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That bitch Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is trying to make AI porn illegal. So, I'll be posting a bunch of deepfake nudes of her in this thread and i encourage you to do the same.

Just ban the jewhub=pornhub and peace will reign again.
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So does Trump.In fact he wants to make all porn illegal. Screw Project 2025
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Fuck Trump too. Fuck America's sexual repression bullshit
Nobody with a brain takes that shit seriously you faggot shill.
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Well there are a lot of braindead retards and conservatives in america
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Nice, which app or site are you using?
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Zooey from the movie Elf
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Ilhan Omar, AOC's friend
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I know why politicians feel like it would be indefensible to vote against this, but SCOTUS should strike it down. Making derivative artworks from publicly available images is a 1st amendment protected activity.

Sometimes politicians and even the public want to do something wrong, but that doesn't mean we should do it.
Of course she does
She's the biggest star of AI porn
>Fuck America's sexual repression bullshit
The United States is the most sexually deviant and degenerate country in the world except for maybe France.
i remember seeing deep fake videos of AOC fucking and sucking like 2 or 3 years ago. Back then, this technology was only available to highly skilled computer nerds. So yea, she has been a porn star for a long time now
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She's what's known as a headliner.
The star that pulls in the big money.
She earned it by flaunting her tits in her campaign ad.
AOC has never had a problem with using her sexuality to further her career.
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She fucks like a champ!
You guys watch too much MSNBC. But thanks for confirming that stupid people are easily manipulated.
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>Nobody with a brain
That leaves out the magatards
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She’s halfway there, all porn should be illegal. I’m conservative as hell but I’d drag my dick through broken glass to smell her feet.
Yall got the famous ones? Never saw them
Wow,how clever. I'm sure you should those heckin unwholesome BLUMPF supporters.
No one has them they got scrapped off the internet
Japan exists
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everything should be illegal
Does AI not realize that her tits are massive? Gotta be DD at least, maybe bigger.
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For the life of me, I'll never comprehend AOC simps' perpetual fascination with her. Her voice is annoying and shrill, her political stances are steaming hot garbage, and she's less than "not much" when it comes to the looks department.

(This also goes for the Greta Thunberg / Taylor Swift / Emma Watson simps as well.)
She can flap her gums, but can't do anything of the sort. We can create it. We don't need anyone's permission. They CAN'T oversee the entire paradigm. They CAN'T undo what has been done, unteach what has been learned, nor unshow what has been seen. The virtual realms are OUR home and we DON'T have to allow ourselves to be regulated by those living in the world outside of it.

[NM2 ->T8+<] "Never mind the 2Terrabytes or more OP has by himself."
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i am not familiar with her politics because i am not an American citizen so my exposure to her is limited other than pics. her face/tits/voice just activates my grug brain. grug hard, grug fap, grug fantasize about miss fuckableface mcgropetits
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>i am not an American citizen
p.s. i know this is a weak shitty excuse but grugbrain no care for politics hence weak excuse
How is that not a total violation of the First Amendment? There's nothing special about deepfakes that isn't true of just regular porn fakes, or photoshops, or drawn fakes.

This is going to be the first step in a war on the freedom of speech.
For instance, >>921943166 is probably considered a deepfake, even though it's just AI generated. >>921942928 is clearly just a shop, but she's probably retarded enough to think it's a deepfake too.

This is straight up anti-American.
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big fucking udders
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Boebert boobs
Why does shooting ropes for her have to feel so fucking good
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You're the ones who just had their guy drop out because he is literally braindead. And you then proceed to bring in another retard to replace him. Listen little guy, you've literally got nothing to stand on. Every democrat fucks everything up when they sleeze their way into power, so just go fuck yourself and your delusions. You fuckwits can't even define a woman.
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want to mount

Democrats and the left in general are the party of illegals and morons.
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More like this please

I love her so much bros, I don't think the guy she is with is going to get her pregnant, she needs to be a mother and I would make her one
this is incredible, do you have more? looks real and with proper proportions
More soles pls
lmao what is with the hands?

also thanks btw

I love her so much bros
Make all porn illegal or none of it. I'm in favour of either of these.
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Banning "porn" is the most retarded idea that somehow all the powerful people in America support.

