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When was the last time you've seen an ice cream truck passing through your neighborhood? I noticed they stopped coming to mine after the Kung-Flu hit.
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>When was the last time you've seen an ice cream truck passing through your neighborhood?
about 11 years ago, probably
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That's grim. Will ice cream trucks go extinct before the newspaper service?
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I don't know, me moving to a smaller city at the time probably influenced my abstinence from truck's ice cream
Never. This place is full of old, lactose intolerant people.
they come through every summer. 2020 was the only year they didn't come through.
in fact, people charter them for kids parties. you can charter a bouncy castle and an ice cream truck, and all the other kids on the block can come up and buy stuff too. My neighbors have done this the last three years.

Stop living in a poor neighborhood.
i haven't heard the ice cream truck in ages
never seen one. we did have milk trucks though. they stopped, i think, around 10 years ago.
The trucks returned last summer.
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I fucking love ice cream, and I see a truck every summer

Shieeeeet, probably 5 years ago? It was in Nicaragua.

I've never actually experienced the American suburb lifestyle, do you recomend it? is it like in the movies?
Still cold as the 9th ring , and one drove past the other day. Stupid loud music and all. Thinking it must have been the Feds; luckily I wasn’t on 4 at the time!
Its been a while they used to come here everyday
I saw them last summer
We get them all summer about once a week. You can aldo rent them for kids' parties and the neighbors come over and buy stuff too.

Maybe OP lives in a shitty neighborhood, but these trucks are common all over the country.
I have never seen an ice cream truck in my life
become the next local soft serve kingpin. the time is now.
Spam thread
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Haha your discord empire fell apart and you have no drip nor ice cream
I know you are, but what am I
Necrobump bot thread
Few years back I drove one, but then the judge said I couldn't drive it no more what with the laws and such. Fucking Biden
>When was the last time you've seen an ice cream truck passing through your neighborhood?
Does the pedo white van count or should it necessarily have ice cream?
the ice cream attracts the children
Damn... So i got molested for nothing?
i had seen an ice cream truck literally once in my life before one started coming to my neighborhood in like 2020 or 21
it should be coming around in about 18 hours
also they dont have choco taco so i couldnt care less
Oh man, totally forgot about ice-cream trucks. Kinda between towns so they never stop here, but sometimes I hear them during the summer
We have all reinforcements in guise of ice cream trucks so I see another ice cream truck about 300 times a day.
im like ice cream hitler :3
i saw one last summer actually
man what the fuck I haven't seen any in YEARS, this just made me realise it
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I don't know about the ice cream truck, but what about the desu truck?
how are you doing that
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Only the fiscally responsible know.
>No choco taco
Burn the whole world to ashes
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obligatory cirno squirreljak
Cirno is a nigger by the way
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this is a great post and a good life lesson btw
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Schwinn 9's
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There's the scoop!
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you can get that ass mad about repeating numbers but not the constant attempts by inferior websites to colonize us?
Anon why do you deleted your post?
this thread really has some staying power. Ice Cream trucks just started their routes in our area last weekend. The only year I didn't see any was 2020.
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Faggot /jp/loids
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OP please look up
>Cirno Glathe Hook Stab
There is a very specific picture
It's due to drug market changes.

In the distant 1950's past icecream trucks sold icecream to legitimate buyers in safe neighborhoods.

Once neighborhoods started becoming more sketchy 70's, 80's, icecream truck businesses got absorbed into drug markets in gang territories. Even outside of ganglands it became typical for icecream trucks to be selling weed on the side. This situation ultimately evolved into laundering money for larger players. With this arrangement most icecream trucks ran a minimum number of hours to appear as legitimate business.

Proof? Drug market changes correlate well with icecream truck disappearance. Now days many the big week sellers moved on to or went out of business to legal dispensaries. On top of that many more people have learned to use crypto for drugs. The combined effect is the disappearance of icecream trucks. The need for laundering money went away and so did the trucks.

The few remaining trucks are legitimate party businesses who bought used trucks to rent for birthdays. And here we are.
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They drive up and down my street almost every day, one was at the park down the street from my house this afternoon. Tis the season.
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Also the Scooby Doo is a story of weed selling teens pretending to run a mystery solving business.

