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Lol bye bye libshits
>paid leave
thank you, mister president!
You think anything is different? When he pardons Snowden and Assange you will know he is serious about reform.
Until then you know exactly how he feels about making meaningful reforms.
guys like OP don't care about real policies and issues.
they're are miserable, depressed incels who want everyone to share in their misery.
here's a scenario that could possibly be worse than being raped:
You're a child whose mother accidentally left you in a sink of scalding hot water onto your face and body in an accident as a very young toddler, permanently disfiguring you into that of a hideously grotesque and horrifyingly warped amorphous sinewy ropey-scarred flesh demon. Your mother, stricken with irreconcilable guilt, lives a delusional fantasy parading you around on publicly televised self-help motivation talks and burn-victim awareness seminars, coddling you to soothe the immense regret, shame, resentment, and disgust she feels over the irreparable state of your unsightly ghoulish being. Simultaneously, you contracted a rare bacterial infection whilst in the operating room for your burns as an infant, which rapidly spread to your extremities, requiring the immediate amputation of all your limbs - the necrosis leaving the rest of your pickled, mutilated body resembling a writhing sack of beef jerky. Your father couldn't bear the ignominy of having a gigadisabled quadraspazzed son and left quietly, compounding your mother's demented psychosis, but not before he also took your perfectly healthy and strapping twin brother. A twin brother who you would then meet as a teenager in the school you're forced to share, assigned by the staff at his own enthusiasm to be your custodian and aide. A physical manifestation of the reality plundered from you, the better timeline narrowly missed by the cruelty of fate. To make matters worse, the twin brother is psychotic, and, tickled by the sheer hilarity of the colossal karmic imbalance represented in the flesh between you, decides to make every waking minute of your scholastic life a nightmare by forcing you, the vile pepperami-person that your scalded, charred, broken body has become, into doing all sorts of demeaning and disgraceful things at the threat of electrical and incendiary torture.
Niggers, jeets and spics are already being deported. Nice!
Do you know what removing security clearences means for those ex-fbi agents?
Dude just took away their nest egg since those guys make so much money doing consulting work after leaving the FBI because they use their clearance to get classified info
Now that the FBI is on notice they will now start to reject psyop jobs
nah, they'll be importing more jeets to be your bosses. vivek ramapajeet told you you're too retarded to get good jobs.
you voted for a president who wants to put americans back to work in the fields, now get your retarded ass out there and work.
did no americans realize that trump didn't put a single healthcare CEO on notice?
that he didn't put anyone that's directly fucking america on notice?
americans are so retarded.
This. The Trump cultists main goal is to make you as miserable as they are. Why do you think they inject their political cancer into every facet of their existence? I wish they'd realize their edgy political opinions aren't a replacement for a personality
you forgot derek chauvin
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>You only had one job...... ONE JOB.........
>Why do you think they inject their political cancer into every facet of their existence?
on /b/ specifically? it's their substitute for a personality
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>I gave you a fighting chance anon. Now, I leave the rest up to you.......
>Why do you think they inject their political cancer into every facet of their existence?
remind me again who are the people with rainbow flags and pronouns in their social media bios?
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this is just revenge against them for investigating a known (convicted) felon, not about promises at all. it's just petty like everything else he does
>Major campaign promise
>Groceries and gas still going up
>gay pride parades are based
>white pride parades are evil
Those people aren't here, injecting political propaganda and Boogeymen into every Goddamn thing. Those people aren't here turned /b/ into an authoritarian hugbox. Eat fucking shit, political tourist. I hate your kind with a fucking passion. You invaded my home, and turned it into everything it stood against in the beginning
>white pride parades are evil
Well, white pride parades have heavy racial influence. Nobody gives a shit if you have English price, or Irish pride, or pride in another white majority country. You can thank organizations like the KKK for that
>injecting political propaganda and Boogeymen into every Goddamn thing.
you mean like "everyone I don't agree with is a racist and a nazi"?
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This. Anyone who has been on 4chan long enough knows that is a fact.
>burning a flag is okay
>burning a cross on my black neighbor's lawn is a hAtE cRiMe
Jesus tap-dancing Christ, are you literally retarded? I said those people aren't here, shoving their bullshit down my throat. Yes, they're annoying, but they're easier to avoid. I don't seek them out like you do
> have heavy racial influence. Nobody gives a shit if you have English price,
and no one gives a shit if you have a brown pride or black pride parade
Good point. Now go and say it in the "libshits are going to cry like a bitch" threads
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>you mean like "everyone I don't agree with is a tranny and a Zionist"?
more than 48 hours after being inaugurated and he still didn't do the thing he said that would take less than 24 hours, solving the ukraine war.
>I said those people aren't here
are you fucking blind? they're all over this board
I thought the left are the ones that hates Israel? I can't keep this sides straight anymore
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He's got a good concept of a plan coming. Just like his concept of a plan to reduce inflation of the price of eggs.
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>hates Israel
>likes Jews

>likes Israel
>hates Jews

Getting free income as a DEI hire is how rightoids "pwn" us? lmao they are beyond delusional
Remind me again who are the masters of logical fallacies and stochastic terrorism?
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You are one of the most insufferable cunts I have ever had the misfortune of having to deal with. And I'm quite sure you are aware or and probably proud of that fact. But don't you even think for a second that you may... in fact, bring the hate upon yourselves?
He’s not trying to pwn anyone. Having the government full of DEI positions is extremely dangerous. Just look at the DEI fire that took place in LA.
You know, since it's libs that say viewing porn is everyone's 1st amendment right, and Nazis banning/blocking it in states like Texas and Florida where they have full power, it's just a matter of time now that they pass a nationwide bill that will punish isps if they don't block it now that they control congress, courts and white house. Since sites like 4chan have huge amounts of porn on them isps will start blocking access to this too. I wouldn't be surprised if the Nazis used the courts to force app stores to remove vpns and make isps block sites that let you access them as well.
>pardon Assange
I'm gonna go ahead and say you're a fucking retard, controlled opposition, a paid shill, or most likely all three. I guess you are counting on people not being up to speed on what's gone on with him.
Are you retarded? This place has been a right wing hugbox since Trump won his first term. There's still those of us who despise you here, but you outnumber us
Noo we need them to help billionaires make more profits

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