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What do you call boy-cun?

Post gay/yaoi shota
this character is a female tho
Theyre pure deneneracy, what did you expect.
Not today he's not
He has a cute a dick so that's shota enough for me
kill yourselves
Back the way you came from
Look at this cute little faggot
Wait, Luce is a tranner?
take that jebus
>for me its the tight asshole and small body nothin like fucking little boys right in the asshole its far easier to lure boys kuz pedo dads always guard the girls too well tbh
wtf is wrong with you?
why are you homosexuals so fucking vile and creepy holy fuck... seek help kill yourself do something but rid the world from your existence
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Does anybody know if either of these people have porn alts
dude fuck off with this shilling already nobody cares about your eboyfriend
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Makes more sense since christian priest are in general more attracted to boys
I'm sure I've seen porn made by that 2nd artist but I can't remember where...
The first doesn't strike me as someone who draws porn
Friday night sho Bros......
Oh come on now /b/tard. I am sure you are vile too. Pretty sure your folks would toss you out of their basement if they knew you were here looking at shota porn.
Dead thread
I wish I could go raw in boypussy but I just can't
That's good, fantasy is bad enough. IRL. Shudder.
I am just glad I am not attracted to women.
I would have had so many kids.

Better this way.
I like wahmen but I don't like 18 year contracts
Thus thread will be lucky to survive another hour. :(
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Last thread was up for 2 days, all the shota energy probably has to recuperate.
I found the second one, his name is Furfit for NSFW, sadly all of his old Pixiv gallery were nuked...
Another bunch of lost media now.
you retards keep bumping a dead thread posting trash and then gloat about keeping it alive for days

you do realize this only shows you're and unemployed mentally ill loser who spends his days in front of a computer posting cancerous images of children being raped for literally nobody
>Spelling mistake
Lol retard
kys, /pol/shit.
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What’s the best place to find shota art? Anything like a booru?
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Love this artist
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They are very nice, I come across the art on a old telegram channel
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Oooh very nice, what a lovely boy
shota-shota doesn't work so well, it's better for a manly guy to ravage shota boypussy
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It can be good but I mostly agree
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Cute peen but what about the feets???
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God I can’t wait to get off work to go bust one out to all this stuff, super hot. Love little shotas being claimed by dogs and animals
Patrician taste
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Right back at ya, hot as fuck
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who else /babysitter/ here?
My nephews stay with me often
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How is that for you?
Fun. I usually get stuck babysitting 3-4 days a week, luckily mostly boys because girls are annoying as shit
It's fun, they are all cool, and cute. Have showered with them lots of times
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Boys are always superior, when they aren’t being shitheads that is
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Bedtime shopic
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Ooooh I’m jealous, that sounds like lots of fun, dunno if I’d be able to stop a boner from springing up
yeah its not bad until bath/bed time
I don't wanna get in the bath
I don't wanna wash myself
I don't wanna get out of the bath
I don't wanna get dressed
I don't wanna get in bed

repeat for basically every boy
kill yourself fucking pedo
Boners happen. The oldest always gets hard for a little while also.
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>>928923516that tracks, sounds like when I was a kid, annoying as fuck during bed time
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Ooooh, that’s cute
Yep. Not a single one does the bath/bed routine 100% on their own and the oldest is 11. I can't imagine being a parent and dealing with it nightly
Yeah. Also, i love that they are all uncut
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I’d go feral, uncut is the best, I’d have to play with em
In a perfect world you’d be able to entice them to bed time
Any advice? lmao. I can usually get them to undress and hop in the bath if I beat em at some video game.
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LMAO I’m no parent but realistically what I’d try, which obviously may not work, is just positive reinforcement, like say, a piece of candy or something as a reward. Well, something more appropriate for that time that won’t mess up their teeth/make them hyper. Maybe a episode of their favorite show, anything along those lines
yeah can't rile them up too much though. For now I guess I'm stuck manhandling them in the bath and waiting for them to pass out for bed
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Ahah yeah sometimes manhandling is just the way to go, you just gotta find the special trick for em to do what you say, could be really simple and you don’t know it, kids are pretty damn dumb
Would be fun playing with them, and more..
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Oh for sure, when I was younger I’d babysit my younger cousins and they were just the cutest
Nice. I have a favorite, he's super cute. He's kinda shy but not really with me
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Ooooh he sounds really cute, especially with how he’s comfortable with mainly you. I had a favorite too, he was really goofy and absent minded, ended up seeing him makes alot partially because of that ahah
Cute diaper
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Diaper stuff is super cute, especially when wet and embarrassed, I think I have some more on my pc but not sure. Most of what I have is furry/cub, I struggle to find decent sites or any telegram groups for shota
got any more shota pee?
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I do but again it seems to mostly be furry, I leave for home in about an hour and I’m sure I have more in my pc stash though
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I feel you anon, I used to follow a bunch of groups on Telegram, they all got closed. There are a few furry groups that survived, but they all are super paranoid now and don't want shos just in case.
Right now my go-to site is probably Gelbooru, you have to manually enable "show all site content" on the settings, but on the bright side you can look for specific tags. It sucks that some pics I remember seeing on Telegram were never uploaded there though.