>They drive up and down my street almost every day, one was at the park down the street from my house this afternoon.
Ask him for weed.
We don't have an ice cream truck here. We go to the store that sells ice cream (Heladería) and buy it by weight.

We can eat it at the store, on the street, or take it home.
Every day when it is warm outside. A house nearby has at least 4 ice cream trucks parked behind it in the off season, so I suspect there is a connection.
Yes it is in the white neighborhoods. Halloween was exactly like the movies and not a single brown skin in sight.
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I passed one on the road a couple of days ago, it looked like it hadn't been repainted since 1986. Sad times.
stupid fairyposters
It was before Covid for sure. I think there were just fewer kids, which is probably why they stopped coming
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like 2014 or something?
Nearly every day. Pretty sure the guy also peddles crack though.
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Ice cream trucks have never been a thing here.
They pass by every other weekend or so here. There was a break during COVID but it's back to normal. I think they're more active from May through August though.
thats what happens when live in the collapsing suburbs
I heard one the other day. It was playing the Popeye the Sailor Man theme.
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For me its been longer than that where I am
Just yesterday, it weirded me out hearing one after so many years
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This thread is 60 days old
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We can go another 60 days
It's been many years since I've seen one but I did hear one somewhere over yonder a few weeks ago. But much rarer to find one these days than in my youth.
Yesterday, actually.
last time i heard an ice cream truck was 1998.

Last summer. an ice cream truck comes thru the neighborhood since its near a lake area and has tourists in summer.
most of the time, the heat is unbearable and ice cream truck are not the only thing that pass through during summer
I like those illegal Mexicans selling icecream out of a cart without a vendor's license. Pretty sure they don't collect sales tax or pay income tax either. My favorite is the strawberry with milk. IYKYK
>When was the last time you've seen an ice cream truck passing through your neighborhood?
Ice cream truck? What is that?
5 years ago at the start of the pandamic my neighborhood has lots of young families and kids so i’m suprised more dont come out and i also want some ice cream too ngl
last time I saw one of those in my neighborhood was when I was a kid, they never come here anymore
Poor neighborhoods are the ones with ice cream trucks, elote carts, and taco trucks. What are you talking about?
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>When was the last time you've seen an ice cream truck passing through your neighborhood?

when i was a kid, i used to have a neighbor that would always go outside whenever the ice cream truck music is sounded, she was fat and looked like a middle age mother, me and my younger sister would for some reason go and spy on her whenever the ice cream music is heard. she would always order the same ice cream sandwich over and over again, until one day she moved out, am not sure what happened to her but i hope for the best

thank you ice cream lady
this was on page 9
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one just drove down my road a few minutes ago, they come regular in summer. I never go though
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It really is on page 9.
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summer is coming, are you ready?
Wait until he learns about the frog touhou character
Ice cream trucks are for idiots and shitskins
Nah, it's for kids that don't live near a grocery store because boomers decided to build suburbs miles away from grocery stores and bus stops to save themselves from "diversity" violence.
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Sharing ice cream with a cute woman would be heaven
Yesterday. It was raining.
In Wales Ice cream vans used to be mobile drug dispensaries. If you wanted drugs you'd go to your local ice-cream van.
>with a cute woman
pic unrelated
Stop making threads holy shit.
This is the same thread from February. Thanks for the bump. We might keep it alive for the summer to see if there are any ice cream trucks.

Like 15 years ago.

It's a dying buisness because kids and parents aren't even outside anymore. Just another example of American dying.
I would like to bump this thread, I like ice cream trucks and wish I could buy from one again, the ice cream guy I knew when I was a kid was very very likely a drug dealer but he was such a chill guy, my parents liked him too. I bet they knew and just didnt care
I think I've only seen that happen on tv
it's a shame cause I like their ice creams when I get them at fairs n stuff
They probably stop coming to OP's neighborhood because OP's mom kept eating the trucks.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology and Operation Warp speed took this from you.
I love ice cream
wow this thread has staying power. bumperoony
kill the thread. behead the thread. slam dunk the thread into the concrete
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90 days
I haven't had ice cream in a while now. I do enjoy a good amount of ice cream on the occasion.
i just saw one the other they. it was 10 dollars for a one of those extra big bomb pops. shit used to be 3 dollars
live the thread. honor the thread. slam dunk the thread into the annals of history
What is the bant archive called i want to see this >>19999999
its called bakarchice
Just had some dairy queen and it was meh. Tasted like chocolate milk
None of these have /bant/ but i KNOW there is an archive for bant i just forgot the name.
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Nvm I found it on my own.
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dude are you posting your private keys here
literally saw one a few days ago while on my lunch break at work
too many third worlders are being mass imported these days though, too risky to drive an open truck with money around now
bumping the cursed ice cream truck thread.
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Seems useful. Thanks for sharing so I don't have to look later.
Not so fucking fast there honcho
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prophecy: the 50th president of the US loves touhou and especially his beloved cirno. angel number 999.

