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/cub/ doodlin'
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Sound of light rain outside zzz
No rain today
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God I wish I could snuggle with you while it rains outside
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Might want to bring an umbrella if it's outside
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We’d be inside
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Inside the rain?
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You’d be inside me
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That sounds discomfortable
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Lovely Panda, I'll keep to the black and white with my favorite little skunk
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alright i'm up
also god i love bamboo shoots
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There's 2 groups of bamboos by the deck
what does it say?
i dont actually know how bamboo shoots are harvested or if you can get them from bamboos in the garden
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All I know is one patch is smaller than the other even though I keep only watering the smaller one
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thanks for the storytime
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also cute tabitha
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Even spent some cash to make sure her niece Danielle got it good too.
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i havent actually read the comic so i dont know who that is but she is cute
cute pampers
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surely he cant come again
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She's Sabrina's kid, they do a time skip comic where we see her in her early tweens.

But I also really love her tot version and thankfully Bzehburger does too.
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i mean i know who tabitha is from the context of all the porn pics but i dont know who danielle is
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With panda sex, anything is possible
i wish we could have panda sex together
also brb running to the cafe while the rain has died down
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Oh yeah I was just giving the basic details of her existence. She hasn't been around for very long and hardly even speaks, but much like Tabitha she's adorable enough that I needed her to get the wrong kind of attention.
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I don't think humans can have panda sex together, at least not legally
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ok back
kinda misty outside as well
i want to break the law with you
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Thankfully I don't think pandas live here
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is he done coming?
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God I wish Skidoo would take commissions.
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fuck my pic
thanks for the storytime
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sorry distracted
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cute lili
also i wish i could chill on your deck with you
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I'm glad I never ever get distracted by video games
She's so pretty. Great hair, great smile...and so on.
sweet dreams
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quick nap
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Nap who
how is he coming again
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I think that's someone else
that slut
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ok i better ring fit
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TY, cute elinor
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cute gape
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what does it say?
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ok thats enough
i wonder what i should eat
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Sweet dreams
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>pandumb horscok
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