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Post... well, women.
tiny white pecker cuckold delusion general

women only let BLACK BVLLS breed them
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It's the opposite
I am pround to have a moderately sized cock and instead having a big BRAIN
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that's okay, a moderate WHITE cock is preferable to any non-white pecker
I identify as a POLE, not as a white
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based americhad
i sense a long nose...
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race mixing is sin
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those are some nice milkies to nurture her future BLEACHED offspring
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bleachbooru is back btw
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I sense a mindbroken coomer
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This girl needs dick!
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Except for Jews. Jews prostitute their women off to black men because their own men are too lazy to breed.
Killing two birds with one stone
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Useless tbps.
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POV: you post in the BGG
I just heard the loudest, wettest, smelliest queef from a latinx transqueen above
you can tell she's addicted to it
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Once they go white they realize black ain't right and become physically dependent on BIG WHITE UNCUT ARYAN DICK.
once she tastes civilization her tribesmen will become a grotesque to her
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Trips of troof niggers on suicide watch
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God look at how hung this white guy is. Truly BWC superiority.
Look out for your girls. Chad white men like pic related will steal them.
kys kike
Oink oink
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why are you so mad, shitskin? i thought you were a faggot anyway so why do you care?
"Ugh I gotta goon about how I'm white and have a big BWC on the internet in front of everyone"
BLEACHED board, newfag
Post your BWC with timestamp.
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no way, fag
i understand your buck-broken need for BWC but you should just go fap to some porn
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Small dick cope. With how proud you are you should be able to post it(if it was big). Don't you think it would further your cause?
>post your penis because... uh... reasons!
straightest norwegian
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R8 my bwcsleeve gf
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not bad, but a bwc could tear her apart if not careful
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Don't worry I always treat my fucktoys with the utmost care
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Hi polebro. How are you
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doing good, how are you?
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You're just mad because you're brown and have a small peepee
my immunity dog negates negations. tough luck pal
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Brown gf
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