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File: fucktrump--thefuckingpedo.jpg (173 KB, 1080x1418)
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This multiple FELON is allowed to run for president. He still illegally owns firearms, he can't vote....and he is a sick fuck who forces kids to fuck each other and himself.

This man should be executed.
kill yourself Ole, you fat, ugly, pedo virgin loser
Beloved GEOTUS can do no wrong.
you're a fucking retard
Wow you guys are really panicking and getting desperate.

Is he also Satan on earth?

Legal documents aren't even written this way.

Pathetic and sad attempt.

Meanwhile, Ashley Biden's diary, which is real, still says that Joe had "inappropriate" showers with her as a little girl.
It's all part of what god wanted him to do.
>Legal documents aren't even written this way.
it's literally a legal document in a filed case
>Meanwhile, Ashley Biden's diary
is not a legal document. the cope is insane.
Post the link to the public domain where this "legal document" is stored and available LMFAO.
for the specific document
>Legal documents aren't even written this way.
Maybe look up the court case and stop putting Trump's micropenis in your mouth.
see filename
>legal documents
like what sort, protection orders directing you to stay at least 500 feet from any playground or elementary school? those are definitely typed up, you're right
but maybe... there's more to the world than your foul sexual perversion you trumpfilth
Go back to making your BBC and tranny threads on /pol/ shlomo


Everyone knows that fake documents get posted to this shit psyop tier site ALL OF THE TIME.

Try again log fag.
Crazy that the claims went away as soon as the the publicity couldn't impact the election.
uh sure anon. It's also here:
er, that's an amended version, but still
Faggots voting for Trump are tacitly okay with me raping their asses because I have more money then them. Prepare your anuses, Faggots.
>trump forced 12 year olds

wow so cool you can do better than the unlimited-budget galactic federation of lawyers and investigators desperately digging for 10 years now to find ANYTHING on Trump they can.

Well done you!
Beloved GEOTUS can do no wrong!
Oh no, my choice this election is between a proven criminal and alleged pedo AND a proven criminal and alleged pedo! It's like trying to spot the differences between two senile turds being flung around by Jews.
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It's on an official looking piece of paper with numbers and yellow highlights. So it MUST be true.
One of them can string together a sentence, incoherent and off-topic as it may be.

when trump is president there will be no more porn or leggings. church truancy will be a felony and all streaming apps will contain religious content.
slavery will be reinstated for the benefit of all the minorities enslaved and women will no longer be permitted to vote or drive.
Public beatings and public castrations will happen on the weekends and a bounty will be issued for the exised hearts of lefties and trannies, who will then be hunted like coyotes.
schools will replace all teachers and instructors with US soldiers, and service to God and country will be mandatory.

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