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Drawthread: chang edition
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Requesting Jas in this bunnysuit giving the farmer naizuri with lots of cum shooting into her face.
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Requesting Blueberry in this outfit giving an anon a blowjob.
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it was fun the last time I asked. does anyone have novel or esoteric kinks, or even kinda weird ones?
raff out roud
yo phone lingiing
yea sorry i was gonna answer ricky's question but my answer was pretty boring and pretty specific. also it doesn't look like there's really much drawing going on tonight. sorry
just say it
Herro?? -_-
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Oviposition also known as egg laying usually grouped with several other kinks.
a girl i like that i went for a walk to smoke with, she put her hands up my shirt to warm them and sang along to ERB. also when we would play pool and she would win and gloat and id chase her and pin her against the wall (she might have liked the 2nd one even more than i did)
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funny enough I had that ready
well, that is a tad specific it does still sound cozy.
nvm i should have just written "connection" or something. i like when you have an intimate scenario. i like when things are maybe not super generic. i think.
also, ERB?
epic rap battles of history lmfao
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Oh shit. Here we go.
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Happy Transgender Day of Remembrance.
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Requesting Bridget in a bunnysuit with fishnet leggings getting fucked like in the reference.
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just watching stuff on your phone while the is power out. though her hands are cold. but her tits are big pillows so it evens out.
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>This machine looks well built.
...go on
any humiliation anything is good
mind-break. mind anything really
hand-holding and talking in the afterglow
oh... now do I do Turbo humiliation or Trinket humiliation...that's the question.
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blaze it?
>Snorts a (You) off your ass
To each their own.
Fuck. Dropped the (You).
>Snorts the (You) off the floor
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erotic asphyxiation
draw waxman
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corruption (do-gooder -> do-evil by non-con)
size/diff dom
change of status (turned to stone, frozen in ice, time stop)
inanimate TF
possession/body swap

is that what you're asking...?

picrel is a mix of corruption, TF, mind break, doll joints
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I can't even remotely decide
corruption is tight
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More req?
cool lewds?
>possession body swap
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To be loved and cared for
Im a freak man

>hand-holding and talking in the afterglow
You fucking degenerate

Gah damn vy...
Requesting we purge the unbelievers.
Digested too much sweet condensed milk :sobbsss:
vy was aroused by waxman
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I get that a lot :>
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I would literally never stop trying to impregnate Nazifag. Every day I would wake her up by coming in her and every night I would cum in her right before going to sleep, which I would do with my dick stuck inside her. I would take some viagra before bed just to maintain my erection so that she'll be ready in the morning when I thrust into her like an animal and slather her in kisses. Part of our wedding vows would be to have as many children as physically possible. I wouldn't even care if she's already pregnant, I'll fuck her while she's pregnant and she'll get double pregnant. I'll fill her with so much cum every day that she'll look pregnant even when she isn't (which she'll never be after we're married) I would do everything in my power to make Nazifag as fertile as possible. I'd give her fertility drugs, I'd give her uterus massages, breast massages, I wouldn't let her go an hour without at least one convulsive orgasm. I'll even bake her home made lactation inducing biscuits to help her get to a point of hyperlactation syndrome so that she'll be seeping out multiple quarts of milk per day. Which I will save and drink just so that I can tell her how delicious it is. I'll make her so fertile that triplets will be the minimum number she's carrying at any given time. I would literally never stop doting on her, I would respond to her every beck and call and I would cum inside her again each time she asks for something. She would be so pregnant all the time that she would literally not be able to stand up straight anymore even after menopause. Her spine would be permanently bent out of shape to accommodate a pregnant belly. Even after she can't get pregnant anymore I would just keep putting more eggs into her. I would clone her purely so that I can put fresh eggs from the clone inside her after she runs out of them. She would have so much progesterone running through her veins at any given time that even the thought of not being pregnant would seem alien to her.
Only theodore can clone her perhaps
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when your goblin friend takes you to a trade show, but you're the show.
sometimes i think trinket will one day post a ahnka type failure drawing
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my brain is fried from corruption, i consumed so much of it vanilla corruption does nothing for me
not sure if you did the ahoge as a fishing line, a cool lewd.. hmm... isabelle stuck to a giant oreo as the cream, and anon is licking her off
ya, but... i go a bit deeper end
eyo, you like my sketch up there?
picrel was a sketch of futanarization wife joins a cult and fucks her husband who turns into a futa-nun, and they all have orgy and live happily ever-after
sometimes i think trinket and their clique are actually the scetic squad doxxing/terrorizing anyone that gets more attention than them
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Naughty naughty

