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File: Detatoko Princess 142.jpg (198 KB, 768x576)
198 KB
198 KB JPG
How do we fix Japanese animation, /bant/ - Random Anime Transport Torrents?
what anime is that
>file name
File: Jashin-chan Dropkick 496.jpg (1.27 MB, 1678x1539)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB JPG
good night

good morning and off to work
what anime is this
popee the performer
File: 40029.png (1.37 MB, 1637x1158)
1.37 MB
1.37 MB PNG
more bandaids
good night
What is the difference between bant and /b/?
/b/ = random
/bant/ = random anime transportation torrents
good night
internationally random
File: Brigadoon 281.jpg (346 KB, 960x720)
346 KB
346 KB JPG
marin's ass
less explosive diarrhea from my anuse
good night
do more horror animes
return to cel animation
no niggers

One allows porn dumps and the other doesnt.
blow my head off with a shotgun
File: Mink 81.png (158 KB, 406x287)
158 KB
158 KB PNG
good night
off to work
I forgot to visit this thread yesterday. How was your Canada Day?
Good thread
We don't really do much for Canada day in nunabutt desu
>new Magic Knight Rayearth
isekai is saved

File: 1689738165599788.jpg (137 KB, 1920x1080)
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137 KB JPG
Wtf, RoV and now Rayearth get a remake too? We eatin so good animebronerinos...
what the word of the day?
no wonder you have so many power outages
good night
we're eating good
Double dubbs!!

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