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The left has fallen
The left has brought this on themselves
how unfortunate. i preffered their fascism over the right's
So, just so we are all on the same page Cenk the shitlib seems to be actually attacking the left here.
This potatohead of a screeching imbecile has suddenly had a revelation & a glimmer of light has shinned down upon his pointed head?

Well, good for him if that's ACTUALLY the case, but I don't see how Cenk's attempt to validate something now that he well should've back then makes him any less of the opportunist & shill for his oligarch owned propaganda "news" outlet than he always was.
I don’t understand what those two tweets mean…
>man realizes the “tolerant” left is not as tolerant as he thought.
>man decides to shift his position because a majority of the country is leaning in said direction and you gotta keep them numbers up to stay employed
Fuck the left.
Fuck the right.
I'm a centrist.
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I would let Cenk hit it from behind
>democrats never ask me, a tv personality with no real experience anything
>Republicans need my ideas
>somehow the democrats are the dumb ones
You do know that this is the path Leftists are fated to take right? It's always just a matter of time. They can't do anything but lose, its in their history.
me too xirster, and we can bother cite the communist manifesto and curse Trump!
Grifters gonna grift. There is no "leftist" in any sort of position of power and you're gullible if you fell for their grift.
a tranny, but those fake milkers look nice
I am a Harris voter who owns stock in both Lockheed and RTX (formerly Raytheon), Cenk does not represent me
Cenk is only a democrat during the elections, he always goes back to this. He's always been a turd.
Could also be trying to make Elon more amenable to the idea of giving him a position by publicly defending him
Wait, a literal nobody that has no real policy or government experience and does what, a podcast or something, isn't doted to by the 'liberals' so when Elon, an elitist bazillionaire with the maturity of a 9 year old pays him a little attention he ejaculates in his pants...and we can generalize this to mean what exactly?
Well, I for one believe you & would concur that a huge pile of corn & blood filled excrement would be much more suitable to represent you.
>attacking the left here.
No, he is attacking the Neoprogs in the Democratic party and basically saying they aren't really leftists, they don't practice what they preach, they are just reactionary capitalists.
what a fucking weasel.
Well I've listened to the guy & what he has to say more than a handful of times, but he was combative & the kind of guy who tries to initiate a screaming match, or be a loudmouth (my brother is like this) because he doesn't really have the information to effectively argue his point.

IDK I've mostly seen him featured on the Jimmy Dore show & Jimmy's got a big dislike of TYT because he used to work there & saw what they were actually like, but hey if the guy is NOW calling out the fake left "Progressives" aka corporatists then he's ok with me.

I mean I voted for the first time in my life (in over half a century) for TRUMP because I could see through the $Kamala b.s. & the way the "DEMS" were pointing the country towards a commie authoritarian agenda. I'm hoping Trump pulls us out of NATO & WHO again & can make it stick.
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Based. I can't wait to surrender to Putin and suck more billionaire cock to pwn da libtrannies.
>thinks corporations want communism.
>wants out of the org that maintains Pax Americanus, AND the org that keeps plagues out of America.

Sir, I...
God I wish the Democratic Party wanted to be communist, or even socialist.
the left is run by Ratfaced imposter jews
the Right isnt
It is so bizarre to me that the "right" is more accepting of diversity of thought than the "left" now. We've come to a place where the "bluegeoisie" leads the democats and what passes for the left in the US. Stodgy and moralistic and completely humorless like bourgeois always are, and completely unwilling anyone who strays from the orthodoxy of the liberal narrative spun out by the liberal corporate press.
It's almost religious in nature, with democrats rejecting all heterodoxy, and raging against the heretics and apostates, and demanding they be burned at the stake.
They want "communism" like the Chinese have it now. Which is capitalism with a highly regulated economy and a bureaucracy that answers to no one and is a mash of incestuous relationships between the big corps and the bureaucrats who supposedly regulate them, which the US is already doing to a lesser extent.
Fascism lost.
Trump won.
>the Right isnt



>Reads "diversity of thought", triggers "diversity" programming.
You are stunningly stupid.
...then why call it communism? That's just late stage crony capitalism. We've had it to some degree the whole time we've been a country.

It was, oddly enough, less bad when corporations were heavily taxed.
Holy fucking retard
There is no diversity of thought there. They're all the same kind of rich white rudderless amoral weasel that always has and always will flock together.

