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Im Michelle from Lodi, Wisconsin. If you know me, message me on kik@ michelle2626288
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My fuckslut wife
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imo she has taken one of the best pics of tits ever.
How does it feel fucking spok from Star Trek?
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that's a nice pic, but i'll share the one im referring to. she just looks so damn good here.
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my virgin wife
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very nice boobs, vids?
Lol I assume she's not a virgin anymore
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My wife. 25 CAN
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Show those tits
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Where in can?
without filters?
chubby bunny
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was in a hotel at a festival we were at
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Glad you are into her!
damn, keep her coming
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my ex
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full nude?
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Forgot pic
love this pic, like she's ready to get her throat fucked
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Nice tits
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loving these tits anon, anymore flashing like that in HQ?
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Who is this? She is really pretty.
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Love those nips. What's her ethnicity?
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My wife
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more this is hot as fuck
You're not going to answer? Just posting a shittier picture? The fuck? Make /b/ better.
That pussy bush looks yummy.
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glad you like them
only have like a dozen or so left after i threw "all" of them away. atleast i thought so, months later i found the ones you see now in a drawer
still have all the digital ones we did, many of those for threads on here - those were fun times, gotta admit
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>big chunky butt
Show those titties
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Don’t stop
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48 years old. 5’1” and 115 pounds.
Keep going!
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Shes using a filter on every one of those photos. Do people just not realize this? You have no idea how she actually looks.
Looks familiar. There's a set of her out on a deck I think? Either way, post what you have.
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Gotta show those tits off
Cheater slutpost.
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thx, any intrest?
Sorry for nutting on em
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Any her sucking cock
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Dont worry ill be adding to it soon. Post more that body is insane!
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Not that she would let me post here. There may be one or two like that on our Twitter. I can’t remember.
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All yours
Lets get a good look at that pussy then
Simple request
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GF sister
Yeah, post what you have
Keep on posting
Lol I wanna see her cervix man gape that slut hole!
Tough request
Post your favorite pick of her
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have a lot
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Hard choice
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Haven’t seen one. You?
Try to breed her yet?
sorry mate...

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