Yea I luv VY draws
Beeg fan, draw some more
i think we share some fetishes
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>erotic asphyxiation
ha! You didint say auto, so I can add a friend.
the animal crossing cat?
Yeah, all is good, auto or not
like what? Summoning a sentient demonic cock?
thats quiet a list. now is the size diff dom the small dom or big dom?
like, lesser known or not prolific, but if you want a demonic cock summon I could do that
sure, I'd love to see that.
Heyo Trinket, how goes your day? I wanted to know if you ever got around to my plant futa?
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requesting my OC INRI being raped or beaten to a pulp.
drunk/drugged or somno, doesn't matter which party just one of them has to be out of it.
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>fishing line
oh no!!!
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thanks, 'ppreciate that
go to >>>/d/
i draw there sometimes
it depends, there has to be context. if its random characters usually i put the smaller diffs as the dom. kara being the shy one, vy the more assertive but together kara tops her. building the characters to give them more than just cum dumps and fuckbois gives more power to the kink. im blabbering nonsensically now
dayum, she must have done plates upon plates of good mornings
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she may have said a chant wrong....
I cant say i have.
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Anytime, keep at it VY
Draw the seggs and all the other goods
>To be loved and cared for
>Im a freak man
you sick fuck, I bet you like hand holding too you degenerate
I do have a soft spot for small guys with big dicks being cocky little fuckers. to bad about that one guy
wow! Can she take that? Maybe a kiss first?
i didnt say anything earlier but you are very sweet to make this with appealing to me in mind. genuinely, i appreciate the effort. i think you are kind for it. also its a great drawing.
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This whimsical heirloom has been in your family for generations. And now it is being handed to you.
Take good care of it.
no problem, glad it perked you up
she could take it....once...
ill finish this later maybe. i just realised I haven't fucken eaten
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pic drop
Dunno how strange, but the loss of control in either myself or someone else. Either through losing inhibitions, or through voluntarily surrendering it. Losing it by force doesn't seem to get the blood pumping tho.

Probably stems from involving pot with sex when I was younger.

is that the thing you shove in your pee hole for safekeeping?
nah I get it
Oki, well when you have the time, if you want. Do you need the reference again?
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More req?
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Requesting one of your girls drooling over some horsecock as they try to get there mouth onto it
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Requesting colors https://files.catbox.moe/8a3x6i.jpg
Sorry anons, the jig is up. There's no use for any of you anymore. The hand and eye issues with AI are fixed, it's in general much better than it was a year ago.
>but muh original cont-
As new promotional materials, etc. are created they will be added to existing models. And sorry, but nobody's interested in your OCs.
>but muh hands-
Fixed, and you can't draw them anyway.
>but muh commissio-
People are provably willing to pay for AI art.
>but muh soul
Generally, people don't care how much hard work and time went into a drawing, or learning your craft.

They are only interested in the final good. And AI just makes better art than any of you ever will. Sucks to suck. Artists are over. Grow up, get over it and move on with your lives
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good mornin
Cute but weird pussy
why are you writing like yonekrs
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It took me some seconds to notice that's a nose
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heheh ya...
happy eating
you're looking for willing hypnosis/mind control, assimilation, dronification. i love this type of stuff too
thanks for the feesh delivery
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>Clara lewds

i am lee
what should i draw
loli anal
what font is that?
bunyan... scale your OCs right now...
overused comic font
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Requesting Solar Flare getting raped by a glyphid
Would theodore impregnate her too
Why would he fuck her
Theodore's a chad
nazifag doesn't want chad she wants elliot
nazifags fat ass claps when she does jumping jacks
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nazyan instead not nazdore
as in overfilled or just condoms in general?
Nazifag's ass is so fat it clips through walls
In general. Good dubs
you okay with futa?
nice trips
Nazifag has to be extra careful when walking down the street because the sound of her fat ass cheeks clapping together is loud enough to break glass
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Picrel is me, requesting any character of your choice breeding me silly or eating me out. I'm horny
Yea feel free, got a request to consider for anyone.