to those who know.
cirno will sit in the oval office. she will be the strongest.
Maybe a year ago
by page 10 minmaxing bump limit, easily done
bumping this necrobumped thread
I saw an icecream truck btw. Didn't check prices. Still cheaper to go to the store.
I ate ice cream tonight but I don't think it was real ice cream. I walked back home with it and it did not melt even a little bit on the way. The texture was also not exactly the same. goyslop I think.
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Will this post be deleted too?
Apparently so, weird
Will this be getting deleted too? Hope so
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Thread is coming up on 1/3 of a year old.
Thanks for not posting a photo of a penis
But why?
u dirty fucker
i don't know dude, like 2015?
i barely have any memories of back then anymore. they sell the retarded looking spongebobs in gas station freezers now
kill yourself
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It is perfect
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This is even more perfect
Last week (::
The ice cream truck industry is projected to grow, actually
Sir, this is a thread about ice cream trucks
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I can't remember
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Out of control!
Rosen maiden was a shit anime you have shit taste
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Tried searching icecream in the catalog and I thought the thread finally got nuked
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Fine, but a lot of people like it. And anyway it was part of the April Fools feature at the time
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He sells controversial flavors
like what
His vehicle says mackerel, strömming (herring), swordfish, and albacore
Naturally it passed all the health inspections and everything, and herring ice cream is nutritious. I'm only saying the flavors are not to everyone's liking
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The song that most ice cream trucks play is "Turkey in the Straw"

Honestly I wouldn't even buy an ice cream from one of these things. Cheaper to buy a bunch from a supermarket and I'd just have sticky stuff on my hands
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When people talk about how great FOOD TRUCKS!! are, does that include ice cream trucks? Or are they unfashionable now
A lot of ice cream trucks are probably money laundering operations but the kids don't care
stop wasting bumps on page 4
What's the issue?
Last summer. They were playing "turkey in the straw" while driving by.
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My least favorite ice cream truck as a kid desu
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I have saved this thread.
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You could say that about literally every post on 4chan
the key word is faster
page 9 instead of page 4
most of your messages aren't even conversational anyways
Growing up in Romania, I don't think anyone ever saw an ice cream that was not in a movie.
We had something similar though, when summer came, gypsies riding watermelon filled carts would drive across town and yell that you can buy watermelons from them.
I've seen one this summer also.
Did they cut them up for you or did they just hand you the whole fruit?
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I mean, this is just poor taste
Lol, do Brits really
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Odd, what kind of upbringing did you have
moment this started playing... so many flashbacks
Like good memories of ice cream trucks from childhood? "Flashbacks" sounds bad desu
Now do me
>They drive up and down my street almost every day
This anon is blessed
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This looks cramped
Goyslop truck fuck off
Wow. Sure it's junk food but people just like treats sometimes
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>he knows the exact number of days
Neapolitan ice cream is stupid sorry
Seems like a good business opportunity unless I'm missing something
Those are great but not made anymore, I think
The post you're linking to doesn't even exist
Why do mods delete so many threads here and keep this one up for months?
This thread is a psyop designed to kill real threads right?
I don’t get it
Not sure
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He doesn't take credit cards
What did he mean by this
flashbacks as in just things i thought had forgotten
Ah, that's a relief
>Proof? Drug market changes correlate well with icecream truck disappearance.
Not sure I'd call this proof but okay, interesting
I don't understand how it kills threads, can you explain how the psyop works?
never. i thought they were made up by movie producers
Are you from a rural area? I always assumed most American towns and cities had ice cream trucks
deleted bvmp
That does seem to happen
I can imagine a vehicle that delivers both, basically a mobile hostess bar. It's going to be expensive ice cream

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