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Art thou afeard?
That's two people who have joined me in the wastes.
The light rises soon
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Fool acknowledging me as a human, wow
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I prefer to dwell in the dark.
Why wouldn't I?

Idunno, why wouldn't you?
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best part
I'm not sure. I tend to refer to all people as humans.
I guess so

What could be a reason not to though
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yes acknowledge it more
If you were a billionaire or some sort of robot that mimics sentience.
I'd say the wrist thingies are more essential to the outfit tbh

How so? Also how's the thumb?
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I dislike them
a grill
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how should I know
Billionaires give up their humanity in the pursuit of unfathomable wealth built on the blood of the poor and working class. A robot that only mimics sentience but is not sentient can't be considered human.

The thumb feels weird, like parts of it are asleep but other parts are not. No more pain though, unless I bang it into something on accident. It is annoying to not be able to use it since it's in this big splint and bandage. How are you doing?
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kill yourself fucking furfag
Well usually there's a reason why you don't like things

Would you want sentient robots?
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same reason why I dislike buttons, I just do
Shocking information, wow
Actual sentient robots? Sure, if they existed that wouldn't bother me none.
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2 for 1 special got him cranked up
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I get boner to discounted hummus all the time
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30% on 2 pounds of tomato dried turkey
>me right now
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that's nuts
kill yourself fucking furfag
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You don't even like the hummus from the store
But I can get it easily
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yes u
that's a disgusting ass
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what the hell
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That's because he didn't push out the big egg yet~

Butthole vacuum pump.
Finest innovation.
How's fwend Viv anyway?
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I refuse to have ass like that
I'm mad and tired and hungry
other than that I'm eh
how are you fag?
You at bar?
No, chores
It's an aquired taste and much you have to learn my very young padawan.
So yes you do not refuse, you will.
I'm fine, just being damn lazy recently and putting on a spare kg or two.
But I'm more positive about my future than I have been in recent times, which in return adds a lot to day to day life quality.
Why Viv mad? Viv mad no gud.
aquired taste or not, I refuse to have ass destroyed like that
noice, I'm jelly of you cause for me everything constantly goes wrong, it's been so bad for so long that something going as needed is actually weird
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It's not destroyed, just a lil donutized.
The destruction comes afterwards because it's so damn horny-making.
I'm sure you make it out worse than it is, don't see the good things that happen no matter how minor they may be.
Isn't there somehting that would make you happy, somethign you can do right now or really any time?
Evena s simple as taking a walk to enjoy some fog or whatever.
Gott atreat yourself to something, anything.
That is NOT healthy O_O
I'm just chillin and vibing and gaming, fuck doing anything for rest of the weekend
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It is for me so shut the fuck up and love it, bottom bitch fuck gnargh
My fat heartthrobcock in your butt!
And then eating donut.

That's what weekends are for, good brother.
I'm kinda getting back into drawing rn and kinda getting drunk and annoyed with myself eh.
Gayming anyhting in particular or just vibing through the catalog?
right now I'm playing poe2 and leveling up new character and pondering what else to do

no u
Beeeeh I suck your ass and fuck you up.

I redid my Grim Yawn summoner up to lvl 60 something but ran into the first real minor challenge and lost interest as shit turned into work.
Fucking resistances.
What new build you doin?
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resistances are always a pain in these games
I'm doing some OP as fuck invoker build, but first gotta level it up and it's boring as fuck, like really boring as fuck
Why's there a fox in a barn
it's partaking in tomfoolery
No pain no gain

Because he's looking for a stallion.
my whole life has been filled with pain, WHERE'S THE FUCKING GAIN HUH?
yes, that is indeed reference to this very video
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Would I be a phaggot if I was flying halfway across the world to sleep around to make terrible decisions in bed? Checkmate atheists!
I’m not gay! I just like stuff up my butt >3<

that would depend if you or the other guy said 'yes homo' or if the balls touched
The fox shouldn't be doing tomfoolery
but that's what foxes do tho
Coming to you, into you.
Like a surge, like a thief in the night.
Just wait it out.

I want to fuck you.

So I wanna fuck you too.

Fuck my dick NOW!
Someone horny

Why though
been waiting long enough I feel like

dunno, ask foxes why they like to partake in tomfoolery
It’d be with women!!! Women!!! Reeeee
Hmmm your chest looks a little flat to be a woman, but as long as you say you are I guess it’d be fine~
uh huh
still counts when she's pegging you tho
I’ll make sure it’s missionary then so the strapons balls can’t touch mine, I’ll leave the socks on, AND I’ll say no homo!
I'll say 'yes homo'
you're out of luck my boy
Quick someone else say no homo for me, I already said it once so I can’t say it again!
too bad
get fooked!
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You put on something dirty, I gotta go to the store real quick.
When I come back I'll chase you around and then we'll make out.

Good comes to those that wait, or so they say.
I mean I'm still waiting myself but maybe some day?

