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Go, white girl, go!
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Western Samoa Girl Wednesday.
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I guess she's white passing
this is white in poland
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It's not though
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No this is white in Poland
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how's the weather in tel-aviv?
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piss piss
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>he posted the coalburner meme again
Poland is a horrible place made up of fire and coal
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night shift started in tel aviv
I was the one that said that and I didn't mean for it to come off that way I just thought he should know the connotation it has with western zoomers
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Kanna is such a nordic beauty
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based weeb mafia Trevor teenbro /qa/ remnants
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nigga ive been on bant since 2018
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Why do white women, especially ones with blonde hair and blue eyes, love non-white men?
why are you a rertarded mutt cuckold?

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