You're buying lip service at market rate, and telling yourself it's Gold.
Open your fucking eyes.
nobody should give that turkroach rat an ounce of power or influence
How is it late stage crony capitalism when it evolved from Maoist communism?
You guys look at this "late stage capitalism" like some Christian do end times theology.
Just because someone wrote it down doesn't make it true.
>same kind of rich white rudderless amoral weasel
How is the Democrat party any different? What, you're billionaires are better people because they donate to democrats?
And yes, there is far more acceptance of differing thought on the right. Fucking Rogan, RFK and, Gabbard are all lifelong democrats. And you fucking call them Nazis.
I think the demokkkrats might actually be cooked.
>And you fucking call them Nazis.
I don't even think about them, let alone call them anything. I find the little I know about them off-putting, and have never heard them do anything that reflects my values.
>the little I know about them
Yes, because they don't warrant further investigation. Sorry.
That's normal.
These far right dipshits have no self-awareness, and they live in a bubble that they often accuse leftist people of being in with news and media but without any of the subtlety or self-reflection.
You don't look into anything that doesn't immediately sell you on your own brand of politics.
>Makes a post about someone
>Then claims he never thinks about them
You're an idiot.
I'm not even "leftist." I'm a classical fiscal liberal, in the Golden Rule school of social freedoms. The Left would say I'm a capitalist hedonist.
I vote dems for market stability, and because they don't tell me I'm a bad person for having a boyfriend; not to end free market capitalism and force pronoun acceptance (which no one in the dems is actually suggesting anyway.)
Simple as.
You're not a liberal, you're a cryptoconservative hiding behind the moniker of liberal because you think it makes you more palatable to other people.
I responded to a post that brought them up.
I don't see why it's important to you that I don't care about people who I find unworthy of thinking about.
I know who they are.
I don't hate them.
I don't like them.
I don't give a damn about them, unless they are suddenly going to have direct power over me. THEN I'll spare them some thought.
Currently they just make noise in the background, and I have better things to do.

...like apparently entertain idpol trolls on here.
>Seeks out threads to make comments about people
>Doesn't care about them or ever think about them
I stand by my comment. You're a fucking moron.
Yeah, you're the democrat establishment now. Basically neocons. Everyone realizes that and they don't like you faggots. Welcome to 2024.
I believe in the ideals (not the baser actions) of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Payne.
I feel very strong kinship with Ben Franklin and H D Thoreau and the abolitionists, even John Brown.
Fiscally, I believe Teddy Roosevelt was on the right track, for the most part. And when necessary, his nephew FDR filled in the gaps.

I'm not a liberal in today's weird sense, and I have a few classical conservative traits, but I don't fit anywhere right of center, because I believe in letting folks be folks, in peace.
I was replying to someone who replied to my earlier post by citing those people's names, and claiming I called them Nazis.
Which was absurd, because I don't even think about them unless someone brings them up.