If you think showing the adult human body should be illegal, you should fucking kill yourselves.
Good, I'm so sick of this stupid ass AI shit flooding the internet. I want real hand drawn hentai, real accidental nudity, real amateur porn. Get this AI bullshit out of here. You AI lovers are a bunch of faggots.
i'm with her on this, this shit looks awful, for the sake of quality control alone it should be banned
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That would probably hurt my feefees if I were a MAGAT, but I think they're all delusional and gay for some spray tanned cock.
well we're not getting AOC amateur porn so shut the fuck up and don't open threads you don't like retard.
Nah, Fuck back off to /pol/ if you're gonna post anything remotely political you stupid russian dickheads. Why do you love jerking off to our politicians so much? Kinda dumb and gay.
NTA it isn't about politicians it's about AOC being one of the sexiest women i've ever seen anywhere.
Fuck you Ivan, I hope your corpse gets fucked by a gay Ukranian.
You have lost your mind anon, I am just a u.s. resident who is attracted to AOC
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nice bait. here, have some high class art.
happy fapping
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Genius, I am Trump all the way.
I was referring to the project 2025 bullshit.
Yes, most of it sounds great, but low info females are apoplectic about it thinking it is going to happen if Kneepads doesn't get the White House.
I was saying nobody takes it seriously except retarded faggot zoomer cunts who get news on tiktok like the addled smoothbrains they are.
Cry more retard.
This one looks remarkably real
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>"i don't like what you say, therefore you are /pol/
calm down and fap to Boebert's boobies
What are you using to make these anon?
Any mommy Harris?
Stable Diffusion, along with a custom LORA.
Yeah, you're the retard I'm talking about.
well they are great, I can't do SD until I get a new computer, it would melt my laptop
Thanks! And, who knows...by the time you get a new PC, they might have something even better than what we're working with now. Though I'm still using version 1.5, so take that for what it's worth.
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how long would it take to make AOC in this pose on a yacht?jw
i am not familiar with SD
this one is great too, I just hope there will be AOC models when I finally get to learn
Here's a quick and dirty version of yours. SD is pretty fast on a good PC, though it's worth mentioning that it's not nearly as good as Dall-E at following prompts and giving dynamic poses. But sometimes you can cheat by generating images in Dall-E and then using img2img in SD.
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nice, thanks! i only have a potato, so i am dependant on online generators when it comes to quick gens but the one i use atm has very limited poses
pic somewhat related, not my gen but that's the site i use
any more realistic AOCs?

Or anyone taking requests?
I agree, AI porn should be illegal
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>the victims of ai porn
so a man jerks off to a fake pic of a woman he'll never meet and this effects her life how?

oh fuck, what a shitty rag
provide an archive link next time so those fags don't get more clicks
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i want to grope Tay after she gives me the green light

I will get to know her first then we'll move on to this when she's comfortable
no he doesnt he loves sex
Post more big booty taylor swift
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i don't share
i sadly only have a few
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why dont roasts make ai porn of men? why dont gays?
>i don't share

Doesn't matter, I will be the father of her children, you are just dreaming
because roasts make porn containing two of the same hue. that's why there's none of it
Hardcore porn isn't the human body; it's the exploitation of it. And that should be banned.
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you would have to defeat me in battle which is impossible even for beings as dangerous as bears so you stand no chance.
i will put my flawless semen in her and you will watch helplessly, that is your fate.
don't tell me you care about those who get sexploitated
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get cucked in an alley.
Taylor has been claimed!
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Lmao you are seething, I will be the father of her children
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i am winning, proof of me knocking up Taylor.
so where can my secretary send the barrels of copium? i clearly don't need it anymore
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I would take AOC over taylor I think, or about equal.

Get me in touch with her mossad bros
Boebert makes my penis happy
Feds trying to generate normy outrage again, astroturfing celeb AI shit no one really wants.
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wish we had BBC Celeb porn tbia high quality instead pf fucking Oscar the grouch smh
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i turf my astro on Ariana's cheeks
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tbh, i enjoy the funny gens. i am laughing when i am cumming
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ready for bukkake
This just needs pubes for realism.
What's the Republican stance on this?
Is it weird if I’ve actually shot loads to these before
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if it is, then you're just as weird as me kek
can’t help it, Tay is just hot af
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I don't know how this would pass. Too many times I see these celebrities with 3lb horse cock or nude in public. There's no way to ever believe any of that is "real". Which is the only argument she could possibly make in order to get them banned.
I especially love the sole pics since she’s stingy about showing those
best online face train AI sites???? pls
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it's a shame because her soles are marvelous
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god I know. Don’t get me wrong I still think she has goddess tier tops, probably my favorite but she only has like 4-5 good sole shots over her whole career and it feels like such a tease
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hopefully she'll change her mind and shows them off more often in the nearby future. they're too good to hide
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I do unironically think she’s 100% aware of how much of a footslut she is given the amount of times she’s willingly barefoot or showing off in heels but she’s just so greedy with the soles
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How about AOC getting DP or gang raped?
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same here, i also believe she knows where part of her power lies.
those soles deserve to be flaunted more often
And I want to make incest legal. That doesn't mean magic exists and we all get what we wish. She can no enforce such a law than she can learn how to fly to the moon using only her farts.
>most sexually deviant and degenerate country in the world except for maybe France.
you must not have heard that jews got their own country. it's called israel. it's kind of like weimar germany, but without any germans to try to stop it. israel. it's called "israel."
Wow, she posed for all these nudes? I had no idea.
>voice is annoying and shrill, her political stances are steaming hot garbage
do you...do you imagine conversations when you masturbate?
and/or is your imagination not capable of voice alteration?
and/or do you not have a "mute" button when you watch porn?
I’m going to need a lot more of this
You're thinking of Lorde.

(Verification not required.)
Doubt you can define "hardcore" or "porn" itself. Banning art and restricting what people can do with their bodies is the sort of dumb idea that's dead on arrival.
It's both. Some parts of america are very sexpositive, some are sexnegative. The country is huge and all sorts of innovative and extreme ideas exists in large numbers.
>"The legislation would amend the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) to allow people to sue those who produce, distribute, or receive the deepfake pornography, if they “knew or recklessly disregarded” the fact that the victim did not consent to those images."
>"or recieve"
pretty funny way to justice troll the email of someone you don't like, you just inform the slut you used for the edits of what the target has recieved, then you pretend he posted it all on the intarwebs
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yayaaaa feelin' good on a wednesdayyy
You can see a face in one of the breasts lol
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