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family members you would fuck and fap to

bonus for some brother sister material
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some dude and his sis from chatpic supposedly

bump for some bro sis material
you larping OP?
if not = hot
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Got some nudes of my mom that I stole
bump for more sisters

share them
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My phat ass sister
How do you convince your cousin to enter a relationship?
i’d like to know too. especially helpful if you could break her and her boyfriend up
Aunt id fuck. Always screenshotting her pictures on snapchat i dont think she cares that i do
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Aunt I wanna titfuck
Not actually family member, but my little sisters girlfriend is too hot
Money and/or drugs.
Like to jerk to cousin kik Jerk4her247
Would you fuck your sister if it meant fuckinf her gf?
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Sis used to suck me off constantly
Your dad is a cuck.
My sis
So hot. How’s her ass or feet
Ass coming up
>That pallor.
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Oh I knowwww
She never really tans though she tries
any pics of that

goddamn what a great ass

bump for some brother sister incest
My sister who I lost my virginity to
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No not of sucking
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Was the best head I ever had fuck
My aunt "accidentally" sent me some nudes. I think she want to have sex with me. I think 8m going to send her a dick pic back and see what happens.
keeping it bumped for some sister pics
Nice, how long has she been hitting on you?
Like the last couple of months. She got divorced last year and I think she needs some fucking. Im her guy
Is pic related?? If she sent you more than 2-3 pics that wasn't an accident.
yeah definitely fuck her
Yeah she sent 3 so far. She said it was a accident but I'm not buying it.
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I plan to. I have have found her attractive for a while now
greentext the first time / how it started?
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My daughter
Hot. More?
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Happy to share her
Nudes?? Does she know you have these?
I'd give you a grandchild
She looks like a freak fuck
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I do have nudes and no she has no idea
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I'd like to give myself one
Secret nudes are the best nudes honestly, show off her tits!
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Cousin we made out once
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sister, coal burner
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Sure but I would say if she was sending these to me directly it would be hotter
How old is she and how old are you? Those melons are MAGNIFICENT!
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She's 24 and I'm 48
Older cousin, in her 50s now, we did plenty way back when I was a teen and she was in her 30s
Wowza she looks great for 24, did she get her mothers curves?
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Even better than her mom's
delicious hole keep sharing
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wwyd to her?
This is stale pasta. LARP FAG
Homofaggotry has ruined the thread.
Sweet Jesus how big are those puppies??
Shame I don't have a basement.
pathetic incel
Squeeze those nips a few times to get them hard before I shuv my dick down her throat, lube it up with her tongue so I can take it from the back and fill her
Have to be over 18 to post on 4chan, kiddo.
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Honestly don't know her cup size
Sounds incredible
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Kik? Love her
>weed underwear
She gets around I bet
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I have no doubt
More pussy??
Homofaggotry has replied.
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It took you 17 minutes to reply and that was the best you can come up with?
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My cousin. Always thought she was pretty and she always was kind of flirty with me but never actually thought about fucking her. Then about two years ago I saw her pussy. It was hairy and meaty, just how I like it.
Creampie or her juices? Would love to watch my seed leek out of her hairy snatch like that
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Pretty sure just her juices
God damn she gets creamy
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She does
Fuck I’d lap it all up
does she burn coal?
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I haven't seen her with any black guys but idk
Love her hairy pussy
do you think youd be able to please her with your cock after seeing that
Any guys looking to share their fam members and goon to them in private hmu on kik

My brothers wife…wouldn’t hesitate
I've posted my story a few times on other threads.

Oldest sister molested and groomed me and my little sister.
She stopped once she went to high school, we didn't.

