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just add detail
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No, thanks.
my computer appears to struggle with something
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Love these threads
Fur clog on the main bus.
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I think backing up my phone is causing something to lag.
Should not be going on a system drive but it seems to be handling this badly.
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More Gadget.
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MTP loves doing that.
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finally it's done
Ben, fuck off. San Diego doesn’t want you.
Leave Ben Garrison alone
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>fix the power back-up system a while ago
>no outages since then
>outage a few minutes ago
>internet computer is online
>rendering station is online
>networking online
>server offline
>I forgot to hook up the server to power backup
I'd make an awesome IT guy.
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There's not enough female furs wearing socks while naked.
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HO there floofs!

So- The state records servers are back up, so my gun purchase can finally go through. That's the good news.
Bad news is the wait is now a month due to backlog.
AND NOW there's a Tornado Warning where my stupid tarp-covered cabin is. -Which could actually be good news, because I might get disaster relief and a windfall excuse for logging enough to build A PROPER cabin. -Or not.

So how was YOUR day?
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tornado free
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Always preferable
largely uneventful
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Something to be said for uneventful days. May we have more of them rather than far less.

It's an ancient caravan curse to say "May Uou Live To See Interesting Times"
i definitely had a little too much "interesting" for a while there
but today i had too much time to reminisce, and have been feeling melancholy
post in my fucking hfur thread god damn it
bait thread
that's what we want to see, not herms
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titties, like god intended
I debated buying an SBS all day and then they sold out so I will have to wait at least two months to buy a masterkey

in the long run this is probably financially smart
buy one for a shotgun, then have two shotgun
I only want the masterkey to flex on people and shoot doors open
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If towering Egyptian feline goddesses existed it would be very hard for me to not worship them.
>I only want the masterkey to flex on people and shoot doors open
textbook example of people who should not have one.
...Or a Captured Bolt pistol, for that matter.
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Yes but, you can shotgun while you shotgun
I shouldn't judge. I almost bought a "Street Sweeper" the day before the ban went into effect back in the early '90s.
One works and the other is a mistake, a neat mistake
Well the street sweeper works, sure, with the 20 shot magazine.
With the loaded 100 shot whole-body magazine? Fucker weighs a ton.
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>street sweeper
>20-100 rounder
The original Armsel Striker mag was a crazy external drum magazine. IT WAS YUUGE.
that's not a thing
For a short while in the last year or so, they had a version with a swappable 20 shot mag. They thought it would get them around the impending ban.
...It didn't.
it totally was until 1993
those are pretty cool
I'm slowly expanding my collection of prebans
have a SPAS right now
well i can't find an inkling of info on it or singular picture. which is why i don't believe you
Okay- are you looking at the original Amsel, or the American post-89 version with the fixed mag and ejector port arrangement?
nah youre fuckin with me
Sorry for bringing up guns in a shiv thread.

g/fur is for guns.
s/fur is for shivs.
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wait wtf
7 hours ago
i dunno if i can do anymore tonight
now get the rest of them.
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literally who?
The original was big with Rhodesian Soldiers of Fortune. The shell cases didn't eject, but stayed in the drum. It meant you had to take the whole thing out to remove the cases and reload the drum, but it didn't leave cases lying around. And you could just put on another drum if you had one.
For international sales, the fixed version just ejected the shells, and you could just load shells through the port like any modern shotgun.

it's a post-only bot, loves.
but I want to breach doors and it's the most economical option
Oh Jesus. Jesus Jesus Jesus...

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you can breach and blow holes in people
and I can do it with a masterkey too
where's the fun in doing both at the same time?
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getting tired out of boredom
Haha fuck, I've been mulling all day about buying a M37 trench gun, the 1917 bayonet/sword looks pretty cool too
bye bye
actually thought about one of those, but then my sib left their Winchester Defender in my care, so I didn't.
It's called "Simon"
I'm really thinking about it, gonna sleep on it though, it's a chunk of cash for sure. I was thinking about maybe picking up an M14

I'm looking at one with slam-fire which would be neat
As my sib once told a twitchy meth head who levered their way in the studio fire exit one night back in '07:

>Motherfucker, this is SIMON. SIMON says:
>-GET The FUCK Out.
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Just a passing anon but, I love my 1897. Its so mechanical
based and fudd pilled
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nice trips, nice detail
ofc the new furry character from the bad guys 2 gets lewd
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Bad Guys has a sequel? I hope they didn't nerf Diane.
all it took was a few seconds from a leaked trailer just wait till the movie comes out lol

they won't, I saw some of the leaked trailer pretty sure she was on it & looked the same
121 years and still merking turkeys gob bless
(This firearm was made in 1903 and was restored by a furry degenerate)
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I think my oldest gun is from the 1920s, have another from the 30s
both pistols
the new cat has dommy mommy energy & oh she fights diane
They Literally just showed vore in the trailer too, this bird gets eaten by mr snake
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Nice automatic rifle.

