I've been with my gf for 4 years now and it's time to start thinking about getting serious and marrying her. however, I'm not completely sold on the idea yet. she's a great gf and all, cooks good food daily, great body (tall, thin, medium boobs, blonde), no sex partners before me, nice family, racist+antisemitic, all that. however, she is just. so. damn. boring. Like, the only conversations we have are small talk about like gossip, tv shows, food and such. The only remotely "deep" topic we talk about is politics and that usually consists of me giving her a monologue about a topic she's interested in and her adopting my views. sex wise, I can fuck her pretty much whenever I want, but also in that regard she's absolutely not adventurous and we pretty much have vanilla sex exclusively. she's a homebody and doesn't ever wanna go out other than to restaurants, and she only has one real girl friend whom she meets up with like once a week for coffee. her friend is also hilariously uninteresting. anyone else got a boring wife? is that something I'll probably be able to cope with or will this lead to resentment? is there a way for me to make her any less boring?
>>930341332Boring and reliable is a lot better than most girls out there, if you think you can get somebody more fun who will also take care of you in your old age do your thing, I married one who ain't that interesting, hadn't been with anyone else and is kinda boring. I had different shit in the past and I'll take this over it. low stress shit
>>930341751This. Really, after far too many girls (only very few of them where crazy or a even bad choice) I'd give my left hand for boring, homebody and vanilla sex whenever I want....but. Yes, there is a but. You would propably have to experience the shitty alternativers to actually want what you already have and be ultimately happy with it. So... good luck.
>>930343539I forgot to mention: Yes there are ways to make her less boring. The easiest one is when she has an affair... she learns new stuff and (if she doesn't leave you for the new guy. Or if she does leave you, but wants you back later.) eventually will have some remorse and tries crazy new stuff to make up for it.A few mor femal friends could help, too. They talk a lot about what's going on with the guys. Might get some ideas.
>>930341332If you don't enjoy her company then why the fuck are you with her? My wife is fucking hilarious, she makes me laugh which makes my dick hard.She had a 'boring' upbringing - virgin before me (25 when we met), catholic household, strict parents but that makes it even funnier when she comes out with a dirty joke or brutal comment. I love spending time with her, even though I need my alone time. You clearly already resent your gf so how is marrying her gonna fix that? Spending MORE time and money on her, hoping she'll suddenly get more interesting? Sounds like cope to me.
Why would you marry? No seriously, why? She already spent 4 years with you, why ruin it by giving her an expensive ring, blowing up thousands of dollars in a wedding and all that to have the privilege to give her the right to half of your stuff?That doesn't sound too smart.
>>930344833maybe OP isn't black
Have you considered talking to her about this, politely? If you keep nudging her towards doing more stuff that might help.Don't botch this, she sounds like wife material to me. We've all got our flaws.
make her ride you after taking a shit on your chest. lol something will change there. defile her
>>930341332You can't have a hot wife and a smart and fun wife with interests without being super rich AND tall and handsome
Honestly? Go get it. Marry her. Especially as she has no guy friends (this is rare AF nowdays). If you don't you can find a woman like my ex and end up like me... What do I mean? Next summer it'll have been 3 years since we broke up. I broke up with her sensing there's something wrong and feeling it was a good moment to do so as I was leaving to university in another city. A month or 2 later I got to know what's wrong. Bitch was cheating on me. Never been this mad in my life. I've been trying to get back to dating. I really did. I just can't. I've been hurt which caused me to adopt beliefs that my current monetary and looks status cause me to be an easily replaceable partner and any woman I will be with is eventually going to cheat on me. Now, I know this is not true, but it really feels like a barrier I can't break down. And I'm not exactly a club type of guy so it's been 3 dry years.You do you, buddy. However, if I were you I would do a quick checkup on her mother. If she turns out not to be a crazy bitch (abortion advocate or leftist of some sorts) you shouldn't wait
>>930341486No, way. Do meth. Go for gold
Imagine actually talking to a woman. They don't know anything and even if they do they can't develop abstract thought. Women are not for conversation my friend. Find a bro and drink beers together.
>>930341332She sounds marriage materially enough but it sounds like you've only heard the wisdom of not chasing crazy, you haven't lived the life lessons necessary to want to have a quiet life.Or maybe you've always been a life in the fast lane sort of dude? Either way I don't think you should marry her because I don't think you have the capacity to appreciate what you have and need a few reality checks to get your head straight. Might as well chase those reality checks sooner when you can bounce back quick enough instead of later when you can't.
>>930349265chest shit again, act like you could pick up and throw each woman you talk to. look at her fat stupid eyes. tell her what she doesn't know. She wants what she thinks she doesn't have. attention from men. make her work for it. don't be cute
the only thing wrong with abortion is the fact they don't pay you for it. stemcells are capable of regenerative magic
Boring and trustworthy is awesome. Find a guy friend to do that other shit like talk about hobbies and interests with.
>>930341332Girl sounds like a keeper. Does whatever you want, listens to whatever you tell her, and keeps her mouth shut because she has nothing interesting to say... and here you are being a whiny faggot about it.Just marry her, dipshit. A woman that won't cheat on you is a rare thing.
>>930349514>>930350882looking at all the replies in this thread, they pretty much confirmed what I already thought, that I should go ahead and keep her and keep activities or cool conversations to male friends. the only issue is I have pretty much no friends, which is probably the main reason I'm bored all the time. I mean I have like 3 friends from school who I still game with occasionally, but they live 500km away and I rarely see them in real life. I didn't "click" with anyone from my university despite trying, probably because it's Germany and a student city so literally 95%+ are turbo-liberal male-feminist types who can't go 5 minutes without yapping about how good or evil [current thing] is. I'll probably have to move away from this place with her as soon as I finish my degree and move to a more rural part of the country.
>>930341332You got a fucking boyfriend bro