still sucking his mushroom cock. Never mind
Lol...you're gonna try and lie and say libs didn't riot now? The fucking audacity of you lying scumbags
Sounds a lot to me like you’re a stupid Russian telling people not to vote lol
...what's Satan's platform? Will he leave the Constitution alone?
LOL at all the absolute drooling retards still in love with dipshits Russian asset Donald Trump. You truly are the world's biggest imbeciles at this point regardless of whether you want to acknowledge it.
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I don't vote, you can vote if you want, but it's not going to change anything, you don't get to vote your way out of clown world.
Not for months you stupid fat Trump shit
And everybody involved in those riots were brought to justice
Your fat ass Supreme court just covered for your fat ass’s fucking crimes
No, he plans world wide gendarme. Vote democrat! Vote (D) Satan.
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Russia collusion is obvious and factual. Only a retard would try to claim otherwise.

"We don't even use American banks anymore; we have all the funding we need out of Russia." - Eric Trump

"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” - Don Jr.

1. two meetings with known Russian POIs in the Oval Office. (Kislyak & Lavrov)

2. Lifted sanctions on Russia for their annex of Crimea.

3. two non-transcripted meetings with Vladimir Putin himself.

4. Helsinki meeting.

5. Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, both of whom have ZERO qualifications or reason to be sought for campaign recruitment OTHER than the fact that they have Russia ties and dealings.

6. Trump's constant attacks on the media and investigations against him, plus taking Putin's word on Russian spying over the intelligence community's.

7. ExxonMobil deal with Russia for oil and Rex Tillerson.

8. Fired Maria Yovanovich for testifying against him.

9. Pushed provenly false propaganda against Ukraine that was traced to the Kremlin.

10. Trump Tower meeting with known Russian criminals and other nationals about getting "dirt on Hillary".

11. Trump stole hundreds of ventilators from state purchases and sent them to Putin and Russia when America was by far the worst affected country in the world.

12. Trump singlehandedly tried to allow Russia back into G7 despite knowing that the Kremlin was paying the Taliban bounties for US Soldiers.

13. Trump abandoned our allies in Syria and purposely left/gave empty US Army bases to Russia.

14. Russia had been wanting the US to lessen its influence in Europe for over a decade and Trump decided to recall thousands of troops from bases in Germany. He also constantly attacks and belittles NATO, which Putin hates.

15. The NRA laundered MILLIONS of dollars from Russia to a handful of Republicans.

16. Lindsey Graham was a big anti-Trump voice in the GOP, then he flew to Russia. When he came back, he was loyal.
Satan isn't real Anon. Take your meds.
Not voting is a vote for Trump and fascism. Just admit that’s what you want to happen.
Literally no prosecutions for riots that lasted months. All you faggots do is lie lie lie and then lie more.
Log fag same fagging his own cringe——don’t you ever get tired of that? Are you even capable of taking a position on anything besides just trolling both sides? You fat ass?
You are completely wrong and an idiot.
>You "vote blue no matter who"
Not true. Voted for Reagan and Dubya.
Trump is a shitstain in this nation's underwear.

Americans don't tolerate intolerance. As long as fascist Trump is in power, we will protest. And that's all there is to say about that.
The riots didn’t last months you fucking loser. Take Trump’s cock out of your mouth so I can understand you better.
Even if Trump wins, he's still going to cuck to Israel, and you're still going to get fucked by rising cost of living and demographic replacement. Trump is not the revolutionary leader his followers imagine him to be, he's an incompetent grifter.
I think we'll do just a little more than protest if that subhuman ever goes near our White House again.
No way you voted for Biden or Clinton. You didn’t try to stop Trump.
At this point I just want to lure MAGA out into the street on Biden's inauguration and wreck them.
What I don’t understand is why that isn’t obvious to everybody. Why do we have this section of the country that votes moron?
Honestly you would probably get your shit rocked by some boomer plumber and end up eating through a straw for a few weeks.
they ain't made for the street
that's why they're scared about people ringing their doorbells, among other things
>Lindsey Graham was a big anti-Trump voice in the GOP, then he flew to Russia. When he came back, he was loyal.
But that's a ton of people on the GOP side, minus the Moscow connection.
The big one for me was "Lyin'" Ted Cruz. Insulted his wife, etc., etc., but now he's one of Donny's biggest ass-kissers.
Are there any OG Republican politicians left who still are still openly anti-Trump? Other than the ones who are making a career out of it like Liz Cheney?
Not about Russian Collusion, and not until mid 2020, and not all the protests devolved into riots unless ACAB attacked them. That's three and a half years after Trump took office.
That was about ACAB being ACAB. In case you haven't noticed because you're rich and white, (or ACAB,) ACAB puts their knee on your neck to keep you from getting what rich white men have always had from birth.
It was long past time to stop that nonsense. Unfortunately, it was only about 10% successful, and the pushback will be ugly for decades.
Then why did the Mueller investigation say that there was no Collusion?
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The alternative is a senile establishment shill who is also going to fuck to Israel and fuck you with rising cost of living and demographic replacement. And will also invite transvestite to the white house.

Haha. You'd like to think so. I'm the big dog in every fight. That's why I want it to go down. You oldfags need to be educated in the worst way.
Stop lying and gaslighting faggot. We fucking lived through 4 years of continual rioting from you lefty faggots.
Cheney’s career ended actually because of her insistence that Trump is a criminal.
If he's pro-ACAB he can fuck right off.
No he isn’t Boris.
You're the big bottom in every mattress tussle, anon.
>Hundreds of riots, billions in damages, dozens of deaths
>Reeeeeeeee it was mostly peaceful!!!!!!1!

Fuck off you lying faggot.
No you didn’t babydick.
Nope. They're all terrified of him. It's fucking pathetic. Just look at how they all immediately bent over backwards to block the border bill when he snapped his tiny fingers at them.
boomers are 70+ years old and despite whatever you prefer to jerk off to the vast majority of even boomer plumbers are old weak pieces of shit
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Yes he is, Biden will send weapons to Israel, he won't be able to arrest the rise in the cost of living, he won't do anything about demographic replacement, and he's already invited several transvestites into the white house. This is your democracy, no refunds.
It didn't. Bill Barr's "summary" of the Mueller Report did. It was total bullshit. It proved there was significant collusion and even led to several arrests and convictions.
I tell the puny little MAGA homos that fighting me would be like concrete, sky, concrete, sky, ambulance, coma unit. Literally come out and try that January 6 shit again and see what the fuck we do to your stupid asses.
There weren’t hundreds of riots dumbshit
Property damage is taken care of through insurance
And yes the protests were mostly peaceful. Except for when goons from your side showed up to cause trouble
>Donald Trump gone do sumptin bout dat inflation yassuh
> Oh shit years of leftist violence make us look bad, lets gaslight everyone and say it never happened
You're a lying piece of shit and you know it
I voted for Biden, but not Bill.
Voted for Obama so that my wife wouldn't get dropped from her insurance for a pre-existing condition (cancer).
You think you'd get your faggoty ass beat that badly, eh?
Faggots who LARP about beating people when they get upset on 4chan /b/ are pussies that even a boomer could take.
Biden isn’t sending shit to Israel and the president doesn’t control the quality of living you dumb fucking soy jack posting retard
>e won't be able to arrest the rise in the cost of living,
Foreign shill detected.

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