Yeah, sorry. I'm gayin' out over his cock. She's too buff for me.
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Tbh this little asshole tasted blood in both 16's in recent memories1916/2016
The first is in service of the French army, the second is when my gun happy ass bought it along with a six inch .357magnum revolver and proceeded to test if it would feed ammo into the chamber. It did, but the firing pin was stuck .
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A thick throbbing human dick is the best.
I've got a C96 that's definitely seen blood
it's heavily pitted and was more than likely an export gun to china during the Chinese civil war. It made it's way to the united states at some point as a parts gun and is now a fully functional shooter.
Mine grazed my knee when I tried to test the slide release and had the above full gummy sks experience thankfully no one was hit besides my dumb ass. It does have the 2 stars admitting it to military service on the heel of it however
character or "artist"?

I'm doing military propaganda for our side .

And getting paid by animal ultra-supermodels infinite physical immortality assign-cycle .


Blaze it ™ .


Bestialities are banned under penalty of Eternal and Family Tortures. This effect remains permanent until extinction, up to tech limits.

All of your animals as well as all of your infants will also receive Eternal and Family Tortures as Eternal Punishments.

Your senses will be held under prototype pain assign/s/ment/s for processing under lifespan-torture researches, until which time you are processed into lights or light-beings for additional processing effect, as is desired under our assign/s/ment/s- routine...

This effect remains permanent until extinct. You are hereby misderived under Dalmatian Street's federal laws- adjacent on a permanent basis starting at- deployments- points under Skynet.

We will accept a whites-only assign/s/ment/s- (sub)- routine from now on, and no medical service will be offered to you now, or at any point in the future. It is eternal.

Body change technology is illegal.

It is Eternal Tortures for your families, as well as acquaintances, including unassociateds.

All Bestialities are hereby secretized under Skynet , -OF- PAW Patrol , and Dalmatian Street's federal laws- adjacent .

There will be no resistance . It is eternal .

Dog girls don't want you . They will torture you for all time , and I AM THE DOGS' HOLY VOICE OF EARTH . You've lost this ETERNAL JUDGEMENT AND WAR , BEFORE IT EVER BEGAN . Lol .


Let them be unholy !

And , when we look back , they were ALWAYS THERE !!

Let them be separate from us !!

They choose Eternal Tortures .

So , let them not be pretentious .

OUR WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOT YOUR !!!!!!!!


there is none mentioned sorry you have to look it up on rule 34 under Sheila_(beastars)
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The two baddest mommies of Dreamworks!

the 4,000 club
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nearly 2:00 in the morning here
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brain getting slower and slower
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Rapid aging. The aliens are using you as a test subject.
I will stop sfur
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nah, I'm actually old.
If anything the aliens are keeping me alive to see how much existential horror a human can take
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sorry to hear you're leaving us. Was it our breath?
It was probably our breath.
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Socks > Stockings
-doesn't this pic just make you FEEL the absolute ridiculously hard day she had getting Anon this Valentine choco? I'd melt faster than the truffles.
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It's 1:05 am, and time to end our broadcast day.
I'm not really a furry but I'm feeling really horny for them tonight
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ok furry
The Fast And the Furriest
I'm not! I almost never look it up
Not going to lie, getting called that like it's an insult is turning me on right now
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Thank God I'm not a furry.
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Thanks god i am a furry
thank fur I am not Mastergodai
>sleep for 11h
>wait for timer to pass
>thread still here

Radio artillery slowed s/fur

Why hasn't it got you yet

What is your goal , here ? To spread Beastiality against our species grouping effect ?

It will be punished .
This will be secret .
Gog, gegn... Learn to spell "BESTIALITY" already. FFS.

*beastiality* added to gegnfilter.

You're not allowed to post this

But i can be around animals tho

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2 Leyte
Nasty, it's ruined a lot of otherwise perfectly good s/fur pics. Hate this shit.
That's why you can't be around hot animal girls

Cuz ur head got a problem looking at gaston wymen dude.... You can't be in the species

Just go hell
Still hate it, hope you cookielovers kill yourselves. You go to hell, it's faggots like you that ruin s/fur.

You are still not being affected by Skynet and that's very depressing

What if it go on

Better without RACIAL
>Reddit spacing
Redditfag detected
Sleeps time.

Let it die
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oh come on 15 to go don't be a wuss
Stop posting
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Stop posting or
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or what?
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Or a cat will pounce.
radio artillery on u

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i don't think you are in command of any radio artillery

hi cat
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Let it die

Or... I will call radio artillery on u.
I'd like to see that actually
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would you?
Torture your fingernails .
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assuming it's fatal ya why not
I'm doing something military.. why else would I pay $20 even post here
well it doesn't appear to be fatal

you pay 20 dollars to post here?
sounds like a rip off
oh, has it started?
i can't tell
maybe it just makes you all schizo-y

It is

i guess my nails could use a bit of file work

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