We stopped for a few years when I moved for college. I moved back home with my ex, we split a few years later. Little sister moved in with me to split rent, few months later things started back up again.
We kept at it for a few years, but I started wanting to have a family. Little sister hooked me up with her BFF fuck buddy, who has a thing for bro/sis stuff. She got us to fuck in front of her and have 3 Somes. We wound up getting married, sister still lives with us, we all still fuck.
I'll post more if anyone can guess which is the wife and which is my little sister
Wife on bottom, sister in the middle?
How old were each of you when the whole thing started?
this is hot if true, hopefully not a larp
I was about 5 or 6. She was 4 or 5. Older sister was about 10. That's about when I remember her starting to do stuff to us when we were all in the bath. She convinced our parents She was old enough to help us without them, and being lower middle class working parents, they took all the free labor they could.
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My 6.5 y younger half sister Lisa...
Not a larp. Our sister basically ruined our lives, and our chances of having healthy relationships with anyone.

My little sister has only been with like 3 other dudes her entire life, I've only been with 4 other girls but her and my wife. All of them equally as fucked up as me, with daddy issues or history of being abused by relatives. One was a meth baby who didn't even know her dad. Her mom slept around so much and the guy she called dad molested her and her sister pretty often.
Wow that's hella young
well are you going to share the vid with us anon? this shit is hot af
Been in a relationship with my aunt for 15 years, ask me anything
Too lazy to convert it to webm
bro just dump it in a gofile for us
pretty please =]
Yeah. We think our one babysitter diddled her. He was a weird dude. We haven't talked to her in years though.

I don't mind sharing stories though. If there's anything specific anyone wants to ask
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Both of my sisters
Eh. I'll think about it.
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Been jerking off to my wife’s sister for a while now.
please dont cuck us bro, we need this video to fap over this depraved shit
pleeeeeeease =]
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My aunt, I so wish she was my mom and I could spy on her
It's not depraved...
It's 3 consenting adults. One of whom just happens to be my little sister.
I need this video anon
Can't get it small enough to post here
not bad
prettier than you mom?
It looks so hot, those tits look perfect too
I mean she's basically posting nudes online it seems
yeah, just dump it on gofile my man, easy as pie, no sign up bs
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Much prettier than my mom, kinder too she cares so much about everyone even when she teases me for not having a gf she does it because she cares and wants me to have someone, sucks I just want it to be her over any girl my age. She walked in on me jerking before and was so sweet about it, I nearly came looking her in the eyes
Yeah they both have perfect tits.
Use cat.moe
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My mom, pic related her nudes I found many many years ago through AI, still have not seen a better pair of tits
That being said, don't post anything you don't want sticking around for all eternity, just pics are great too
She should stop. She'll end up looking like a porn slag with a tan.
anon please dump the vid in one of the aforementioned file hosts for us dirty fuckers to fap over
Maybe you can use that she cares so much about everyone.
show it without ai
I've actually posted it before somewhere else, a while back. They both have careers in childcare, thus the blindfolds in this video and the sleeve covering my sisters tattoo on her arm.

And since no one guessed it, it's my sister on the bottom, wife on top.

So have fun with this link
thanks for delivering anon. HOT AF
your sis does a great job cleaning your dick off
Damn, 12 of you lurkers already downloaded it. That was quick.

And if anyone is wondering why the blanket has paw prints, ifs because it's a pet blanket. They're both squirters. Towels don't help much.

Pro tip for any of you who actually have sex. Get a dog blanket. They're waterproof.
Your sister is hot as fck, have any more?
more sister pls anon
Yeah, our older sister didn't like the taste of cum, but enjoyed watching me cumming, so I'd have to nut on little sisters body for her.

She's grown to be quite the cumslut. She loves the taste now
Not that I'll share, no.
They send me pics and videos when I'm working nights like tonight and Wednesday if anyone remembers that thread. Those are just for me.
32 downloads already. All you lurkers and no one wants to ask anything about our childhood, or teen years?
Our first time trying anal? First time I came in her pussy? First time our older sister made us have sex while she watched? Nothing?
When did you start to prefer men?
I think everone just nutted over your vid anon and now going to sleep :/
Wtf do you mean? I don't prefer men
Probably. So now I have to be bored at work and don't get to share any stories
Ever done anything in public?
What's the "worst" thing the 3 of you have done together?
anyone wanna share pics of family, sisters, cousins and IRLS? lets admire each others irls

disc - mr.rager8660

This is my mates sister, cute as hell anyone wanna goon together?
Did you delete it, the url doesnt work for me now
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Got kik?
Yeah, we'd go on vacation before I got married, or go out drinking, clubbing, all that.

