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"The Waifu Wrestling Alliance. For over 250 threads, the revolutionary force in sports entertainment. Then. Now. For as long as we damn well feel like it!"

>What is /wwa/?
Waifu Wrestling Alliance (WWA for short) is a video game and 4chan E-Federation that uses Pro-Wrestling Video games to simulate a fictional wrestling promotion of user created waifus. We mainly use the WWE 2K series of video games, however we have also utilized other pro-wrestling games such as Fire Pro or Wrestling Empire.

>Getting Started/How do I join?

>Simulator Video Games
WWE 2K23 (Our Main Game): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1942660/WWE_2K23/
WWE 2K24 (Secondary Game): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2315690/WWE_2K24/
Fire Pro Wrestling World (Tertiary Game): https://store.steampowered.com/app/564230/Fire_Pro_Wrestling_World/
Wrestling Empire (Tertiary Game): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1620340/Wrestling_Empire/

>Quick Resources
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@WaifuWrestlingAlliance
Wiki: https://waifumania.fandom.com/wiki/Waifumania_Wiki

>Online Waifu Generators
Nemu's Waifu Generator: https://waifus.nemusona.com/
Prodia: https://app.prodia.com/#/art-ai

Previous Thread: https://archive.palanq.win/bant/thread/20472076/#20472076
No one care
Looks like its just you and me

I care. I’m just not in a position to post right now.
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>Bump? Run laps?! I’m sick, you idiot
>Can’t you see how pale I am?
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Lexi is escorted out of the motel and Cassie unceremoniously shoves her into a black Range Rover with heavily tinted windows. Someone deftly gags her from behind, and her world fades to darkness as a blindfold is applied.

Lexi’s heart quickens as she feels someone sit beside her, just before the Range Rover rolls into motion. “You’re gonna get honest with me before the day is though lass,” she hears Cassie whisper, her cousin’s breath warm on her ear, “or it’ll be your last regret.”

The warning sends a shiver down Lexi’s spine, and she says a silent prayer to The Foremother.

After a journey of roughly twenty minutes, the vehicle comes to a halt. A door opens and Lexi finds herself being pushed out of the vehicle. Still clad only in her bra and panties, a cool breeze against her bare skin causes a discomforting chill. But then she hears the door of a building being opened, and the chill soon fades as she’s taken indoors and shoved onto a chair. The blindfold is pulled away and Cassie glares down at her.

“I went to Japan not just because of the business opportunities there, but because I found out I had two cousins in GJPW,” Cassie says. “But from the moment I’ve found you, it’s been crystal clear that you’re keeping something from me. And now you’re in my city, carrying around my name, and leaving dead bodies in motels.” Cassie leans forward. “So by the time we’re done here, you’re gonna tell me just what kind of business you’re in, and with who, because I do not have room for uncertainties. Do I make myself clear?”

Lexi nods in response to the question, and Cassie unceremoniously rips the gag away from her mouth.

“Start by explaining why you killed that man you lured back to the motel. Who do you work for? Was he your employer's competitor?” Cassie asks.
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Lexi shakes her head vigorously. “It was nothing like that, love, I swear it.” Lexi swallows hard. She had no option here but to tell the truth, but she simply couldn’t picture Cassie being at all receptive to it. Still, she had to try. “Look, what I’m going to tell you might come as a surprise, but I need you to keep an open mind and if you give me a chance, I promise I can prove it’s all true.” She takes a deep breath. “How much do you know about your mum, love?”

“She was a… what does my mother have to do with any of this?” Cassie hisses.

“Did she ever tell you anything about HER mother? Our Grandmother?” Lexi insists.

“My mother was a sick woman, ok? And by the time she had Nikki, she was spending more time talking to herself than me or anyone else. Then one day she killed herself, and left me to raise Nikki on my own and unless you give me an answer I want to hear in the very near future, I’ll be sending you to join her.” Cassie snaps her fingers, and a henchman approaches, gun in hand.

“WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!” Lexi shouts. “Please… I've got way too much living left to do to die here... like this. But if you just let me explain, you’ll understand how that man I was with ended up dead, and a whole lot more.” A single tear trickles down Lexi’s cheek. “So please don’t kill me. Ok?”

Cassie sighs. This woman was the first living relative to come into her life since the day her mother died. Having to dispose of her would be… unfortunate. “Go on,” Cassie says.
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Lexi looks Cassie in the eyes. “Well… our grandmother, The Foremother, is from a particular clan of demons known as Succubi in human folklore. And for thousands of years they sustained themselves by using their spirit forms to seduce and draw the life force of human men through their dreams. But The Foremother, even among her kind, was ambitious. A bit like you in that way, love.”

Lexi smiles ever so slightly. “So even though it was forbidden for her kind to be physically present in this realm, she’d come here, assume a human form and obtain the life force of human men directly.”

Cassie raises a brow. “You expect me to believe I’m descended from a demon? I’m a bloody Catholic, you utter gobshite!”

Lexi continues, undeterred. “As a result of her first visit to our world many centuries ago, The Foremother bore a daughter conceived with a mortal man. And even after she returned to the demon realm, a connection to that daughter persisted, especially when she exhibited traits in common with The Foremother. And soon, she was all grown up and draining the life force from human men just like mommy, and the more powerful she became, the stronger The Foremother became.”

“So for centuries, she kept coming. Countless times. And during every visit she’d conceive more daughters. And her daughters would have grand-daughters, like us. All connected to her. She became like a god, compared to even the other succubi. And they all banished her for it.”

“But she didn’t care, because she had us, her precious girls. And for any of us to live in the darkness as you and your sister have, with no clue as to who you are, or of the pleasures we’re meant to experience is a tragedy! You wanted to know what kind of business I’m in? What it is I really want?” Lexi narrows her eyes. “That’s it. I want to save you and Nicole by guiding you into The Foremother’s light so you can be your true selves.”
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“You’ll stay away from my sister,” Cassie growls.

Lexi smiles. “Physically, we’re the peak of human potential. And you and your sister are just as capable as I am of using the abilities we’ve inherited from The Foremother.” Lexi leans forward in her chair. “The life force of men can extend our lives for hundreds of years. Don’t you want that for your sister? For yourself? You’ve achieved so much already… think of what your organisation could be in a hundred years.”

The sound of a slap rings out as Cassie backhands her cousin across the face, then she grabs her roughly by the jaw. “Now you’ve gone and said too much,” Cassie snaps. “My organisation? Just what is it you think you know, hmm? Because I sure haven’t told you anything beyond me owning a few nightclubs. You are working for someone, aren’t you?”

Cassie releases her grasp, and an almost crazed look enters Lexi’s eyes as she responds with a laugh. “I’m ‘working’ for The Foremother. We’re all beautiful, perfect superior beings, made in her image!” Lexi screams. “And we are all connected to her. Even the lost ones like you. And through that connection, she knows all. And she told me all about you being some sort of Queenpin. That’s how I know. You can meet her, you know, and see for yourself. And that sister of yours? The one you want me to stay away from? She’s met The Foremother already.”

Cassie takes a step back. She wills herself to write her cousin off as insane. To just shoot her and be done with it. But if what she was saying is true, it would explain so much…

She turns to her henchmen. “Leave us,” she orders.

The men nod, and swiftly make their way out of the warehouse. After they depart, Cassie’s focus shifts back to Lexi. “Let’s pretend for a moment that I believe you. I need to know one thing. Did this bloody demon granny of ours drive my mother insane?” Cassie asks. “Is that why she killed herself? Did she possess her? Tell me!”
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Lexi sighs, eyeing the cross pendant of Cassie’s necklace as it hangs in front of her, and shakes her head. “No, of course The Foremother wasn’t to blame. She loves us all dearly. Like I told you, we’re connected to her, and after being banished by her own kind, we’re all she has. When we suffer, and especially when we die… it’s very upsetting for her,” she says. “But… my mother has told us plenty about yours. She told us how she rejected her heritage, and ran away to Ireland. THAT’s why she’s dead.”

Anger crosses Cassie’s face. “What did your demon do to my-”

“NOTHING!” Lexi interjects. “It’s just… well, have you ever heard a little voice? Sometimes it’s more subtle, like a drive, or an urge that’s not your own. But for daughters and grand-daughters of The Foremother like us, it’s usually a voice. You said your mother talked to herself.”

“So does my sister,” Cassie replies quietly.

“But have YOU heard your own?” Lexi insists.

“My mother was sick. And so is my sister,” Cassie replies. “In my line of work I don’t have the luxury of being like them.”

Lexi grins. “That’s… not a no. Like I told you, we possess traits inherited from The Foremother, and her kind use spirit forms to seduce and drain the lifeforce from men through dreams. Those voices come from our own spirit forms.”

Lexi keeps a close eye on Cassie’s body language for any sign of hostility as she continues speaking. “Now, you’ve clearly suppressed yours, and that is VERY unhealthy. You might think you’re in control now, but eventually you snap and well, that other part of us, it’s every bit as alive as we are. And it won’t respond well to being locked away and forced to exist in darkness.”
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Lexi hesitates, allowing Cassie a chance to speak. When she however remains silent, Lexi continues. “That’s why we have… a ritual of sorts. We just have to enter a dream state so The Foremother can bring our souls to her realm. And there we fight for control. And either we assert dominance over our spirit self and access the ability to use its power in the physical world… or it asserts dominance over us, and we become the spirit form.”

“If you don’t do this, one day your spirit self will drive you insane just like your mother,” Lexi says. “Or you’ll find it starts taking control of your body, like what happens to your sister. And when that happens, if it doesn’t like you, who knows what it’ll do.”

“What did you say about my sister?” Cassie snaps.

Lexi leans her head to one side. “You… you didn’t know? Oh, mate… that’s tragic. You seem to care about her so much, yet you paid such little attention.” Lexi shakes her head. “I noticed it when I was in the GJPW dojo. I’d watch your matches and Nikki’s, every single one. But on one of the shows Nikki was… different. The way she dressed, the way she moved, and she had them announce her as ‘Coco’. Don’t you remember that? Did you not watch your sister? She wrestled Pizza Girl that night and lost. That was Nikki’s body in the ring but I assure you, that was not her pulling the strings. It was the little voice you’ve heard her talking to.”

Cassie’s heart races in her chest. No matter how she tries, she can no longer convince herself that Lexi is lying.

Lexi sighs. “Look, mate you’ve got multiple demons wrestling in the company you work for, this really isn’t that big of a deal. So be reasonable, untie me, and let me help you and your sister. That’s all I want.” Lexi smiles. “Our mothers are twins conceived by The Foremother herself. We should be standing side by side, we’re practically sisters. So please. Just let me be a sister to you.”
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Cassie sighs and pulls Lexi out of the chair, before untying the rope around her wrists. “This doesn’t mean I quite trust you yet,” Cassie growls. “But… I can see you’re not lying.”

Lexi laughs and abruptly hugs Cassie. “I’ll take your ‘not quite trust’ over a bullet to the head any day of the week, love.” As the hug ends, she grabs both of Cassie’s hands. “The Foremother, is very, very interested in both you and your sister.”

The look in Lexi’s eyes becomes earnest, almost unsettlingly so. “Nikki’s got her Lonelyfans page. And because of it, thousands, if not millions of men around the world fantasize and dream about her… if she understood how to use her spirit self, she could draw life from so, so many dreams. It scares even me just to think about it.”

“And you… that drug of yours… Obsidian Rush… It did something to me, Cassie. It took my pleasure to even further heights, because it made me more… me.” Lexi giggles. “It’s definitely why The Foremother is so interested in you. In that moment last night, when I was on Rush, I was as powerful as my mother, maybe even more. No man has ever died from being with me, the way they sometimes do with my mother… they’d just be a little groggy the next day. But with your drug, I was able to take so much more from him.”

Lexi’s grip on Cassie’s hands tightens as she continues. “And that means, our kind can use men to extend our lifespans even further than we previously thought. I’ll just have to practice… to make sure I don’t kill them every time. But even if I do, they’re cattle for us. Nothing more.”

Cassie silently watches her cousin as she then skips around, shouting praises to The Foremother, and sighs. Lexi Kade was a very strange woman, but she made a point that Cassie knew she wouldn’t be able to move on from. Just what would her organisation be in a hundred years? What sort of life could she build for herself and Nikki with that sort of time? She had to know.
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“Simmer down over there,” Cassie orders, as she approaches Lexi. “Obsidian Rush? I’ve got plenty of it. Spare men? I’ve got plenty of those too, could do with a few of the useless ones off my payroll. So do whatever it is you need to do, and one day… maybe I’ll let you teach me how.”

“Yeah! That’s what I like to hear,” Lexi exclaims.

“But if you don’t mind, I have business to take care of,” Cassie continues, her voice devoid of emotion. “You’ll return to the vehicle I have parked outside, and my men will drive you to my penthouse which is where you’ll be living from now on. I’ll have your clothes sent over, or you can borrow some of mine, we’re around the same size.”

Lexi giggles. “Ohh a penthouse, huh? That sounds fancy. Honestly, going from motel to motel is more my speed, you know? I don’t like staying in one place too long.” She falls silent for a moment. “But it would mean we can spend more time together. Ok, I accept your offer!”

“Glad to hear it,” Cassie responds. “But like I said, I’ve got business to take care of. And since Reina accepted your challenge, you’ve got a match to prepare for. I’m sure you know what I want to see from you against one of Kanako’s allies.”

Lexi’s eyes light up as she imagines wrestling in front of a huge crowd once more. “Yes Cassie, I believe I do.”
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>Mon dieu, Ms DiVanna...

>Seems to me like the plastic surgeon that botched your pathetic excuse for a boob-job was better off using the silicone to fill the void in your thick skull.

