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What does 'success' as an adult look like for you?


Your fortune: Bad Luck
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Self sufficiencr, Owning land and having a large loving family.

Those are actually pretty good. I bought some for the meme but they turned out pretty tasty.
A small to massive harem of well behaved visually pleasing individuals of the opposite sex. A luxury space battleship. A few wmds or more. Lots of robot servants. A well stocked kitchen. Owning a nice place out in the country with a gazebo and indoor pool.
I will be working 3 days per week for 3 month stretches, 3x per year, making about $120,000, starting in May of 2025. Multiple degrees in STEM. Wife will be working remote 20 hours per week, making another $60,000. My job will be travel based, wherever I choose, wherever I think seems nice. Usually will be based in Florida, the West Coast, upstate NY, and Arizona. I’ll take a month or two, or three, off when I feel like it. No debt. Two Roth IRAs maxxed out yearly. I own two houses and one additional property. Brand new car, plus my old Jeep Wrangler I like to ride around in sometimes. My current debt is zero. Vacations planned out and already paid for to Orlando, NOLA, Las Vegas, Rome, Dubai, Yellowstone, to take place in 2025, 2026, and early 2027. I’m 38, in shape, lift weights, do MMA and BJJ. Wife is 26, tall, blonde, fit, hourglass figure, yoga enthusiast. Her other hobbies are doing puzzles, sucking my dick, and giving me footjobs. Three kids who look just like me. Success seems close at hand for me. Honestly, a lot of it was luck but not all of it. AMA, or don’t. Whatever.
Basically you are an adult when you no longer live with your parents. There is a stupid as fuck "grey period" thanks to laws and college where you are a quasi-adult legally, but once you are operational on your own you have achieved self-sufficiency and have achieved "adult" status.

Next step is becoming a spouse, which expands your responsibility to include you and your spouse.

Next level is parent, becoming in charge of spouse and X number of kids.

Next level is community member, helping not just your family, but participating in community improvement and events.

Last level of growth is a community leader, be it locally, regionally, or at a national level. You use wisdom from lower levels to guide development of a large mass of people.
Half of this doesn't apply outside of America, in many countries you are jjst working by like 15-16 period and in some places you never move from your parents you take care of them
thoroughly enjoying a job
owning your own house
wife and kids
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>What does 'success' as an adult look like for you?
Ensuring that other people fail.
Having a house, money for retirement and hopefully a family.
my father would have wanted me to be happy, so I consider NEET and manchild a victory. I don't have to work for now.
> do BJJ

you're an insufferable faggot to your teammates and your bitch isn't that hot, in fact she's a skank.
Being able to enjoy my life without working more than 40 hours a week.

BTW open offices suck ass. everyone, and your boss, can see you sitting around jacking off all day.
I make enough money, I have a good family, my retirement is secure provided we remain on the track were on.
That's all we need.
I just want to say, you guys don't seem to be content with what you have.

an office is better than the fucking third world earning peanuts out of a walmart if they even have a walmart
>black lives matter on bulletin board
>no black people in the photo
el oh el
sounds kinda boring/average
yeah, lol
choose ur starter home
>contemporary modern monster
>brick ghetto tenements with only one exit
Of course, the most important questions are: what's the rent, and where is the nearest laundromat?
So I guess I’ll see you around in Dubai, Rome, and Vegas then.
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Someone who can live the way he wants without needing to sacrifice anything for it.

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