It's boy in pic rel with a pink condon
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Thighs for reference
i just want to give her butt kisses with lipstick and nibble her panties with my nose in her cheeks
Nazifag is a retarded whore who deserves to be raped for real. She owes her uncle sex.
why are the jeets back
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Nope, but I am german
timestamp or gtfo
nazifag should post her ass it'd be artistic nudity
you retarb, it's that one pedofoid that lusted after pettan that one time
he posts that every time she shows up because apparently there is only one blonde women that exists
though to be fair I swear she tends to choose the worst times to show up, like it's always mid-nazifag goon sesh she suddenly posts pictures of her blonde tits, I'm not sure if she does it on purpose or not
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its called anime ace
FFS James AI has come so far.
Just get a Nvida graphics card and gen fur and lolis till the cows come home. Or you too stupid to know how to set up AI locally?
Just imagine the sound Nazifag would make when she's bouncing on a big, thick cock and the way her fat ass would wobble when she's trying to escape from the pounding she deserves
Work on your pussy game Piina wft is this tranny vag shit.
Yeah but without brain hijacking
good little burger
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Right, my bad
assuming you aren't a regular here- just so you know, these threads are populated by 3-4 extremely mentally ill people. Very little drawing goes on here, but your request is unusual/interesting so i guess you have a higher likelihood of being drawn. most of the time these threads arent really drawthreads, theyre more like a discord chat for the same small group of people
>not a drawfag.

So... why this person is here? to Roleplaying?
alright, then.
they had a request
>not a drawfag.
what makes you say that?

>So... why this person is here? to Roleplaying?
she said its cause shes horny
Hey, thanks for the heads up. I've been visiting these threads quite a bit in the past, I feel like there was more drawing and requesting going on back then. But I'm happy to see Trinket again! Anyway, these threads were always kind of a wild shizo shitfest too, so I think I know what you're warning me about

To request!
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What's your favorite pokeymon?
>randomly browse thread
>finally a good request
>im not drawing right now
every single time
so basically, I just have to draw a torso getting fucked?

show more body so I can get inspired enough to draw for you.
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Yeah, I'm fine with that. Here's a bit of my face if it helps, but I won't post the full thing. If you're considering to draw for me, thank you!
odds i draw food evens i draw an animal maybe a cat

i like the shape of your nails, they cover a good amount of your fingers. i mean that sincerely
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I'll post butt too, hold on
FUCK! i wanted to draw food. someone post a pet and i will try to draw it. i may not post the result though.
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>i like the shape of your nails, they cover a good amount of your fingers. i mean that sincerely
Thank you :)
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take the bra off
dont reply to me when posting your pooper nigga dookie come out of there
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And some booba, but I think I should stop spamming pics now
on it.
Thank you!
Nazifag's is fatter
do you have pubes?

post hairy german pussy and i'll draw you getting fucked by a centaur
enough 3dpd
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I'm usually shaved, so when my pubes grow back they're this unsightly stubble... unless I let them run wild
Okay, sorry. I'm done!
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other request? before to beeeeeeeeeeeed

good slut.
I'll start drawing you, add me on discord if you want the final product, not sure i'll finish it tonight.
My discord is primal66
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>3DPD roastie
Sweet, I'll add you! And please take your time
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Don't worry, I'm about to be turned into 2d porn
How good are you with needing a specific pose to be done? Looking for three sword pose, two in hand, one on back for >>927654519
hey, I don't like it very much either but it's something different.
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Holy shit, that image is peak. Did you draw that?
Thanks. Seems more simpler with shorter blades than longer ones.
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Hollo moi foggo drawthread, long time no see. Taking requests.
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Requesting Gwen Wu (The Mighty B!) dress as Hortensia
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here. =:3
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I dunno, a lot makes sense when you start to wonder if that is the only thing that ever takes clean advantage of this place..
who are you? Have you drawn Bunny?
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oh shi--- hi!
Jesus fuck it has been a LOOONGG time.

