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2017 Las Vegas shooting got swept under the rug pretty quickly... what do you think actually happened?
his wife did it
Someone promised someone full Auto ARs and when they showed up to the meet they were handed faggy bumpshits which they proceeded to use out of coked up anger and retaliation. Never cross the cartel.
The fact the investigation was only 1 page tells you 100% the FBI was involved, just like 9/11
Some manlet gunsexual flipped and wanted to kill as many of the people he didn't like as he could. So he took a bag of guns to a hotel room where he had a partial view of an out door venue and shot and shot and shot and shot and shot and shot and shot and shot, until he thought he heard someone coming to stop him.
Then he shot himself.

He left no notes saying what he wanted to do, or why he wanted to do it. He didn't tell anyone what he wanted to do.

What is there to say about it? It's too easy to get a fuckbunch of weapons? Everyone knows that already, but half the people think that's just a-o-kay.

So that's what actually happened.
Same with that NC power substation attack.
you typed all that out and basically said:
>no comment
absolute retards
Of what?
That they didn't find a note?

Here's the proof: No group of four people or more are capable of holding something really secret.

The FBI are more than four people. If there was something else there, someone would know -something-.

There is nothing. No proof of anything else either. Which is why so little is said about the case. He was a completely unnoteworthy man who did nothing of value and then killed himself. Which part of the nothing do you want proven? How do you prove a nothing?
I'm blinded by your glow
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>That they didn't find a note?
Honey going to do an illegal arms deal with the Cartel in an inconspicuous location so as not to draw attention to myself. By back late PS we're out of milk because I spent my entire pension check on bullets. Sorry kiss kiss.
kinda like epstein
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>and then killed himself.

Police have known who did the attack since it happened and they let a killer walk free.

CIA operative was taken out
Do not pry into official business of your Government.
Yea. Probably an exploited wacko hired to run a false flag
>CIA operative was taken out
i think you mean a botched saudi assassination attempt took place
>ain't that just quackin' crazy Jimbo?

anyway, not saying this is wrong necessarily, but citation is needed on some of those claims imo. I've fallen down the rabbit hole of this shooting a few times and there's a few things Sonic says that are questionable. Not that I believe the "official" story necessarily, just talkin about the topic.
>what do you think actually happened?
Dude was a divorcee with nothing to live for, so he cashed his shit in, got his arsenal out of the safe, and headed down to Vegas. Gambled his money way, probably fucked some hookers and shit, then opened fire on a concert from his hotel room.

Shit happened because no-fault divorce is a thing that fucks dudes over. Instead of killing himself he punished society for voting for that shit.
Is correct. Especially since society has the "women most affected" attitude.

Now did the three letter agencies try to spur him into being a shooter? Who knows. Maybe some dude in an agency was able to poke him into doing it. But that shit is not traceable and dude left no evidence for us to follow.
no one actually believes this KEK. you must think we're fucking retarded or something
Just realize how many cameras are in a casino. Now ask your self why not one piece of footage has been released.

This simple fact means the official story is a lie.
Basically, never prioritize a female thats broken your heart.

Sleeper whores will try to instigate you into murdering people for their faggot fathers agenda

Forgiveness doesnt require you to embrace them
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ok but if it was an inside job what were the CIA's motivations? to make bumb stocks illegal? they just became legal again
nah no one really gave a fuck about bump stocks theres bigger fish to fry for them
How do you think things like Fast n Furious happen? How much do you think it would take to push a depressed man into doing something like this? We even have a case where a girl convinced a guy to kill himself, and she wasn't trained even a little. We have regular police investigations that cause innocent men to an hero.
the guy was like 6' 4" and a multimillionaire
project some more tho.
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Except the gun fire didnt match his munitions
Or I understand what police report requirements are
Feel free to an hero, everybody hates you anyway
then why did they just kill 60 people? it's not a theory unless you have a reason why it happened

The Hearing Protection Act was to be voted on the next day. This would allow suppressors to be controlled like rifles. It was likely to pass and get signed into law. The State couldn't allow that. So the shooting g was staged, and before the sun rose, Hillary Clinton was on the national media talking about how much worse a suppressor would have made it. The bill was permanently tabled.
And don't forget the renewed waves "we need comprehensive gun control".
Never underestimate the voting power of scared sheep. Look what 9/11 did. Now we have all kinds of spying and shit on ourselves.
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well it looks like it failed cause most of those gun control laws ether never went through or got revered
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>Feel free to an hero, everybody hates you anyway
Probably bc they were molested by their fathers as children

Fathers that create a science out of exploiting females

And since they were raped as children, they can only see themselves being happy as a whore to the most familiar customer

The first man to have sex with a girl imprints his biochemistry upon her and she becomes naturally addicted.