>Time and again you chucklefucks misconstrue my stature here. You taunt me as if I have anything to lose.

>Your first mistake was calling Kanako a leader. Each and every one of us are flag bearers to guide the oppressed to rise to the challenge of wenches like you.

>I live for the fight.
>I endure the pain dealt by people like you so that others don't have to.

>I left that letter at your club warning you of what I was going to do to you and your pitiful clique. I am here to bring you down. And now that I've started, I wont stop.
>I may win. I may lose. I won't forgive, and I certainly won't forget.
>I will become your waking fucking nightmare.

>À bientôt!
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Ash scoffed at the mention of Cassie, muttering under her breath.
>Of course.

The coach sat back down as Kanako wrapped up her explanation... and challenge. Ash nodded, taking a few moments' pause.
>Yeah. We can do that. I'd love to have ya.
>And, look.
>Wrestling isn't easy. I don't know anything about being a sniper, but you don't have to... navigate some of the oddities we do in the wrestling world.
>So don't get caught up on records. You can't change the outcome of the matches that happened.
>Get caught up on what you can do.
>You know our motto here in the Dojo, right?
>You've still here so...
>That's step one.
>So let's learn together so you can win when ya get back out there.
I have the 'tism but this is too much even for me
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>Coach and.. is that Kanako? Wonder what they’re talkin’ ‘bout
>*chew* hard ta hear anything over the sound a’ these peanut butter and dandelion eggs
>(Now’s when I put all my detective skills ta good use and eavesdrop on their conversation without them even knowin’ I’m here!)

OOC: Sorry! This is all I’ve got on my phone right now. Nothing else is supported.
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The sound and the screen in the WWA arena flicker and the first 4 notes of Punk Elf's theme plays. The crowd erupts with cheers....yet nothing happens. The music goes out again and the screen turns back to static before a feed is opened up. A voice, a laughing voice can be heard blaring of the stadium's speakers.

>"Oh you should see the looks on your faces!"

A familiar voice rings out before the screen turns on again, revealing the familiar face of...Steeli Yastuffi, sitting in a smokey room by herself.

>"I would say it's a pleasure to see you all again, but that would be a downright lie. And you may call me many things, but a liar I am not. In fact, I despite liars. It's why I have a personal grudge against one Cassie Kade. But I'm not here about to talk that textbook case of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and why it's never a good idea to drop a baby on their head. No no no."

Steeli shifts her position as she looks directly into the camera.

>"I'm here because it's been high time for a new caper. You see it's been a while since I've managed to get my hands on...this."

A dull thud is heard as Steeli puts down Sapphire/Spirit's lantern with a chuckle, caressing it lovingly.

>"Ah, my best work so far, I have to admit. The personal loathing just makes it so much more personal, you know? I had considered selling this off to the highest bidder, but as it turns out, there's no market for haunted ghosts in cheap plastic garden lanterns. 12.99 Spaghetti Dimes at the local garden store, as it turns out."

With a swat, Steeli slaps the lantern off the table, where it clangs as it hits the ground off screen.

>"Still undamaged huh. Tough piece of khara."

Steeli turns back to the camera.

>"So I have been laying low after my rightful theft of the lantern, as a good thief should. Let things blow over. But now, I've got my sights set on something grander, if a tad less personal then that piece of junk on the floor."


>"Priscilla Divine. Priscilla FUCKING Divine. You still being champion proves that there is no god in Spaghetti Town. Yet it has crossed my ears that you're looking for challengers. That title is going to be MINE. And when I set my sights on something, it will be an inevitability until what is now yours, will be mine. Rookie Cup, stolen. This dumb fucking company. Rescued by my hand. Your precious friend's lantern. Now mine. I do not make mistakes, I do not fuck up. What is yours, will be mine. And perhaps there will finally be some justice in this crapsack world."

Steeli pushes the camera down to the ground, cracking the screen somewhat.

>"Bismillah, Steeli out."

Jade returns home from the dojo feeling all kinds of emotions, but one of the biggest things she feels is that she wants to throw up.

>What's wrong with me?
"Nothing. You were humiliated today by Ash in front of her students. your reaction is justified."
>No. NO, that's not what happened. Stop trying to twist what happened today.
"You know that's what happened. If it wasn't, you wouldn't have used me after the match. You couldn't face your failure and you couldn't look Ash in the eye out of shame. You called me to do it for you."
>No, I... I...
"You can't lie to me. You can't lie to yourself. You were brought to the dojo to be humiliated. Ash used you."
>She... she just wanted to train, that's all. Nothing more, nothing less

*Click*. Without realizing what she had done, Jade noticed she had turned on the TV. It was set to the WWA Network and was showing highlights and news from the recent show that just took place. Then, a breaking news report came through.
*Hello everyone, we have some exciting news to share. Influencer Annabelle Dupont has just released the latest edition of The Belle Report! In her latest update, she has revealed exclusive footage of a secret wrestling match between Ash Romero and Jade Thorn. We will be playing it now here for you to see. All credit goes to Ms. Dupont. You can find her on all social platforms, and we'll have links for them at the bottom of the screen*

Jade watches

>.....the girl with the pink hair......
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and watches

>.........I was set up........
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and watches ..
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until it all ends...

>....Thank you......
>"8 laps?"

>"Say less coach!"
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After the previous broadcast of ‘The Belle Report’, Annabelle Dupont received an invitation to meet at a local bar from a potential source. Never one to miss out on an opportunity to obtain some spicy new gossip, Annabelle arrived dressed to impress, and about half an hour early.

With no sign of her source, Annabelle takes the opportunity to start a stream.

“Hello viewers and WELCOME to today’s edition of The Belle Report! First of all I’d loooove to extend a special thank you to Kamen Insider for her scoops on Noire, Little Beaver and Curry Girl, so go to TheBelleReport.com right now and click the link to her newsletter to find out more!”

“But now Belle Bitches, have I got some hot new gossip for you. Starting with Kanako Leichenburg, who was recently spotted back at the WWA dojo! Yes the very same dojo I’m currently being trained at. And don’t believe the lies about me sucking at wrestling, I’m the best student there. ANYWAY, back to Kanako. Sadly, one of my fellow trainees at the dojo spotted her scuffling with some guy in an alley nearby shortly before her she entered the building.”

Annabelle chuckles. “So just what was happening there, huh? I’ll tell you, and I think it’s pretty obvious. I mean, we all know there’s something off about Kanako and now I can reveal the truth! She’s been turning tricks on the sideee, and that guy she was beating up was a client who owed her MONEY!”
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Annabelle laughs. “Make sure you use the hashtag #TheBelleReport when you post about that one! And tell all your friends to follow me for more hidden TRUTHS about the women of the WWA!”

As Annabelle speaks, a patron at the bar approaches, attempting to buy her a drink. She shoos him away, and continues her stream.

“Moving on Belle Bitches, moving on… let’s talk about Jade Thorn. Let’s talk about how she went from winning the B1, to losing to coach Ash, who isn’t even cleared to compete, in a match leaked by YOURS TRULY!!

“If you ask me, a drop off like that HAS to have an explanation, so I want all of YOU to post YOUR theories on just what the deal is with her, and be sure to use the hashtags #TheBelleReport and #TheFadeofJade! And remember, if you think your theories are true, no one can tell you they’re not!”

Annabelle flicks her hair and smiles at the camera. “Also, whichever one of you posts the BEST theory on what caused #TheFadeofJade will win a meet and greet with yours truly at the WWA dojo, so get to typing!”
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Annabelle sighs and rolls her eyes as the man from earlier returns.

“Excuse me, Annabelle? I’m a big fa-”

“Dudeeee, you’re like not even my type and I’m in the middle of a stream! Leave me alone!”

She grabs her phone and moves to the far end of the bar, where she continues. “Sorry Belle Bitches! Some people just don’t know how to respect the boundaries of others I guess! Anyway since I LOVE all of you, my beautiful fans, so so much I want to interact more with you. I’ve noticed that some of you ask me for advice in your messages, and as a natural role model I owe it to you to share my wisdom! So today we’ll be doing something new here on The Belle Report, so welcome to the first edition of the Ask Belle segment of my show, where I’ll answer questions sent to my DMs from fans! Of course use the hashtag #AskBelle when you post about it!”

“First question from Paul: ‘Hello Annabelle. I’ve been happily married for 12 years, but ever since I started to watch the WWA and especially your streams, my wife just seems to be so boring in comparison. What should I do?’”

Annabelle smiles. “Oh Paul, that one’s easy. I’m sure you heard my spicy reveal about Kanako Leichenburg earlier in my stream. So maybe you should get in touch with her! Just make sure your wife doesn’t find out… and you better pay up when you’re done, or maybe you’ll be the next guy she leaves behind a dumpster!”
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Annabelle bursts into laughter, then scrolls down to the next question. “Ok guys, I’ll answer one more before ending this stream. This question is from Marina and… uhh... ok, that’s quite the choice of profile photo..."

"Anyway the question reads as follows: ‘Hello Annabelle. I’m your most loyal Belle Bitch. I really love goth style and fashion and I can see you do too since you’ve incorporated aspects of it into your look. However, people make fun of me for doing so, yet on social media people give you positive comments for having a similar style. What am I doing wrong? How can I be popular like you?’”

Annabelle cringes. “Well Marina, I’ve got bad news. You see, people like me because I'm HOT and I'm TALENTED. But you, umm I’ve seen your profile photo and YIKES. I’m sorry girl but they’re not making fun of you because you like to dress goth. They’re making fun of you because you’re fat and you're ugly,” Annabelle purrs. “You want my advice, lose weight and don’t call yourself a Belle Bitch again until you do! Toodles!”

As she closes her DMs, Annabelle flashes a smile at the camera. “Anywayyyyy, that’s all for this edition of The Belle Report! Remember that when you DM me your hottest scoops on WWA wrestlers you’ll be eligible for a fre- no, a discounted upgrade to my Belle Bitch platinum tier where you get EXCLUSIVE access to the hottest photos of me! Only $10 a week!”

She blows kisses toward the camera. “Be bold! Be sexy! Be a Belle Bitch! Byeeee!”
Girls I would fuck ITT
A bit esoteric no?
If not Lbgt nor cringe, I can take anything women can dish out in private lol, but if they're garbage then no

Too much dialogue also
Page 8 bump I h8 how much I love Annabelle.
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Miss Maverick made an open challenge and two rookies answered! Will Astrid or Sonya earn their first win tonight? Or will the more experianced Maverick gain another win? Three women enter this triple threat match tonight but only one of them will be victorious!
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>[Alright so where the hell is this headquarters...? Kimiko, you read English, where are we?]
Kairi asked in Japanese as she walked in downtown Spaghetti Town. She looked over, seeing no one walking with her. Turning around, she saw Kimiko stopped in the middle of a cross walk to read something on her phone.
Kairi shouted as a car screeched to a stop just before hitting her sister.
Kimiko looked up from her phone at the car now honking at her to get out of the street.
>Whoops. Sorry.
Kimiko nonchalantly waved to the angry driver as she walked over to her sister.
>[I was looking up the directions. Why are we going to the WWA Headquarters again? Are we blowing them up or are we collecting protection money or something?]
Kimiko asked, tilting her head to the side. Kairi sighed in response.
>[We're in America, retard. No one owes us protection money here. Speaking of which, watch where you walk, Americans drive like savages. No, Father sent us on business here. Just help me find the stupid headquarters.]
Kairi grabbed Kimiko's arm, pulling her along as Kimiko read her phone.
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Eventually, the twins did find their way to the WWA Headquarters, making their way to the front desk.
"Hello can I help you?"
The receptionist asked, Kairi clearing her throat.
>[Greetings, I am Minakami Kairi, daughter and heiress to my father Minakami Kazuma, who should have already sent word of our imminent arrival. We have pressing business to discuss with high ranking WWA employees, and possibly even the illusive leader known as Spaghetti Dog himself!]
Kairi proclaimed proudly. The receptionist stared at her confused.
>[...You DO know who we are right? Are you playing games with us?! Minakami-clan! YAKUZA! RING A BELL DUMBASS!?]
Kairi yelled at the receptionist.
"...E-erm I'm sorry Miss, I do not speak, Japanese is it? Hold on a sec, we do have a lot of translators due to our frequent GJPW dealings. Lemme page one for you two." The receptionist replied.
>[KIMIKO! What's this stupid bitch saying?!]
Kairi turned to her sister.
>[She doesn't speak Japanese, Kairi. Most people in America don't.]
Kimiko replied without looking up from her phone, reading manga on it.
>[Well, then translate for me! Why the hell didn't you say so sooner?!]
Kairi pulled Kimiko in front of her to the receptionist.
>Oww! [If you didn't skip English in school you wouldn't have this problem! Jerk!]
Kimiko said annoyed, before turning to the receptionist.
>Hiya. I'm Kimiko Minakami. My sister doesn't speak English. I think we have a meeting with someone or something?
Kimiko politely smiled at the receptionist.
"Oh! Yes, that must be Kairi then, right? Have a seat please, I'll let them know you're here." The receptionist replied, typing at her computer.
>Thank you!
Kimiko bowed slightly before turning her sister.
>[They said take a seat. They'll see us shortly for...wait, you never told me why we're here?]
Kairi rolled her eyes and sighed, taking a seat. Kimiko pouted, sitting next to Kairi before taking a seat next to her and "angrily" continuing to read her manga on her phone.
After a gutsy performance in a violent contest against Cactus Jane ended in defeat, Delilah D. Doyle was brutally attacked by WWA newcomer GreenDragon Sam, who challenged Delilah Double D to face her in a hardcore match. Delilah accepted the challenge, eager for the opportunity to gain a measure of vengeance, and perhaps impress her employer Cassie Kade in the process.