She'd be all over me in the bar or clubs, and sometimes when people would ask if we were dating, she'd say "no, he's my brother", grab my dick, or kiss me and laugh. Most people just assumed she was joking.

We fucked once while camping with some friends in our teens, in their camper. They were all asleep, and I was sleeping on one of the 2 side pop outs. There was like 3 or 4 other friends in there all passed out

Worst thing with the wife and her or with both sisters?

Dunno with both sisters, probably just fucking both of them 1 after the other. Our older sister would basically use me as a dildo, making me lay there while she rode me reverse cowgirl, then she'd get off, make our little sister get on and do the same thing while she watched us and rubbed one out.

Worst thing with the wife and sister, probably our wedding night, when we were at the party after, and I fucked them both in the back room with all our families out drinking and dancing.
Tell us about the anal
How old were you the first time you took her ass?
Did it hurt her?
Does she like it now?
Does she clean your dick off with her mouth when she's done?
First time we tried anal was after our older sister stopped, in our teens. I was probably 14, her 13.

She said it hurt at first, but wanted to keep trying. We grabbed some baby oil for lube, and I used one of her makeup brushes first like a dildo.

After using lube and getting her going a bit, it went in easier.

She likes it now, yeah.

And yes, she will lick me clean after I cum. Either her or my wife, sometimes both take turns.
Yeah I'm sure someone will wind up posting it here anyway
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My lil sister
She looks like a Courtney
Better shot of those pierced tits?
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There might be
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my mom pic related
it doesn't work, larping faggot
It worked when it was posted, and then he deleted it.
My cousin used to be hot as shit, but then got fat and started doing onlyfans. She started posting pictures from when she was in her teens and 20s, and doesnt know I downloaded a few of them
Fuck do I miss her hot little body. She was like 90lbs wet. Now she's a land whale. Wish I would have fucked her brains out back when she was this tiny
Fuck yeah, go on!
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My (sort of) sister, we don’t have the same mom or dad but we have siblings in common
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my mum
sure :P
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Step mom
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I jerk off wondering how many guys she has already fucked.
Would love to wake up in the morning to her sucking my cock.
Well, no ones asking anything and I'm bored, so I'll tell my own stories than.

First time I came in my sisters pussies.

Oldest sister. It was one of my first few times cumming actual jizz. She was doing her usual, making me lay still while she was on top riding my dick and grinding it on her clit. Right as she was putting me back inside of her I felt it coming and told her to stop, but she didn't listen. I wound up cumming inside of her, and on her pussy and thigh. She got pissed, but was still interested in what would make me nut and how to do it. After that day, every time she'd finish with her fun with us, she'd have me jerk off, or have our sister jerk me off, or suck on my dick until I was about to cum. Then I'd have to pull out and either cum on our little sisters tits or stomach, or wherever she'd tell me to do it.

A few times she had one of her friends over for sleepovers and she'd make me cum for her too. They'd do things like putting books in my lap, and making me move them with my dick, or sit on my lap and make me flex my cock so they could feel it. Then they'd drop their shorts, make me take my cock out of my underwear and flick it on their pussies before they'd practice making me nut.

1st time I came in my little sister was during a family vacation. The whole family went down to Florida to visit our grandparents. We spent 3 days and nights driving and staying in shitty little motels, then another 3 or 4 days where we were always with someone from the family and had no time alone.

The one night everyone was at the pool. We were swimming with our cousins while our parents, aunts, and uncles were all getting drunk. We decided to get out, and run up to our room while we had the chance.

We were both super horny teens, 14 and 13. We locked the door, went into the bathroom and I sat down on the toilet while she took off her bikini, and sat on my lap and started riding me.
Nice big honkers
Hot af anon
link still up?

When did you first get other people involved without your older sister?
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We were alternating between making out and me sucking on her nipples. She still had tiny little budding breasts, and I couldn't get enough of them or her nice little lippy pussy.