Why do I have to break this down for you? Are you rubbish at discerning context? Were you not following along?
your Overton Window is so far right, you can't even see me from there.
>have a few classical conservative traits
Which define you, and you adapt the moniker of liberal to not be associated with far right types which are probably more in line with you than actual liberals
>Which define you
you don't even know what those traits are; yet you judge me by them. Interesting.
Quick quiz, for or against:
Legalization of weed
Gay marriage
Universal healthcare
Fair enough, you're actually liberal.
My mistake.
It happens, think nothing of it.
It's like Kurt Russel's famous line in The Thing:
Against / Don't Care
For / Needs reform bad. The ACA did absolutely nothing. People are still being denied health insurance.
What are you crying about now Trump shit?
Yeah you're a lolbert
I think you need to form the "Sick And Tired" party
I'm not even a conservative. You're fucking delusional. Keep doing what you're doing and lose elections. And you'll note I said democrat establishment, not democrat voters.
Also, a lot of people call themselves "Classical Liberals" without apparently knowing anything about our founders or their families, motivations, notorious and sordid affairs, etc.
Frankly, this baffles me.
The ACA did do something. It made the insurance companies a mint, and made health care for the working poor substantially worse.
Because people can separate ideology from flawed people who represented it. Only a moron insists on purity from people, because it's impossible.
The funny part is that 30 years ago, the left understood that.
It doesn't matter if you're a conservative, if you play by their optics you still can't see me. You'll just see a red shift, and never actually see.
Don't let them assign the viewpoint.
Except you shouldn't force the separation of those peoples problems and their ideals.
The flaws are exactly WHY they strove for those ideals.
(...That, and the pursuit of decent beer in Philadelphia, which was long coming. )
The irony here is that you can't see me at all. You're trying to put me in a box I don't belong in so you know what to think about me. I see you just fine. You're what the affluent class of establishment normies has always been. 50 years ago 40 years ago you'd have voted for Reagan. Now you're a democrat. You support the system because you have money, and doing so is in your interest. You don't give a fuck about social issues because you basically have no real morals or values, only self interest. You're safe and protected and you have it good, and that's all you really care about. Any change introduces uncertainty into the equation, and that's bad for your bottom line.
>50 years ago
Fucked up the edit, meant to delete
You are reading a lot more into my words than I am putting there.
Kindly hill out a bit.
> 50 years ago 40 years ago you'd have voted for Reagan.
LOL! I suffered under Reagan as a student. Ketchup was a vegetable in those days. Fuck no I wouldn't have voted for that Heritage Foundation tool.
>Now you're a democrat
Not really. I vote with them, but they haven't represented my interests since Obama... I just see the other option as market and security suicide.
>You support the system because you have money, and doing so is in your interest.
Yes, I recently acquired money, and I am using it. I vote not only at the ballot box, but with my wallet. Instead of pulling the ladder up behind me, I'm trying to help friends and family get ahead, so they can help more friends and family get ahead.
Part of that involves some calculated choices and preservation of the system that supports our ends. That doesn't mean I'm not open to change and major reform if it looks like it has a serious shot.
>You don't give a fuck about social issues
See above, and also my four affirmative answers to >>927660427
>you basically have no real morals or values
...I'm not about to get into a moral pissing match on an anonymous basket-throat-yodelling-anime forum. But thank you for completely inventing your own headcanon about me. Makes me feel special.
I like you.
...man, once again I missed my chance to start a cult...
>But thank you for completely inventing your own headcanon about me.
You mean like you did about me?
All I said was that you were looking at me through their optics and not head on. Because you were. That's it.
To clarify: The Overton is not limited to the party that pushes it one way or another.
It also affects the viewpoint of everyone else, unless they're very stubborn, extremely observant and intellectually honest, or a certain kind of autistic.
Or as in the case of John Adams, probably all damn three.
*the Overton Effect
Getting sloppy. Should probably go to sleep.
Mexico tried a technocracy about a hundred years ago with Porfirio Díaz in charge. It didn't work out so well for the blue collar farmers, only the elite succeed. I guess real technocracy has never been tried before, right comrades?
{sarcasm} They didn't have Pete "Gaius Baltar" Thiel and his cylons to magically make it work for them. {/sarcasm}
Why do you faggots on here think a technocracy means technological society or something. It's a government ran by elite "experts". I need republicans, to at least pretend they know what a republic is, and want it implemented, with every fiber of my being.
“how elitist they sound” has become such a common and retarded talking point. you all say this and sound retarded. please suck elon and trump cock harder you faggots
I know what it means. I don't think Pete Thiel cares what it means as long as he's one of the "experts" that runs the black box that gets blamed for making the decisions they'll pull out of their collective asses.
He was with the wrong kind of left anyway
MAGA communist keep winning
A collective ass(mind) would be a representative form govenment. The complete opposite of a technocracy. It's ok if you don't know something in the word. I don't expect anyone to know everything. Even if they're 80. But you can stop wasting people's time because it gives you an adrenaline rush.
I am trying to be funny. Do you not know what Pete Thiel suggested as the "Ideal Form of Government" several years ago?

He actually suggested turning it all over to AI. Elections, governance, drafting legislation, jurists oversight, EVERYTHING.
...and now Pete Thiel may end up with a cabinet post.
Anyone with a sick sense of humor should find this terrifyingly funny.
So, like all 4chan /pol/lack retards, you think technocracy is about technology. Stop wasting people's time.
no, I think Pete Thiel is a technocrat, because he claims to be one; and his stated solution to all of governments' many problems if human experts don't work, is turning everything over to AI.
...I feel like I had this EXACT conversation almost letter for letter, the week he originally proposed it.
Lol, nope. The right wing has hung themselves. They just aren't intelligent enough to see it.

The wealthy will become more wealthy as the citizens suffer. Then, the left will do what the right wing has done.

Just a matter of time, right wing. We come for you.
A technocrat would believe in experts. You're really bored tonight.
Pete Thiel believes he IS the expert. As I said. And he said he'd build his and the other experts eventual replacement.
You really don't remember? Back in 2015, when Trump was running the first time?
He did the pundit circuit, trying to convince everyone he was THE expert on fixing government, and that he and like-minded people should just be put on the task, and allowed to literally build The Government Of Tomorrow.
It's funny because it isn't.
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For example:
>Peter Thiel sounds like a liberal technocrat. So why is he supporting Donald Trump?
Those two idiots are going to fuck us all. And not in an enjoyable way. Two fucking literal retards
>government experience
The government is We the People.
Yes, and it behooves us to send the best and brightest from among us, with the biggest hearts, who will remember that.
...and perhaps not Joseph Chode, Jr., who hates his neighbor Phil, and would do anything at all to make Phil suffer, regardless who else is caught in the crossfire...
>send the best and brightest from among us
Like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schummer, Biden, Fienstein all these experienced shitbags who've held office for over 30 years? No.
you're a comedian without punch line
don't forget old turtleface
NTA, but:

the "punchline" forms to the left of the Nazis
Democrats think they're better then you. That's why they rig their primaries. They don't listen to the people, they only listen to themselves. Kind of sounds like dictating. People are tired of being talked down to like children. Open discourse is the best policy.
which is why it is so important Democrats and the people who vote with them, en masse, DEMAND the dismantling of the current party machinery, remove the Old Guard and entrenched money people, and take the reins back.
Him too
When Republicans were cleaning house the left was screeching because Rs didn't shut up and obey the establishment. They still need to exile some of their representatives: Lindsey Graham, Grassly and others, but it's vastly different from the Democrat party. The left makes absolutely no attempt to clean house, they only obey and fall in line. Lefty boomers are literally dying in office.
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>Democrats think they're better then you
Lol! No, we know we are better than you. Facts hurt right wing pussy feelings.
Our local guy, Derick Kilmer, got out at a reasonable age. Now I guess he's VP of environmental affairs at the Rockefeller Foundation
That's great. Maybe the elites in your party will pick a winning candidate for you next time. Third times a charm. All you have to do is keep doing what you've been doing, which is obey.
This is why you lost, youve got your so far up your own ass that you have no idea what's going on in the real world.
Musk asks for suggestions because he is an airhead, very far from a genius. His employees spend considerable time manipulating him into good decisions, it is the only way SpaceX and Tesla ever get anything done
Summer child, oh, you didn't know?
I read those books when they came out. Feckless idiots like you watch.

Took this dumb libtard 9 years to figure out that the dems are complete scumbags??? Wait until he figures out that everything he's heard about Trump in the past 9 years is a complete lie as well.
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Read? Reading is for fags! You..
You're about as smart as Beavis.
Because the democrats are by far the worse. Much more competition for power among the billionaires who hooked their wagon to that horse. The wealthy and powerful have been shifting to the democrat party for the last 50 years. There has been a lot more political cover in that route. It's a lot easier to virtue signal on the left since the collapse of Christianity as a moral base in the US since the 1960s. Used to be the corps could run with Christian morality and family values as social issues and get away with murder in the business world. That's not been true for a while, but what's replaced it, especially among affluent urbanites is race, gender, and environmental issues.
We had a shift in the moral code of the bourgeoisie, and the ruling elites pay lip service to that for cover of their business and political practices.
In the 1950s, the MiC was protecting us from the Godless commies. Now it's about spreading tolerance and diversity. Raytheon employees march in gay pride parades and tweet about how their anti-aircraft missiles are the most environmentally friendly AAMs on the planet.
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And yet, he never dies....
no, it's them
Aww, you lost.
We us them, fuck you and die.
What's a wing pussy?
Something you will never fuck.
The most likely to be incel are the zoomers. Like you.
Deja vu are a sign of schizophrenia
Ughh TYT has gone to the bad side. The republicans are not any better whatsoever.
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Lol! Yeah, the left are..sure, kid.
Im 45.
OK boomer.
But they didnt.
We need to deport the third world
Why is that weasely?
You realize there is no such thing as "left" or "right", it's a spectrum of beliefs and policies.
No 2 people on the planet agree on every single policy on how governments should operate, not even identical twins do when you go right down to the smallest details.
Likewise, no parties remain the same over that length of time. I mean, fuck, do you even know that the "left" means in political terms? It meant being against the status quo, being against traditionalist ways, etc.
The left BECAME what they were against. I've seem more people on the left screaming about wanting hardcore censorship and forced indoctrination than I do people on the right and that's just funny as fuck.

I'm left leaning myself in that I believe people should be left alone to do whatever they want as long as that doesn't involve stopping others from doing whatever they want.
Minimal, smaller governments over large governments. Alliances between those smaller governments versus huge ass federal governments filled with hugely wasteful budgets mostly going towards their best buds and extended families.
More transparency, and anyone trying to lobby should be locked up on sight. I fully believe that if you want to work in government, 100% of your conversations should be accessible at any time, yes even out of hours because that's an easy workaround for having to wear a watch that records your every word.
Too much scum exists in government and yes, even the incoming American administration is filled with it with Musky and Trumpy. Both of them are scum of a different kind and only seek to screw over Americans for their own profit, they'll just do a different kind of screwing.
>Too stupid to know what a boomer is
Thanks for showing your wanton ignorance.
...so his point is that he runs The Young Turks he should be in charge of the pentagon? How self important is this guy?
Too easy
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Ah the "pigeon playing chess" argument the zoomies love so much.
I don't give a fuck..
Idiot child.

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