However, due to a concussion sustained during the attack, Delilah was not cleared to compete until over a week had passed since the attack. Now full recovered, nothing stands in her way. Can Delilah gain vengeance? Or will the debutant GreenDragon Sam get the last laugh once more, and put the hardcore division on notice? Find out NOW!
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After a successful outing as one half of a tag team alongside her cousin Cassie, Lexi Kade challenged Deathproof's Reina Aoki to face her in what would be Kade's WWA singles debut. Having accepted the challenge, Reina now has the chance to take down this new ally of The Widowmaker Society.

With Cassie Kade herself at ringside, and Lola Hernandez accompanying her Deathproof teammate Reina to the ring, the action here just might boil over! Will Reina prevail? Or can Lexi score the win on her WWA singles debut? Find out right now!
Well what a match that was! This Widowmakers/DEATHPROOF feud is really starting to heat up! Coming up next we have-uh...hold on viewers, there appears to be something going on backstage. Let's get some cameras down there quick!
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Dropped my pic
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Oh man what a vicious backstage fight! Order appears to be getting restored backstage, so next we have some tag team action! The new uh, 'friendship' blossoming between the vicious Scarlet and the arrogant Kaori has led the former to pick two members of the WWA roster. The submissions expert Jersey Devil is teaming with the always surprising Mimi Cue! Scarlet and Mimi Cue have actually faced off before in a tag team match, with the latter knocking Scarlet out of the first round of the Tag Team Scramble. Will the powerhouse allies of Scarlet and Kaori pick up the win? Or will the tag team of Jersey Devil and Mimi Cue prove to be too much?!
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In an effort to make an impact on The Widowmaker Society's war with Deathproof and provide Cassie Kade with a timely reminder of her value to the group, Kelly DiVanna challenged Ciel Du Grenouille, an opponent that's no stranger to her as the two previously met during the B1.

However Ciel will be eager for the chance to return to action by avenging her past defeat to Kelly, and to help Deathproof get one over on The Widowmaker Society by doing so.

Who will prevail? Find out next!
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>What the fuck is this?! Is that the fucking box?

[Scene missing]

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Kaori walked backstage, looking for, and eventually finding Scarlet.
Kaori said to Scarlet, pausing before taking a deep breath.
>Sorry, got a little heated. I said, three more seconds and I would've been there! And why'd you storm off?! Losing is part of the game, it just makes it better when you finally win! Yeah, I probably should've broken the submission first, but I was eliminating a threat and I thought you had that?!
Kaori got frustrated as she talked.
>I mean you beat *ME*, a triangle choke isn't that bad, I thought you'd be fine! I'm trying to coach you not babysit!
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Kanako beamed at Ash's response.
>...You're a really good person, you know that? Bettrt than me. Don't expect that for mercy, I'll be careful to avoid injuring you, but...
Kanako's smile faded.
>I can't put you or your students in danger. That's not fair. That's why I made DEATHPROOF, to keep you all safe. To keep a degree of separation between you and my antics. No matter what came my way. And it may affect you so...
Kanako took a deep breath
>I was trained to take targets out as optimally as possible. B-But anyway let's get this match on! The longer I'm here the more of a target you are!
Kanako shoved open the door to Ash's office, gesturing toward it.
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Much later in Spaghetti Town...
Kasumi coughed a bit, clutching her head from the many chair shots she suffered. She lit up a cigarette, turned to Lola and raised her leg, bringing her foot over Lola's face.
"But I'll make sure you never forg-"
Kanako fired a round just above Kasumi's head. Pointing a pistol with both hands, she walked forward.
Kanako shouted as she fired another round to the left of Kasumi's head.
Kasumi yelled before running off. Kanako quickly holstered her pistol before running to Lola.
>Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. She's gone.
Kanako kneeled next to Lola, grabbing her hand. Medical staff came over once Kanako holstered her pistol and went to Lola.
>I-It's okay. We'll win. I promise.
Kanako said as the staff put Lola on a stretcher. Kanako stepped back, looking at the ground. She cried a bit silently. The medical staff rolled Lola away. Kanako wiped the tears from her eyes and stomped over to a camera.
>Record me. Cassie! And Kasumi! You EVIL pieces of filith! And that includes Kelly DiVanna, and Lexi, and whatever trash you drag out from the gutter you all LIVE IN!
Kanako screamed at the camera. She then pointed at it.
>Wargames. This ends there. I'm going to break your psychotic hold over my sister, Cassie.
Kanako wiped the tears out of her eyes with her wrist quickly.
>You wanna hear the story? Kasumi says I abandoned her and Mom. I was dead. Overseas. In the UK. She's a moron. A *fucking* moron. I didn't abandon her, but like the idiot she is, she assumed something from a complex situation. But an easily led moron. And if Kasumi needs to hear that face to face, bring it on.
Kanako spoke at the camera, with an angry cadence.
>But none of you watching *really* care about that. I get it. You care about entertainment. That's fine.
Kanako paced back and forth for a few seconds, thinking. She then glares at the camera.
>This ends one way Cassie. Wargames. Bishojou at the Beach. But before we get there, I'm gonna tear your throat out.
Kanako pointed at the camera.
>Us. No DQ. You don't bring Widowtrash. I don't bring Deathproof. You're not making it to Wargames. I'll put up the team advantage. I win, Deathproof gets the first contestant. You win, your group of idiots do. See you soon, unless you're a coward.
Kanako scowled at the camera before walking off.
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K-Chan is streaming in the suburbs of Spaghetti Town.
>Look, chat, fuck off. YOU ALL told me to come here but-
K-Chan yelled at her chat before reading it.
>...Interesting! L! F! G! CHAT!
K-Chan yelled at her phone and marched until she reached Amanda Mills' house. K-Chan turned her camera forwards, pointed at Amanda.
>Ahahahaha we got fangirl here! All shy and mad because she lost every match! What a fucking loser!
K-Chan laughed until she saw Amanda's expression.
K-Chan pressed a button on her phone, turning the camera to her.
>I don't like bullying people when they're down and out. What the fuck is up, fangirl? Need a DA membership? A Divine Touch contract?
K-Chan slid the phone in her back pocket, not realizing it's still recording.
>I gave you shit, but you gave shit back. Now you're not. You should be tougher than that fangir-er, Amanda. If you wanna be Divine.
K-Chan threw a back handed slap at Amanda's chest.
>So what the fuck is up?
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Kasumi fled and stumbled back to another backstage interview area. She picked up a poster as she ran, for what purpose she wasn't sure. Breathing heavily, Kasumi pulled herself to her feet.
>Yumi, or *KANAKO* as you all know, is a fucking liar.
Kasumi spoke at the camera, breathing heavily.
>She's. She's, a piece of shit!
Kasumi forced out of her lungs. She bent over and coughed a bit, before standing upstraight.
>Yumi is fucking dead by the PWE. If Cassie doesn't kill her next week, I will in Wargames.
Kasumi said through labored breaths to the camera. She then pulled the piece of paper open in her hand.
Kasumi stiffled laugher.
She couldn't contain herself as she burst out into laughter. The camera looked at the paper that fell out of Kasumi's hand. It was a poster of Waifu's Collide 1.
Kasumi pulled a knife out of her belt, and stabbed the poster. Her laughter stopped.
>You're next. Dead. Once I kill Yumi.
Kasumi lit up a cigarette and walked off. The camera turned to the knife-prone poster. The knife went straight though Mighty Milf's face.
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As Reina taps, Lexi springs to her feet and utters a triumphant shriek. Her heart races with excitement from the thrill of the fight, and a broad smile appears on her face as the referee raises her arm in victory.

But before long she shoos him away, then leaps onto the turnbuckle and poses for the fans. Most of the men cheer for her, but the women and children boo.

“Did you people see that? Yeah you did!” She yells. She points at a member of the ringside crew. “Get those cameras on me! This is how you make a singles debut! Wooo!” She turns to Cassie. “Oi, Cass, you saw that, yeah?”

Without waiting for a reply, Lexi hops down from the turnbuckle and walks across the ring. She then makes a show of leaning over the ropes to grab a microphone offered to her by a crew member.
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Lexi stands in the middle of the ring and taps the mic. “Ahem! I’m speaking now, so if all you lads could just make a little less noise, and admire me silently for a moment, that’d be great! Thank you, thank you very much.”

“Ok, so, let’s talk about ME!” Lexi starts laughing. “On my first night in this company I speared Kanako Leichenburg through a cage like the sexy badass that I am! And by doing so, I gave you all a Waifumania moment you’ll never forget!”

She pauses, then gestures toward the fans. “BY THE WAY, when I stop speaking, that’s the part where you cheer. Go ahead, I deserve it.”
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Some of the fans, once again the men, do indeed cheer, though the rest of the audience boos. However Lexi seems oblivious to this. “Ok guys, be quiet now, I’m speaking again!”

She smiles. “Moving on, to my second night in this company, where I teamed with my cousin Cassie to defeat Kanako and Lola! I won that match for us! No offence Cassie love, you were AMAZING, but like, I was the one that smacked Kanako around outside of the ring and made her get counted out! I did that! Me! I won it! I’m awesome!”

The cameras zoom in on Lexi’s cleavage as she bounces in place excitedly, while the section of the crowd lending her their support cheer wildly, though not loudly enough to drown out the boos of the other fans.
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Lexi raises a hand and the fans fall silent. “And that brings me to my third night in the company. This night, the night of my singles debut! And I only went and bloody nailed it!”

She flicks her hair and turns to her opponent. “Reina? Your name means Queen in Spanish, yeah? Well there’s only one queen in this ring, senorita! And it’s me! Me! Me!”

Lexi laughs maniacally, and then her voice becomes tinged with aggression. “Tonight I’ve continued a trend that started the night I victimised Kanako in a steel cage! And that trend is that the lasses in DeathPOOF just can’t handle sexy Lexi! I beat Kanako and Lola in that tag match, and I’ve beaten Reina tonight. But Deathpoof aren’t the only ones Kanako cares about now, are they?”
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Lexi grins. “No. Because Kanako started in the WWA's dojo, didn’t she? Yeah, before she left and started Deathpoof, she was in your dojo just like I was once in GJPW's. I might be new here, but I know my history mate. So how about this, yeah? I’m gonna challenge one of your precious dojo girls, Kanako! And you can watch me treat her the way I’ve treated you and the rest of Deathpoof!”

Lexi strokes her chin. “So who should it be? How about MAAIKE? Yeah, I remember seeing her wrestle the night I put Kanako through that cage! So yeah, I’m challenging Maaike to a match next week! And Kanako I want you to know you’re the reason why I’m doing it, and if I…” Lexi chuckles, “…if I happen to hurt her, well I guess that’ll just be your fault won’t it?”

Lexi dramatically sinks to her knees and giggles. “Oh Kanako, Kanako! By the time I’m through with Deathpoof, and the dojo, and anyone else you care about, love, you’re gonna be seeing me in your dreams, your nightmares and everywhere else!”

She laughs. "You and these fans won't be able to stop thinking about me. I'll be living in your heads!" Lexi's eyes narrow. “And trust me, Kanako, you don’t want me there.”
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Sometime later, Cassie and Lexi are backstage when they’re approached by a cameraman, who seeks a response to Kanako’s challenge. Always eager for the spotlight, Lexi’s eyes light up, and she moves to take centrestage.

“Ok!” Lexi begins, “so, I’m sure you have questions for me after I challenged Maai-hey!”

“Move.” Lexi is cut off as Cassie dismisses her with a word, before glaring at the camera. “So you finally did it, huh, Kanako? You finally challenged me to a one on one match.”

Cassie grins. “Big mistake, lass. See, you strike me as a woman in the midst of an identity crisis. You form your wee group and play at being hard. Yeah, you wave your guns around bu never actually shoot anyone, and you talk all that shite about how you’re gonna tear my throat out.”

Cassie points at the camera. “But that’s not who you are. You’re the self righteous, little soft ass gobshite that gets all in her feelings about what my business ALLEGEDLY involves. You’re like an idealistic child, who calls others ‘evil’ like we live in a world of black and white, and don’t get me started on the whining about your mummy and your sister and boo-hoo hoo.”
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The cameraman instinctively steps back as Cassie closes in, looming over the camera. “But you see Kanako, unlike you, I’m no child and I’m not suffering from an identity crisis. I know exactly who I am. I’m the woman that at 10 years old was orphaned with a baby sister to take care of and did every and anything it took and destroyed anyone who got in my way, all to make sure Nicole and I not only survived, but thrived. From nothing I became the one true power in Dublin, I’ve done it again in Spaghetti Town and I’ll do it everywhere I go because that’s what I do.”

“And now lass, you’re in my way. You besmirch my good name as an honest businesswoman, and over the past few months you’ve caused numerous unsavoury incidents at my place of business. And after all that, you hand me the chance to get my hands on you again, not once but twice?” Cassie laughs.

“I accept your challenges. Wargames? It’s on. The Widowmaker Society vs Deathproof. And you and me, one on one with the Wargames advantage on the line? No DQ? Sounds like a treat for me lass, I can’t wait.”

Cassie leans in close to the camera. “Just remember lass, you might reckon you died once and fancy yourself to be ‘death proof’ now, but I learned long ago there’s one thing that can be so, so much worse than dying, and that’s living. Especially when you cross the wrong person. It’s time I taught you.”
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Amanda went out for taking mails and sadly were more hate mails.. someone had leaked her house address... it was tiring having them all day, so that's why she stepped up to compete for the championship, for shutting this fools up even if it meant to go against her idol...