Speak sense you dizzy broad!
I don't wanna do it with you.
I wanna do it to you.
Someone come up with a healthy dinner so I can refuse the idea and just go and get some eggs to bake
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also oatmeal with raisins, I'd feed you with oats
I'm done with waiting at this point
time to go full feral

classic chicken with rice and with some nice doze of mixed steamed veggies
That’s way too lewd!!!
Like what, a Union Berlin shirt? And pffft chasing

Terrible suggestions, gonna get jajka

Hmmm still need to make certain sauce for stuff like that once myself
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grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I'm going for pizza
Hmmm cornpizza
get fooked NEERD

what sauce?
The Fu Yung one
never heard of it
Chinese sweet tomato sauce pretty much
Fook me yourself you coward! Just keep your socks on, don’t let the balls touch and say homo after.
sounds interesting

I will fook you myself, but I will NOT keep socks on and WILL let balls touch and most importantly will keep saying 'yes homo' before, during and after!

I’m gonna workout then shower and figure out lunch, talk to you nerds later <3
see ya gae boi
Now that's somethign I can get behind.
Gonna go mrreow?

Is of not!

Well you can just lay there and wear anything for all I care.
It's gonna get RAWRd off anyway.

Later, bottom slut.
In that case it might as well be a Schalke shirt then, they're used to getting destroyed

Also got eggs and unions as they're the closest to tulips I suppose
pov date with you?

i wish
wish what part of that?
First of; lol me at a date. Second not bold enough to actually go full punk even though I might actually like it; Third honey in a glass to pour
hmm, I see no problems with any of these tbf
I will be having sex today and there’s nothing you can do to stop me
I wouldn't know, I don't really watch sports.
But I know eggs and onions is fantastic but for dinner you should've had a dairy casein protein like cottage cheese,
keeps you protein'd up during the night and makes your legs all smoother and touch and
Derglegs and yes kiss mmmh.
Me, society and the industry for though
Don't worry I have cottage cheese pretty much every day
I can assure you society doesn't give a single bit of fuck
industry only cares about money
so it's just you tbf
now get your ass dressed and go on a date, I'll get you that mythical honey in a glass
There's no point in dates
why so?
thy're a great way to know if someone is worth the bother or not
Dates set a tone and expectations just by using the word.
do they tho?
like really?
I just bought a new brand of cottage cheese, I hope it's good.
Do you also drink your butter milk like a good derg?
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Would people specifically call something a certain thing if it didn't?

My what?

Evening Leto

I'm talking too American perhaps.
Strike the "your" and it might make sense.
kill yourself fucking furfag
I dunno, I'm not "people", i'm just a dude and I don't have any expectations
show pp
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That thing you showed me. It's millefiori glass.
show buttermilk dispenser
Great googily moogily... you're right! Nice find.
I wanted to know what it was, and you said you weren't sure how to go about finding out. So I did some googling and found the exact thing you showed me.
It's more the butter milk combo that throws me off

Rare Scaly
That's awesome. A quick search found one that was kinda similar.
It's just water which was used to wash butter so it becomes all nice and spreadable.
If that was made prior to the 80s it's actual glass. Starting in the 80s they made it out of polymer clay.
I think it originally came from my great grandparents and down to my grandmother. So... like mid-1900s, probably.
4chan has become a pain the past months.
you verify an email just to find out that the dynamic ip has previously been banned and appeal denied. that happened 7 times now and its either some pedo or someone evading on /v/ or /lgbt/ trolling. but each is wasting 15min of email and captcha solving pain.
the site is getting more hostile towards the users...

dad bod, dad pose
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Once 4chan realized I wasn't giving an email and I did the long wait and the bad captchas for a bit, within a day or so everything went back to what it was... 1 captcha then a couple no verifications needed. Repeat.

I finally got a 9800x3d. Awaiting the motherboard.
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feetsie feets!
It would definitely be real glass then. Millefiori glass production dates back to at least the Ancient Romans, which is pretty cool
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Pretty cool to know about it. Thanks.
You're welcome.
You are also limited to one verification per 12h with the same email but its useless when the ip range is a minefield of past bans.
Eddy has been a treasure and helped.

Thats been a while now. After how many tries?
I thought the market settled a bit by now.
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Creepsie Creeps?
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2 orders cancelled, several times in my cart then disappeared before I could click Check Out....
The motherboard is apparently coming on an ancient Chinese rice barge and has a delivery window of January 27- February 14. I'm not hopeful. But I can find another board easily enough. The CPU was the challenge.

Also, Hi, Nibi!
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Lucky. How is the pricing? Is it the same like with the gpus getting scapled?

And do you know anything about >pic or do great minds think alike?
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Scalper prices were and still are crazy... but Best Buy had them in stock for a brief window and after a couple tries, I got it ordered. Paid regular retail price. Got lucky. I had it shipped to the store and the guy there was amazed someone actually managed to get one. I presume the scalpers are snapping them up with 'bots.

Pic looks like it's from Leto's Patreon page.
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Hm, apparently drinking on a relatively empty stomach really does knock you down quite a bit the next day.
hi Scaly
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What about drinking with relatively empty balls?
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7 deer stopped by for snacks as the snow's starting to come down pretty heavy.
I noticed it hits me within 10-15min when eating nothing at all but i'm also not used to drinking much.