I also stumbled upon a cult of child abductors irl. Theyre probably intertwined
But they sure do try like hell. What was the last one, that guy at the bowling alley in Maine? Probably due for another one soon.
Trips of truth
The truth has leaked, and the feds are masters of flooding out masses of bullshit and ridiculous false "conspiracy theories" to completely obfuscate the truth. And it's almost impossible to sort the wheat from the chaff.
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Both the rate of fire and the amount of rounds fired far exceeded his equipment.

Bump stock wasnt enough for those results and there wasnt any reload times.
And his actions showed that he was a manlet just like you.
Hm, I haven't heard of this. I'll look into it.
Bc living a conveyor belt lifestyle in a zoo is alpha?
wtf do you mean there was so much footage released of Paddock gambling and riding elevators?
Everyone here is asking the wrong questions.

How do YOU know? Are you the shooter? You should be ashamed of yourself.
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Yea from there the father can just gaslight all her boyfriends and she'll buy it bc shes a a well trained rapepuppet

So eventually she chooses one based on her fathers sociopathic exploitation strategies. And she can be used against him without ever knowing her father's plans
Pretty fuckin absurd that a person like me should ever have to suffer through such putrid vile people
shut up
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I think there's a YouTube video comparing bumpsstocks and an m249 or m240 and then ahmgain against the audio for the shooting it was definitely belt fed full auto.
There's truth to that tho the vote was definitely the following week I know because I intended to Splurge on a can when it passed. I remember Paul Ryan the faggot was quoted saying something when he shelved the bill indefinitely like "people don't need these" despite not being involved in Vegas first in any way.

Target counts for everything the victims where country music fans conservatives, so it begs to reason the real shooters are leftist.
Lastly the crime scene was poorly arranged she'll casings on too of pools of blood guns kinda just thrown loose into the hot tub . Oh wait how can I forget Jesus Campos and his story that kept change did one interview on Ellen and was never interviewed again.
And let's not forget Trump going gun grabber for popularity sake
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He is a Left Wing Terrorist. He shot up a Country Music show, abused the right to bear arms to hurt people who defended it, during the Trump presidency.

According to his Catholic girlfriend, Paddock described himself as an atheist and also often said "your God doesn't love me."[113][114]

A miserable millionaire leftist nut conducting the biggest act of domestic terrorism and the FBI barely investigates it. Were he even a bit right wing it would be all over the place, the family members would have been on the media, a movie would have been made.
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It was ME! I did it like THIS!
to be fair, he had purchased a room overlooking another music festival a month or so prior, but he didn't execute the plan for whatever reason. I don't think the fact that it was a country festival had much to do with it, as opposed to the convenience of its location / timing. Also, being an atheist =/= leftist. I'm pretty sure he was just some blackpilled boomer out to get off some sick kicks before offing himself.
bumpstocks had absolutely 0 involvement in the entire thing. not used. at all. not one.
yet trump stomps on 2A and bans them
Trump is not a 2A supporter. He's publicly stated he'd take guns away from people.
The only proof of that is was what the feds and media claim
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Guilt or shame?

Seems very rape cultist no?

The symbol junkie brain rapers get bored.

Move up to actual rape

Or the secret child abductor in the family hints towards bigger goals

Purchases abducted child for sex

Doesnt know he has to get rid of it after

Has to murder it

Now part of the super secret club

Gets help disposing the body

Marries a fellow rape cult member

She only rapes minds so he has to keep the secret

#monthly friend activities

Has daughter

No resistance to temptation

Now has potential puppet or item for sale

Maybe he trained her well, maybe she goes missing for a price

An entire network of child rapists kept alive by perverse mind games

Countless children missing each year
Just because you have the attention span of a retarded goldfish doesn't mean everybody else does as well, OP
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Picking a venue to make an illegal arms deal where you're going to be moving massive amounts of luggage unnoticed would be standard fare for one who were so inclined. The guy didn't become a millionaire selling girl scout cookies.
He was upset he was balding and could no longer pull hot women so he went ballistic-incel and let loose on innocent concert goers. Just a freak who couldn't hack life...Giant loser (like you fucks)...that is all. Get off this board, lose weight and get a job (and a haircut) you fat fucks!

Basically arabs killing americans again and Usa blaming somebody else again.
I told you to run
Government arms deal gone bad.
Not to mention a lot of his rifles didn't even have optics on them.
He tragically misinterpreted the slogan "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."
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It was a cover-up of a Saudi arms deal gone bad
Not even joking
Actually it was probably a Mossad setup. He met thinking he was going to sell some arms to Cartel maybe gun smugglers he didn't care money is money and Mossad operatives killed him and used the munitions to perpetrate yet another terrorist act its possible.
Actually it was the Jesuits

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