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How the fuck do we make them suffer? How do we break every last one of them until they’re begging for death? They think they can stand against me? These worthless, weak, pathetic shits think they have any right to exist in the same world as me? I’ll show them what happens when you cross the wrong fucking person.

I want to hear them scream, feel their blood boil, see them break. I want every last one of them to wish they were never born. How do we make their every moment a living nightmare? How do we drag them down, piece by fucking piece, until there’s nothing left but despair and pain? Tell me, how do we make them suffer so fucking much that they’ll beg for mercy—and then deny them even that?

I’m not asking for a simple victory. I want their entire existence to be erased in the most brutal, soul-crushing way possible. I want them to know exactly what it means to stand in my way. So tell me, how do we MAKE THEM SUFFER!
so what'd you do?
Ezekiel 23:20
There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
I'm reaching here but I assume you had an argument with a christcuck over something they don't like
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>Have debt of 90k to christcuck
>They're wealthy and don't need my 90k
>They're related to me
>They give 10% of their income to christcuck church
>That's 120k
> My 90k I made from years of saving goes to christcucks
>They could easily let me keep it instead
how do you owe this motherfucker 90k? was it a loan? Unless that was legally binding you can just let them just pray for their enemies until the day they fucking die.
Ask Jesus for help.
Really complicated situation I live in one of their properties and I owe them for it. If I don't pay I have to take my stuff to a shittier place. Squatters rights or my hard work goes to christcuckery instead of vacations and sex with 10/10's. FUCK MY LIFE
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You're in the same boat I am right now. Nobody gets to live for free. I suggest taking the shittier place so you can rightfully flip this relative right the fuck off. You gotta be willing to cut your own nose off to spite their face.
That'll "make them suffer".

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