Hi Borb

You'll generate piss which then is stored in the balls
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No idea, I never run myself that dry.
What about fiver?
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He's been showing up well after sunset. I'll have treats waiting for him.
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Gotta convince your body that refined sugar is nourishment.
Smell the yeast and have your body tell you:
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I don't even notice hitting it me any more, I just roll with it gradually and maintain pretty good clarity even after 17 oz of whiskey.

I'm trying to cut back down to cider and white wine currently. Used to like beer, but nowadays it makes me feel too bloated.
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For me, beer is only good with meals that have beef. From burritos to burgers to steak, it's yum. Just drinking it... naw, I'm over it.
Too sweet too sweeeet. You're sweet 'nuff.
You eat many carbs throughout your day?
Ever since cutting all carbs except the occasional oatz and alcz I don't get the bloatz anymorez.
Except sometimes when extra bixxxl packed pizza time.
Like today unf.
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I think it only pairs well with barbecue for me nowadays.

My diet is relatively low in carbs. I focus more on protein, fiber, healthy fats and antioxidants. Plus a bunch of supplements. They keep me alive.
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That sounds good. What supplements tho?
That's a major scam and I don't care where you're from.
You don't want a supplemented meal, you want a whole meal.
I don't even use protein powders becaue my diet keeps me stronk like donk.
And he's stornk af.
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I eat mostly unprocessed, natural healthy food. For supplements I mainly take multivitamin and mineral tablets, L-theanine and ginkgo biloba with korean ginseng.
We're all genetically different, so the various supplements may benefit some people and do nothing for others.
ighhhh sleepy
5 more deer were by for snacks.
whats up ya silly butts?
go sleep
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Divisional playoff weekend, all is right in the world. How's you?
trying to decide on lunch
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Ham sandwich. Swiss cheese. Rye bread. Mustard on one side, mayo on the other. Sliced tomatoes.
ah our ham spoiled because of power issues.
OK, grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup.
All would be right if my bracket wasn’t currently 3-3 after wildcard and if the Steelers would just win a wildcard for once this decade :’)
ooh that doesnt sound like a bad idea.
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I predicted the Texans in the first game today. I did not expect KC to be playing this well.
That's my favorite rainy day lunch.
Post your hoobs

Very true, I wish more people understood that.
I wanna get a lil smarter about macronutrients and such, some of all the mushrooms we get to enjoy are really great for different aspects of health.
it does seem to be raining on and off.
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The stars are aligned. Do it!
Now post your butthole.
And before you defy me and we get into this whole exhausting thing, just fucking post it.
Each time you make your Rampy cry
An angel dies and falls from heaven
mmm mushroom
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I take a multi, extra C, D3, Beta carotene, Selenium, E, Zinc, Magnesium, B12, fish oil, and I can tell it makes a difference. Some people can't handle a lot of supplements, but it works for me. The theory is the recommended daily allowance for vitamins and minerals is the bare minimum to prevent serious diseases. We can do a lot better than that. And I go heavy on the antioxidants.
Plus trying to get veggies when I can and not eating a ton of crap.

Also, corn is really horrible for you and is best avoided
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mmmm fall from heaven 2
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They say "every time a bell rings, an angel gets their wings". What they don't tell you is every time a mouse trap snaps, an angel gets set on fire.
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I did study biochemistry for a while, so I have some intuitive idea of how things work, at least for me. I do like mushrooms.

Nice, yeah hypervitaminosis is rare, but particularly vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble rather than the rest which are water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins get stored in your body much longer, so those are the main ones you'd want to ever be at least a little cautious about.
chose something a little bit simpler eg left over redbeans and rice
hoobs on your face
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B12 is stored in your muscle... but I have a deficiency and my body doesn't absorb it. So I do the drops under the tongue thing every day. Only other choice is a shot every month. No thanks.
That sounds very healthy. Have a pizza tomorrow to make up for it.
oh its going to be pizza or something like egg drop soup.
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Your body doesn't absorb it? Is that a genetic thing?
I mainly know B12 deficiency otherwise happens mainly from abuse of certain substances such as nitrous oxide.
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Car accident when I was 18, I had a LOT of upper and lower intestine removed. On the plus side, it's highly unlikely I will ever be overweight. I have to work to maintain a minimum weight... on the downside, absorbing nutrients is a challenge. I am in the big eaters club though. I can eat an entire large pizza.
>I can eat an entire large pizza.
Average sergal appetite
It's a valuable super power.
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Damn, that sounds horrifying. I try to feel grateful that I'm somehow blessed to be relatively quite physically healthy and never had any major accidents, surgeries or any broken bones in my life. The only exception I think would be root canal treatments, but I would think those are very common for most to get.
Being able to eat so much without getting overweight must feel like a little luxury though, I'd bet.
im kind of in the same underweight boat due to broken eating habits and genetics.

The fact that I am soft is from work so that I have a buffer between my times when I can and cant eat.

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