>Again... and again.. stupid fuckers.. just because i'm unlucky doesn't mean i'm weak!
Then she saw K-chan..
>Great now K-bitch is here..
She got closer and closer.. but Last thing Amanda wanted was hearing her shit, especially in public so after completely ignoring her words she dragged K-chan in her house and immidiately closed the door.
>Listen K-bitch i told you one time if you call me...wait a second.. you were streaming.. SHUT YOUR PHONE RIGHT NOW I won't tolerate any more bullying today.
Amanda decided to be cautious, why this girl came here?
>After you checked your stupid phone we can talk.
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Lola could barely talk, she and Kasumi went hard on each other with the chairs and it was painful, very painful
the staff had to grab her quickly because her conditions were worse than Kasumi..
Before she was dragged away she heard Kanako trying to cut a promo.. Lola had enough of this war already, she just wanted to wrestle and have friends and now got probably some broken knees and maybe a journey to hospital..
>I wanted to have fun..................
Then she fainted.
Hit the canvas. Five times.
Waifu with a figure 4chan finisher when?

The door of the dojo slams open, and standing there in the middle of it is Jade Thorn. The other students are caught off guard by the sudden intrusion and stare at Jade.


>I need to speak with Ash. right now!!
Kade killed WWA lmao
>Amy still seething about Kade
No need to stir things up, we're doing well. Whoever you may be, I hope you're doing good as well.
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Savannah’s log, entry #8
I’ve been travelling for just over 24 hours. More importantly, I’ve come to realise that I’m being followed. My tracker is talented, I’ll give them that, but not talented enough. I’ve called in one of my drones to confirm their position, it should arrive soon.

I’m not sure just what this person wants, but they represent an opportunity. After all, where there’s one person, there’s usually more. Perhaps people live in this desert after all. And if there’s some sort of settlement closer than the one my drones located further to the west, I might be able to obtain some of the supplies I need from them, by force if necessary.

Just you wait, titcows. This little desert themed setback that has plagued my quest will soon take a turn for the better. Before long, I will bathe in your blood.
No tits?
1 cringe faggot flooding a thread with trash.4chan never changes.
You just /h/ave to know w/h/ere to find t/h/em.
Take a bump.
Page 8 bump for the 8th journal.
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Kaori raised an eyebrow at Scarlet's response. She had a good point for being frustrated.
>Okay, loo-
Kaori started until Scarlet got in her face.
Kaori yelled back at Scarlet, before taking a step back. She took a deep breath.
>Okay, look, I'll take it as my bad fine. I misjudged. Sorry. I'm the veteran here, I should have known better. We'll get em next time, alright? We co-oh wait. Hold that thought.
Kaori said as she noticed the WWA cameramen recording them. Turning to the cameras she pointed at them.
>YOU GOT SUPER LUCKY JERSEY DEVIL AND MIMI CUE! It was our first time tagging, of course we got a little lost. But to I, former ace of AJPW, and Scarlet who has proved her strength in WWA already, this is a minor speed bump! I came here after TWO! 二!Uh...zwei! Two targets! And with a PWE coming up, I have no reason to avoid one of them. ONIGIRI!
Kaori grinned.
>You hold the GJPW World Title. Did you know the GJPW dojo passed on me? I found out later, but they were considering recruiting me. But no, I wasn't good enough. So I got scooped up by AJPW and won so much gold I could wrap one of my bikes in it. And to be honest, it pisses me off a little bit you're holding it hostage here in the WWA. SO UNLESS YOU'RE A COWARD! YOU'LL PUT IT UP AT BISHOJOU AT THE BEACH 2!
Kaori yelled at the camera.
>But first, I have some personal business to take care of. My WWA record isn't off to a great start, but I have enough accolades to justify my challenge. But, lemme get some revenge for a friend AND build some momentum at the same time! Lillith! You beat Scarlet! You're absolutely *NOT* beating me though! Not when I got that belt in reaching distance! Not when I can get some revenge for my friend! Next week, I want *YOU!* And Scarlet will be there with me! Right?
Kaori turned from the camera to Scarlet, smiling as she extends her hand out for a shake.
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K-Chan raised an eyebrow at Amanda's response.
>K-Bitch. I like that. But JFC what the fuck is your problem?! Look, I killed my stream!
K-Chan pulled the phone out of her pocket and held it up, before looking to it. She was still live.
>...Oh. Shut up.
K-Chan hit end stream and put it back in her pocket.
>Okay my fuck up. But FFS I'm trying to be nice, I'm not even bullying you! Much! So what the fuck is up fangirl, I ended my goddamned stream to ask!
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>Is that so..? Also i said stop calling me that, bitch.
Amanda didn't like that and She slammed One of Her hands on the Wall while pinning the small girl to that getting..fairly close to K-Chan face
>Call me that One more time i dare you.
She wasnt joking, her career was litterally a joke until now and last thing She needed was k-chan bitching on her.
>What do you want? AH! Trying to be nice? In what way? Came here to offer yourself to me or what?...I understand you are hot but
Amanda smiled a bit, maybe k-chan did have good intentions indeed.
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Kairi and Kimiko are led into a private office.
>[This shit seems sketchy. No bombs, right Kimiko?]
Kimiko nodded in response, looking at her phone. She put it into a skirt pocket before turning to Kairi.
>[We're supposed to skin this dude if he doesn't fess up, right?]
>[Kimiko, shut the hell up.]
Both were led into a WWA office with a staff member, who sat across the table from them.
"Okay so here's both your contracts. Pretty self explanatory, GJPW helped us with some of the minor details-"
>[Kimiko what the hell is he saying? Actually fuck it I don't care.]
Kairi stood up and slapped the table with both hands.
>[Tell this asshole we need those roster profiles. The ones I told you about on the way here!]
Kairi yelled, staring at the nervous staff member.
Kimiko cleared her throat.
>We're more than happy to sign these contracts. But we were under the impression you would be able to provide us with information of those in the WWA that are possibly involved in criminal activity?
Kimiko tilted her head to the side.
"Um...n-no I can't do that, and no one in the WWA-"
>[What's this asshole saying Kimiko it doesn't sound like yes?]
Kairi turned to Kimiko.
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>[Not yet. Lemme try something else.] So, I understand we're in America and you may not understand who we are, but our father is pretty powerful in Japan. He pulled strings to make sure we had these documents. I would please ask you reconsider or we may have to resort to more physical means of coercion.
Kimiko looked at Kairi, before turning and speaking to the staff member with a smile.
"...I...should I call securi-"
>[FUCK THIS! Just force it out of him Kimiko!]
Kairi said as he pulled the staff member by the tie to slam his head against the table.
>[Ohhhhhhhh fineeeee.]
Kimiko stood up and locked the door.
>You *really* should've just cooperated. [Gag him Kairi, this one seems like a screamer.]
Kimiko turned and pulled a butterfly knife out of her jacket pocket, flipping it open in a fluid motion with a smile.
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>[Fresh off a commanding victory over Jingisu Kan, MADDOTAKO is in the ring. As is tradition, a Young Lioness hands the GJPW Intercontinental Champion a microphone.]

["G-J-P-W! Another victory for the Queen of the Depths. The challenger has been sent to a watery grave, but the Champion finds herself besieged once more before the bell has rung. A recent competitor here has been calling me out, and naming this company we love as being something it is not. So... 私は彼女が理解できる言語を話します。"]

"Ar Kay. You makes wild claims. You are wrong. Pen Gwyn is a tough fight. And you were soon a Dojo Rookie. I do not make the fight in here. But I will happy fight you. Any time. Any place."

["Your sister makes waves in the West. Perhaps you wish to join her soon? I do not know. But there is no way that I will let you make these claims about this company. Holding this Championship is an honour, especially as the fake champion flees to the other side of the world. Had I my way, I would have dragged her back here myself."]

["But I speak too long! You did not come here to listen to me ramble about another victim or a false champion. There is only one Champion in Goon Japan Pro Wrestling, and she will continue to fight until her final breath! The Queen of the depths stands ready -- who among you all can withstand her pressure?"]

>[Her song begins again, and MADDOTAKO holds her championship high to end the show.]
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[LILLITH hear loud talk from outside of cook room. LILLITH go and making look at noise. See Shoulder Girl.]


>[LILLITH seeing Shoulder Girl not making happy.]

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Arleen Kade, more commonly known as ArKade, isn’t typically an early riser. But today she is a woman on a mission. By 8:00AM she’s taken up her position on a busy street outside the GJPW HQ. The rush hour crowd streams past, paying her little attention as she places an upside down crate on the broad pavement, before stepping onto the makeshift stage, microphone in hand.

“MY NAME IS ARKADE, AND I AM A VICTIM OF RACISM!” she screams into the microphone. A few of the passerby are visibly startled by the sudden noise emanating from the strange, white haired foreigner, but most ignore her.


ArKade clenches a fist. “If you’re Japanese in GJPW, you get everything for nothing and you get away with everything! But if you’re me, The Peng Princess of Piccadilly, blud, you can give everything and you still get nothing!”

By this point the pedestrians are entirely indifferent to ArKade’s rant, and it finally occurs to her that very few of them are likely to understand what she’s saying. Infuriated by how ineffective her protest has proven to be, she hops off her makeshift stage and sprints toward the entrance of GJPW HQ.
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ArKade bursts into the GJPW head office and tears off her jacket, before hurling it to the floor. A member of staff who speaks English rushes to placate her.

“Miss R… Kade… MADDOTAKO accepts your challenge. She say any time. Any place. And I can promise to you, GJPW wirr not get in the way of this! You have what you want! No need for troubre!” He rests his hands on her shoulders. “So please-AHHH!”

ArKade pushes the man away, and a slap rings out as her palm meets his cheek. “Are you dizzy, blud?” she yells. “Man moving MAD, putting hands on me. Must be tripping, swear down.”

She sticks a finger in the man’s face. “Listen up, yeah? Gal don’t care if she accept the challenge now, after beating Pen Gwyn and Jingisu Kan. Cause I should have been first, blud. I done earned it.”

“And another thing. This company should have been promoting me as one of your little dojo success stories. Where’s my merch, blud? I should be making mad peas in merch money right now bruv, you wasteman fucking with my money! All because I’m not Japanese!”

ArKade spots a woman holding up a phone, having filmed the entire exchange so far. She rushes over and grabs it. “Hey, MADDOCRAPPO!” she screams, glaring into the camera. “You said you’d fight me any time and any place, yeah? Good, because you best believe I’m not gonna fight you in this racist country. Nah blud. I’m not gonna give the GJPW referees the chance to screw me.”

She holds the camera closer to her face. “But GJPW is in bed with WWA now innit bruv, doing matches on their shows and that. So I want our match to be at Bishoujo at the Beach II, in America! Fuck Japan!”

ArKade pushes the phone back into the grasp of the woman she snatched it from. “Speak English? Good. Upload that. Tweetstagram.”

As the woman uploads the video, ArKade picks her jacket up off the floor, and stomps away.
Flat back.
bump through a wooden ladder
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K-Chan was caught off guard as Amanda pinned her to the wall.
K-Chan stopped as Amanda yelled at her.
>...Okay first, back off.
K-Chan pushed Amanda's hand aside before gently pushing her away from her and stepping aside.
>No, I get paid for stuff like that fan-Amanda. You caught me in a good mood and I saw you all pissy so I wanted to ask.
K-Chan crossed her arms.
>I'll ask one more time, what's up? Otherwise I'll just go get hig-drunk somewhere and livestream some video games or something. You wanna be DA right? Is that it? Maybe I can ask Priscilla or something if you can impress her.
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>Listen...wait what if i pay you joking....?
>Ok lets be serious, at least you are funny so you asked whats up? Im sad, angry,frustrated, i wanted to prove myself to Priscilla, and did yo fucking called me fan again?
>By the way.. i failed, i lost against anyone i faced. Im not worthy anymore, at pwe i Will try to impress Priscilla by taking up Her challenge, if i fail again i guess ill Just give up.
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>*sob* En-Engaging in erotic l-liaisons with common riff-raff for money
>*sniffle* Forsaking our future
>VeeDee was right, all non robotic women are whores!
>I wonder if mom would be willing to give me an advance on my allowance and a ride to the dojo
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>Well, if it isn't the mighty LiLitH herself.

>Sorry, but my business is with Ash. You are of no concern... for now.

>Once I take care of this, I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon and will see how "silly" you find me.

