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marfa tx is a psyop
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Needs my girthy uncut Indian cock
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i wish two cute blondes would pet my wie-...nevermind
She went from mall goth to total snowbunny
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imagine restoring an old truck with syd
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I only drive electric
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good evening saar
imagine converting an old truck to electric with syd
Totally forgot i had a walmart sub sandwich to eat for dinner.
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I love Meika.
so cute
boring boring boring
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Wow after finishing that sandwich i am noticing it has a strong lingering spicy. Maybe from the italian meats
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I'm glad I've been too drunk to be here mostly, beady is a nightmare, and coke spiced is not fucking good
When are you not drunk?
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not much
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Uhhh, I will stroke my white cock now to Jenna....sorry....
do you ever reach out to her? I have. she replied to me one time.
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still wondering who was filming this
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she's a comedian who's been on lots of shows and specials. link to your imdb.
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Nah I've never tried. I've had friends pay her to say my name n stuff like that lol she'll do things where she'll say stuff to you if you pay her, but I've never messaged her or anything myself.
when I was 12 I sent a letter to Kate Beckinsale talking about how much I loved her and her underworld movies and she wrote me back lol. I think I still have her reply printed out somewhere
far out, dude. I reached out to many girls. none of them ever replied. I think I've been blacklisted or something, on an NSA database.
the only girl who ever replied is Meika.
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People like me are a nightmare for people like you.
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No offense but I doubt anyone cares to do that to you. 99% of them probably didn't see whatever you sent them. They aren't checking their dm's from anyone they aren't totally close to
not a celebs
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I did
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Some poor dude so far inside the friend zone he can't see stars.
No. They do check it.

OP, who is that piece of fuck meat?
Sydney Sweeney
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OMW to my flop house.

Which one a y'all goonin me?
I do not pay her. but she definitely appreciated what I gave to her. as did other girls.
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Well any famous pretty enough girl is going to get thousands and thousands of dm's all the time from the bottom of the barrel of humanity, meaning brown people mostly, so, yeah idk
I used to send Emrata the best BBC webms I had saved on instagram and they all went through (have sent her other stuff on other accounts and it gave me the "waiting for message to be accepted" or whatever) and like 2 months later that vid was released of her sucking that nogs face outside of that club lol beyond stupid to think it's connected but I can't help myself
Good job anon
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lil ari went to the mall!
there's a few other girls that replied aswell. some of them don't reply though.
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>that vid was released of her sucking that nogs face outside of that club
The fuck are you talking about
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the men were giving lil ari bad looks!
And you think she dated and kissed him in public because you DMed her BBC webms on Instagram?
shut the fuck up nigger stop instigating and acting like a girl. go create something or talk to someone to kill yourself lol idc just do something
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lol what a fucking loser
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I am just trying to help you understand how fucked up in the head you are for having delusions like that
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ask your mom she'll fill you in we talk all night after
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Back at the flop house playing music on my speaker full blast while my roommate is trying to sleep. Haha.
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You're ugly as fucking shit bruh
good, fuck your roommate
Ask my mother about how messed up your mind is? I have no doubt she will understand just how bad it is for you within a minute of explaining
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Yep, he's pissed me off too many fucking times.

I get home when he's asleep, he's gonna hear my blasting music every fucking night.
She's beautiful
yeah fuck your roomate, fuck that girl who had kids that you broke into the place of, fuck other people here who wanna post and have fun and make friends. fuck them all fuck them all fuck them all. be lonely and miserable and lazy and stupid forever
If you have proven anything, it's that you're a reasonable person who has possible standards.
Fuck everyone who doesn't meet your desires. you deserve other people catering to you
Are you trying to get kicked out on purpose?
Are you retarded or something. shut the fuck up faggot
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Nope, but wouldn't care too much if I did.
I practically have a death wish. I am the last person this piece of shit wants to fuck with.
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He's so fucking stupid and he's also so goddamn ugly lol
I love really do loving knowing that he'll just keep suffering before he dies given how much of a massive cunt piece of crap he's always been here
You are being extra delusional and bitchy today
hmm? almost some chloëbutt? do go on
you're more worthless than he is shut the fuck up not a celeb
Where would you go if they tell you to move out?
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Well for starters they can't just "tell me to move" they would have go to theough the LTB which will literally take longer than for my lease to end and second if I got kicked out I would simply become homeless again except this time closer to my job. From there I would probably end up leaving this city entirely.

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