I was getting close to cumming and so was she. I told her, thinking she would stop and take my load in her mouth, or let me spray her tits down, but she said she was also close and to just try and hold on a bit longer so she could cum with me inside her.

I couldn't hold it much longer and let loose. She came seconds later, and then we had a moment of panic as my cum dripped out of her when she stood up.

She had just started taking the pill a few weeks prior. Thankfully they were working. We cleaned up, took a shower together, then went and laid down on my bed and fucked again under the blankets. That time I was laying behind her and pulled out, cumming on her ass. She reached back, wiped it up with her fingers and ate it. She wanted to cum again, so I went under the blankets and ate her out a bit before we heard a knock at the door.

It was our parents coming back for the night.
She jumped up, pulled up her bottoms, I threw on my shirt and unlocked the door.

Parents were drunk as shit, and forgot their room card. We had one of those split rooms, and their spare card. They grabbed it and went to bed.

Our sister was still at the pool with some cousins and boys she met also on vacation, and didn't come back for a few more hours.
Our folks probably passed out, so we just did some hand stuff under the blanket while we watched movies until she came back
How do you guys initiate fucking your sisters? Ive tried and failed lol. The first time i tried something upfront, i gave her a back massage as she was playing video games.. i slowly made my way to her tits(over her clothes) and she fucking let me massage them for like 5minutes!!! She only stopped and left my room once i put my hands down her bra and actually felt her tits.

After a day at the beach once, i straight up just said "you can slap me if you want" and grabbed her tit. She pushed my hand away and got mad/annoyed.
Another time, I tried pretending a "friend" of hers told me to ask her for a footjob. She shot me down fast lol

Another time i was rubbing my cock on her feet while she was asleep. She woke a bit, kicked my dick away and put her feet under the covers (she just turned and went back to sleep)

The crazy part is she still talks to me and wears nothing but flip flops or heels around me and shows mad cleavage. She just pretends these things never happen.
What am i doing wrong Anons?!?!
The only person we did anything with was my wife.

Her and my sister were roommates in college, and occasional fuck buddies. My wife confessed to her having a bro/sis fetish and said something like "if I had a big brother like yours, I'd be all over him" one night when drunk, and then my sister spilled the beans.

It wasn't until a few years later though, after my sister moved in with me when me and my ex split up. Wife was over with her drinking, we were all having fun, when my sister walked off to the bathroom and came back wearing just her panties, a baggy white tank top and her knee high socks, and sat on my lap.

I said something like "okay you're drunk", trying to hide it, when she said "so anon..we have to tell you something...she knows about us.."

My sister had been sharing stories and photos of us together for my now wife to masturbate to. She wanted to watch us for real, though.

My sister took out my cock and began sucking me off with her watching. I was shocked and my heart was pounding, but then my wife spread her legs, moved her skirt out of the way, slid her panties to the side and started rubbing her clit watching us.

Minutes later, they're both naked. Sister is going to town on my cock, wife is fingering herself with her legs on either side of me, and sis says "let's go", gets up and we all went to our room.

Wound up fucking both of them, taking turns while they ate each other out, and when it was time to cum, my wife said "ɓe a good sister and finish your big brother off"

She got down and sucked and jerked me off, letting me cum on her face and tits, then the wife came and lickdd it up while they made out. 6 or 7 months later, we got married.
Well for me it wasn't a choice. My older sister basically groomed me and my little sister from a very young age to be her slaves. When she started developing more and more, we had to do more and more to and for her.

Once I stated getting erections, I became her personal dildo for the few hours before our parents got home from work.

When she stopped, me and my little sister just kept at it. She already had us fucking each other while she watched and masturbated. We were just going into our teens, and we're really horny all the time, so we just kept doing what we were taught.
Unfortunately it seems that the folder is gone
You are so lucky. Lmao definitely probably fucks with ones mental health but goddamn.
Any anons care to chime in with tips on how to fuck my sister? Shes 6'0" by the way. And we have the best relationship in our family. Each time i fail i make it more awkward, i need that final jump that will get her in the mood and not feel like incest is a bad thing(as long as we dont procreate)
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Wanna see her get her tits out?
Yeah it's made having meaningful relationships hard on both of us. All the girls I've ever dated have all been a bit messed up mentally too, and all the dudes she's dated have been weirdos.