>But until then, why don't you get back in the kitchen and make that slop you call food and stay out of my business.
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A Tweetstagram video is posted by both @KXKairi and @KXKimiko. It is retweeted by the official WWA account. Kairi is holding a phone, camera facing herself, downtown in Spaghetti Town. She smiled.
>[Okay we're live. Kimiko, translate what I am about to say. I am Minakami Kairi, daughter of Minakami Kazuma. Heiress to his vast legally acquired fortune. We have been sent overseas on a mission to DOMINATE the WWA tag division! But first, we have to make an impression. A strong impression. So we're taking out someone strong first! Translate!]
Kairi turned the phone to Kimiko, who was playing with a stray cat.
>Huh?! [O-Oh I was!]
Kimiko stood up and turned to the camera with a smile.
>Hello. I am Kimiko Minakami. My sister is Kairi Minakami. We are KXK, recently signed to the WWA. My sister does not speak English so I will do my best to translate. Wait, can the WWA give you subtitles-er, [Can the WWA just subtitle you talking Kairi?]
Kimiko brings a hand to her chin as she thinks.
>[Kimiko! Focus! The target!]
Kairi yelled.
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>Ah yes. Regardless, we would like to make our WWA debut by going after a strong competitor in this roster. Namely, Dia Mond. Right Kairi?
Kairi turned the camera to herself.
>[Either tag or you take on me OR Kimiko in singles! We don't care! Translate!]
Kairi turned the camera back to Kimiko.
>Yes, either in a tag match or against either one of us-wait what? [Kairi I didn't want to fight on my own!]
Kimiko said, distressed.
>[Just finish the promo! Her choice! We don't have leverage here!]
Kairi responded, keeping the camera on Kimiko.
>Ugh...okay fine. Since you're an established member of the WWA roster, it's your choice. Myself, Kimiko. My sister, Kairi. Or both of us. But each choice will end the same, with KXK getting the pin. We hope to hear your response soon.
Kimiko took a slight bow before smiling at the camera as the video ended.
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A Tweetstagram stream is started from @KOBitch. She is at the bar at Xtacy, smoking a cigarette. Staff had long ceased trying to stop her, even with her newfound sobriety. Kasumi put the cigarette out on the bar counter and looked at her phone's camera.
>So, Yumi. Wargames huh?
Kasumi blew smoke from her nose.
>I will NEVER, *EVER*, miss an opportunity, to beat the FUCK out of you. I'm in. Team Widowmaker. Unlike that cowardly piece of shit Mighty Milf, I have no fear. I step up where I'm needed. And I don't need this Wargames or whatever to beat you to near death. You *shot* at me. So it's decided. This ends at Bishojou at the Beach. With me. And my fingers.
Kasumi said deadpan, holding a hand up.
>Digging into your fucking throat. You stupid bitch. You fucked up bad.
Kasumi cluched her hand into a fist.
>You really should just kill yourself, Yumi. Just like Mighty Milf. Or Kelly Omega.
Kasumi lit up another cigarette.
>Wherever the two of those retards may be. I broke Fury's neck. I'll snap the neck of anyone who thinks they can step to me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my *REAL* family.
Kasumi got out of her seat, and turned back to the crowd at Xtacy as the stream ended.
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Kanako sprinted to the hospital, stepping up to the front desk.
>I'm h-here to-
Kanako pulled out a variety of weapons, ranging from garrotes to knives to pistols, placing them in a small plastic basket.
>I'm here to see Lola Hernandez! What room?!
Kanako yelled at the receptionist, who was still looking through her weapons.
Kanako ran past the metal detector at the entrance, it beeping loudly with her implants setting it off. Her momentum made her slide around a hallway corridor, until she ran in front of an elevator and pressed the up button at least 10 times.
Kanako tapped her foot impatiently. Eventually the doors opened. Kanako smiled and stood inside. She pressed the "3" button as security ran into the hallway.
The security guards voice was cut off by the elevator doors closing.
Kanako sprinted out of the doors as they opened, running to room 305. She stopped at the door and took a deep breath.
>Hiya Lola! I'm very sorry about everything!
Kanako said as she closed the door behind her, locking it.
>I...I didn't mean to drag into you anything this serious.
Kanako stepped towards Lola's bed.
>I...I don't got a lotta time at the moment, but I'll listen as best as I can! And oh yeah here!
Kanako pulled an old flip phone from her hip and tossed it at the end of her bed.
>If you need anything, just message me on that phone. So, uh, how are you doing?
Kanako forced a smile, stress getting to her a bit.
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>[The Warehouse downtown speaks for the first time in months.]

Metal scrapes on stone as an old manhole cover is lifted with scarred fingers and dragged across the basement floor. Roaches scurry from the darkness. Rats come running like obedient puppies to bid farewell.

The rat mother has business to attend to.
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>[The thing they call Champion is replaying what she has seen in her head.]

The newcomer, clad in green. Ferocious. Violent. Draconic. The noise the metal tin had made bouncing off Del ladleladl ealdelilah's face was like a symphony, and the Hardcore Champion wants to hear it again. Up close. The Green Dragon had made quick work of her prey, but there was one keen to make her go... longer.

The crowd in the arena parts with shrieks and screams. Something scuttles along the floor. Children flee into the arms of their waiting mothers. A figure rolls into the ring, and crouches, staring directly into the camera.
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greeeeneeeeen daragon saaaaaaaaaaam.

haah haah haah

sse you figgght Delilililah

wanet ot play tooo?

palypalp ylpaylpayplaypl aplypalypa play play plaaaaaay

>[The thing they call Cactus grabs hold of the camera, and repeats the word over, and over, and over... until the feed fades to black. Cactus Jane wants a fight, and it doesn't look like she cares when.]
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>Kanako... just stop this, i heard voices were you getting chased? Just let me rest a bit..
Lola had enough of begin chased, shooted, getting beated up, she couldn't do this anymore and for what? For Kanako revenge?
>I know you had your problems with Cassie but this is becoming too serious. I don't wanna die!
Lola face changed, she was more scared now.
>Why from wrestling it came all downhill? I just wanted to face cool opponents and now here i am in hospital with broken knees!
A tear came down Lola eye
>Just leave me alone... for now. I need some time to think, and please don't get any scary person here i had enough beating.
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>[LILLITH not making think Shoulder Girl happy. But... LILLITH not making happy at Shoulder Girl talk on LILLITH. LILLITH making think if Shoulder Girl and LILLITH -- no. LILLITH not making think of fight. LILLITH wanting make help on Fight House Girls.]


>[LILLITH wanting show ship of friend on Shoulder Girl and doing punch on arm.]


>[LILLITH eyes maybe making anger. Shoulder Girl not see but LILLITH mouth move up in happy under mask.]
>Namaste, WWA Galaxy!
>It's me, Curry Girl, the most intimidating intercontinental champion in the history of our fine federation!
>To be honest I never saw myself as particularly imposing, but I've yet to receive a challenge for my title, so I must conclude all you girls out there are too intimidated by the rani to try and snatch her bindi
>I thought my old rival Zunigoth's backstage assault was her way of asking for a match. A shot to the head with a steel chair communicates more than words could ever hope to after all. But after graciously offering her a chance at the title I've been met with silence
>So what is a champion to do when no one's willing to challenge her reign?
>I've decided to lounge on the beach for a bit.
>Perhaps you'd like to join me, Zunigoth?
>At Bishoujo at the Beach I invite you to settle this thing between us once and for all
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Robyn McDaid sets up a camera on the far side of an unused ring in the WWA dojo. She smiles nervously then begins to speak.

“In the months I spent as one half of The Birds of Prey, I’ve achieved more than I ever imagined achieving in my entire career,” Robyn begins. “So I suppose now that’s over, it’s no secret that I find myself at something of a crossroads.”

“One path leads to a downward spiral. It leads to a career that peaked during those months with Andi. And if my bout with Yuzuki Goto was a sign of things to come, perhaps that’s my destiny.”

Robyn takes a deep breath. “But there’s another path. One where my time as one half of the two time WWA World Tag Team Champions The Birds Of Prey is just the beginning of a meteoric rise. And the fact is, opportunities to make that a reality don’t come along often. So when those opportunities do present themselves, they need to be grasped. So that’s what I’ll do.”

“And the opportunity I’m speaking of, is one provided by Priscilla Divine. And for that, I owe her my gratitude. And to be honest, this shouldn’t be the first time, because Priscilla and I have a little history.”
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“See, it’s no secret that I was plagued by financial woes in the early days of my career. And my attempts to dig myself out of that hole just left me in an even worse situation once Goldman Studios came into the picture.” Robyn visibly shudders. “It was Priscilla’s money that saved me. No act of charity of course, but rather a payment for the bounty she had put on her own cousin’s head.”

Robyn’s expression hardens and she stares into the camera. “And then came the day that Andi and I visited that pretty mansion of yours to collect, Priscilla. The day someone pushed me into your pool and you laughed as you watched me almost drown.”

She mimics Priscilla’s voice. “’What do you mean you can't swim? Even dogs can swim! Are you too stupid to do something a dog can do?’ Remember saying that, Priscilla?” Robyn clenches a fist. “Remember the way you put that envelope containing the cheque I so desperately needed just out of my reach while you watched me drown?”

Robyn chuckles bitterly. “Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if you don’t. But I do. And that’s why I feel no gratitude toward you for that money. All I feel is a desire to lock you in the Purple Haze and make you struggle for air the way I did that day until you tap out and I raise that World Title and prove to myself and the whole world that the rise of Robyn has only just begun.”

“So watch out Priscilla, The Bird of Prey is coming for you.”

Robyn takes a deep breath and ends the video.
7 bumps.
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"Aww, poor widdle Wobbin, still crying over *financial trouble*? As if you have any idea."

>[D O M I N -- well, there's no PA system in the Dojo, not that it would blare that song anyway.]

"When you moved in here with your weird smelling friend, guess who had to pay YOUR share of the rent? That's right, ME! And then I get suspended because one stupid ref can't take a hit and all of a sudden I've got debt collectors knocking on OUR door. So I'm working double shifts at SpagDonalds, busting my hump to get through the months that you are... living here for free? Like the leech you are!"

"Bird of Prey. BAH. You're nothing without your partner, the same way you're going to be nothing no matter what happens in your qualifier OR at the Beach. So consider this an official challenge, birdbrain! After the show, I WANT YOU. No stupid weapons like last time. Just a proper match so I can show all of the idiots out there why I am the most DOMINANT Dojo Girl there is, ever has been and forever will be! Uh, until I graduate! And then I'll just be the WORLD CHAMPION!"

"... is the camera still rolling? Could I send something to Priscilla, as well? She never replied to my telegrams and... NO IT DOESN'T MATTER. Prepare yourself, Robyn. Rent's due! And I'm coming to collect!"
7 more bumps.
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>It seems it’s finally time for me to make my return
>Here I thought people had given up tryna take what’s rightfully mine
>Think ya can just take my (REAL) GJPW World title that easy
>Think ya got what it takes?
>WELL, Kaori you better not get ya hopes up. Ain’t a single person who can
>I mean for almost 400 days, GJPW have failed to take this back, what makes ya think someone from AJPW has a chance?
>Sooooo, to your challenge, you’re on, BUT ya know
>It’s just gonna end like it always does! Me riding off into the night, belt in hand once again
>I’ll show you why I’m the Highlight of the Night,
>The Final Star
>The (REAL) GJPW Worlds Champion
>Got it memorized?
BatB2 really starting to come together
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Robyn’s mood sinks as Sue approaches. “Oh, I’m a leech? Did you forget how I had to clean up after you for months while you contributed nothing? Well I didn’t. So you know what? You want a match after Bishoujo At The Beach? You got it. I’d enjoy beating you again. No partner needed.”

Robyn grabs her camera. “And if you want to send videos to anyone, buy your own equipment!”
Robyn uploads her promo to Tweetstagram as she leaves. While online, she spots a clip of Kaori’s challenge to LILLITH. Realising that LILLITH was unlikely to be aware of it, she decides to go looking for her, eventually finding her just outside the kitchen… seemingly engaged in a stand off of sorts with Jade Thorn?

Robyn’s eyes flit back and forth between the two, before she slowly steps forward. “Hi Jade… I don’t think we’ve met. Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to show LILLITH something.” Then she turns to LILLITH, and plays the video of Kaori’s challenge for her.
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>Nah of course not.
K-Chan gestured a dismissive wave as Amanda asked her if she had called her a fan again.
>Well...I can't say Priscilla would be too happy if you challenge her. But it shows some courage so who knows I don't read minds. I'm not a physics or whatever.
K-Chan shrugged.
>But if you just give up, you're never gonna be worthy moron. I'm still pretty new and got told to win if I wanted to join. So I did. And if I didn't win, I'd win next time. Throw yourself a pity party if you want, but I can say I know for sure Priscilla doesn't want quitters. So quit, uh, quitting.
K-Chan crossed her arms.
Too much dialogue... I'm trying to exercise and get my life in order but the practical comes first... I wouldn't mind wrestling some women one day if the chemistry is mutually there... No Jewish nor Lbgt garbage
Amanda sighed...
>You're right K-bitch she wouldn't like if i give up..and yea i guessed that too but i don't want to win, i want to wear the other bitches down so she can win easly! And well if i happen to beat her it means that i'm the best that's it.
>But of course that will never happen and it's good.
Amanda crossed her arms and looked K-chan better..
>By the way i must say you are really cute u know.. wanna come in for some snacks?
Amanda became more nice torwards K-chan since she seemed to have good intensions after all.
;) winking at you’re waifus
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>[LILLITH not making understand of Shoulder Girl not happy. But LILLITH can seeing in Shoulder Girl eyes. LILLITH happy Robber Girl coming. LILLITH also seeing Dumb Girl.]


>[Robber Girl showing LILLITH fight from Tall Girl. LILLITH see name of Tall Girl and knowing Tall Girl not liking name of Tall Girl. LILLITH look close at squiggle on small video box of Robber Girl. LILLITH making noise in head. 'Cow Hurry Pajama'.]


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>[As Robyn does her best to get away, Sue follows along, gesturing wildly. Some people are starting to look.]

"You had to clean up because I was the one actually WINNING my fights... well, maybe not winning, but being COMPETITIVE... well, maybe not competitive, but I was SHOWING UP. But... are you sure I can't just record a quick --"

>[Sue Plex immediately shuts her mouth, because that is L-I-L-L-I-T-H. The Dojo Chef is here, and God damn she's big. And that's, ugh, Jade Thorn. Sue liked her more when she was fired.]

"WELL WELL WELL. Look what the SpaghettiDog allowed back into MY DOJO. Don't think we've forgotten all that 'Bring Back Jade' garbage! Isn't that right, Robby? Both of us know that you couldn't hack it before you got fired, and what have you done since, huh? That's right, nothing. Should have stayed at home with your little brat. Isn't that what you told me the other day, Robby?"

>[Wait. What did LILLITH just call her?!]

