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Drawthread: Home Edition
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Might be a discord chat thread

Expect no drawing here
>Expect no drawing here
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couple thumbnails
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Not a fan of modern arthichecture
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working on this yarn jester guy
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heading to bed
hopefully it doesn't die
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Hmmmm....what is the inspiration for many of your drawings? Why do you bother to create? I remember you, I think. Puffs? You are like a junkie and a depresso expresso studying art, no?

I made this goof out of boredom and I bought a lot of Monster because I managed to get it for practically free, so there is my inspiration. Sorry for breaking silence.
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>what is the inspiration for many of your drawings?
I like seeing things go from nothing to something beautiful or cool
It just feels good making something, doesn't really matter what to me

>Puffs? You are like a junkie and a depresso expresso studying art, no?
just Puff but ye. I haven't done any drugs in like a year but when I did it was just weed lol
Not studying art anymore, life had different plans for me. Learning a trade in September
also not depressed anymore :D

Nice draw, really got the wired expression down lol
very dramatic sounding
> feels good making something
I get post-partum depression or something of the sorts during and after my creation is finished. I asked because there is something peculiar about your drawings. I don' wanna elaborate as to avoid embarrassing myself. Lips sealed and dignity preserved.

> just weed
Das still bad! Why so many people at schools use it? I HATE the smell.

>life had different plans for me. Learning a trade in September
>learning a trade
What trade? I hear many of the youth departing from higher education to a trade or manual labour. The inverse happened for my story, I don't wanna ever break a nail again.

I have a VERY important question for you: what are your thoughts on Poutine. Answer carefully. This question is important.

Note: Your rapport with this Villager may decrease or increase depending on your choice.
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>I get post-partum depression or something of the sorts during and after my creation is finished
that doesn't sound fun. Why do you get sad when you create? Sounds like that would make it hard to make stuff back to back.
I kinda get that way when I finish a show or game I really like. like "what do I do now?"

>I asked because there is something peculiar about your drawings
that a good or a bad thing?

>I don' wanna elaborate as to avoid embarrassing myself
I won't judge or take it personally but if you don't want to say I won't pry

>Das still bad!
eh there's worse I think. I realized I don't really enjoy being intoxicated so that's why I stopped. (also shits expensive)

>Why so many people at schools use it?
stress relief is my guess

>I HATE the smell.

>I hear many of the youth departing from higher education
guess it's cuz getting a degree doesn't guarantee a job these days

>The inverse happened for my story, I don't wanna ever break a nail again
interesting. I didn't do well with book learning but was pretty good at the practical stuff. I don't mind getting my hands dirty

>what are your thoughts on Poutine
not a big fan of it.
Cheese curds have a weird texture that I don't like. Fries with gravy is nice tho
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bump before bed
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>What trade?
missed this
It'll be Aircraft structures
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eat lead
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Practicing Composition
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Hullloooooooooooo!!! I struggled many evenings developing the eyes. I could not determine what shape or look I wanted. I almost chose to leave it blank or draw it as buttons. Little, plastic buttons.

>not a big fan of it. Cheese curds have a weird texture that I don't like. Fries with gravy is nice tho
An acquired taste it seems. I researched and asked around here to learn more about the cheese curds. According to the native Canadians, the most authentic poutine is prepared with the freshest cheese curds, so fresh, that it must be made the same day. A fresh cheese curd makes a squeaky noise when bitten into, that could be the texture you dislike? What about the fries? If I remember correctly, it must be fried twice in order to preserve its crunchy texture under the hot gravy.

I struggled finding any ready made. I settled for pinches of mozzarella but it did not sate my tongue or stomach as it demanded for authenticity. Seems I have to either make my own or visit your house.

You should maybe try making Currywurst one day. Very easy.

>Aircraft structures
Very interesting. Near the workshop there was a man that would idle about near a vendor that would sell food. All he ever talked about was planes and working on planes. A headache. That could be you one day.
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I forgot the image......i thought i selected it....i always embarrass myself.....
I really like this horse. Last time I rode one it almost launched me across the fence. Uncle laughed. He said the same thing happened to the owner except the horse was successful that time. Uneducated horse..
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I think the eyes turned out nice
button eyes sounds cool, reminds me of Coraline

>A fresh cheese curd makes a squeaky noise when bitten into, that could be the texture you dislike?
I don't like soggy, squishy, or rubbery textures. Stuff like fat on meat makes me gag

>What about the fries?
the fries are fine, unless they've been sitting in the gravy for a while and get soggy

>I struggled finding any ready made
if you have New York Fries in your country I hear its got decent poutine

>I settled for pinches of mozzarella but it did not sate my tongue or stomach
ye I don't think theres any good substitutes for cheese curds. I don't like em tho so idk

>Seems I have to either make my own or visit your house.
making some sounds fun
No cheese curds have ever set foot in my house tho, I'm not a huge fan of cheese in general. It's fine on pizza and pasta n stuff tho

>You should maybe try making Currywurst one day. Very easy
I haven't cooked much lately, used to really enjoy it
Never had currywurst, what's it like?

>All he ever talked about was planes and working on planes. A headache.
I find it interesting when someone's super interested in a certain topic. Even if I'm not interested in the topic its cool to learn new stuff

>That could be you one day.
That's already me but about art lol. I try to limit myself tho

Thank you

> Last time I rode one it almost launched me across the fence
Jesus lol, must've been a rowdy fella
I've only ridden a horse once at summer camp and they didn't go much faster than walking speed.
We had to walk past the stables every day to get to the mess hall. If you were unlucky the wind would blow the smell of the stables in yr face. would not recommend lol
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