Even my wife is a bit messed up.

If it hasn't happened it probably won't with you 2, unless she wants it to.

Try getting drunk and watching game of thrones. Plenty of incest on that show.

Even just being sloshed might help.
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my cousin used to date a white stud and i fap to the thought of them fucking lol
I can imagine. I have a huge incest fetish and have tried something with almost every female cousin i have(with them never fully being interested in doing anything). Like they say failure is just another opportunity to learn from lmao

Thats not a bad idea, lots of incest there. we both arent interrsted in Game of thrones, but i might suggest we get drunk and try watching it.

She has a really high tolerance though and only drinks like 1 or 2 drinks. Ive thought about a "sneaky strong mixed drink" with like 4 shots in it or taking some X or molly. But ideally i want it to be consensual so that i can continue to fuck her whenever i feel like it
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Any of ass?
more pics or any story?
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Not on me. These are from a vid I stole from her iCloud where she fucks some couple
Your mom has a nice face and great tits
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She has a great ass!
I doubt it will ever be at that point if they already shoot you down now all the time. Your best bet is some booze or Molly.

There's a drink I used to make I'd call pink panty peeler. You take lemon flavored vodka or clear rum, pink lemonade, grenadine, and some cherry Pepsi and mix them.

You can do like 4 or 5 ounces of liquor, and won't taste it a bit, and girls LOVE it.

Get em drunk as shit, and turn the heat up a bit. Let them start stripping off the clothes as they get drunker and drunker.
Light some scented candles, get some LED lights and turn them to red.

For Molly, make sure you have some soft ass pants on, and plenty of things to touch that feel nice. Let them rub up on the furry pillows and what not, then tell her to feel your pants. Shell go for your thigh. Make sure you don't have underwear on, and let her feel your dick. Don't say a word when she does. She'll naturally like the way it feels when her hand touches it. Again, low lights, dark room with a laser light thing even better. Once she's rubbing your cock on your thigh, move to her thigh and ass, up her sides to her breasts.

Then start to bite her neck, her hips, and kiss her stomach. Work your way down.
She’s hot. More!
I can see why you want to
Your daughter has nice tits
Would you share the vid with us?
Looks hot af
I might try that. I like the idea of changing the lights and creating the vibe subliminally. I cant really get ahold of molly and such. So i think im going to try making a strong drink and blending a bar or 2 of xanaxx into the drink. She already doesnt drink alot, so little chance of cross overdose.
Back when I was in my teens, my older sister would do a lot of drugs, and bring her friends home and they'd all pass out in the living room.

I started to stay up and wait for them to get home and then pretend I was asleep on the couch.

They'd come in and change in front of me, then set up spots on the floor and other couch. One of her friends would kick me and tell me to move so she could sleep on the couch with me.

I'd wait until they all passed out and then I'd go around taking my peeks and feeling them up.

I started with her friend who would always share the couch with me. I'd move her shorts over a bit, and jerk off while looking at her pussy, or I'd move her shirt and jerk off to her tits. Sometimes I'd go on the floor and pick a random girl or 2.

I found out they were all heavily passed out and wouldn't move or respond at all so I started to finger them, strip them down more, lick their pussies, and use their hands to jerk me off.

Eventually I started to fuck the ones I could get to, including my sister. The one on the couch was usually the easiest and hardest sleeper. I would finger her and suck on her tits but couldn't really fuck her since there were other girls on the floor under us in the way.

My sister would always sleep on the floor on the outside of the group, so she was the easiest to fuck, along with whoever slept on the other side on the floor. The ones in the middle were too hard to do anything but touch and feel up.

I only fucked my sister a few times, and always felt bad after, so I'd go fuck one of the other ones instead. Only problem was that the ones whonslept on the floor weren't my type of girls. They were thicker and had bigger tits. I liked the small skinny ones with small tits, like the one on the couch and my sister.

By the end of the summer I had fucked all of them at least once.
I came in 2 or 3 of them, never in my sister.