"How dare you?! I am the MOST DOMINANT wrestler in this Dojo - no, this entire company! And now neither of us want to be around you at all! You hear that, LILLITH? The DOMINANT duo of SUE PLEX and her partner Robyn Mc... uh, McDonough? Let's get out of here, Rob. Let's go get something to eat. And then you can help me record that quick video you said you'd help with. Yeah, we've got better things to do than hang out with this idiot or the failure."
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>Let's go, big sis!
>Let's go, good mum!
>BOOO brown mum!
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Kanako was caught off guard by Lola's response. At first she was surprised as the smile left her face. But she had a point. She wouldn't have been a target if it weren't for her. And she wouldn't have been here. Once again, a friendship ruined. Possibly. This time would be different. Hopefully.
>...I set off the metal detectors cause my implants. Security was a little upset about the detector going off. Couldn't really explain those quickly.
Kanako's gaze fell to the floor.
>...Sorry for what happened. I didn't think they'd go that far. If you don't want to be around me anymore, I get it. Get well soon regardless, 'kay?
Kanako forced a smile and quickly left the room. Security was checking around for her, so Kanako ducked into an empty supply closet before they saw her. A little over a half an hour later, Kanako successfully snuck out of the hospital and back to her SUV. Sitting in the car, she sighed and rested her head on the steering wheel. She sat there for a few a bit, before sitting upright and starting the vehicle. Can't let herself get upset now. There was still work to do.
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(GreenDragon Sam)
>[The thing they call Cactus hears GreenDragon Sam's reply, and pauses. As if responding to a whisper, Cactus glances down at her Hardcore Championship, tossed to the ground in the corner of the ring when she made her entrance. The front plate is cracked and dirty, with something deep red spilled or dripped over it. The leather is peeling from underneath the studs used to clasp it around the waist of whoever lays claim to it...]

>[Cactus slowly turns back to GreenDragon Sam... and begins to nod her head vigorously.]

okay okayoakyo kaoyko akyaoky o ko okay

werea ogn afight at the beacach

haracoare dharacor hardcore


Cactus smiles wide, showing off her missing teeth. Her lips are chafed and cracked, and something is dripping from the side of her face. A scratch on her chest is slowly leaking. Stretching out her hand, a handshake is not on offer; she has one finger extended, intending to poke Sam on the face.
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>[Having left the hospital and being given back her clothes, hat and belongings, Sheila jumps onto a bus and heads downtown.]

The doctor had said that her hat was delivered with her to the Emergency Room, but there was no signs of shoes. Someone probably stole them, Sheila imagines. Someone about Spaghetti Town really brings out the horndogs. Or she simply lost them herself before Kelly D's arrival. Either way, shoeless-ness was not a rarity for Sheila, and she has no issues feeling the world on her soles.

Arriving at the local Spagatorium, Sheila knows she should go and buy something cheap just for protection sake -- a pair of thongs, maybe (that's flip flops for the Yanks) -- but dammit, it's been too long since she has been able to just wander. She's had a lot of friends come and go over her time in Spaghetti Town, and she even had a brief stint away herself, after all the drama with the audit and her contract. But from the redheads she misses every day, to the redheads she still knows now, and her blonde mates' spooky pigtails. But right now, all she can think of is a black bob.

With nothing in particular standing out to her, Sheila continues window shopping. They say Downtown Spaghetti Town is a busy place. You never know who you might run into.
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For the love of god can u guys make some good, coomable ai content. Everything in these threads sucks ass and makes my cock soft. Makes my cock look like a turtle head retracting back into its shell
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Zippy the Clown debuted here in the WWA mistakenly thinking it was someone's birthday, after being pranked by a stagehand pushing her in front of the crowd. As she left, Ursa Minor had a letter delivered asking to meet her in the ring for a match. Will the stars allign to spell victory for Ursa Minor, or will the clowns be sent in to celebrate with Zippy? Let's find out in our opening bout!
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After the loss and the staff mistakes for her entrance Sonya was angry but since the other rookie was bullied by Maverick Who didn't hold back on her Sonya decided to challenge Astrid to train her into resisting more in the ring and then she accepted!
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Since arriving from GJPW alongside her cousin Cassie, Lexi Kade has made her presence felt in the Widowmaker Society's war with Deathproof. Now, in an effort to further stoke hostilities with Deathproof's Kanako Leichenburg, a former trainee at the WWA dojo, Lexi issued a challenge to current dojo trainee Maaike Hoekstra, claiming that Kanako would be to blame if one of her former fellow trainees was hurt in the bout!

Maaike responded by not only accepting the challenge, but upping the ante by making this a best of three tables match, where the only way to win is to put your opponent through a table - twice! Will Lexi put the hurt on one of Kanako's former compatriots at the WWA dojo? Or can Maaike turn the tables on Lexi and deliver a much needed humbling? Find out now!
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After last week's loss and the staff mistakes for her entrance, Sonya was angry. But since Astrid was bullied by Maverick, who didnt hold back on her, Sonya decided to challenge Astrid, to train her into resisting more in the ring and she accepted! Who will come out on top? Find out now.
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Set to make her debut in WWA, Tamaki bumped into Zunigoth, who promptly threatened to tear her apart! Will she overcome this massive foe or will Zunigoth do what Zunigoth does best and gain momentum going into her Intercontinental Title showdown with Curry Girl by claiming another victim?
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For months Kanako Leichenburg and Deathproof have been a thorn in Cassie Kade and The Widowmaker Society's side. This has led to a string of matches and other violent incidents between members of the factions, set to culminate in what is sure to be a brutal Wargames match at Bishoujo at the Beach.

But before that can happen, Leichenburg and Kade finally clash 1 on 1 in a hardcore match with the Wargames advantage on the line. Who will come out on top in this high stakes clash between two women who absolutely despise each other? We're about to find out and one thing is for sure, this one is gonna be violent!
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After being chosen to be teammates in The Tag Scramble, Nikki Kade and K-Chan were initially incapable of getting along despite both being members of the Divine Angels, with both making ego driven claims to be the star of the team. However, since winning the tournament despite their differences, gaining a mutual respect for each other after a 1 v 1 between the two ended in a draw and subsequently retrieving their trophy which was stolen during the match, the duo have accepted their undeniable chemistry as a team. Having put aside their bickering, Kade-Chan have gained a new level of focus.

Since winning the WWA World Tag Team Championships The Army of Two, Fury and The Runt (formerly known as Miss Maverick), have become embroiled in Deathproof's feud with The Widowmaker Society, a faction led by Nikki's elder sister Cassie. Having defended their title against The Widowmaker Society duo of Miss O'Brian and Kelly DiVanna, The Army of Two now face a new challenge in the form of the Tag Team Scramble Winners Kade-Chan.

Can Army of Two cement their tag team supremacy by retaining the titles once again? Or will the loudmouthed duo of Kade-Chan rise to the top of the division by following up their victory in the Tag Team Scramble tournament with the tag titles?

Find out right now in tonight's main event!
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>Who fucking cares what color they are? We just need new ones.
>Augh- Look. I'll ask Maria about these things. She's a lot better with this kinda... administrative, logistical non-

>(I need to speak with Ash. Right Now!!)

Ash raised her head, gazing out towards her office door.
>Oh, that's not good...
>I'll call back later.

The coach hung up the phone and exited her office. There was a deliberate change in her stride, her posture was tall, strong, imposing.

Who the fuck is making all that god damn noise around her kids?
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>Well don't count yourself out. If you give up before you get there, don't bother showing up.
K-Chan shrugged. She smiled at Amanda's offer.
>Pft, of course I am. That's why I'm the hottest rising streamer and WWA talent...as for your offer...
K-Chan thought for a bit.
>Nah. We're not friends. Yet. You were looking too sad to bully, so I decided to play nice. Get in the game, maybe get in DA, *then* we can be friends. Plus, I cut my stream for this and I was only streaming for two hours. I gotta do at least another two if I wanna keep my numbers up. So-
K-Chan pulled out her phone and started walking off.
>Bye for now...Amanda.
She said with a wave from behind.
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Kanako walked back into the interview area, gasping for air after her match. Brush her hair from her face, she glared at the camera for a few seconds.
>Maybe you were right Cassie.
She paused to take a few deep breaths.
>Maybe I was in the middle of an identity crisis. Was, being the operative word. Think I may have figured it out recently.
Kanako spit some blood off to the side. Cassie had gotten her in the mouth good with one of her shots.
>Got fired from my last job, now I'm here. Had to do some terrible things there, but HERE I can do what I think is right. Like breaking your face.
Kanako smiled.
>Play aloof all you want, I know who you are. You're not as clever as you think. And that's a dangerous place to be. You think when I shoot, I miss by accident? No, it's an intimidation tactic. So lemme show you another one.
Kanako cracked her neck and winced before looking back at the camera.
>Your new sister, Lexi, attacked a dojo member to get to me. Your lackey, my sister, put one of my friends in the hospital. You wanna play things that way? Okay. You hurt Lola, now I hurt one of your 'friends.'
Kanako glared at the camera, starting to walk off before stopping and turning back to the camera.
>Oh, that reminds me, two more things. Annabelle, crappy journalists are dime a dozen. We don't need you, and I certainly don't need you spreading lies about me. More importantly, Kasumi. I did something you could never do. I beat Cassie Kade.
She smirked before walking off.
K-Chan proudly held her newly acquired belt up to a WWA camera, Nikki following behind.
>I-I oh god, there's so many things I wanna say. First, I, ah, I wanna take this opportunity.
K-Chan was exhaused after the brutally long match, but adrenaline and victory kept her energy up.
K-Chan yelled, but stumbled a bit as she ran out of breath. She regained her footing and stood back up, flipping the belt over her shoulder.
>And certainly not to Army of Two! Fury thought she could beat me once, not so tough now are ya?! Now! WE are the best UNDEFEATED tag team champions in this company! And the best TAG TEAM SCRAMBLE winners of ALL TIME! And no one can deny that! I'm gonna get fucked up on something tonight to celebrate, and while there's a lot more I could say, I'm feeling ah, a little, faint. So I'm gonna lean on this wall and tag team partner, fellow Angel, and most importantly friend say the rest! Right Nikki?!
K-Chan waved towards Nikki, before proceeding to lean against a nearby wall as she said, trying to catch her breath.
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The bell rings as Lexi powerbombs Maaike through the table, sealing a 2-1 victory in the best of three contest. She drops to the mat, sore everywhere and breathing heavily. Worst of all, her perfect body was covered in bruises! Lexi sighs deeply. At least her face seemed to be undamaged. This victory was more hard fought than she had anticipated. But regardless, she had done what she set out to do. This was not the time to show weakness.

Lexi rises to her feet and the referee comes over, raising her arm in victory. “Now piss off, you wanker,” she mutters, pushing him away. As the referee backs off, she leans over Maaike as she lays on the mat amid the wreckage of the table. “Loooooser!” she shouts. “Blame Kanako for this!”

She turns and beckons for someone to bring her a microphone.
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A member of the ringside crew reaches through the ropes to hand Lexi a mic. She snatches it and points toward the backstage area. “You see that Kanako? Poor Maaike is gonna be headed back to your old home, the WWA dojo, after being put through two tables, powerbombed in and out of the ring so many times I lost count and dropped on her head over and over again, and it’s alllll because of youuuu!”

She flicks her hair. “And trust me mate, at Bishoujo at the Beach when DeathPOOF face The Widowmaker Society in a Wargames match, you’ll get to watch as Sexy Lexi does it again to all your lame friends!” She laughs and tosses the mic, before gingerly making her way up the ramp to the backstage area.
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Lexi takes a warm shower then gets dressed in The Widowmaker Society’s locker room. That match was unlike anything Lexi had ever experienced, and while the sheer violence of it was exhilarating, she felt sore and worn out.

Lexi hated that feeling. But she knew just the way to be rid of it. A grin crosses her lips as she checks her phone, scrolling through the numbers of local men who had approached her during her time in Club Xtacy. All she needed was to drain one of them. Maybe even two. Then she’d feel so, SO, much better.

Of course, the only problem was Cassie lost her match, so she was sure to be in a foul mood. Heading back to her penthouse would be a poor idea. However, Lexi had instructed that strange Brazilian cousin of hers Cindy to book two motel rooms. In fact, the motel wasn’t far from the arena, near enough to walk.

To save time, Lexi takes a shortcut along a quiet sideroad.
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A black SUV parked near the end of a side street in Spaghetti Town. Kanako checked an open laptop she had in the passenger seat. Typing in a command window for a bit, she hit enter.
Kanako bit her thumb as the program ran. She had several street camera feeds open. One by one, they slowly displayed static.
>Thank God. Gotta do this fast.
Kanako grabbed a backpack from the rear seat, got out of her SUV and slung the backpack over her shoulders. She peaked out of the corner of the end of the street. There she was. Kanako came out from the corner and quickly walked toward Lexi. She stopped, recognizing Kanako. Kanako quickly pulled a strange looking pistol from a holster on the back of the waist. She aimed her sleep gun.
>Hello Lexi.
She pulled the trigger as a dart quickly flew into Lexi's stomach.
>You're going to fall asleep in 10ish seconds. I might've bad about this, until I heard your little speech tonight. Sleep tight, you're gonna need it.
Kanako smiled at Lexi as she fell to the ground. Kanako quickly darted over, zipping opening the backpack. She pulled out some rope, tying it to Lexi's shoulders. Quickly, she drug Lexi over to the back of her SUV. Struggling a bit, she eventually managed to get Lexi into the back, slamming the rear door shut.
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Jade locks eyes with Ash, the woman who, in her mind, has committed a great sin against her. All other distractions are put aside; was it Vice grip or Sue Magoo? that little nobody didn't matter to her. but she will get hers for her slight, but right now..
There was venom in her voice.

