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Multiple factors accepted. Romance/Sexiness/Caring/Intelligence/Personality etc...

Starting with Sherry.
I feel Sherry might have the cuteness factor locked down.
Baby Peach.
I feel you are just going for controversy here anon.
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Mission Vao for my money. Yes, that makes me old.
Does she qualify as a loli?
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Sherry is queen.
I can agree with that.
>Does she qualify as a loli?
I think so. As I recall she's supposed to be like 14.
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Forgot my pic

Not loli.
kys pedo
Yeah, she's fine too.
Sarah has by far the most porn but does that make her the best?
The wisdom of the crowd would dictate there must be something to her if she has the most porn.
love how slutty she is here
Bioshock little sisters.
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canonically, both of Clem's parents are black, while she is clearly a mulatta
either daddy was shooting blanks and mom got a donor, or she had a little extramarital dalliance and liked a cream in her coffee
either way, Clem is a fine piece of high yellow zombie bait
Does being a bastard child give her extra points for you? Or do you just like a high spitting yellow?
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>come home after a tiring day of work patrolling the streets of Raccoon City
>see this
What do /b/?
fuck... gonna need some names, anons.
Sherry and Sarah
>Does being a bastard child give her extra points for you?
actually, yeah
it would add a certain frisson to hearing me call her daddy when she cums
vocab word
Well fuck, gonna have to dust off my Sarah sfm folder now. Wasnt planning on sleeping soon anyways
Wind Waker, even today, is the single game with the lolis I like most. Tetra and Aryll alone make my heart smile, my heart sing, and my boner erupt.
delicious brown tetra
Imagine the tan marks...
the panty tanlines hngg
love seeing huge throbbing cock satisfied by cunny
In no certain order
Sarah: TLOU
Little Sisters: Bioshock
Sherry Birkin: RE2R
Clementine: TWD season 1-2
Tiny Tina: BL2
That are the top 5 loli and I don't think anyone could contest that.
Tight tiny little bodies uuuuhhhhhhh
No Marlene?
you gooning your pervy cock?
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Amalia from Dragon Age Origins
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Emma Phillips from Detroit Become Human
Is there even any porn of her?

Played that game so long ago don't remember her.
That is a solid pick. tfw no slave android loli.
She's cute, bit I dunno if she's on the Mount Rushmore of gaming lolis. Hell, I'd probably knock Sherry off the top 5 if I had to make my a Mount Rushmore of gaming lolis that should have porn games made about them.
Who would replace her?
No, she only shows up for one section in the Stone Prisoner DLC. She's a sweet girl and not well known.
Wouldn't really replace her, Mount Rushmore of video game lolis kinda implies top 4 imo. That's just me choosing who I personally would have my top 4 be, though I fucking love Clem
She is probably too low def to get any love now.
oh makes sense
Claire Redfield trying to console Sherry after they escape the city by jamming her tongue into Sherry's rectum
sherry needs a dick that is the only thing that will set her straight
Guys, the answer is both- that little ass needs cock and Claire's tongue
mods 3d
I'm weirdly disappointed how I can't find anything with Shelke from dirge of Cerberus.
Right? I mean, who better to use for r4pe bait than an orphan... who the fuck are they gonna cry to, their parents?
You are a bit sick anon.

i know. im completely fucked in the head.
What is Sherry anus like
Soft, warm, crinkled, dark, slightly hairy now, bitter tasting like black liquorice and ear wax, smells like a girl's armpit and wet soil, quivers and flexes when kissed, makes Sherry blush uncontrollably when sniffed
Little.girls.loveeeee huge cocks stretching their butts
It wasnt even all the porn of her on here that made me take notice of her but instead it was re watching that opening scene with her. She was a sweet heart
awww factor
I know i am
That's what's makes her perfect, she's hot, adorable, and funny. 10/10 best girl
That's why they're good for hatefucking anal
Guys, post more pictures of sherry and sarah already.
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Who is this>>921945219
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I wanna put my little cock in her little butt.
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>C'mon, don't stare. Feels good.
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unloved ciri :(
I want my Sarah fresh from soccer training
What does this mean
I want Sarah fresh from soccer practice peeling her g string that daddy bought for "flexibility" from between her sweaty cheeks…
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He wants Sarah fresh from soccer training. Sweaty and unshowered.
>stills from a webm
For what purpose
Wtf, is this a reference to something ? You want her to stink???
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the animations are dogpoop
100% Sothis, she's adorable, dresses provocatively and she has such a demeaning attitude she's the perfect little mesugaki domme
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only the most comy undies for Sarahs butthole
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Feet stink
ATF ban this,same as rule34video.
where can i find artists,and animations of vidya lolis?
is there a pixiv like site or a booru?
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I lust over Efi so bad
rule34hentai has a ton of stuff but it isnt organized into tags and you need an account for loli but 6k+ images of sarah
stop asking this shit in every thread retard
Why the fuck would the atf ban lolis, do they shoot up the neighborhood niggers?
I love how smug she is
Got more?
What game is sherry from?
Resident Evil 2, that version is from the remake
Claire and Sherry casually masturbating together
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I got you /b/ro
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I was told you wanted videogame lolis
Perhaps, more
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Fuck yeah
How come normalfags attack 2d loli threads while leaving disgusting filth like this untouched? Are they stupid?
>The one where shes just bouncing like a cockhungry slut on the front seat
I wish her game was more popular like last of us.
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So since I want some perv fuck anon to chat about the videos I have and I'm too lazy to convert them to webms, I'm gonna be sharing them on kik if anybody wants to join me for some of my fave sarah vids

@ rpthrowaway24 on kik
Bestvloli hentai games?
Lost Life
Dog Princess
Teaching Feeling
I'd love her :(

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