One has a kid and doesn't know who the dad is. She was also a pretty big slut
Great tits!
Xanax is nice. People black out on it and don't remember things. My girl would do some crazy shit on it and not remember the next day.
You are the luckiest anon ever!
Seems like the link is not working anymore
I wish.

Me and the wife had a kid, and they're getting older now. Still only a bit over a year old, but soon they'll be old enough to ask why auntie S shares our bed.

So it's either we stop outright, we only have our fun in her basement apartment, or we all move somewhere far away from friends and family and start a new life, where she can be auntie s, but "not really an aunt, just a close family friend", and no one will be the wiser.

None of us want to stop. We all love each other and consider ourselves a thruple. So we're considering moving to South America, or the Bahamas.
Yeah I deleted it once it got to 50 downloads. Womp womp.

I'll be on for 10 or 15 more minutes before I get off for the night if anyone has anymore questions
Can you please post this again!
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My other half sister....
Not today
Yeah I definitely wouldn’t stop if I was in that situation with my sister and wife.
Well hopefully I catch it the next time you post it.
Sad :(
Have you ever thought about waiting until they are 18 and telling them about it. Open the door
I'm sure someone else will post it on the next thread if I don't.

We've talked about it. My sister wants kids too, but she also doesn't. Some days she really wants them, others she says she much rather just be an aunt.

If she found a dude who she really liked, we'd be upset but we'd understand if she wanted to stop.

I think she's more into girls though, and that I'm the exception. She's had more girlfriends than boyfriends.
"Hey kiddo, I've been fucking your aunt, my sister, since we were kids because your other aunt who we don't talk to, used to molest us. Instead of stopping when she stopped, we just kept at it since by then we were horny as shit teens, and it was easy and avaliable"

Yeah. Probably not going down that route.
This is probably the horniness speaking but it’d be hot if you introduced them to it as adults and they join you.

That makes sense though. Gotta play it all out on day at a time.
My sis
Haha yeah that’s fair.
Your post got me thinking about my sister and how I wish she would
Have had reciprocated or given some sign that she was into me.

“The dreamers” is a really naughty movie to watch. Check it out it’s kind of hard to find sometimes might need to torrent it.

Alittle Xanax can help. Too much and sex drive goes but they don’t remember anything. My wife is a bit freaky and lets me dose her sometimes. It’s fun
Yeah, no. Were not going to fuck up our kids like we were.

Someone asked that before, like if we had a boy and a girl, would we let them do what we did, or "add them to our family time", and no. That's just...wrong on so many levels.

The way we see it, is we both know it's socially wrong, and that it's also illegal, but we're both consenting adults, and have this shared trauma that manifests itself this way. We both love each other deeply, just as much as I love my now wife. But it's fucked us both up a lot. I had struggles with addiction, and so did she. Especially in college and after my ex left me. We both know that's from our childhood trauma, and that by us still being together it doesn't help, but we also keep each other sane and clean.
What would you guys do if you find out they started doing stuff together on their own.
Tell them it was wrong and that siblings shouldn't do those things. Hope they understand that, and don't keep at it.

And with that. Goodnight everyone. Time to go home, and sneak into bed with my girls.
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Found on daughters phone. Prettiest holes I've ever seen.
That’s awesome. I hope you keep checking her phone for new stuff
older sister
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Found this as well
Nice tits. Also like the tattoo
Don't text her.
Find/create a moment alone.
Tell her straight up "I have to tell you something - I know those pics you sent were accidental but I can't stop looking at them...and can't stop thinking about you.
Scenario 1: Was into you the whole time, her dicks in your mouth shortly after
Scenario 2: They were accidental, but still gives her a chance to move forward.
If you get the chance, be sure to eat her pussy and you'll own her. Don't just bang her like a screen door in a hurricane.
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Cousin on left and sis on right drop your disc or sess if you want to chat and share more
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More of cousin on left
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hevodun99 add on disc if you want more
I want to manhandle her tits
You think your older sister was touched by your parents or was she just the average pervy oldest sibling like me
Who should see if your older sis wants to join back in

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