>You set me up.

>Of all the women in the WWA, I thought you would never stoop so low to try and make me look like a fool and make yourself look like hot shit.

>What? Could you not stand that I was in the main event of Waifus Collide and you sat out because you were "HuRT" (mockingly)?

>You had your chance to face me for the right to be there then, and what did you do?.....WHAT DID YOU DO!!!

>You hid like a little coward.

>But you couldn't live with yourself, could you? You couldn't live with the fact you were becoming a fading memory in the WWA.

>So you had to prove you could beat me and have that little pink-haired girl record it and show the world and humiliate me further..
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Ash refused to interrupt Jade. Despite the intensity in her eyes, she remained steady and stern. She listened, the other's words occasionally pulling a twitching of a changing expression out of the coach. When the silence fell, Ash clicked her tongue.
>I obviously planned all this, Jade.
>I planned for myself to be injured and pulled from our match so you would go on to face Priscilla Divine at Waifus Collide.
>I also planned on you losing. And I planned on you coming here and I planned on video I wasn't aware was being taken to not only be leaked but for said leak to be aired officially by the WWA.
>I have all of that agency, Thorn. All of that power. Me. Ash Romero. Head fucking coach of the WWA Dojo.

Ash's glare deepened.
>You're mad at me?
>YOU'RE mad at ME?
>I don't think you are.
>You were robbed.
>Two out of three falls.
>One to one.
>And Priscilla... ran.
>She ran from you. She counted you out.
>She- She's handing opportunities out left and right now and you?

Ash narrowed her gaze.
>You just let her tear yours up in front of your face.

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>She didn't beat you. She escaped you. Relied on the rules being in her favor to squeak by.
>Why are you HERE?!
>Mad at ME?
>Is it cause you're afraid to try again? Afraid to step into that ring and, with every right to, tell the world "this is bullshit. Divine never beat me"?!
>Divine is wrestling 3 women. THREE!
>Why the fuck are you not one of them?!
>But I'm the coward?
>I hid?
>The one who's entire wrestling world exists within the property line of a developmental dojo.
>The video leaked and here I am, still.
>I beat one of the main eventers of the biggest show of the year and here I am, still.
>I'm not one of those 3 women either, Jade.
>But you're the only one of us who could be.
>Here you are, still.

Ash's teeth grit as she swallows a breath with an angered hiss.
>I hid?
>Like a coward? I hid?

>Everyone knows where to find me.

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Kanako dragged Lexi Kade, tied to a steel chair and gagged. She was dragging the body into small room in an abandoned warehouse, just outside of Spaghetti Town.
>Oooooffff...Man you're heavy.
Kanako sat the the chair down, Lexi falling limp forward, unconscious. Kanako pulled the gag out of Lexi's mouth, then walked over to a dufflebag she left in the corner. Next to it, was a bucket of water. Picking up the bucket of water, she tossed the water out onto Lexi's face.
>Wake up.
Kanako thew the bucket to the side before going over to her dufflebag as Lexi woke up.
>Get the screaming out of your system, won't help. No one will hear you here.
Kanako shuffled through the dufflebag, pulling open a book titled 'Information Exctraction for Dummies.' Cracking it open to a bookmark, her eyes skimmed the page.
>Ah! Yes okay!
Kanako put the book back in the dufflebag. She then pulled out a pistol, loading a magazine, then pulling the slide to chamber a round. Putting it in a holster on her right thigh, she looked through the dufflebag yet again. Pulling out a package, she ripped it open.
Kanako pulled a small needle out from the packaging, tossing the wrapper into the dufflebag.
>-is Compound Alpha-345B.
Kanako stood up and turned around to show Lexi the syringe.
>It's kinda like...a truth serum. Sorta. You gotta ask the right questions. It's still classified, I think DOD made it. It doesn't always work, but worth a shot!
Kanako smiled at Lexi as she walked around behind her.
>I know the ropes are tight, but try not to squirm too much. You're only risking hurting yourself while I inject this.
Kanako knelt down behind Lexi. She grabbed Lexi's wrist, sliding the needle in and pushing the plunger.
>And done! Not so bad, right?
Kanako stood up, walking back over to the dufflebag.
>Now this stuff doesn't last long, and it requires a high heart rate to kick it into gear.
She tossed the empty syringe into the dufflebag.
>So, let's get started, shall we?
Kanako turned back and glared at Lexi.
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*As Jade speaks, there's an unhinged glint in her eyes, a wildness that wasn't there before.*

>Yes, Ash, yes, you are a coward. Look at you now, trying to throw Priscilla under the bus and have me focus my attention on her.

>She'll get what's coming to her, this I have no doubt.

>And you telling me that I should be in the upcoming championship match is hilarious when you could have been in the title match on the biggest stage of them all.

>Like I said, you couldn't step up because whether it was your pathetic body or your fragile mind, you couldn't put yourself in my place.

>And now, don't make me laugh. You could have challenged me in an official match, but no, you instead had to drag me to this shithole in front of only your students.

>Why? Just in case you lost, no one would know and you would have that little bitch delete the footage.

>"You're still here," well, so are you.

>Stuck here wondering if you could have done better than me.

>Wondering if the WWA title would be around your waist right now.

>And in your desperation, what did you need to do to validate yourself?

>Bring me down to inflate your goddamn ego.

>You have stolen my honor.

>And for that, you . must . pay.

>You and me at Bishoujo at the Beach.

>Let's make it official this time.

>Or are you still "hurt" and too chicken shit to come out of retirement?
Ash's expression fell oddly tender.
She repeated one word, softly.


She looked around at the Dojo. It was... fine. A year before, it was in ruin. Even when it was fixed up, it was rotten with corruption. Whether it was the staff or its students, the Dojo was cursed, an absolute state.
A year of blood.
A year of sweat.
A year of tears.
A year of hopes and dreams.
A year of heartbreaks.
A year of betrayals.
A year of rebirths and redemptions.

>They just want to get better...
>Every time it gets torn down, it's built back up. Stronger. Better.
>At its lowest point, it persevered and pushed through.
>It's starting to look like we're in a good place.

>Somehow, I'd expected you to... relate to that, Jade.
>Or maybe I just hoped.

Ash sighed and turned her back.
>I don't want to fight you, Jade.

The coach walked off.
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>But I will.
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Lexi bursts into wakefulness as the water splashes against her face. “Aww come on lads, I told you not to get it in my hair!” She shakes her head, visibly dazed, and licks her lips as the moisture trickles down her face. “Hey wait a minute, this isn’t c…” her eyes narrow as she notices Kanako. “Ughhhh fuck sake, I was having a bloody good dream.”

Lexi tries to gather her thoughts. What the hell happened? She had a match. Won. Was pretty banged up after though. And then… oh right. And then she decided to head over to a motel near the arena instead of going back to Cassie’s place. And that was when Kanako showed up and SHOT her. Well, clearly not with a bullet, but with something that knocked her out. And now here she is, tied up and in a warehouse, again.

“Kanako… love… you and Cass have more in common than either of you would like to admit,” Lexi says, as Kanako starts to search a dufflebag. “Look, if this is about Maaike I’m sorry, ok? I uhh, I was just trying to get in your head before the big match.” Lexi laughs nervously. “You know how it is.”

Then Kanako withdraws the pistol.
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“Oh fu-fuck me,” Lexi whimpers. She once told Cassie she was drawn to danger. And that was the truth. But not THIS kind of danger. “Look it wasn’t even my idea, swear love. C-Cassie told me to do it. Yeah, should be her you take this up with, really. Hey, how about you let me go, and I’ll just uhh, pass on a message, you know? Let her know you want to talk, yeah?”

Lexi quickly offers a silent prayer to The Foremother, and breathes a sigh of relief as Kanako holsters the gun. A bluff maybe. Yeah, no way she’d actually shoot her, right? She tilts her head to one side as Kanako withdraws the syringe.

“Compound what now? Mate, pills and powder, I’m fine with that, I’m fun that way. But I do not fuck with anything that comes from a needle. That’s the junkie shit!” Lexi struggles in her chair as Kanako approaches. “Get it away from me! My body is a temple, a beautiful, glorious, perfect temple! Stop!”

Lexi narrows her eyes. “Wait, what? Truth serum?”

Harmless. Well, maybe not depending on what the questions were. But definitely not worth the pain. Lexi stops squirming as Kanako injects her, then glares at her as she walks back toward the dufflebag. The drug needs a high heart rate to work, huh? With that nugget of information in mind, when Kanako turns back toward her, Lexi consciously regulates her breathing and attempts to remain calm.
As Ash was walking away, Jade spoke calmly, whether Ash heard it or not, she didn't care she got what she wanted.

>*tsk* I'm not the Jade you once knew,

>I'll make sure your first match back...

>is your last match.

>Then you can spend all your time in this place wondering forever what could have been..

>see you at the beach

*with that Jade storms out of the dojo*
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Cassie sits up in the middle of the ring after her loss. Kanako didn’t stick around, perhaps wary of some sort of immediate retribution, and disappears backstage. A wise choice, for tonight was a major blow. Not because of the physical pain, that was child’s play for Cassie, and would fade. No, it was that her loss had cost her team the Wargames advantage.

The showdown between Deathproof and The Widowmaker Society won’t be Cassie’s first time experiencing a Wargames match. That came months ago at Judge, Yuri & Executioner, the showpiece event that marked the end of what some would go on to call the worst period in WWA’s history. On that day, Cassie led a team into the dual cages, just as she would once again in a few days. And on that day, it was their opponents who held the advantage, which enabled them to have an extra person in the cages for much of the fight. And unsurprisingly, Cassie’s team went on to lose.

Now, The Widowmakers faced the same situation, and she had no one to blame but herself.

They’d have to dig deep to make this work. They’d have to fight harder, fight nastier. And they’d have to utilise superior teamwork. Cassie takes a deep breath. Her team could do that. Back at JYE, other than Kasumi, the women on her side were virtual strangers. Not this time. This team she had her faction, and her own flesh and blood. This time she had women she could trust. This time would be different. It had to be.

“You won this battle Kanako,” Cassie growls. “But the War is yet to be decided.”
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Nikki points at Fury and bursts into laughter after securing the pin for her team. “That’s what you get, ya great big gobshite! Hahaha! No one can stop Kade-Chan! No one can stop the Divine Angels! Wooo!”

Nikki starts running and leaping around the ring, obnoxiously celebrating the victory.

>Do the dance you do before the moonsault and do it in front of the flat, skinny one! She copied it! Twice!

“Great idea, Coco!” Nikki exclaims, replying to the voice in her head.

She laughs and runs toward Maverick, before turning and aggressively twerking in her direction. “That’s how it’s done, ya flat BITCH! Bahahahaha!”

Nikki continues her gyrations for a few more seconds before dashing toward the referee and snatching the tag titles away from him, handing one to K-Chan as they leave the ring.
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A few minutes later in the backstage area, Nikki playfully smacks K-Chan’s behind before continuing the promo.

“Tonight we proved that Nikki Kade and K-Chan are the best tag team in the whole god damn world. We knew it when we won the Tag Scramble, and all we needed was the titles to prove it to everyone else! Tonight we got our chance and we took it. Because that’s what Divine Angels do.”

Nikki smiles and points up toward the sky. “Speaking of Angels, I know my bestie Jennifer is somewhere watching on, and every time I step into the ring and twerk on these bitches I know I’m making her proud! And one day, we’re gonna get that lantern and she’ll be here with us again. And Priscilla, she has been the sweetest most kindest mentor a girl like me could ever ask for, and you know what?” She puts an arm around K-Chan’s shoulders. “When we get back to the mansion I say we convince Priscilla to join us for a impromptu photshoot by the pool wearing NOTHING but our titles! Hahaha!”

“Oh, and any team even thinking of challenging us? Bring it on!” Nikki kisses her title. “I lost my last title on my first defence. This time, I’m keeping it for a whole year like Prissy D! Woooo DA for life bitchessss!”

Nikki grabs K-Chan by the hand and skips away from the interview area.
After Nikki and K-chan finished talking for their interviews Akane made her move and went behind the two shorties to hug them
>Hello cuties missed me? I missed you both sooo much! And look at you now both champs!
Akane hugged Nikki a bit tighter and whispered to her..
>You bitch don't think i forget what happened, next time you are gonna beg me for more.
Then she patted them on the head.
>When we do.. the fun thing? I wanna be in too!
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It is a cold night in Spaghetti Town, and in stark contrast to the bustle from the day, the WWA Dojo lays silent. DOG snores quietly in a corner of the kitchen, which has fallen still following the dinner-time rush. LILLITH had cracked, fried and scrambled dozens of eggs, making all manner of abominations known for two things: their horrid taste, and incredible dietary effectiveness. But one by one the Dojo girls had taken their leave, a handful staying to help clean up, and soon it was the Dojo Chef alone finalising preparations for the coming day. The coming day...

LILLITH does not sleep, something various birds, frogs and DOGS have come to learn over the 15 months she has been in Spaghetti Town. She spends her nights cleaning the Dojo and the gym equipment, and ensuring the safety and protection of the rookies who sleep in the dorms. So many had left over her time here, their vests, jackets and bandanas no longer adding a splash of colour to the place she calls home; a home that she, Ash Romero and a handful of then-rookies had helped to refurbish following yet another in a string of catastrophes to plague them. The Crown's coffers had helped; even LILLITH cannot deny this. But this Dojo was torn down by power-hungry monsters, and rebuilt by the hands of good people. She would never stop protecting the ones still here.