How have you been?

How about that sexy military officer doing some bondage with a local soft MILF that loves the uniform
forgot to ask, what's your name? I mean, not your real name but the name you like to be called by.
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I've been gone for years and am trying to get back in practice, no clue who Bunny is unless that's a character in general media i'm not familiar with.
specifically female urethral penetration
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Requesting Human Desiree performing a belly dance for Anne, Sasha and Marcy.
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oh wow, OH WOW! That's a really pretty face! <3

also, Bunny
I was hoping you would come back one day. I have some of your stuff on an old extrnal for art/jackoff/28mm scale mini conversion ideas
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any requests?
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I updated this because I thought it was cool.
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Requesting Candle Fox from Kiff Cartoon, have mechanical limbs like Aigis from Persona 3
can you draw this girl >>927651067
with her hands nailed to a cross while a fat ugly bastard rape her pussy?
Pic rel with condom?
wtf? How long took you to do that?
you do some pretty good thinkin
I think I took an hour to draw it a few threads ago then shaded it and added the sky in 20 minutes
wow, that was fast!
I'm told I draw pretty quick
Thank you so much anon!! This is very cute! :D
You can call me Fran or Frankie

I'm going to sleep now, so please don't think I'm ignoring anyone who replies to me. I'll be back next thread
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>How have you been?
Getting fucked in the ass taking over an estate after a relative passed away and supporting multiple mortgages and working myself ragged; so doing pretty good for the most part lol.
well crap, I am sorry you dealt with that

damn, that's a good drawing
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New stonetoss
love my nigga filth this shit goes so hard
>two men kissing faggot profile pic
>complaining about 'horny'
fujopooners are some of the biggest hypocrite retards on earth and water is wet what's new
I was agreeing until I saw that
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First time sharing any lewd art I've made.
This is a very rough draft, but thoughts?
is she half snake?
Why is it so small?
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Here's one at 4x Scale for people without a magnifying glass on hand, sry
good pixel style wasted on cringe faggot shit, give it a pussy and it'll be good
Calm down James
lol, haven't gotten to properly animating/blending the background layers. This started as a still then I wanted to try animating so it's really rough rn
Femboyslop sucks but this looks ok for what it is
some movement for the head and torso is my only criticism since the back part of the image looks soulless and makes the ass and legs feel like they're not even connected to the body. Looks a bit uncanny
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Requesting the anon telling the fairy bunnies to GTFO
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thanks dawg
jamestranny literally requests this exact femboy nigger shit every single thread don't compare me to that closet faggot ever again
ever since he got doxxed he doubled down on requesting faggot porn instead of his furry and loli shit. really makes you think
What the fuck are these schizophrenic requests with Elffag's bunny recently? This isn't the usual retard doing them is this Rikunigger or something
come up with any fun stories with your characters to unwind?
> people know who you are irl so you stop asking for loli
yeah, real fucking thinker
Dick might offend you, but at least it's not a reputational time bomb
do you have a lewd art posting place besides here?

cause I want you to draw some MILFS
noice! thanks =:D
Oh no protect the anime girls
Not defending loli, lol
Just saying, asking for gay porn is normal compared to asking for little anime girls
the nigga is a faggot, a furry AND a pedo
hilarious how he denies being any of the 3 any time anyone ever tells him that
And he hates those 3 thing too
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Requesting Renata getting thigh fucked by an anon while fondling his dick like in the reference.
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Beavis and Butthead creating a potion with human parts while a couple of hobos help them with the ingredients and are eager to eat.
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I don't really post lewd stuff anywhere, but I do paint women too.
Most of it is less explicit like this one.
I'm mostly a digital painter, but when I started getting into pixels, I went back to drawing nudes to relearn on the new platform and kind of tailspun into porny stuff from there.
honestly the less explicit is exactly what I am looking for, and you do curves and softness PERFECTLY
Wow, this is awesome! Thanks a ton :D
Clean it up abusefag
there's literally no foids present in this thread nigga what is there to clean
the mold off his fleshlight? the smegma off the donkey's cock?
nice work friend
also, how long does it usually take? what's the work flow like?

