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I ruined everything.
You unleashed a rabid baboon too, huh?
side note, maybe stay inside if you live in Tucson
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Please halp me getting married.
Guys I found the love of my life and want to marry her, found her on Tinder but I was banned. How can I bypass the ban? Thanks in advance. Can’t buy another sim card or use a different internet spot. She liked my profile!!!!
I deserve to feel that way. I been wishing my parents dead and they keep going in and out of danger. I quit every job i ever had and now i can't seem to find another one. My friend killed himself and always told me i'd have things to do for him after death but never told me what. He always told me i was ambiguously a comfort to him always and i drove him away sometimes. We where sitll best friends but damn. Now i can't find a job and it's tearing at me. I spent years wanting the perfect girl and spent most of that time learning to condition myself she doesn't exist. Of all the girls that hit on me or acted nice in the way i needed. None of them worked and i'm sure with him gone it'll be harder. Least he got me laid again with a thot he knew. Now it's still impossible to meet someone rn cause i'm jobless and i keep seeing cute girls that somehow look at me as if i'm unfamiliar but approachable. It's probably summer strangers. His family needed comfort i wasn't there. Wasn't there to protect him and know i can't completely forget him but feel the Amnesia i got from being lobotomized making it hard to remember details. Which is shit. I hate life rn.
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Man I feel bad for you, can I anything to halp?
Then fix it? I don't see the reason to wallow in your own sorrow instead of just fixing your mistakes and problems. You just want to keep being a loser so you pretend to care about your issues by complaining about them on 4chan. Get a job and get a life, I hope I don't see you posting here again
Is this the desperate rape-spell of a molesting father

Or the rape spell of his puppeted heartless daughtered
A rapist's treasure
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Why not change your IP or make another account to text her.
What the hell would make you think that ? I haven't been molested. Obviously if i say i got laid again means i'm not a father cause i don't experience much sex. A mother did know i was sleeping with her daughter though. That was hot. Just feels like life should be over. We had a suicide pact me and him. Now i didn't get to kill him feels like i should follow suit. Especially with how bad things have been and how reincarnation wise betters my chance of being born with him again.
Reincarnation isn't real and you should stop abusing drugs. If you want to be happy, stop caring about what other people think and do things that you enjoy. Women will only like you as much as you like yourself. Your friend is dead and the only thing you can do to honor his legacy is to stop being like this. He would have wanted you to live a happy life and if he didn't, he wasn't a true friend.
Litterally trying to move on and the jobs won't hire me. Which is something me and him avoided cause he had a easier time finding companies that don't care. Sure girls find me and like me but still annoying me and him never found someone he agreed was good with me unlike him. I've been sober since he died only occasionally drinking but too broke to hit the pipes or bongs. Well definitely see if it is if i do. I hate when people talk definitively like that. You died ? No. Then you wouldn't know.
If you can't find a job then start your own or build a better resume. The reason I know that reincarnation doesn't exist is because if you want to live life to the fullest, you should look forward to everything you're currently experiencing. If you live with the expectation that you're going to get a second chance, then you end up wasting life like you currently are. You should stop caring about women. If you don't want to live with yourself, then none of them will want to live with you either. Look for somebody to love only after you can support yourself AND them. That's why you can never seem to find a girl who's right for you.
What gender is this nonsense?
So how are u going to fix it?
Who said i don't like myself ? It's everyone else that can go fuck themself. I'm anti social. I just know there should in theory be a girl that can be as compatible as the other friends who are girls i've had or girlfriends i've had that's more complete. I doubt there is. Can't build a better resume if no one wants to hire me cause the words out that i quit. What sense does that make ? I've had six jobs. Some of which where office jobs too. My resume should be fine. I know i need to take care of mysellf that's what makes it more depressing i'm not there. And some people don't have that choice regardless to live their fullest life. Not me but like murder victims and people living in 3rd world countries. Multiple lives would make more sense. They're at a extreme disadvantage like i made myself in by not giving notice when leaving.

There are no girls on the internet jackass.
Ill tell that to the streamer sluts you worship
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I barely even watch youtube. Twitch might as well not exist for me. Never got it to work with my recording software so i don't care. I upload videos every now and then.

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