For a long time, LILLITH would spend some hours each night practicing her English, the language as foreign as any other on the surface for her. LILLITH believes she is getting better, but there are still times she struggles to find the right words. Names and faces do not come easy to her, but she tries so hard, and makes many mistakes. She does not fully understand tone or nuance. But she is getting better every day.

LILLITH wanted something once. LILLITH lived for something once. But now, she has more. More than she ever thought possible. DOG. The Dojo. Friends. LILLITH doesn’t want what she once craved.

Does she?
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Lillith, where are you?

Mother, I know you do not sleep. The torpor that plagues my kind each night does not come to you. While I rest, belly full, sated from a meal made with love, you wander these narrow halls and empty spaces, filling your hours with busy work and menial tasks as the nights pass you by. Mostly thankless, rarely appreciated, you do this because of the way you have come to feel about this place, and these people. Time passes by, relentless. Yet you do not waiver.

I see your eyes lose focus when one leaves this place, without a word goodbye. I hear your breathing change when your students smile at each other, but look at you with fear or pity. I notice the slump of your shoulders as those you care for do not return the gesture; a meal goes uneaten. Yet you do not waiver.

You have not aged a day since your arrival in this town, but your mind matures and expands. Your heart has opened, and grown. You once spoke of anger and pain, yearning for destruction to lie in your wake. But it is clear, you now know friendship, pride and love. The past took so much from you, yet you look to the future. You are not the monster others have bid you be. Mother, you do not waiver.

You are you, and you are enough.

Do not let the darkness take you.)
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For several hours LILLITH has not moved, her eyes transfixed on nothing. For half the night she has kept watch; a silent guardian; a statue outside the Dojo; the final bulwark against little more than a sour feeling. Every second, the darkness grows more oppressive as if the stars themselves hide from impending doom. Every minute, the Dojo chef must remind herself to breathe. Every moment, the sensation of burning tingles in LILLITH's fingers. Is this... fear?

. . .

With the smallest clops of hooved feet, LILLITH is joined outside by DOG. Slowly, and hesitantly, LILLITH looks away from the horizon, and locks eyes with the first creature to treat her as more than a monster, beast, or demon. Underneath her painful, metal mask, LILLITH smiles softly.

"good dog. dog making sleep now."

LILLITH gives DOG a gentle pat on the head, and the small pet wanders sleepily back inside, flopping onto her bed to continue her sweet dreams. The Dojo Chef returns to her watch, staring out across Spaghetti Town; across the Kingdom; across the seas; across the world. Her eyes are fixed to the east.
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Something is coming.
7 bumps or you'll smell like Kanako
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>You know me by now... I don't back down from a challenge.
>My existence revolves around dealing retribution to egocentric cunts like those Widowmonkeys.

>You guys want a wargame, huh? Pfff...
>I'll make it a bloodbath.

>For those who deserve to be treated better.
>For Deathproof.
>For me.
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Ciel stops and sniffs the air around herself, before taking a whiff of her top and wretches.

>Mon dieu, I still reek of that Cunty DiVanna...

>I wonder if LILLITH has some detergent that smells less whoreish..?
The Widowmaker Society had been absolutely dominant in their feud with Deathproof. That all changed when Kelly was defeated by Ciel. Or maybe it changed before that, when Kelly failed to save Miss O’Brian from a submission manoeuvre during a match against the Army of Two. Either way, as far as Kelly was concerned, the negative spiral that has now led to Cassie being defeated by Kanako and conceding the Wargames advantage to Deathproof started with her.

And then there was a certain blonde Australian who Kelly couldn’t seem to stop thinking about. They always seemed to just miss each other. Last time they ran into each other at the beach bar, it was like she completely vanished. Kelly sighs.

A phone conversation with her mother did little to improve Kelly’s mood. She was unwell, and there was nothing Kelly could do about it. But she could at least do something to bring a smile to her face.

With that thought in mind, Kelly arrives at one of Spaghetti Town’s major shopping centres hoping to buy a gift for her mother. A new dress perhaps. Maybe a pair of shoes. Kelly was undecided.

She strolls through the shopping centre, gazing into the shop windows, waiting for something to catch her eye. Like the pair of boots she’s just spotted. Kelly grins. Her mom would love th-

Kelly is so distracted, that it’s only at the last moment before almost bumping into someone that she catches a glimpse of blonde hair and a straw hat.

>Sorry, I-

Her eyes widen and she smiles when she sees who it is.


Kelly feels heat rising to her cheeks.

>Wow, fancy seeing you here. You look well.

Kelly catches a glimpse of Sheila’s bare feet, and her eyes linger for a moment.

>So, what happened the other week at the bar? And what happened to your shoes?
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Kanako pulled out her phone, starting a stop watch app on it. She kept her eyes on her phone as she pulled her pistol out from the holster. She held it up.
>This, is a Heckler and Koch MK23. It was ordered by US SOCOM, basically uh, special forces to keep it simple. It is very durable. Mine's custom, even more durable. Can drop it, beat someone with it, still unlikely to jam.
Kanako still didn't lift her eyes from her phone and let the silence hang for a few seconds.
>...You might be right about me and Cassie. The differences are what matter. And I forgive you for Maaike. But you're not talking your way out of this. I'm not fond of torture. It's necessary sometimes in my line of work. You kinda deserve it, but I won't drag this out...and that's enough time for that injection to get into your system.
Kanako stopped the stopwatch on her phone, sliding it into her pocket.
>Now, let's get that heart rate up. HYEAH!
Kanako stepped to Lexi and swung her pistol straight at Lexi's face.
Kanako swung, pistol whipping Lexi in the face multiple times. She took a step back and thrust a kick forward into Lexi's gut. The force nearly knocked Lexi and the chair she was tied to backwards. Kanako took a step forward and grabbed Lexi's hair. She pulled it back to keep her face exposed.
>This is for your boss going after my friends. AHHHHHYYAAAA!
Kanako slammed the butt of the pistol hard into Lexi's nose.
>And this is for thinking you can get away with messing with the dojo to get to *me.* HYYYYYAH!
Kanako again smashed Lexi again in the face, letting go of her hair. She took a step back and flicked the safety off her handgun.
>Safety is off now. In case you don't believe me.
Kanako fired a round at the ground between Lexi's bound legs. She then lifted her aim to Lexi's chest.
>Now. One of the goons working for Cassie told me you know where her drug warehouses are. He was in a similar position to you right now. So.
Kanako's thumb pulled the hammer back on her pistol.
>Tell me, do you know where these warehouses are? No lies now, I don't have a lot of patience at the moment.
Kanako glared.
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K-Chan smiled Nikki's proposal.
>Aha, sounds good to me! Imagine the fucking subs holy shit!
She grinned as she thought about it.
>Absolutely right Nikki! This shit is gonna be on our waists for a LONGGGGGGGGGG time!
K-Chan held her belt out to the camera with a smirk.
Despite her exhaustion, she skipped along with Nikki as they linked hands. Victory and excitement had carried her. That was, until they were both hugged from behind.
K-Chan stopped. Until she recognized the voice.
>Jesus get off me Akane! Didn't you just have the match before us or some shit?!
K-Chan tried to push her away but she already broke the hug to pat her head.
>Oh fuck off. You're not killing my buzz. And don't touch my belt, we earned this shit, I don't need your prints on my shiny new prize.
K-Chan backed up, clutching her title to her chest.
>But...this reminds me. I gotta do something quick. I forgot to gloat more.
K-Chan pulled her phone out and started a stream from the Tweetstagram account @KChanAngel.
>Helloooo Maverick! Or Runt. Or what ever dumb name you come up with next. Are you missing something...?
K-Chan held up the tag belt she had to her phone camera.
>Ahahahaha fuckin boomer. I bet your tag partner thought she was so great beating me in singles. In my second match ever! And now, the hottest rookie in this company just took YOUR tag title! What'cha gonna do about it Runt? Dumb name by the way, I'm like probably shorter than you and I'm no goddammed Runt! But anyway, I didn't *just* want to gloat. I enjoyed beating your ass! So I'd like to do it again! At Bishojou at the Beach!
K-Chan smirked at her camera.
>Oh, not in a tag. I'm not dumb enough to put this up right away. You and me! And Nikki will be there with me! See you soon, the Divine and Internet Angel and NEW tag team champion! K-Chan out!
The stream ends as K-Chan turns to Nikki.
>Oh uh...surprise!
>Oh yeah K-chan show them who's the hottest champ
Akane didn't want to torment them more but on one hand she wanted to apologize for what happened, at least to k-chan..
>Listen girls.. i went overboard last time, i'm sorry... i just like you two so much..
Then she turned to Nikki
>You less bitch She said teasing her.
Then K-chan talked about touching the titles?
>Oh don't worry cutie i have no interest in that. But for the thing you two wanted to do... that has my interest.
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>[Sheila spots a pair of boots in a window nearby, and heads over to them, almost bumping into someone.]

"Ahh, fuck, soz, cu"--

>[No fucking way.]

"No fucken way! Kelly blood Dee, as Oi lives an' breaves. Youse, ah, looken koinda good ya self. Loik a new model."

>[Sheila follows Kelly's gaze to her own bare feet, and wiggles her toes playfully.]

"Nyeh heh heh. Dunno, love. Doc said they wan't delivah'd wiff me to the horse-piddle -- ah, nah, Oi'm foin, but. Just cracked me noggin' on a table. Did ya see who them cunts was that rocked up? Chantin' about some fucken sports team or summin', Oi dunno. Can't bah-leeve we got cut off again, huh? Loik 'da-voin innah-ven-shun' or summin, hey? Ah, no offence, love. But nah, me shoes is gawn. Musta lost 'em at the pub. Not the first toim, an'it won't be the last, mate. Youse should troy it sometoim. Feel da erf on ya soles."

"Oi was finkin' 'bout a pair-a boots ovah heah, but. Oi nah, but what is youse doin' here? Oi figgah'd youse'd be preppin' or whatever wiff Kazoo and... Casso faw ya big foight, yeah?"
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Lexi swallows nervously. “Well, if you’re not fond of torture there’s no need to do anything regrettable now, is there? Besides, you’ve got me all wrong, I most certainly do not deserve it!” Lexi reminds herself to breathe slowly, to remain calm. “So please put that gun away.”

Kanako takes a step forward. “No, no, wait!” Lexi protests. “I- AGGGH! STOP! ST-OWWW! NOT MY FACE, NOT MY PERFECT FA-AGGGH!”

Lexi is winded as Kanako follows the strikes to her face with a hard kick to the gut.

“You… you… you smelly fuc- NO, NO NOT AGAIN AGGHH!” Lexi’s screams are cut short as Kanako repeatedly smashes the gun against her face some more. When Kanako takes a step back and raises the gun, Lexi squeezes her eyes shut. The beats of her racing heart pound in her ears. This is it. She was going to die in this stupid warehouse, in this stupid town over this woman’s stupid grievance with a stupid cousin that she’s only known for a few weeks.


The shot rings out. But there’s no pain. A warning shot. Lexi slowly opens her eyes, and listens as Kanako demands information on the location of Cassie’s drug warehouses. Information Lexi didn’t have. She can feel the words coming. The truth serum is working its magic. Not that Lexi would try to lie in this situation.

“I’ve been in one of Cassie’s warehouses, ok? She took me there to question me. Didn’t trust me, thought I was working for some other criminal organisation. But I was blindfolded when she took me there, I swear I don’t know where it is!” Lexi’s heart races. She needed to give Kanako something. “B-but her people sell Obsidian Rush in the nightclub! That’s all I know mate, I swear.”
Kelly’s eyes widen in surprise.

>The hospital? I’m so sorry, I had no idea. Thank goodness you’re okay now.

Kelly is overcome by regret as she realizes Sheila’s table mishap must have happened when that rowdy mob stormed the bar. On the night of Kelly’s *incident* with Nikki, Sheila was the reason they both made it to the hospital safely. But now Kelly had failed to return the favor. If only she had some way of getting in touch with Sheila, perhaps she’d have at least found out what happened to her, and would have been able to visit.

>You know, this is kinda crazy, but we’ve never exchanged numbers, so what’s yours? I mean, everyone’s got a phone, right?
Kelly chuckles.
>That would solve our divine intervention problem.

>Feeling the earth on my soles, huh? When you put it like that, losing your shoes doesn’t sound all bad!
Kelly eyes the cold marble tiled floor.
>But maybe I’ll save giving it a try for the next time I come visit that beach bar you love. I do enjoy the feel of sand between my toes.

Kelly’s face takes on a wistful expression as memories of a childhood trip to the beach with her mother come rushing back.

>Actually, I was eyeing some boots in that store too. My mother isn’t doing so well these days, I was hoping I’d find something she’d like to cheer her up. She always had quite an impressive collection of shoes when I was growing up, so I’ve got a pretty good idea of what she’d like, but boots like that pair were a little out of her price range. She’d love them.
Kelly notices Sheila’s slight hesitation before mentioning Cassie. She knew those two had history, and it wasn’t positive.

>Well, I tag with Kasumi all the time so we’ve got our chemistry down. Cassie too, I’ve trained with her a bunch in that ring she’s got under the club. Really, we all know each other pretty well, especially when it comes to wrestling, so we don’t need a whole lot of prep.
>It’s just that cousin of Cassie’s. I guess she’s gonna be our fourth woman in Wargames. I’ve seen her back at Club Xtacy a few times, but she’s barely said a word to me or Kasumi.

She glances at the shoe store, then back to Sheila.
>…My mom’s gift isn’t gonna buy itself, and those pretty feet of yours deserve a comfortable pair of shoes.
She extends a hand toward Sheila and smiles.
>Shall we?
8 bumps.

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