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My favourite artists (most had been keeping this title for over a decade, so I know it's not a premature hype):

>Chelsea Wolfe
>Vampire Rodents
>Boards of Canada
>A Perfect Circle

I relate most deeply to those bands' music. There are many other great formations which are half a tier below those, but unfortunately, for some undescribable reason, they can't fall into an "eternally perfect" music category for me. I can't remember how many profoundly beautiful, exciting, mellow and energetic (interchangably) evenings I experienced thanks to those artists (and marijuana). Thank you!

If you don't know those bands, then you are a tremendous faggot (probably arrogant too), and you don't know what you're missing.
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> A Perfect Circle
My man. I love Tool, but APC distills that down to perfection.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nShkRKrozrA
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2Yhn6-jJPE
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6kd0FQhd5k
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWkHQQpzuF8

These are my top five.
> A Perfect Circle
> Depeche Mode
> Nine Inch Nails
> The Cure
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Tool is more technical, dark and aggressive. I think their musicianship is greater than this of APC, which is like an expression of a softer side of Maynard.

Good bands dude, but I always thought The Cure has like 3 good songs. I need to check out Health, thou. Can't recall that name.
jesus christ man, you guys have fucking awful taste in music. tool is horrible.

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