Like, this one, that's wool_bl, but that pic is not on Gelbooru.
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Yeah I would lurk in some, did they get shut down or just close or…? They, and loli chats too seemingly just evaporated. Gelbooru is my go to as well but it’s pretty limited. I do like the tag system though
furry pee is fine too
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Ah I just don’t know how anal people are about it bc I know porn threads are usually segregated
>but that pic is not on Gelbooru
I always forget about kemono.su. It's completely useless if you want to discover new content, but if you want to look for Fanbox/Fantia exclusives from some specific artist it's pretty neat.

They all got banned. Maybe there are private groups, hysterical retards can't report the groups they can't see, but I haven't really looked into it.
I think it started after the CEO got arrested in France, Telegram has been doing everything France tells them to do, and France has the most retarded laws on Earth when it comes to drawings.
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doesnt really matter lots of people dont like pee anyway

shota pee dump is appreciated tho thx
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Oh that’s so fucking gay, leave it to the French. That’s unfortunate, telegram was such a good source, I’ll probably mostly stick to here and gelbooru unless I hear of a new place, which isn’t likely since I’m not deep in it. More of a furry fella usually. Though I’ve been craving some raw shota the last few months
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I’ll definitely see when I get home in a bit, gonna look through the stash anyways, chatting in here through the night has built up quite the need to cum
That artist is a guilty pleasure. I don't usually like rough stuff but the size difference is so good.
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I have a spot for rough stuff, dunno why, got layers of degeneracy going on. But yeah that whole sequence is fucking hot mp2md
Based. That set is fucking hot.
thanks i was looking for the rest, turns out e621.net nuked all human shota art
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I didn’t realize that, fucking criminal man :(((kdavt
atf booru is back now.
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God bless them.
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Cute and hot, I love the little squat as they fill up the diaper
Why is he only circumcised in this picture?
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Diaper boys are best boys
tfw no diapersho to sit on my face
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Feels bad man
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Messing is cool but nobody ever draws the changing
Ass, because I'm not some repulsive trucker type faggot in denial. I reject men who call ass anything relating to pussy.
Thanks I love it
what do you mean shitheads? are you all black or third worlders that every boy you interact with has behavior problems?

the only boys i've ever met who act like shitheads and don't cooperate are blacks and browns
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Yw anon
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Any of you faggots got candles today?
You should be ashamed of yourselves, you sick fucks
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It's okay because he likes it.
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looks like every boy when I change their diaper
How many have you changed?
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Anyone know this artist's name? I know they had a Twitter account before but I can't remember it and Saucenao isn't helping
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gimme the chocolate
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Moar knotting
>terminally online trumpets come to the darkest, most vile, most perverted corner of the clearnet
>"um why r u guise so vile n perverted"
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I wish we would have had a big male dog growing up. Did anyone take the knot geowing up?
No that doesn't happen
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being a disgusting homosexual doesn't excuse your repulsive behavior just like being a nigger doesn't excuse behaving like an animal
always love me some knots
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>being a pedophile is uhh le bad because uhh reddit said it was
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>he's still here
>he's always here
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>hangs in a board of degen shit
>Tries to have a moral high ground

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I want to
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>naruto finding out that you’re lewding precious shos
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Lewding shos WITHOUT HIM
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>I only hang out in Disgusting Homo Pedo Town all day every day to point at the homo pedos and tell them they're homo pedos!
Cool story bro.
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diaper shota is best shota


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just want to cuddle him while he makes stinkies <3
I want to hold him in my lap and bounce him on my knee after
I want to fuck his butt

right? make sure he gets the best squishies available
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oh changing time would be the BEST
I don't know why it's not more popular. He's already the right height and position and you can clean up right there after.

mhmm, legs already up and spread for you
Im glad theres so many anons into cute diapered boys
I'm more into changes but sure why not if the art is good
Cute and funny little boys. ToT
Ew girls
But also boys!
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*Projectically vomits*
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Didn't mean to detail the thread. Boys only, got it.
Derail, fuk
No worries anon
Not true. I have an archive of all his porn.
Post it on sadpanda then
the script to hide griefer posts more easily
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Boy-cunny is bunny. It always goes back to cunniculture.

just needs to be a stinky boy <3
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I would if I knew how. I wanna upload a pic here, but the file sizes are too big.
>behaving like a piece of shit nigger is excusable because others do it as well
why am i not surprised the exact same repulsive homosexuals who promote rape and every other type of disgusting vile act would also be the ones populating threads about children being sexually assaulted "but it's just a drawing of it so it's okay"

there's literally no redemption to your scourge... even when someone points out your disgusting and vile behavior all you do is pride yourself in being evil... no wonder society treats you like the lowest of the low, you really are the scum everybody says you are holy fuck...
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>being this butthurt over drawings
lol. lmao, even.
>"but it's just a drawing of it so it's okay"
man im ok with it irl too idgaf
this is bad for optics so people dont say it much but its true
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Here you are in a Shota thread acting all high and mighty. You are on the armpit of the web looking down your nose at others.

Are you Christian?

Just another sinner thinking well I am not lie you at least.
Guess what you are just like us.
Some little dark secret you are hiding that makes you as much a piece of shit as any other human.

Now fuck off to your favorite BBC thread.

or read Hebrews 13 2 and gain a clue.
discord dot gg slash suicideboy
,glowie honeypot of course.
throw all pedos into woodchippers
Paedo sever
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If by "woodchipper" you mean "shota asshole," then I agree with you!
>post to new thread
much appreciated

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