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How to commit suicide painlessly:

1. Become a registered nurse.
2. Obtain an IV catheter.
3. Insert the catheter into one of the major veins or arteries of the human body, which you have studied.
4. Do not connect the catheter to a medical apparatus.
5. Lay down in a bathtub somewhere.
6. Relax as the blood drains from your body.
7. You're dead!
Don't do this, it creates mustard gas
>Become a registered nurse
Seems like an awful lot of trouble. Do a flip
That sounds pretty painful, I think you should get help instead of posting things like this
Slit wrists and bleed to dead. When I donate blood I pass out and it seems like it would be an ok death
get benzos, opiods and booze.. take all at the same time in excess and you will die in your sleep because your heart will stop beating/you will stop breathing. it's not that hard.


don't do it tho.. just shitpost on 4chan
I've slit my wrists (almost to death one time) and it's NOT a peaceful way to go...
no shit, who would have thought..
cant you just go to the lake or something and try to swim to the bottom
honesty chances are high that a lot of suicidal people on 4chan are just young kids with a bunch of problems that are making them sick. its bad to give actionable advice to such people. they need actual guidance which is something sorely missing these days. probably they have faggot parents, health problems, no job opportunities, and come from an abusive background. some will have early mental health issues. these people deserve better than 'lol kill urself faggot'. they are our /b/rothers.
Too long. A buck shot through the brain is as painless and instantaneous.
Obtain $1000
Or get a credit card. Buy a nitro dog exit bag kit. Follow the instructions. Literally a humane peaceful suicide kit.
or make a sarco pod
Relax? You'd be feeling freezing cold and uncomfortable if you tried to go out that way.
Not very peaceful.
don't do this
you "get warm" and go to sleep during hypothermia or exsanguination
>live in a first world countrt
>ask for medically assisted induced death
you live in a retarded third word country
>when u a poor and can't even top urself
Yeah, I'm just gonna take my rifle and a nice bottle of whiskey into the woods for a camping trip, and just not come back. Probably next weekend.
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Don't you think you could do better with your life?
I tried. I worked hard for everything I had, I was doing quite well for awhile, but at 36, it's all being taken away from me.
What's needed are suicide clinics where you're assured a dignified death.
You haven't tried at all if you end up giving up, they both lead to nothing being accomplished and you wasting your opportunity
Exsanguination is in fact extremely painful near your end.
Am registered nurse. While this is plausible, it’s pretty hard to insert an IV into yourself. It’s generally something that takes two hands.

Anyways, if you want to achieve this same result, just go to the ER and say you’ve been vomiting and are extremely dehydrated. They’ll start an IV on you and then go to get some IV fluids. Just take off the gown, throw on your clothes, and walk out with the IV in your arm. If it’s busy no one will even notice you. If they do notice you, just run. No ones gonna tackle you. You can also use a fake name at registration by “not having your ID” so they won’t even be able to find you. Now you’ve got an IV and not had to go through 2 years of RN school.

Furthermore, on the topic of suicide, I do believe it to be ethical in many situations. However I think before we legalize suicide for mental health issues we need to first legalize and support the use of psychedelics and ketamine as available treatments. The limited studies are favorable.
The only three ways I would ever choose to an hero would be, in this order:
>1. Heroin/fentanyl overdose
>2. Exit bag
>3. Shotgun to the face
I've been trying for 36 years. I just hit the end of the road. I've exhausted all other options, so I'm going to go someplace beautiful to disappear. Maybe make a last backpacking trip out of it. Just need to get my shit in order first, so realistically, it might have to wait a month, idk. Of course, backpacking in August, it's going to be fucking hot here, but I can probably deal.
just call the police and tell them that you want to die.
take off all your clothes and jewelry and leave everything in this world behind you as you run at them naked when they show up to kill you
Jersey Shore reruns
My only problem with this is leaving a mess for someone else to find, like I don't want my choice to fuck up someone else's life. On the other hand there just aren't a lot of quick, painless, hassle free options for suicide. Wish we had legally available euthanasia services here.

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