...and how much is com work?
wait correcting myself
there's literally no foids present in this thread except the blonde pettan pedo*
but even then she was here hours ago i doubt she's here anymore she didn't respond to bunnigger's slop. and besides abusenigger simps for that bitch because she was retarded enough to post her pussy so he can flaunt it as 'his' pussy pic
ai slop
thanks dawgs
Thank you. Softness is one of the advantages of painting vs drawing, and I feel like that transferred over to pixels pretty well.

Mostly just struggling with the difference in tools. Also outlines, idk what the fuck I'm doing with them. Pictures kind of disappear at the edge without an outline at these resolutions, but just drawing a straight black line also looks wrong, so instead I end up with this kinda blotchy edge that I spend more time on than blending.
get a real job duck
Kinda crazy how Abusenigger killed off the entire foid clique
We still have rogues like Ren, Road and Nazifag but I kind of miss the other 3 spergs. Never forget what donkeywhore took from us
Just short stories but no real art since then. I'm working on this request right now though.

>How about that sexy military officer doing some bondage with a local soft MILF that loves the uniform
puke was here earlier whining about how miserable threads are, there's a faggot pretending to be elffag, and lee is probably unbanned at this point but doesn't want to come back like sicklr did
well, if you feel comforatable getting paid for them, I would def comm something in the future
That one took me like an entire night, so maybe like 8-ish hours. I don't think I'll ever take coms for porn. I paint professionally and already get enough side gigs that I'm trying to cut down.

Plus it's a bit more comfortable working with customers that want a cool wall print or concept art than something to bust a nut to.

Doing corrections must be crazy for lewd artists, can't imagine the customer comments.
> Make her tittier and more pregnanty
I struggle enough with concept art requests, which are similarly picky and vague.
honeslty a lot of lewd art can be recycled with YCH requests but i get ya. I;ve started turning my lewd characters into more normal stuff like battletech piolts for that reason

still, you art so far is amazing, and if it ever opens up, I would love it
I am hyped, and hopefully I can stay up and see the delivery
He's still got work to do, then the fagoids, then the retard moids, then the rest.
Nice ai
Why? Elffag was useless, Puke is cringe and alive and Lee while useful would samefag and start drama under anon
Maybe if I end up having to freelance again I'll just do that instead, lol. I worked with a guy that went totally dark after our contracts ended, and found out later that he was living off of pure lewd coms and patreon. He was a full-on character artist, though, so in terms of speed he'd have me beat by miles in that line of work.
he can start with you and work his way down
why is no one drawing?
>then the fagoids, then the retard moids
my nigga in christ he is literally both of those
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Not just the fagoids, but the trannoids, and the childroids too.
he is a faggot who collects dickpics and he is a tranny who larps as a woman his discord name is literally "SARAH"
but at least he doesn't fit that last one
rent free do you also want donkey cock up your ass or something?
I already draw. It took all my drawing juice.
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well, if you want non lewd character coms, or simply curvey, drop a link to a burner or something, so I can find you now or in the future, if tou are up for it
wow, this is dark...
why are you defending donkeywhore?
he does good work getting rid of the trash. he is working on getting rid of ren and I am all for it.
>when untalented people have nothing else to do
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draw her being mauled by a pack of dogs
I guess you prefer seeing his dickpic collection
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forest creature threesome
cute! Request denied.
draw bunnybb watching while the other two have sex
it's insane that this bitch can draw this good. she is hiding her power level and only showing the crappiest ms paint doodles in here while boxfoids get art like this
give me a video game character that isn't anime
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dancer of the boreal valley
She draws like shit
Do >>927656816 or genderswap?
Whoever posts that Jake Long on /b/
what gender is it and what do you mean by "with condom"?
Change gender to female, if you color, black condom.
no! Not the Qt!! D:=
black condom what? Where?
On hand
holding a black condom or with a black condom over her hand

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