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Cuz we’re not faggots jerking each other off like you and Polandball bitch
those shoes seem like they'd ruin every surface she walks on
jesus christ youre even seething in a thread about pussy who tf hurt you...
Don't worry about it, it's fine!
How many accounts do you have so that people don’t call you “futasuck” in every thread, Thomas?
I like big girls, pretty kitty girls
Really witty girls, singin' ditty girls
I like the leggy girls with the nice thighs
I like a good chest, no matter what size
I like the belly folds, I like the six packs
Really tall queens and the short stacks
From the mild girls to the wild girls
You got style, girls, make 'em riled, girls
Yeah, I just really like girls
Are you feeling okay Anon?? Did you hit your head??

And they like you too!
No, I’m not. Every board is turning into /b/ or /lgbt/. And it’s not because the majority wants it that way. It’s because a loud, spamming minority is turning things that way.
Maybe you should get some fresh air for a little bit. It seems like you're spending too much energy on things that don't matter. Do you ever go for short walks? It helps, even of it's just to the end of the street and back.
Dude ‘s ist Wochenende. And why should I listen to a guy who doesn’t heed his own advice?
Makes no difference to me. Just thought I'd try to help.
Well, fair enough. I hate your gooning schlock shit but you seem to be happy by yourself here so whatever. See you never.
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out of thread slots
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Yummy dessert
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>And they like you too!
Thats been debunked
Did you drink your milk today?
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fuck i need some choco milk straight from the source right now...
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Brown girl (male) here I want to be dominated by a stronger male
Thank you T9
I really like the horny one
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why do you keep posting pics of literally me
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