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just got home from work.
traffic sucked.
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Tell me about it, some dumb fuck cyclist held up every damn car because he wanted to feel special.
How many beers are you going to have now?
yeah! those guys
just whiskey
man i could go for a beer rn
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Got another hour at work at least a 2 hour ride in the work van to get home. I'm here from 11am to midnight but the pay is awesome and I only have to work 3 days out of the week to support myself and my multiple bad habits.
3 day work week can't be so bad if you can still make ends meet and have some habits

It ain't bad at all man. State jobs are some of the most desired jobs in the country due to the pay, benefits, and just how hard it is to lose once you get one.
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> tells anonymous his small time problems
this isn't twitter. jh84p2
I had someone interested in me from the STATE but it was less money than I was making so I didn't jump on it. I would have considered it if it paid more or had more benefits like 3 day work week.

I work for the department of transportation. I get about $20 an hour right now but the pay goes up twice a year. Benefits are great, I get health insurance, manditory pto, a pension, and I'm a public servant so if anyone tries to fuck with me it's an automatic felony.

Now in my 33 years on this planet I've gotten into exactly 2 fights, and I'm a pacifist now, but still good to have under my belt.

It's the first time I've ever genuinely loved a job I'm doing.
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Sounds like someone can't afford Tesla Autopilot and a drinking problem.
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I'm a controls engineer. if you get the day off, I'm likely working 15 hours to upgrade your shit while you arent using it.
SCADA or I/O cards in the PLC?
like are you at the Headworks at the odor control PLC touching DI/DO, AI/AO?
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