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Teenie-weenie peenies.
stop making these retarded threads
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Bedtime shopic
bottoms are supposed to have smaller pps. it makes them lovable.
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Tiny weenie
I want to do this with another guy
Any guys here actually experience lewd gay group experimenting with other boys your age growing up?
Never IRL, but I always fantasized about circle jerking with my friends back then
>implying you havent heard all the stories from the other 10,000 times you've asked this in threads
>uses "implying" like a reddit fag
at least he tries to solicit some larps and stories, so these threads aren't just pictures
"We can get rid of this; it won't be useful."
this thread is too young to die
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beep boop
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sex with oliver
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pbs kids shota unf
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why do smol peens make my peen hard
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That's old enough for me!
Because they are so pathetic and adorable OwO
Tiny, faggoty shota cock and boy's hole

> Be 14, passing summer wiith family, as always
> Two other cousins, both 12, sleeping in the same room.
> Burzum - Daudi Baldrs playing in the speakers in repeat
> Me and another another cousin sleeping in mattresses on the floor. The other one in a bed, who falls asleep first.
> We on the floor, somehow end up moving a finger through the other one's skin.
> We start with arms and hands. Feels good. One of us is doing it to the other, alternatively, not at the same time. Alike some 3 or 4 minutes each, at a time.
> We move from the arms, and start doing it on the back.
> Then in the front,.stomach, chest and face. I'm already hard. No words are shared, if I recall correctly. Perhaps some giggle, when one of us shivers or we say it feels good.
> Then we start doing it when the legs. Some 30 minutes have passed, maybe.
> Legs feel awesome.
> We go back and forth, return to arms, chest and back, always one at a time.
> Eventually, a finger starts moving closer to the waistband of the underwear.
> The mood kind of changes. Finger starts moving along the waistband, then a little bit under it. We still trading turns.
> When he's moving along my waistband, he passes side ways against my dickhead which is peering above the waisband. No words saĆ­d.
> We keep going, i do him. When he returns, he going up in my leg, and doesn't stop at my boxers, keeps going, and he's finger goes all the way through my boner.
> I remember trying to get to get more in contact with his, but he kind of always refrains it< so I'm only able to feel him for very short period. Like he's oversensitive or something.
> He keeps pushing. Next turn, actually goes through my belly, pushes under the waistband whole hand, and pumps my dick 3 times.
> Next time, he opens my boxers, which have 2 buttons at the top, and then proceeds to masturbate me. We probably traded turns once more, but then he goes all the way, making me cum.
> My intents on touching him, still no good.
When I was 5-8, I had 2 friends I was very gay with. One, we'd take turns just playing with each other's cocks, but the other one would pick, eat, and finger my asshole
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I would love to experience that.
It's impossible as an adult because adults are no longer innocent. The both of you know where things end up.
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no u
>implying "implying" didn't originate on 4chan
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why do these morons feel the need to add these disgusting ugly old men into these images? what is even the point of this crap?
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I don't get it either.
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Same ToT
What do you mean?

Exactly. Heart beating out of the chest, legs shaking out of nervousness, the anticipation of each new centimeter explored. All this can just happen at a somewhat short interval in one's age.
Every guy does

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